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"When did feminists become such bitches?" They have always been seen as bitches ...
Realised I had this picture as a saved response that I never posted.

I think basically the gist of my response was going to be yes, exactly! Men have always seen women as bitches, especially those who were challenging or upsetting the status quo, and I was going to use this picture of Emmeline Pankhurst getting arrested to illustrate my point. The way she and her contemporaries were written and spoken about by men was abysmal.
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So this is now a bar in Edinburgh actively discriminating against women at the behest of a trans member of staff. 5 police Scotland officers arrived because Marion Millar was there. Unbelievable.
It probably never even happened. Trans women are known to be fantasists and love telling highly fictionalised stories to make it look like they were the hero of the day.
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Good god. Tell me you are homophobic without telling me you are homophobic. So dealing with that is better than other forms of sex that men have enjoyably had for centuries without a vagina involved? It’s actual butchery and I’m not surprised at high levels of dissatisfaction among recipients because it is a lie.
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Scotch Mist

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First time posting on Tattle. I came here following the Sali Hughes freaky Friday vid - thanks Sal 😉 - and found this thread. It's been such a relief to see smart, funny, thoughtful women discussing in detail so many of the issues that have been infuriating me for ages. I've been in bed for the past fortnight with pneumonia and in between coughing and sleeping I have been working my way through the whole of this discussion. Just what the doctor ordered!

I am a survivor of extensive CSA and I am horrified and outraged by so much of what is being advocated by so called progressives. I was banned from Twatter last year after attempting to expose the utter noncery of "MAP's" - despite the fact that I was trolled relentlessly, threatened with rape and murder and eventually doxxed. Yet I got banned for erm, hateful behaviour 😐

I am so angry that so many of us are too scared to challenge this trans BS for fear of the repercussions. Its not progressive its fascism. I say this as someone with left-wing, political beliefs. I currently feel like I have no political home and despite years of activism feel really burned out and hopeless.

Anyhow I finally plucked up the courage to post here. I want to connect with others who see this for the dangerous, toxic and regressive BS it is. So hi 👋 and thank you all for giving me a glimmer of hope.
I know exactly how you feel. Due to my job I cannot risk going on social media to state a lot of my opinions openly. I certainly don't want to row with dangerous idiots on Twatter that I don't know.

I believe that we are the silent majority. Like you I was always a Labour voter but I stopped voting some years back as I don't agree with so much that is being advocated now. While I am sympathetic to people who genuinely have gender dysphoria and wish to live their lives as members of the opposite sex I am very much against self-ID, the lack of consideration towards women and appallingly misogyny you see every day.

I very much agree with the opinions expressed by JK Rowling who has been relentlessly attacked by TRAs and has experienced horrific backlash from unthinking idiots trotting out the party line. I keep wondering what the hell has happened to drive society backwards and to be so intolerant.

The whole MAP thing is disgusting. Twatter has a lot to answer for and I'm very concerned over who actually moderates on there because many sinister agendas seem to go unchallenged.

View attachment 713034So you agree all men are dangerous when they don’t get their own way?

It’s also a very double sided response - blame women for the actions of men, whilst in the second paragraph admits men are dangerous to society.

No one owes you anything especially women. They’re the same people who are in the comments on articles surrounding women’s issues with their “WHAT ABOUT MEN?” rampages.

They also always talking about how women think they are entitled to men protecting them. No, women are entitled not to be raped, beaten up and murdered by men. Hence why those actions are illegal.

Another thing is that they love to bring up that men get longer sentences in prison - when in reality, the reason why men get longer sentences is because they’ve committed a more heinous act. Whilst a majority of female offenders are sentenced on non violent crimes.

Men being victimised is a minority statistic. Men are afraid of other men. Get it fucking together you selfish entitled pieces of useless flesh. Your ma should’ve swallowed.
I've just taken a look at his website. He advocates homeopathic treatment for 'at least a year' to people with autism 🙄
I'm certainly not convinced about that!

As for his views that men's lack of direction in life is the fault of women he can fuck off. Why is everyone a bloody 'victim' these days. These twats need to get up off their arses and do something with their lives. 🤮
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I completely agree with you. I just want to mention that when I brought up that I find porn offensive and don’t feel comfortable with my partner watching it, I wanted to start conversation about the harm of porn and hear about other people who share the same views as me. When that one person started to tell me what I can do to bring porn into my relationship, find out about their kinks, etc etc etc, I was horrified. Mortified. I felt so embarrassed for coming on here and sharing that I’m anti-porn and upset that my partner isn’t because it suddenly became about my sex life and I stopped looking on this thread for a couple days. that was off and I think the majority of people don’t want to talk about sex lives in that manner.. you can definitely see when things aren’t right.
That conversation made me so uncomfortable just reading it so I dread to think how you must’ve felt 😔 it’s not normally like that in here. I had typed basically the opposite response to them out to you before I saw their reply and then decided to just dip out instead because it seemed like it was getting a bit weird. You’re not the only one who is anti-porn though, trust me!
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While it might suck to not be fancied back by someone would you really want to date them if they didn't?
Exactly, plus, let's do some maths here, as one person, I only have the time/energy/inclination to be with one person in a relationship at a time. So by choosing the one person I have, I am therefore excluding dozens of "categories". These loons who say who we should date to be "inclusive" don't seem to hear how stupid they sound! By being with my husband I therefore am performing "literal violence" to all the other billions of adults on the planet, all beliefs, races, sexualities, ages, etc. The point I am trying to make is that it is impossible to be fully inclusive in regards to relationships. I can't date everyone to make them feel validated! But that's what I hear when they spout this nonsense. Not to mention their demands are trampling over consent and choice and boundaries, and are quick frankly rape-y . Ugh. When will the majority of people start shunning this ideology en masse? People need to wake up. I though the Olympics might do it but we need something else.
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I don’t know if this really fits here but with the whole only fans thing and everyone on social media saying how sex work empowers women, I thought I would share this here.
edit: Also TW for this video!
The woman talking about the industry on the right Lana Rhoades is a person I’ve been told I look like. On my last day at uni before covid I got off the bus and a man ran off the bus behind me, I noticed him looking at me on the bus but I had earbuds in and when I got off I didn’t hear anything. I realised people were staring behind me. I turned around and took out an earbud. The man who was in this thirties said to me ‘has anyone ever told you that you look like Lana Rhoades?’ I said no and that I’ve never heard of her. He sheepishly laughed and I walked away because I needed to get to my lesson. Once I was there I googled her name and left the classroom to cry in the bathroom because I was so shocked that a man ten years older than me so brazenly told me I look like a pornstar. I couldn’t believe it.
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Another day another transgender woman claiming to be able to experience periods on twitter… are they having a laugh

Also I’ve been listening to Woman’s hour podcasts and I’m a bit concerned they haven’t covered the Plymouth Shooting yet (which is definitely a feminist issue) but have instead rolled with “should you have your mental health diagnoses in your dating app profile” I can only hope they are waiting to gather more facts before they discuss it with in depth analysis ? It would be very annoying for them to skive over such a clear modern day feminist issue


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Chatty Member
I think part of how we have gotten here is by being 'too kind'. As @Doc says it is possible to both be empathic and use your intelligence to draw the line. This wishy washy kindness is submissiveness and collusion with BS for fear of offending. As the late, great Magdalen Berns said, I'd rather be rude than a liar.
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Another one bites the dust.

Another child of a celebrity feels the need to be seen as stunning and brave. Seems to be a trend with the offspring of the famous. :rolleyes::unsure:

I'm just catching up after deliberately avoiding gender/misogyny discussion over the weekend because that incel shooter news really made me feel sick, to be honest. To think there are loads of incels sitting in bedrooms getting radicalised online and ready to punish women ☹ As soon as I saw his picture in the news I could almost smell the incel behaviour. You know what we don't see a lot of these days? Men keeping men in check. Instead you get antisocial bedroom dwellers spending 24/7 on the computer, thinking they are owed attention from any/all women they desire. I grew up being told the world owes me nothing, none owes me anything, you have to earn respect, someday you might experience unrequited love, or someone might not want you in their friend group. You have to accept you can't have everything and that noone owes you their time, their resources or themselves. Too many young men these days don't get taught this, they get pandered to or noone calls them out on selfishness. I think also society only gives men one cookie cutter mould, to be rich successful and hunky. I think not being able to be the alpha male really affects a lot of male egos. I think also a lot of people are not willing to work hard and expect everything to fall on their plate, including the attention of women. As someone said upthread, these incels wonder why they are 'involuntarily celebate', but often they meet the stereotype of unkempt, unsociable, angry, demanding, unappreciative, selfish etc etc. Have they ever thought maybe the issue is...them?! :unsure:

I genuinely felt very uneasy since the news broke, I feel like misogyny -which has always been rife- is getting worse in front of our very eyes. Now I also hear the latest news about Afghanist an and I think of those poor women and children caught up in this ☹ Mens wars mens egos mens entitlement shapes our sex based oppression.
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Satisfying Click

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I've noticed people trying to derail this thread recently, and seen some goady types in the childfree thread too. Fair play to the mods here, they're not completely oblivious like the Mumsnet mods, or deliberately ignorant like FB/IG guidelines and they actually nip reported posts in the bud, or put them behind a spoiler with a trigger warning like the kink defence one.
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At this point trans women can say anything and they'll be supported. I'm not surprised he believes women should be re-educated on their 'bigoted' beliefs. It's a very selfish stance to take when working with vulnerable women. I know the word 'narcissist' gets thrown around a lot, but so many trans people have these traits. It's always about validation. Me Me Me Me. Makes for a terrible therapist or counsellor.
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I'm getting annoyed seeing comments online about incels saying "they should just hire hookers."
WTF so these incels should just purchase a woman's body so they can have their desires fulfilled and potentially be abused and degraded by the incel. And they say sex work is a valid form of work! Yes nice that women have to be the ones to put themselves in danger to please a man
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I find the choking thing disgusting. What does it say about men who get off on being violent to women?! Luckily I’m old enough to say sod off. I worry that teenagers will see this as normal, sex will be awful for them and people will get badly injured. From working in a&e years ago, so many women were in with strangling injuries which were ‘accidental’. Grim
The fact that it’s called ‘breath play’ just makes me feel ill. It’s choking and it’s dangerous. I find it genuinely terrifying, women have literally died from this act.
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The wage gap between men and women is verifiable.

The reasons are myriad, from plain old sexism to the fact that women are usually the ones who provide unpaid caregiving in families and work part time to accommodate this. This is compounded with women having imposter syndrome, being less likely to apply for jobs where they don’t meet all the criteria and having their jobs sidelined during maternity.
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I don’t even have kids nor plan on having them so I only really used MN to laugh at the ridiculous posts or to search cleaning tips. But there is quite a high amount of obvious AGP males on there.
MN is teeming with trolls, fantasists and fetishists. The sheer volume of threads that are made with dodgy intentions is HUGE. Day after day there are men pretending to be women, asking faux innocent questions about leaking nappies, periods, and how to wash the genitals of baby girls (seen that one more than once 🤢). All for the wank bank. It’s so disgusting.

The feminism boards have also been closely monitored by TRAs for years and years. Everything slightly objectionable to them gets reported and MN delete it. You can’t say the mildest thing, like “TIM” without the mods deleting it. MN care more about advertising revenue, and capitulating to men, than they ever cared about their key demographic.
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I read an article yesterday about some actress who I forget the name of now but she played Princess Diana I think. Anyway they now go by she/they pronouns and in the article talked about being queer. Just didn’t get the point of it tbh, what does being ‘queer’ even mean these days? What’s the point in going by they AND she?
Queer is straight people trying to be edgy.
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