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Who is this about?
It's an off topic thread from the Jane Gammons one as we were discussing other things so a this was created to not derail the main one, the family we're chatting about are called the Upton-Millard family, they're on youtube and insta. Shocking content and they really need an intervention and to put down the vlogging camera.
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In the latest vlog there's 3 blurred privacy squares on the screen. So whatever they filmed last, they haven't removed them before filming this. Weird I've never known them to blur anything out, even when they should
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He could barely tether that paddle board to his ankle because of the belly, any wonder they’re always exhausted they must have sleep apnea carrying so much weight around,
I was wheezing through that vlog I've never seen anything like it 🤣 fair play to him actually having a go, but I don't think he realised how physical it was 🤣
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What does he do? I know it is something about IT but she mentioned he was self-employed and working in the barn. Has he had the results of all the tests? I thought there was mention of pre-diabetes although they are doing little to help it by the amount of junk food and chocolate they buy,
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He could barely tether that paddle board to his ankle because of the belly, any wonder they’re always exhausted they must have sleep apnea carrying so much weight around,
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That's an alarming amount of weight for a child to lose, he mustn't have been eating at all poor little love.

Can't wash her filthy hair but can manage a face mask! Why is her nose burgundy? :ROFLMAO: is that a bottle of shampoo / conditioner in her hand???? praise be to the filthy hair gods!!
The state of the window frames when she's lighting the candles 😮 zero cleaning gets done in that house.
It’s like a Chinese laundry there’s clothes piled high in every room, in the recent food haul I think you see him go to the cupboard for a biscuit, she should be glad he’s making an effort to eat, can’t believe they stood by and watched him starve without seeking help 🙄 anything could’ve happened if things were as bad as she said, they both sit and stuff themselves silly but don’t go to the bother of making him a meal that he’ll eat, surprised the school didn’t call in SS when they saw how emaciated he was??
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That chocolate delivery too 😮 moans about cost of groceries then spends all that on utter junk. No wonder they're both huge.
She'd be better off buying a box of soap and shampoo rather than chocolate, you can smell her through the screen.
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They likely have a social worker because of the kids' additional needs. Jack's school is closing, it's a small school where he is happy and she said they haven't told him and it will cause him a lot of distress and they will have to cope with it. I am sure there is a lot more going on.
I thought it was Cai’s school? Jack and Ellie attend the same SN school. Yes I know SN kids are assigned a SW it’s just I don’t think they give her kids home visits very often, Si said they basically have no help ,even with Jacks speech therapy they haven’t heard anything back about appointments he’s been pretty much left to fend for himself, think that’s why they ask advice from viewers in the same situation?
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I was wheezing through that vlog I've never seen anything like it 🤣 fair play to him actually having a go, but I don't think he realised how physical it was 🤣
The look on his face when he paddled out and realized he had to try and turn it back to shore 😂
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From what they say it seems they don’t have many home visits they usually asses the kids at their SN school or they take them to outpatient appointments, maybe because they’re so rural?
Bloody hell they need a home visit urgently. The kids have high needs and I cringe when Ellie is banging that window. It scares me to death she'll fall off the window sil 😳
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Actual despair this morning watching the latest day in the life vlog, around the 5.50 mark she's in some skimpy knickers/shorts with her gunt hanging out of the leg of do they not see it when editing? or is it Slimon leaving it in on purpose for kicks??
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She said in the latest vlog someone keeps complaining about her hair, comments must be removed I couldn’t see any on earlier vids? Said she couldn’t show Ellie because her bum was on show 🙄 poor baby looked like it was lifted from a skip, Stig of the Dump is cleaner looking, standing her in the freezing sea when she’s got circulation problems might’ve gave the poor thing a heart attack when she’s already got heart problems…They haven’t a clue.
She replies to comments then deletes them, I saw one the other day basically saying they spend a lot of money on junk food and that cooking from scratch sometimes would be cheaper and healthier, Katie replied her usual nonsense about how they don't eat like that all the time and she was just busy (err ok) then when I looked a little later to see if any more comments it had all been deleted. Im not surprised people mention her hair it's vile, so greasy and messy it knocks me sick. Those poor kids.
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Im not sure he does much, they mentioned they bought the house outright with his inheritance so have no mortgage and with the disability benefits they'll get he wouldn't maybe need much of an income, im guessing the car will be a Motability scheme one too so most or all of the cost covered through that. Im not saying they shouldn't get those benefits because clearly most of them are more than entitled to them but they need to put them to better use than constant junk food, meals out and treats for Katie.

He seems to have plenty time free and is often out and about with the kids or looking after them as she has a "chill day" so im presuming his "job" is just some pocket money kind of hobby selling maybe. On the one hand I thought he was maybe quite handy with electrics as she mentioned he sorted thongs out in the house himself......then I saw the TV wired above the door in the BATHROOM and changed my mind :ROFLMAO:
I’m hoping that’s a typo and you meant “ things “ 😬😂…Think he’s just a computer geek that fixes and refurbishes tech from jumble sales and eBay etc.
She keeps saying he's in college so he's probably one of those eternal "professional students" 😂 he'll get it all for free too if he doesn't work and is on benefits
He’s doing a Welsh language college course.
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She replies to comments then deletes them, I saw one the other day basically saying they spend a lot of money on junk food and that cooking from scratch sometimes would be cheaper and healthier, Katie replied her usual nonsense about how they don't eat like that all the time and she was just busy (err ok) then when I looked a little later to see if any more comments it had all been deleted. Im not surprised people mention her hair it's vile, so greasy and messy it knocks me sick. Those poor kids.
So she's another one who is deluded and refuses to listen to good advice. She's constantly shovelling grub in her hole, sat on her fat arse. No wonder she struggles to look after those kids. She's exhausted down to her diet and lack of exercise.

I forgot to mention how ungrateful and pissed off Slyman looked opening his 40th birthday gifts 😂😂😂 he always gets her lots of things, she just can't be arsed can she. She'll happily spend money on tat for herself from shein, but buys the family utter crap for Xmas and bdays
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I’m hoping that’s a typo and you meant “ things “ 😬😂…Think he’s just a computer geek that fixes and refurbishes tech from jumble sales and eBay etc.

He’s doing a Welsh language college course.
Ah right the way she was going on about that mug I thought it was full time, not an hr a week. She probably wouldn't let him anyway he has to look after the kids
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The state of that floor in the latest vlog 😳😳😳😳🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Filthy pigs! No excuse not to clean that up, you'd need to wipe your feet as you leave that house. Imagine how much they've de valued it since buying it.
@ChubClubThug The laundry pile 😮 How do they sleep in there with it like that? probably shag all over it and wipe his drippy cock on it all

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