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I think her comeback will be a “hello September/autumn” video and not a second before 😂
Her “comeback” with be a sepia filtered 20 second video of them all frolicking on a beach and written in the sand it will say baby southerland no 2 due blah blah blah.
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It’s mad to me how she spends so much time looking for decor (when her loft is FULL ALREADY) to decorate for a season she won’t even enjoy. Isn’t life more about doing things, planning trips, days out, seeing friends and family, showing your kids new things? Embrace the season in the right way FFS plan your pumpkin pick, plan your Halloween party for Noah, dress him up, plan carving with him, go to bonfires, make your own toffee apples, take him to forests full of crispy leaves, book a cabin in the woods, hunt for conkers, make seasonal memories you’ll never forget and embrace the best parts of Autumn… that should be what it’s about not how many f*cking candles, cushions & casserole dishes can I f*cking buy to shove in the loft after 4 weeks JESUS
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I am pretty new to Gemma’s content but I actually prefer her new stuff to her old, her older videos make me cringe a bit but that’s only because I’m a nearing forties miserable git haha, I much prefer the (dare I say it on here) cosy content hahaha!! I do however feel heart sorry for Gemma in some of the videos I watch. I can see it in her eyes and her facial expressions she is really down and that’s completely normal and as women we should understand that. Motherhood is the hardest job on earth. I am extremely depressed and agoraphobic, I see so much of myself in Gemma except she gets a hell of a lot more done around the house than I manage. I watch her videos for motivation but sometimes they don’t motivate me, they make me sad for her. Esp the comment about Jamie and the carpet, that reminded me of treading on eggshells around a coercive controlling ex. Out of all the influencers we slag off on here I think Gemma is least deserving of this hatred, she is trying and it must be hard to try try try when you’re feeling like death and being slated online for everything you do. Chin up Gemma, take time off and put yourself first.
Gemma cheated on her ex with Jamie and then binned her best friend off in favour of being with him.. I don't think she's as innocent as you'd like to think.

The 'cringey' videos are more of a reflection of who she really is, her new videos are who she desperately wants people to think she is.

I'm sorry you suffer with depression and agoraphobia, I understand as I've been through something similar, even down to the coercive ex.. but I don't believe that is the case with Gemma, I truly believe she's f*cked off everyone who genuinely cared about her in an attempt to become "insta famous". She thought she was better than her hometown and the people she grew up with and now she lives on the outskirts with no mates, an unhappy relationship and a soulless house/life. She's done it to herself.
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I wonder what she has against her living room, I really wish she'd do more in there it's such a lovely space.
I don’t think she likes any of the house. She was never happy with it from even before buying it. She’s always wanted bigger and better. She doesn’t make the most of it at all just faffs about changing and re-changing things, wasting money. The house could be made lovely inside but it won’t ever be because Gemma wants something grander. Then she won’t be happy there either because it’s not the house that’s the issue
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People who go out of their way to paint a picture of a perfect life normally have serious issues somewhere whether that be MH or within their relationship etc. so they tend to overcompensate.

The latest caption ‘fresh flowers in the kitchen, early morning summer sunrises, a fresh batch of granola in the over & sounds of laughter from the garden’ is so ridiculously fake. Who can relate to this ‘perfect’ life?

I can just imagine her typing that out after having a raging row with Jamie the night before 😂
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Bit behind on the thread but the main thing I took from this video was the lack of lip smacking, so much nicer to watch and I too miss this Gemma, I felt like I could have been friends with this version of her!
She picked the lip smacking up from Darby. 100%
Honestly I am annoyed by this autumn-hype. It seems to be a trend. When did it began? I f.... hate autumn.
I am a bit older :) and when I was a teenager everyone hyped summer. Like Ice in the sunshine..., neon swim suits, party on the pool. Having the best time. Now it is autumn and I do not get it, because it is mostly dark, grey, rainy and the nature dies. What' s so fancy about this?
Drinking tea in a blanket? Come on? That is your life purpose? I rather like sun, party, barbeque with fairy lights in a garden... well.... I do not get it.
Disagree. It’s not necessarily about doom and gloom. There’s actually so many beautiful colours in Autumn and it’s not so much about dying as it is hibernating and resting. That’s where the ‘cosy’ feeling comes from. Some people get excited about the thought of summer coming, the smell of sun cream, iced fruity drinks, BBQs, holidays abroad. I personally hate all that. For some people that same excited feeling comes from Autumn. It’s not wrong, it’s just a different opinion. You don’t have to get it.
However, GLM pushes this all year round and when it’s actually Autumn and Winter it isn’t as special. She also way overuses the word cosy without reasonable context.
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Who even cares if she is? She could have a 100 kids it will still be boring, the pregnancy vlogs bored me to tears they are worse than the cosy ones - snoozefest
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Such a sad, boring life summed up perfectly. I don't really have friends if I'm honest, my friendship group was based around my dickhead ex and 4 (yes 4!) of my closest girl mates slept with him whilst we were together so I just cba with the drama anymore and I struggled to trust people for a long time. I'm mostly happy with it but I would love a best friend and it does get pretty lonely in that respect, I can't imagine how Gemma feels. She must be so depressed! At least I work and get out of the house, speak to people and socialize with my colleagues (who are forever trying to get me to go out to be fair to them!)

My point being that she can't really hide how sad and lonely her life has become anymore can she? All that money and just... nothing 🤷‍♀️:confused: all those expensive outfits and nowhere to go. She's stuck in a rut and she's wasting her life by drowning in bland, beige fakeness with a boyfriend that has the personality of a fucking sandwich. And for what? To tell everyone she's "made it"? Yeah, sure hun :rolleyes:
This is why we are lucky to have a community here were we understand each other, us girlies with little to no friends should stick together 👍
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Wat is Gemma’s content really ??? Look at what I bought / clever me I made an iced latte / I have a beige jumper to add to my other beige jumper’s/ this 20 degree heat is so Autumnal and cozy …. Naff off xxx
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I can't believe she used her life savings to live in some sort of instagram asylum. She's got new furniture for the garden yet her living room looks like a storage cupboard. Sending your baby to nursery so young when you don't work a typical 9-5
Job instead of just taking them to the park is ridiculous to me. She could easily make friends if she really wanted to, all she'd have to do is go in her DMs. Also the way she says I tell you guys everything and yet no explanation for Sophie's disappearance.
She makes her entire personality about autumn and Christmas yet hardly even decorates. I'm sure last year she didn't even decorate the tree in the kitchen. they start decorating for autumn in September and Christmas in November before December ends they're all talking about January. Get lost
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Always thought Jamie was a control freak (which I’m sure he is) but the way Gemma is speaking to him in that Autumn is just as bad. SHE want’s everything a certain way, can’t put that there as the clutter will mess with her head, SHE wants the lounge less beige now. It actually sounds exhausting to live with. I agree with it being said she could travel and enhance her life and content but she can’t handle the lack of control. She said in her Greece vlog whenever she goes anywhere her tummy gets upset and she can’t cope. Could just handle with leaving the resort in a hire car one afternoon. What a sad, stifling way to live for a young family.

Also not only is Gemma clearly not doing anything while poor N is at nursery but neither is Jamie! Just both of them mucking about the house and she’s moving one thing to another place and back again. Obsessing for over a year about an archway which is going to look ridiculous with 2 TVs on the same wall some of and it randomly painted dark 🫠
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I strongly disagree with the comments saying she's resentful of Noah or not enjoying motherhood.

When you become a mum you have no idea what your truly in for until it's reality, to me she seems like an ordinary woman adjusting to the changes. She seems like a very attentive loving mum who simply feels a tad overwhelmed.

Anyone would find it difficult to hear/read other people's negative thoughts on how your doing as a mum especially if you already have those anxieties within yourself which is a very common thing for 1st time mums although it would be good for her to share her journey to help any people in a similar position.

Seems like she has difficulty opening up and sharing it with followers which I think is understandable when she's in a state of limbo within her own mind.
This is at least the second comment you’ve made that really makes it sound like you’re actually Gemma. People have said before that if you’re not comfortable opening up then you need to find a different line of work. I bet you would be a good fit as hairdresser/nail tech/esthetician, and those fields don’t require much schooling. But seriously Gemma, get off the internet and find a nice hobby. Paint by numbers is fun and easy!
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I actually think it's nice to see her real bodyshape and non edited face. Yes her filler isn't great but there is quite a difference between the It's Instagram posts of her and her own. I wish she would embrace her bodyshape I think she would have much better credibility and be a lot more relatable considering so much of her life isn't relatable with the constantly overspending etc
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The fricken dramatics of it all :rolleyes:
Crying and "overwhelmed" all day because your child is 1 day at nursery... 1 day....
Is she also crying and overwhelmed when he's at her Mum's every Monday?
So she has 2 days in the week now to do what exactly? Clean the home.
Imagine being a mom that needs to bring her little one every day to nursery for a few hours because you have to work to pay your bills, and reading this twat being a drama queen. I'm sorry, I may be harsh but she is mentally like a 10 year old and should never have gotten pregnant before sorting her brain out.
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I wrote she shoul not let herself go, or not? BUT it is a difference between being obsessed with looks and style or having your hair and nails done, come on. There is something between, and I think she overdoes it. If you do not think so, that is fine, but I think she overdoes all this. She could do more child groups, playground and who says she cannot have lovely nails or hair btw. Hope you understand better now what I mean
I have actual job and toddler and one serious hobby. I do hair and nails and love fashion. But I dont sit inside the house obsessing my looks or filter myself to look like a skinny alien. Shes very vain.

She has the time and money. She could do so much fun stuff with noah and explore. She pushes noah to daycare to buy fall crap and watch series at home. Wtf its pathetic. I bust my ass so I can put my kid to nursery only 3 days and spend the rest with him. Having a child seems like a such a nuisance to her. Maybe shes depressed but the world is her oyster and she leads this empty empty life.
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So in this weeks vlog Gemma mentions that Jamie hated the 'all grey' pink blush era....what man gives a shit. I have to say i think that era was classic Gemma and what she truely enjoyed. This makes me think Jamie reinvented Gemma, I think he molded her to get rid of the grey chavvy decor, drop the sassy attitude and speak more soft spoken...oh and get rid of your best mate while your at it.
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‘I feel that life doesn’t get much better than this’ to Quote Gemma while she swans about her house wearing what looks like a Victorian nightdress decorating for Autumn. I don’t know whether it’s the obscene amount of things she has purchased which has got me or the fact she brags about watching the whole series of Virgin River while Noah is packed off to Nursery. It’s just not normal.
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Each to their own. Everyone is different. Gemma has disclosed that Noah attends Nursery 3 days a week and presuming her Mother has him still for one day that’s 4 days out of 7. I personally think she is in over her head and should have thought long and hard about having children before doing so. She clearly doesn’t enjoy Motherhood. If she really wanted to she could film her cleaning videos and shopping trips around her child but she has admitted when Noah goes to bed she likes to sit and do nothing from 7.30 until they go to bed (her words) Also not forgetting Jamie appears to ‘work from home’ too so they could more than manage between them. She simply does not want to. I wasn’t insinuating there is anything wrong with sending your child to Nursery to socialise but there are other ways of doing this such as Mother and Baby groups or meeting up with friends who have children.
Another problem being that she seemed so mad that people in comments or DMs told her “what to do and not to do with Noah”, she made a really angry/aggressive face talking about it… well people only know what she does and doesn’t do with him because SHE plasters it all over the internet as “content”. No one would know about the Amazon helmet if she didn’t monetise a link to it, no one would know about nursery attendance if she didn’t divulge it. She could so easily have Noah in tiny portions of her videos or not at all but instead she’s shoved him front and centre for extra £££, including being all over her instagram. So unfortunately she’s opened herself and her baby who has no say to all and sundry, so she can’t complain now. If I was her I’d be more concerned about the strangers commenting on how much they love watching him grow up and feel like his auntie etc
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I haven't watched Elle Derby/Swift since she was pregnant with her 1st.
I'm currently watching her videos from last year to catch up.

Elle is living life, her videos are full of energy, her family life seems really cute, Connor adds humor, in comparison to Gemma who doesn't seem to be living she's basically staging every video there's no true vlog aspect to her videos anymore.

I kinda feel sad for her, she has money and time to do so much with her family yet she's just fading away.
Her latest upload was less than 15 mins, people on tiktok are making them daily.
Elle is equally annoying as well as being a racist
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