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Active member
I honestly can’t believe she thought she could just buy some random formula in Greece and her baby not have any reaction to it. Also I’m sure she didn’t start Noah on C&G formula because she posted something about randomly switching him onto that stuff from his other formula. So I don’t think he’s been on that since birth

Here for gossip

Chatty Member
Spot on to be honest!👏🏼 There’s another ‘influencer’ like this called Liv Guy who does absolutely nothing with her life, makes no effort to post and then comments stupid shit like this about promising to make more effort! She wouldn’t last a day in the real world, just like Gemma as you can’t decide to ‘work’ once every blue moon and still rake the money in🙃
Is that the one with the red hair that has her ass on show on every reel she posts?


VIP Member
All YouTubers have a company that they’re a director of which all their income goes through. They’re all self employed so if you look them up, you can see roughly how much they’re making from it based on the companies accounts.
Yeah, like Toni Twatty Interior and her shitty wax melt company..... Another annoying 'youtuber' constantly claiming anxiety and stress trend


Active member
I don’t think my baby was having 8-10 bottles even as a newborn when all they do is eat & sleep. That’s definitely not normal as a 1 year old! Did she say how many oz/mls of milk he’s having in each? Crazy! I remember she was massively over feeding him from the get go posting that he was drinking over 1L a day even as a newborn. Mine was on 3 at 12 months. I can’t even imagine preparing & then cleaning up that many bottles per day lol!
She didnt say how many oz’s he’s having but it was on their holiday vlog and when she ran out of formula so probably quite alot!
Don’t you know that is such a distinguished young man that soon he will be on his way to college and out of his poor mothers beige home.
Does Gemma have any siblings, does anyone know? Does she ever mention Jamie's family?
Jamie def has a sibling as he has posted pictures of a nephew. Gemma has a older sister I believe… neither of which ever get seen so not sure if that’s a privacy thing,


Yes this is absolutely normal, they all crawl and move differently some do commando, some go backwards it’s just how they get about
Good to know! I have a 6 month old & had no idea, feel like I would’ve panicked if he was only using one side of his body whenever he starts moving 😂


Active member
The duvet one she wore in the latest blog is also white company and is even more expensive than the one she’s tagged today.
Basically top amount is total “income”, second line is “expenses”, third is line 1 minus line 2, how much they will take home, and 4th is income before taxes? I could be wrong though


Active member
I could not agree more with this, I follow a triplet instamum who is clutching at straws to trying to become famous, she puts every single detail of her kids lives online. She puts so much out there that tattlers actually rumbled her ugly fiancé cheating on her and it’s clear where her home is and what school and nursery her children attend. Beggars belief as to why she’s exposed her whole life for a flash mop and some free make up. She used to even put excessive filters over the kids pictures to make their hair look a different colour, tragic

I can’t wait for it to become illegal for wannabe influencers to use their offspring for financial gain. These children have lived their lives in front of a camera and it will absolutely have a detrimental effect on their mental well-being or outlook on life
Nadia Thorburn? Lol…