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I'm on a FB clothes shopping group and a man posted with a picture saying he's just come out as trans and could we help with how to dress as a woman, what would flatter ect.

He got so much applause and congratulations. I felt like asking him how come he knows he's a woman but he needs actual women to tell him how to look like one. I also wanted to say fuck off we're not here to service you and that is not what this page is for. But of course I said nothing otherwise I'd be labled a bigot and trabsphob.

For clarity the group is mainly women but it's not exclusively for women, and its to show what youve bought in a specific shop and to review products. It's not really for fashion advice.
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I looked through the tweets of the trans petson who threw the women out. I suggest you exercise caution if look at the account of the person he says he can’t stop thinking about because it is gross puppy kink porn. Which is also what Aimee Challenor is into so yeah, …they are just women trapped in the wrong body and not discusting pervs who want to parade their kinks in the public realm 🥴

Disgusting! FFS, I can spell.
Oh dear. I got major Aimee Challenor vibes from that bar manager too. But yes, simply a woman trapped in a man's body and remember, they just want to use the bathroom in peace!

I can't stand this shit. I'll never accept these people as female.
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Welcome @Brigitjonesbuttcheek
I’ve seen many comments online of people angered that women get HRT “like candy” but it’s not given to people who say they want it for being trans - when it is actually quite difficult for women to get HRT when they desperately need it.
And it is literally the only example they can ever come up with. Even though HRT for menopause has absolutely nothing to do with transgender healthcare other than the fact that it is also related to hormones. I read through a ton of that Twitter thread and not one person seemed to be able to come up with any other example. 🤔

The simple fact is that there is no two-tier system of healthcare for being "cis" and being "trans". If I break my leg I'll get the same treatment as anyone else whatever any of us identify as. In fact at least if you're transgender you can get somewhere with your healthcare needs, but if you're a cis woman who needs a hysterectomy or wants sterilisation, we're told basically that we can't be trusted to know for ourselves whether we want to have children or not in the future, and sent off with fuck all.

If they want to be listened to with this stuff they'd be far better off to realise that women also suffer from long wait times and not being taken seriously, rather than pitting us against them. We're having the same problem, we're not THE problem.
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how does your brother feel about this? must be a weird situation for him?
Well he chose to announce it on social media ... so we are waiting for the face to face to happen. My brother is a very peaceful person who hates drama. But in the last year I have seen such a change. Its so sad to me. They are plugging this narrative of if you are not out there marching and giving up your rights for the lgbt community then you are every kind of 'phobic' going.

They are cutting more and more people out of their lives because of differing views and recently I made a post about them uninviting anyone who voted Conservative to their wedding!!!

Its sad to watch my sweet natured reserved brother being almost brainwashed by this entire movement but again, its his fault too. His husband has always thrived on being victimised/different and takes offence to almost anything so its very difficult.

At my wits end really on how to have a decent relationship with them without completely compromising myself or what I believe.

I also worry about having children. Trying to raise them in this current situation going on in the world.

I will call them whatever they want to be called because I am a polite person and quite frankly it makes no difference to me. But I will not change what I believe about gender/sex to coddle their feelings. Facts don't care about feelings.

Sorry to ramble! Its nice to know I'm not going crazy and there are people of similar minds. I think we are a quieter group because if you are vocal about it there are alot of insults they try to throw on you which is enough to shut any conversation down.
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I know. This thread has always been so friendly and respectful, it genuinely upset me to see all this graphic talk in favour of porn & BDSM etc.

My spidey senses started tingling when that poster said something disparaging about Emily Maitlis and Naga Munchetty (Naga especially attracts a lot of misogynistic hate on Twitter). I had a feeling the poster was a man. I pulled them up on it but they didn’t respond. The “pay gap myth” stuff is also a very male complaint. I’m sure it’s the same person.
I'll usually just scroll by stuff I don't agree with instead of arguing back, but the posts arguing a case for BDSM and porn was so far removed what we usually discuss here. Very odd. I was getting sick of seeing the same name popping up, it felt like they made a point of replying to everything to make it about them and taking great offence to rightly being told that porn is problematic 🙄

Same, this is one of my favourite threads with my favourite posters and I keep dipping out because there always seems to be an oddball at the moment. Not sure how many of them are the same person or just someone looking for an argument but it’s annoying!
Me too, I'm trying to not get too bothered about it because I really enjoy this thread and still keeping up. These oddballs always get rooted out quickly. We're pretty vigilant 👀
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women will not stand for these perverts coming after our children. Absolutely not. No rights. It is unequivocally wrong. Fuck off and fuck off some more with that.
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I don’t get it. Literally a daughter who wears a suit. It isn’t pushing gender boundaries. Talk to Tilda Swinton or Cara Delavigne or Kristen Stewart or Jodie Foster who regularly wear suits. It’s not gender non conforming. This is bollocks.

ETA the article is over 5 years old but this just seems to be a girl who doesn’t like dresses. And that’s great but not groundbreaking.

Busy Philips daughter is now queer and uses they pronouns. She’s 12. She still dresses very girly and seems to have crushes on lots of tween boys. So I don’t get it. It’s just trying to be different and parents are trying to be cool with it. The captions that use They all the time as so clunky.
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I first started following Graham Linehan on Twitter during the Ireland abortion rights campaign - then a trans writer I also followed a while later did a really harsh tweet saying she was amazed she had followers who also followed him and you should unfollow for transphobia and basically said they would start naming people. He has been cancelled by Twitter and a lot of the media for hate speech for sticking up for women. I think the media will start to work it’s way round to praising him eventually / and Rowling. The article by Simon callow in the Times was also important.
He’s also been cancelled by his former in laws. His ex wife’s brother was on Twitter or something and said along the lines that she wasn’t happy about his continual activism against extreme trans ideology.

I feel very sorry for the trans people who are not part of this activism and just want to get on with their own lives without trying to replace women.
This is the thing, I have no problem with trans people like this because I’ve seen a few people I know transition because it was life or death as they were so miserable. They have since blossomed and live their own lives and I find it interesting none of them are activists, not even the odd share of an article on Facebook. I would think a lot of people don’t mind this but it’s the trans people who demand this, demand that and act like they are the most oppressed group of people in the planet who are ruining it for everyone.
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Just unfollowed someone on Insta for sharing a post entitled “Alternatives to Onlyfans that are run by sex workers”. That’s one lefty virtue signal too far for me.
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Does anyone think there is substance to the theory that gender dysphoria has been changed from a mental illness to something requiring expensive lifetime medication and ever increasing surgical intervention at the behest of Big Pharma and unscrupulous medical practitioners? Something has driven this change.
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They also want to call all students “they” and give them time off for surgery… wtf?

A trans person should have access to single-sex areas, such as changing rooms and toilets, according to whichever they feel most comfortable with.”

No - they shouldn’t.
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Women are being hit from all sides.

AGP men fetishise about becoming women and demand access to all our spaces and accommodations made to allow them to pretend in the real world.

Young women, especially young gay women, are being targeted by the media that makes them think they are boys and should bind and mutilate themselves.

Mediocre sportsmen are targeting women’s sport so they can win medals and deny women their own victories. A woman will be killed by a trans sportsperson in rugby or combat sport before this is stopped.

men want an easier time in prison and also access to women so they identify as women to get into women’s prisons. See also hospitals.

TiM are being wrongly identified as female when committing crimes, vastly skewing data especially for sexual offences.

TiM as diversity hires in male dominated industries are cutting out women entirely.

Eddie Izzard is apparently the most successful women comedian now - is she shite. All of the successful tours were as a man. If they were done now they wouldn’t be as successful.

The list is endless

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Over on Instagram - why is this now how you advertise a dress? The first image seen.
So true, it’s relentless and coming from so many angles now, is becoming clear there is nothing we have left as a space away from men.

I joined a female choir a few years ago to make some friends in my new town. There was something special about sharing a hobby and some time to just be around fellow women. It was nice to be able to attend it in the evening once a week, after having come from a stressful day at the office, and just sing and support each other. Some women were going thorugh breakups, some going through health issues, some going through family drama, some going through work stress, some learning new skills, new hobbys etc etc. We supported and encouraged one another. It was a space I looked forward to, to take a breath and know I would be understood and supported. After a few years the group sort of fizzled out because of venue change, timing, people getting busy etc but it was really good while it lasted. I am not a man hater by any means, I’m married to one too, but women deserve to have a place/space/group they can go to relate with others without the opposite sex, as much as i’m sure many men appreciate their men only clubs, friends’ nights etc. It’s not about the sterotypical pillow fights or shopping, or stag dos etc. Sometimes, it’s just nice and reassuring to socialise with your own sex. You may disagree, but in a group of women, I feel like I can just “be”. Same for when I used to go to the Ladies only swim night at the local government pool, until they made cutbacks and cut all evening swims. There, not many of the women actually spoke to each other, we tended to just turn up, get in the pool and all swam widths of the pool. It was so relaxing. No drama, no showing off, no splashy males turbo-swimming around you :LOL:
Sure there will still be “female only” exercise classes and groups etc but when they start policing each other with the TWAW mantras - as another poster has said above - we’re more likely to leave/be ostracised and self-exclude from such spaces :(
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I remember a few years ago there was a viral water challenge raising money for a worthy cause it involved filming chucking ice water over a willing participants who would then nominate another. It didn't really register with me at the time although I was aware of it.

I heard a conspiracy theory recently that this was a test run to see how you can easily use social media to make adults do bizarre things quickly and on a large scale and thinking about it I sure would not like to sit there and have ice water over my head it is a bit extra and unusual.

But sorry, long post, it has parallels with how quick TRA has become a thing and how SM has spread it. And how bizarre it all really is if you ( not us) take time to think- men brain/woman brain, biology being denied etc 🤔

Edited to say I don't know the veracity of the theory but it makes more sense to me than JFK getting death threats for saying woman is a biological sex
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I think if my child was gender confused, I would take them out of school. I've got no problem with affirmation, but the only medical help they should be getting is counselling. I'd be terrified the school would send them down a medical pathway.

My 11 year old step son was told at school that some people are the transgender which means they are trapped in the wrong body and need to be given medical help to make them the right gender.
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Greene King will be cringing all over working out how they fire a trans person for inappropriate behaviour without getting flamed by the activists.
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I agree with this so I'm not sure where the difference in opinion is, I think our positions are broadly compatible? So for you do you think that no children can know they're trans?
Yes and no. I believe that a child can feel like they want to be the opposite sex, but that this feeling is a result of being gay, autistic, or due to abuse and trauma.

The worst thing we ever did was call it “transgender”, legitimise it and act like it can be fixed by transitioning. A small proportion of trans people seem to transition and live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives, but I think they are a minority, honestly.

Exactly this, it's too young and not reversible. If I recall correctly, Jazz Jennings (famed transwoman) was put on blockers very young and then didn't develop a fully grown penis, meaning that the gender reassignment surgery she underwent couldn't use the penis as normal to create a mock vagina (ie open wound) as it was still child sized.
Jazz Jennings is actually a great example. Have you seen them lately? They are obese and miserable. Never went to college, no hope of a relationship (Jazz has no concept of desire or attraction). Jazz would probably be a happy gay man were it not for crazy parents forcing transition at… what, the age of 3?
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Just need to vent 😞

I'm a member of a woman only hiking group on FB. It says woman only in the title. Im sure you know where this is going...

Yesterday there was a post asking what the stance is on TW. Over 120 fawning comments from woman spouting the TWAW line and how they are happy it's such a good vibes, accepting group. Comments stating that anyone who doesn't agree should leave or that they would leave if anyone objected.

I'm so annoyed about this - we can't have anything that's women only. I appreciate there are much larger issues in this area but I was annoyed as I was hoping to connect with other women who share the same interests. I was looking for FEMALE friends. I'm married to a man and work in an all male environment, I don't need anymore men in my life 😒

I knew everyone here would understand 💜
Oh ffs. Why can't it just be a women's group? I genuinely don't see this kind of thing the other way around, so with trans men joining men-only groups. I know there probably won't be many TW in the group but I can't stand when the handmaidens come out in force. A TW joined a womens-only group a friend of mine was in, and they completely took over and were pretty domineering every time they met up. My friend left because it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. It's a real shame because it's so difficult to make female friends as an adult.
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