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Her men's gift guide on her blog which she posted on November 25th says she doesn't have any men to buy for. I wonder when she actually met this guy. I'm guessing it was only a few weeks ago, in which case it's another example of her terrible parenting. Such a bad choice to introduce a boyfriend to your child so soon into a relationship.
also announcing it on Instagram. Like she could just crack on getting to know him and tell everyone months down the line.

she is such an attention seeker
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Obviously the rule of six doesn't apply to her seeing her Instagram story.. I spotted seven people in the garden not including her 🙄
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I’m sorry but repainting your bedroom for the millionth time so you’re “ready for the darker days coming up” is the most ridiculous reason I’ve ever heard 😂 who the fuck redecorates their house simply for the changing of seasons??
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Anyone else find it a little strange this man who’s been in her life for a year is sleeping in the same bed as her child and she wasn’t even about?
This made me feel ill. I have a little boy. How naive or daft can others be in regards to introducing a stranger into your child’s life? It’s a massive massive deal. Protect your kids first and foremost always. She’s so bloody googly eyed over this man.. where are her “maternal instincts” there again she might not actually possess any..
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Chatty Member
You guys have summed up what I would have said perfectly. 👏🏼 I hate it when women (single mums in particular) act like a man has “saved” them 🥴 you don’t need a man to be happy, people don’t care if you don’t have the nuclear family, it’s 2021…
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I’ll never understand why she does ADs that have no relation to her brand or what she’s about? Also how is she going to get a lovely new car when she lives in a a house that the council own? Selfish to take away someone else’s chances of a better living just because you want to spend your cash on paint and furniture all the time.
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I just think it’s so disturbing how she’s pushing the Jake is a Great stepdad narrative when they’ve not even been together twelve months…
The Tik tok she just uploaded featuring “step dad of 10 months” award… the way it’s worded you wouldn’t think Ru ever had a dad in his life. Poor bloke. Massive slap in the face to any father. Doesn’t this Jake guy have his own kids to worry about and put first?
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I’ve been following her since she had her son.

She’s annoyingly now I think. Her style is shit, she suits longer hair too if I’m honest. And I don’t know how she’s making bank.

Unless she’s on benefits, child maintenance and getting AD money. She probably gets half her money paid via house association too. Wouldn’t surprise me.

I remember when I was skint a while ago and she put up how much she has spent on random shite for the house and it was like “I’ve spent £1000 in a day wooooops” and it really annoyed me. Because you need more plant pots and more ugly prints to imitate a Parisian theme like the rest of the blogger crew. Girl’s style is anything but Parisian.

And her son seems lonely. Never with any other kids, don’t know why she’s after another kid. Why not go back to work or start a proper career for yourself? Moans about the kid she’s got. I feel it’s just an excuse to never work again. But once Ru is older in his teens, she’ll have to go back to work.
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Won’t send him to nursery for fears of COVID (not saying they’re unjustified, I think the schools should be shut, as a teacher) but will take him to non-essential shops. 🙄
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I don’t believe for one second she had two positive pregnancy tests after her iui and if this is something she’s lying about she’s an even bigger dick than I thought. She sells her soul to insta and if she had those two lines on a test we would sure of hell have known about it because nothing is sacred with her. She’s just jumping on the fertility bandwagon same as she does with everything else.
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Still find it incredibly odd. Tucking her son into bed and she’s only just known him 🥴
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There we are..a snippet once again of her vile attitude, what a piece of work! No wonder she has no friends. She is so warped. She is breaking the rules.. Jake’s children live with their mother by the sounds of things not him. Also all of her trips to buy products ect. Give me a break! I feel very sorry for Ru having her as a mother... god help him when he’s older. I really hope she doesn’t breed anymore.
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I don't know how long they've actually been bonking for but I find it a tad weird that it's so serious so quickly. There's going to be a surprise gram baby soon!
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Seriously if she can afford all those thousands spent on IUI treatment and spending silly money on all that clutter to fill her house up... why is she living in a house meant for low income families? She should be spending her extra cash renting surely if she’s got money to chuck away or saving for a property herself?...
I’ve honestly never seen someone with such a sour unfortunate face..and her personality matches! She has a terrible attitude... no wonder she can’t land a decent man and wants to “solo parent” which she clearly is struggling with. She strikes me as trying to to fill a void of some sort changing up her house every two minutes and buying tat for it... lots of boredom/free time? Her hallway looks ridiculous... hardly child proof. Poor kid can’t even get up and down the stairs! Sadly to say but if she was a prettier looking girl with a more likeable personality she would definitely have a bigger following.
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This woman is basically trying to play houses in her halead with the amazing Jake. She was probably thrilled at people assiming he was Ru dad. Ru's dad should be fuming and if he's not then maybe hes a tosser. If she's stopped him from seeing ru because if covid he should be putting his foot down.

I wonder if shes still going to go away with marvellous make especially as things have changed recently.

Still convinced she's going to 'accidentally' get pregnant
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My friends partner does YouTube and has 600k+ followers he can sometimes get up to a million views and has sponsorships with so good companies. He tries for a mortgage and couldn’t get one because his income was not stable nor reliable. Unless she is caiming some form of benefit, she doesn’t really stand a chance. The only reason most youtubers or influencers manage to get mortgages is because they have a ‘business’.
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Chatty Member
She has her house crammed so full of shit you'd think she would at least make the outdoor space a nice area for Ru. Poor thing is probably couped up indoors on the iPad on days like this. She's got her bin in her back garden which must absolutely stink, put the washing line away & at least blow up the bloody pool properly. It's such a small garden, it wouldn't take long to cut-Brogan Tate vibes.

Of course she voted Tory, they've given her that house, minimal rent while she basically does fuck all while we fund it.
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Omg her latest story 🤦🏽‍♀️ "when we get a house together". They've been together a matter of months and already they're talking house. They'll need a pretty big one to house all her clutter and their combined kids! She'd be nuts to give up her council house for her latest bonk.

Oh and incase anyone missed it, Jake is her boyfriend 🤣
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