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These trans people that say misgendering is actual violence - have probably led lives without violence in them. Mostly men, they have not been threatened or hit or feared physical harm. They have led comfortable existences and now something isn’t going their way. It’s a massive temper tantrum. Words can hurt, yes, it is bullying and there is mental distress. But violence is not the same and they are misusing this word to manipulate people.
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Chatty Member
What the fuck? She’s a woman in the book, a woman in the film and played by a woman?! Literally nothing to do with trans issues- she just likes shotput… javelin…HAMMERthrow!
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The hilarious thing is I know a whole bunch of gay men who will bang on about transwomen being women until the cows come home on social media, but behind closed doors they’re very open about how they find vaginas repulsive (which is fine/in line with their sexuality I guess) so there is absolutely no way they would personally sleep with a transman. I am sick of these people trying to dictate that others do things like date or sleep with trans people when they would not be willing to ever do that themselves.
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I think gender dysphoria is a legitimate condition. I have two colleagues who are fully transitioned trans women and they have paid thousands to have all the surgeries, and I don't think anyone does that for the fun of it. This is at the crux of the problem for me, though. Being trans used to mean someone who sought out and wanted to medically transition, now it just means anyone who feels like it, and that feeling is being used as the basis for policy and possibly law in the future. I personally simply do not believe that people who don't experience dysphoria are trans, and I don't believe people who don't seek medical transition are trans either. It's interesting in survey work in this area that the general population also seems to think 'trans' means people who have transitioned because the second that term is defined as e.g. 'in tact males' then general support is very low. I saw over the weekend a survey that showed only 1 in 20 women support in tact males using female private spaces for example. It's very sneaky that they've tried to push the boundary of what it means to be 'trans' and then use support for the old definition as support for the new, it simply isn't there.
Yup, when you talk about trans women - people are going to imagine Hayley Cropper, or the character from OITNB and wonder why you're being so hateful towards them - they're not going to imagine somebody like Jessica Yaniv or Karen White.
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Chatty Member
What fresh hell is this. And you can have the stories read by a little boy voice 🤮
I notice it's all about male to female, none the other way round. And these guys have some serious mummy issues.
I've been saying this for ages. If some people deem children capable of deciding on their gender identity then the next 'logical step' - in the minds of the disturbed - is that they also have the capacity to consent to sex. The twats who think that they are progressive are dumbass libertarians, without a moral compass. This all makes me fucking sick. Head is blown at all of this. Genuinely sickened and outraged.
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Sweet Mary, Mother of God.


Putin is giving the TRA's ammunition unfortunately. I agree with him totally on trans, however, his homophobia is inherently evil so will give the TRA's even more reason to be the most oppressed people on earth.
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Satisfying Click

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ALSO (since I'm in full rant mode), what is it with women, predominantly white, in their twenties, who consider themselves 'woke', who are so determined to suck up to trans people? My twitter's full today of this type of woman who tweet about 'sending love' to the trans community following the BBC article, especially to their 'trans sisters'. It's like they're all in a competition to 'out-woke' each other?
This happened in my late teens and early twenties when I noticed women were falling over themselves to prove they were Cool Girls and fine with pornography, stripping, sex work, football, beer and burgers. The same women who were my peers are now the non-binaries and trans allies. It was the same then as it is now - appeasing men. Ladies... they still hate you.
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For my sins I listened to Busy Philipps podcast last week (I dip in and out) and she was talking about men like Harry Styles being ‘gender fluid’ because of the fact they like to wear dresses etc sometimes.

She mentioned Patrick Swayze in the 90s being photographed very artistically in a little black dress and wearing make up and saying that there wasn’t the language for it back then but he was definitely gender fluid. Now this has riled me for several reasons. First off Patrick is no longer with us so I think speculating about how he would ‘identify 🙄’ today is in very bad taste. But more so it’s that a man can wear a dress/ruffles/make up etc and still be a man!! It doesn’t mean he’s showing his ‘feminine’ side because gender is a construct and clothes are just clothes. Pieces of cloth. So I think that argument is bull and has annoyed me. Maybe it’s just showing another side to masculinity?
Sorry if I’m rambling here, just had to put this here as it’s been playing on my mind.
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He's what, coming up fifty years too late to the "men wearing women's clothes to be edgy" party 😂.

I read Rob Halford of Judas Priest's autobiography recently - a man who was gay in a time when it wasn't acceptable to be open about it, especially in the hyper-masculine world of rock and heavy metal. And yet he was on stage in his sister's clothes in the very early 70s.

I listened to a podcast the other day where South American trans woman sex worker was interviewed. She'd obviously been effeminate from being very young and was a young adult at a time and in a country where being underground and doing sex work was the only way to survive. I really felt for her, being persecuted by police for being different when she was clearly very sweet. When older white British trans women screech on about how transphobia is at an "all time high" when they protected by equality legislation and women are being arrested for tweeting that biological sex matters... They're having a fucking laugh. Persecution complex.
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I get fed up of hearing what about the fucking menz. Why can nothing just be about women. Even when we're the ones getting fucking killed by men, we can't forget the men.
I wish I could be in the audience one day to just interject "but what about the cats?"
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Oh Rosie, shut up.

Men think they have a God-given right to access women. Julie Bindel's most recent book talks about this and I'm badly paraphrasing it but men have treated lesbian women with hatred for years because they see it as a "rejection" of their masculinity and role as a man. And now we have men, deciding that they're now women, continuing to spew bile at lesbians because they don't want to have sex with them. Men go after lesbian women because they see them as easy targets. It's disgusting.
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I worked closely with someone in University student services and the levels of support some students need these days is unbelievable. Of course, support should be available but she said a lot of them need help managing the most basic of life events. Essay deadlines would trigger anxiety, lots apply for extenuating circumstances to allow extra time and so on.
I have to say my experience as an academic was the same. When I was an undergrad (not even that long ago to be honest) if we had turned up to seminars without doing the key reading we would be kicked out of the class. The tutor would pick on random students and expect us to know key cases (this was an LLB degree) and if someone was obviously unprepared they’d be asked to leave. When I was teaching, we weren’t allowed to pick on students to ask questions because it ‘causes anxiety’ so you’d often sit there in silence waiting for someone to answer a question. You’re encouraged not to fill silences to encourage students to have a go at answering, but I found this irritating and frankly painful. Same with deadlines for essays, and even exams. When I was an undergrad you needed a medical note to get an extension. I hate to sound all ‘back in my day’ but honestly I do think academia has gone up shit creek without a paddle these days, it’s sad to see in such a short space of time.
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Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Great news about Marion, let's not forget how the legal process punished her (and her family) by dragging this out as much as they could.

I hope the man who is scared of ribbons is having a tantrum at home.
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VIP Member
God the smugness of this little prick.

I don't know who this smug little oddball prick is, but I'm not sure what's wrong with being able to say whatever you like as as long as its legal.

Here's a thought - I want even the people I disagree with to have freedom of speech, because if other people can be silenced for a difference of opinion, what's to stop the same happening to me?

On a similar note, in my personal life I know a worker than woke heterosexual white man (ugly hairy bearded he/him mouth on a stick) who I've seen engage in multiple public call outs of "transphobes" and the like when I know for a fact he was abusive to his ex wife and friends with a known sex offender.

Anyway, he made some unsavoury comments about the murder of David Amess and was quickly subject to the same sort of "cancellation" he inflicted on other people. I abhor cancel culture but the schadenfreude of seeing these misogynists realise that if you live by the sword and die by the sword really is satisfying.
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I don't know who this person is who is calling for trans women to be killed, I have never seen it myself - but what an interesting response if there's one person saying that, contrasted with the sheer number of TRAs calling for sexual violence/general violence of GC/radical feminist women? For the avoidance of doubt I do not consider violence or the threat of it towards anyone at all to be acceptable, but if they hate the threat of violence so much perhaps they should look inwards.
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