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Chatty Member
Maybe Sophie didn't like Jamie. Personally I don't get good vibes from him at all.
Jamie does come across as super controlling and a dick. Bad vibes all round. But so does Gemma now. Long gone is the bubbly, goofy personality replaced with a bitter, passive aggressive, greedy, super consuming, selfish bore. She also shows herself to be controlling as well. I can imagine living with her as a partner is a total nightmare. And also why she doesn’t have any friends anymore. Who’d want to hear about shades of beige or the fifth free bed she’s got this year 😂
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I can't wait for this tbh, I will laugh my bum off.
I have said this before in a previous post but she'll have a shock when they start school. I have just had my son's sports day where we've been out in the sun all day and there are numerous other summer events at his school-:eek:outdoor concerts, summer fetes etc. plus lots of play dates and activities with other children which involves going outside and being in the sunshine for a while. She is going to hate it, venturing outside from her beige soulless prison
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I used to really like Gemma. She seemed a bit like myself. Full of fun and Christmas obsessed , now. Jesus Christ what a bore fest. No personality whatsoever, in her home day after day , putting out flowers and making coffee is so uninspiring and shit content.
even this thread is dull .......
Ever since Jamie came along , she's totally lost who she is a person.
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She is desperate to make as much money as she can before she goes on Mat leave. Linking items she has already linked countless times before. She is so money hungry it’s embarrassing. Maybe sit and read to your child Gemma to encourage his speech rather than posting links.
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It's coz the season is changing and she can't think up a title that doesn't include the word 'cosy' in it 😂
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So she has uploaded a vlog on Saturday yet her regular upload day is Sunday....and she's titled it "weekly vlog" do these dumbfucks not realise weekly means every week?? Idiots. I see loads of these youtubers doing it... weekly doesn't mean the course of a week's activities.. it means every week..... 🙄 you wouldn't catch any of the divs uploading weekly, that'd be too much work for the lazy cows.
As a YouTuber myself a weekly vlog just means a vlog filmed over about a week. It doesn’t literally mean a vlog every week it means the vlog was filmed over a handful of days. It doesn’t even have to be the full 7 days. Just slapping weekly vlog on there lets viewers know it’s a long vlog filmed over multiple days. I do it and my friends who also create content do the same.

I’ve never heard of someone having a “weekly vlogging channel”
I watched the vlog and the bathroom is terrible. I actually hate it so much 🥹 at least gamma loves it that’s all that matters. I just thing the layout is odd and the colours are terrible. All the needed to do in that old bathroom is maybe change the sink, mirror and maybe the tiles. They got rid of that beautiful shower and placed a wet area next to the bath it’s so odd ! I might have missed it but done they use bath mats ? I don’t understand how people don’t have bath mats next to their bath or shower.

Also about Noah … it’s very clear something is not right with him whether you think it’s rude to talk about him or not. He’s kinda none verbal and he looks a bit odd. Might sound really rude but there’s clearly something wrong with him. Even my autistic nephews were talking by then. Noah just makes sounds. I really wish she would stop showing him. I hate seeing him in her videos. I just skipped that whole part of Noah. I don’t find him cute and I really don’t care to see him. I would be more Shan happy for her to keep him offline. Give him a bit more privacy most of us would be fine without seeing him at all. Just lily lily pebbles we never see her kids !
As I said before can we see more of the cats again and not see Noah. The cats are actually really nice to see that are generally cute. Tilly & Teddy are the stars of the show.
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My guess is that they have realised themselves something is wrong developmentally with Noah - possibly it’s even been flagged by nursery. She will use maternity leave to disappear for a while and then come back and not share any child content so that she can continue projecting her idea of the perfect life without any ripples. Her channel would be so much more interesting if she did share the ripples but she can’t see that.
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For some who portrays to have the perfect house, car, holidays, partner, child and ‘career’ she sure as hell is miserable.
Something is off here, I’m not buying it.
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VIP Member
I got blocked months ago when I commented 'there are other colours available' after she had done her latest bland, beige as fuck room reveal 🥴
She kind of reminds me of Joy from inside out.... Can't take any negativity or constructive criticism so just blocks it all out.
Everything can't be happy all the time, it's not healthy!!
The fact she's blocked people for asking simple questions before is pathetic. Needs to grow up.
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I watched one of Gemma’s old vlogs before, a holiday vlog in Ibiza & a few things to note…

1. Obviously she is a different person now, which we all know, her voice is different, her personality is much more bubbly.
2. She actually does come across as quite nasty, she complains throughout, she seems to be getting in a few digs at Sophie and she even films multiple people (a life guard at the pool) calling him a jobsworth etc and some man on another balcony, calling him a pervert.
3. She absolutely loves herself and is constantly staring at herself in the view finder and being generally vain.

it makes me think that was her true personality and she has massively toned it down partly because behaviour like that would not fly in today’s world of influencers.

don’t get me wrong, I liked Gemma then, I enjoyed her videos but just got me thinking, especially with Sophie seemingly ditching her…

ALSO!! How the hell is that child over 2 years old and can barely speak a word, do neither of them speak sentences to him?!
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New member
Not going to post it here, but the next story/picture she’s posted of Noah to her hundreds of thousands of followers is disgusting. She was never going to take him offline and it actually seems like now she’s posting him in even more vulnerable moments than ever before.
If you really cared about your child you wouldn’t exploit him online, end of.
She is a SHIT parent and Noah deserves better.
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That ‘wet room’ area is really odd right next to the bath. So every time they shower and/or wash their hair everything splashes all over the bath too making that whole area wet/soapy? 😳
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New member
I already know this is going to sound bad but I feel she’s read so much of the feedback here about Noah that in the latest vlog, she’s tried to get “normal” clips of him. Proving he can respond by nodding, proving he can walk around the corner of the garden by himself unaided. It just really smacks of her trying her hardest to show there’s nothing wrong. I feel this is the worst direction she could have gone in. Talking about it would have not only made her relatable but gained her ££££ in new viewers and interactions. She’s got nothing else going for her and she’s missing the biggest trick she’s been handed. I know that sounds incredibly mean to say but I hope everyone understands what I mean. I think she has utterly lost her way. Gemma doesn’t even know Gemma anymore.
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Chatty Member
1 day of heat and shes already whining about autumn...
Get an AC and fricken stfu about hating the heat! Every damn year its the same, and even now, with a spring that was wet and cold af she cant help herself. Absolute twat.
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Chatty Member
What a colourless world she lives in
Those photos are so hideous. (Also another classic kid filled grid post from Gemma “I hardly ever even show my kids online!” Miles) They all look like they’re in some kind of cult 😂 . Not only that they just look so dated and out of style. Nothing even fits them nicely. If she’s trying to go for tailored, classic basic looks she’s totally missed that too as it all looks like pillowcases. What has actually happened to her…it’s really terrifying 🥴 I used to actually like some of her fashion too!
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Really think that she thinks if she behaves differently with the new baby that she will have a more pintrest content child, like she was hoping for the first time. She’s going HARD on how she’s doing everything different and enjoying it more this time around. It’s coming across like major favouritism. She has even less to do with N now and it’s all just Jamie. What’s she even talking about on stories how she was “so eager to get things done” with the first one and now she won’t be like that so she can enjoy down time with the baby… she doesn’t have a real job, rumoured here she’s always had a cleaner and a partner that was also at home all day doing absolutely nothing … what was it she was actually DOING that kept her from being with him?! Contributing so much to society? Saving lives? 😂 Think it was actually trying to beat Elle Darby coming back. She’s absolutely lost the plot. One of the comment huns on one of her videos actually said “you work SO hard for us, enjoy time with the baby” 😂
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