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New member
Colour me shocked!

I wouldn’t like her either if her kid was calling my childrens dad who barely sees his own “dad”, parading about how great he is online!

He’s walked in and out of his life Willy nilly but hasn’t seen him in 2 years? Which is it? Ru is what, 4? 5? Doesn’t really add up? Even I recall her saying that Ru sees his dad on weekends so what’s the t

the next slide saying Jake is Ru’s only dad too 😬 spit in the face of Ru’s dad why don’t you as well as Jakes ex and children.

Obviously not just us Tattle users finding this situation strange!

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Can you imagine the discussions that went on around Jake's children being on her insta, being mentioned all the time and used for profit! I'd have a fit if some woman wanted to use my children like that to be fair. The way we've seen her speak to her followers, I'd expect she spoke to Jake's ex the exact same way.

And she's a blatant liar about Rus dad, the Christmas around when she met Jake Ru got an Xbox off his dad so was clearly seeing him then, that was only a year an half, not two years. I also remember her saying weekends here and there too
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Chatty Member
Imagine you’re turning 30 and obsessing over a cake that you’d seen on Pinterest….sad.
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The baby will be born, there will be the usual happy period when everything is all magical and he’ll suddenly leave to go be with his other children and they’ll be the thorn in her side. ‘Why won’t Jake spend time with our baby!!’ I mean good luck to them and all but I’ve said this before. Everything is so rushed. They rushed into the relationship, rushed the baby. It’s so weird that they are taking this part so slow.
They started dating December 2020 and she announced this current pregnancy November 2021, presumably after her 12 week scan. She had also been pregnant earlier on in the year with his baby.

But keeping it to this pregnancy, if in November she was 3 months pregnant, that means he got her pregnant in August/September time. Which means they’d been together: 8-9 months. Not even a whole year, and had never lived together or properly gotten to know each other let’s face it.

This relationship is remarkably rushed, and she went into it fully intending to have his baby.
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New member
I really want to message her. She’s happy he’s only woke once in the night for a feed which is not at all okay as a newborn. Especially when breastfed. Even formula fed babies wake more often than that! Especially when he dropped so much weight, yes he’s gained since then but she was told to be waking him often to feed. They only feed such tiny amounts when breastfed and it digests quickly so naturally they feed more often.
But I know she’ll take it the wrong way rather than me being supportive and wanting her to succeed.
I thought the same, esp as he's clearly still got a bit of jaundice!

My first was like this in a cycle... Slept so didn't feed so slept more as hadn't fed... We had to be super strict.
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Chatty Member
Let your body do it’s thing! If she’s in early labour like she says, why would you want to mess with that by being induced?!
Oh because she’s so bloody impatient!
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New member
I get the sense that she actually doesn't really care about Jake's kids too much at all. Feels almost like she's hedging them out too with this whole 'dad' thing.
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New member
If she can wait a week for induction, and then other people queue jump because they need them more - why is she being induced at all? Esp with all the chat of how she was in early labour it is definitely happening. Poor baby doesn't need to be rushed!
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I remember ages ago just before she said she wanted a baby he was all over her stories again and then he disappeared again and all of a sudden she wants another baby. He obvs didn’t wanna be with her. Also I the school thing. Get your kid dressed and fed for school and then if you don’t have time for anything else have some when you get home or be organised and get breakfast bars in?
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VIP Member
Exactly this! She slated breastfeeding and said she had no intention to try it. Now it’s all she talks about and is her entire content.
Because she will probs get more exposure and potential free stuff. Like the begging for bras yesterday. Just chuck a breast pad in, they have sticky backs so shouldn't keep falling out oike she claimed 🙄
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VIP Member
It’s been like it for a few days, but considering she’s the only person to ever turn 30 or to have a Pinterest inspo cake, can you really blame her?
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I’ve noticed she’s also been posting less since opting to take the boys off, thus proving to me that outside of exploiting her sons and cluttering up her house she’s got nothing going on.

Shame really cause I did genuinely used to think she was good at makeup and liked her beauty posts!
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Chatty Member
She’s so strange … she sends him to school where he is clearly well looked after , not sure how this is any different ? The term “helicopter parent” comes to mind !!
It’s bizarre. She’s one of those parents who proper wind me up as a teacher, so overbearing and you always get the impression that they think you’re a glorified babysitter.
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VIP Member
Yeh I’ve also noticed that. She’s mentioned in the past that Jake’s children were breastfed but Ru wasn’t and got all defensive about it saying that they’re all healthy etc.
Ru is anything but healthy 🤣 he's always in A&E for the most minor of ailments and constantly "has a bug"
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