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Chatty Member
What a colourless world she lives in
Those photos are so hideous. (Also another classic kid filled grid post from Gemma “I hardly ever even show my kids online!” Miles) They all look like they’re in some kind of cult 😂 . Not only that they just look so dated and out of style. Nothing even fits them nicely. If she’s trying to go for tailored, classic basic looks she’s totally missed that too as it all looks like pillowcases. What has actually happened to her…it’s really terrifying 🥴 I used to actually like some of her fashion too!
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Really think that she thinks if she behaves differently with the new baby that she will have a more pintrest content child, like she was hoping for the first time. She’s going HARD on how she’s doing everything different and enjoying it more this time around. It’s coming across like major favouritism. She has even less to do with N now and it’s all just Jamie. What’s she even talking about on stories how she was “so eager to get things done” with the first one and now she won’t be like that so she can enjoy down time with the baby… she doesn’t have a real job, rumoured here she’s always had a cleaner and a partner that was also at home all day doing absolutely nothing … what was it she was actually DOING that kept her from being with him?! Contributing so much to society? Saving lives? 😂 Think it was actually trying to beat Elle Darby coming back. She’s absolutely lost the plot. One of the comment huns on one of her videos actually said “you work SO hard for us, enjoy time with the baby” 😂
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He didn’t even say ‘Look’ or mama or dads to get their attention.
It’s because they have no idea how to interact with him properly in order to encourage speech development.
I think someone mentioned before that instead of primarily talking to Noah, they talk about him when he is there and doing something.
I have a little one who is 2 in May as well and the difference between him and Noah is like night and day - my little one has really advanced speech in comparison and I genuinely put that down to talking to him properly, repetition (e.g. saying something like ‘look it’s your new playhouse’, ‘would you like to go and have a look at your play house’, ‘mummy will take you out to your playhouse to have a look’ etc etc you get the gist) and just actually engaging with my child, which to be honest, I rarely see them do.
It’s the constant ‘wowwwww’ about everything that grinds my gears. He is not going to learn language skills from them if that’s all they ever do… they talk to him like a little baby.

The fact that they just seem to ignore that there is an issue is just sad.
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Her latest video she’s just posted about a lazy morning, where’s Noah? Has she forgot she’s got a toddler? Does she not take him nursery or do his morning routine anymore?!

She’s completely just not arsed about him is she.. She’s deluded. Poor little boy!
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Chatty Member
No matter how many "proving us wrong" pictures, reels or posts she does she will ever convince me she a) knows what she's doing and b) likes Noah even the slightest.
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Baby is fresh out of the womb and is she already shoving a camera in his face. Shame on you Gemma 😡
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Chatty Member
double post from me

but there she is again in her stories moaning about the “mum police” making comments aka the people that interact with her in turn she gets hers and Jamie’s bills paid. Stop showing him then!!! She’s showing her true colours more and more and they ain’t pretty! She really isn’t coming across well by making these types of comments. If she wants to be a mumfluencer she better get used to it, people are going to say things and comment! That’s what gets you your constant free furniture Gem, love!
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Am I imagining things or was Gemma’s ‘ birth story ‘ due to go up this morning? I may have the date wrong but I’m sure I even saw a “premiering” post?! X
Cracks me up when these insufferable cunts have a 'premiering post'. Like it's a fucking red carpet event.
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Imagine holding your baby and not supporting their neck just so you can get their personalised cardigan in shot. Everything is staged. Who puts a full face of make up on and has perfectly blow dried hair and white pyjamas on just after giving birth. That baby did not look comfortable the entire time she was holding him with his head flopping all over. Pretty sure she shouldn’t be recording the Midwives without their consent also.
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Chatty Member
But here Gemma is, her boy is days old and she's selling him to anyone. Makes my skin crawl. Does she not realise what these predators are like? All this for some money to buy more beige tat!
That’s what I don’t get. She has to know what she’s doing. She’s been posting more and more inappropriate photos since complaining about people commenting on development. The worst one being removed after being reported after being left on insta for 5 hours. Jamie was in the military at one point, he’s had a life outside the beige prison, there is no way both of them are naive to where that content could end up or who would enjoy it. She’s def taken it up a notch with the oversharing almost to make a point 🤮
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I don’t understand why she is so baffled at people ‘making assumptions’ about Noah based on the little we see of him. It’s simple, if you put anything on any online platform, people will have opinions about it! If you don’t like, don’t put him online! 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Casually posting shirtless pictures of her child in the bath after saying she was going to take him offline 🙄 🤮 just to prove to everyone who commented their bathroom has no toys in it that it does! and #aff linked it for good measure. I wouldn’t post shirtless photos of an adult online without their consent. I really don’t know why she chose to have kids, especially the second one when she doesn’t seem to enjoy any part of having one already, apart from getting loads of free things delivered. I don’t know what’s happened to her but she’s the furthest away from being influential to me these days, she’s just pathetic honestly. The Tonie box cover… why does she post that!? If it’s not done on purpose to get reactions then she really needs help…
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Chatty Member
I don’t know why she puts this crap out there. Firstly most people don’t care about some strangers baby’s morning routine. It’s weird. No one cares about you cuddling your baby at 6.30am 🥴To the ones that may care for genuine reasons she just alienates them with fakeness. But the fakest thing of all is her. She’s totally miserable. You only have to look at her banging on about how she’s finally complete. But someone should tell her face and her eyes as she looks EMPTY. And has done for a long time. Totally devoid of anything inside. Nothing about her life is real or happy. Give it a year and she will be as disinterested with this baby as she is her eldest. It’s all just about an image for her. Being a bOY MaMa. Taking beige culty family photos. Dressing them in cOOL DuDe clothes from Zara to show strangers online. She has absolutely no interest in them in reality. They’re just content to her to keep propping up their income. She’s totally lost touch with reality at this point. Just waiting for her to move to a new massive house soon as her next distraction from confronting what is clearly some serious issues.
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Has anybody noticed on her story’s lately she seems to be upstairs with her new baby, away from Noah?

she posted yesterday about how he ‘came upstairs’ to show her something, and nowposted these.
I bet Noah doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.

What a way to make him feel involved and not pushed aside
It's like she's got no maternal instinct. Her house is her baby.
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VIP Member
No the tonies box with the Biege cover on it, Jesus Christ, just when you thought she couldn’t ‘beigeify’ anything else, something seriously wrong with her, he gets no stimulation by the looks of it whatsoever 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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I’m sure she’s even said the house has AC before, at least in the main bedroom. She said that’s why she stays in there all day in the summer 😂 any excuse for our Gem not to go out and actually live life
Oh how I agree with you. All she talks about is rain and dark morniings stupid cow, we have only had one bloody day. Move to Siberia then you moaning old crow and you can make it cosy, cosy fecking cosy
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Sorry but what the hell is this? Some of the comments on her videos are so deranged and bizarre. Random strangers on the internet saying they miss you and miss seeing your children is so unhinged.
I can’t believe she doesn’t see anything wrong with it at all.
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