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She was like “the hints are there. I have a cat. I’m obsessed with my cat. I cuff my jeans.”
Bitch so do I, it doesn’t mean I don’t want a man. Stop speaking for all women. She’s trying to get the “is she a lesbian? I thought she was bi?” Comments but Gabby NOBODY CARES
This post me me lol, I can feel the frustration coming through and I think we can all relate 🤣
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She's using Made By Cooper for the pins, can see in this screenshot of her moaning about them 😂
Did she include that tag? 🤣

She's gone quiet. Is it finally surgery day? Does anyone know why she didn't put up a Christmas tree this year? :ROFLMAO:
She didn’t put up a Christmas tree? Hold the front page!

Yes - you love your child unconditionally but can be completely mortified by their behaviour at times. Then you have some parents that think the sun shines out of their child’s arse and they can do no wrong. I don’t think Jane is completely like that but she is definitely an enabler and her years of pandering to Gobbie’s every whim have created this monster.

I also think Gabby spent a lot of time using the trauma of her parents splitting and her dad coming out to wage war in her house. Of course there were divisions but I expect if her dad didn’t pander to her, she was quick to run to her mum and side with her. I’m sure they made each other emotionally reliant on each other.
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I don’t know any shop that buys a ridiculous amount of stock with the mind set that itll “sell eventually”. Most small businesses just order what they know they can sell rather than having everything in bulk.
She has zero business skills
Just shows how arrogant she is, that she thinks it will all sell out because she’s so popular and sewwwwwww successful! Btw, did you know she’s having an operashun? I KNOWWWWWW! 😲 Who knew!? 😆
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Oh actually!! I just realised her boob jobs were actually done in Hove, interesting

This is for sure the rooms she was staying in but in her videos she’s saying she drove for hours in the car? I’m confused
I think she was living in London when she had her boobs done, which is about an hour, hour and a half away from Brighton and Hove.
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She’s not saving money when she’s just bought three more storage units and a load of tacky pink crates to store it all in.
And she said she was going to only build the bottom half of the units so they fit in the office and don’t cover the windows. So wasteful. So clueless.
I was gonna get them for my daughters toys (she's 2) as they're off KIDLY which is a shop for kids 😂
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Gabby “everyone’s bullying me”

also Gabby

‘bullies the whole of Sheffield!‘

If only Sheffield could delete and block her, like she deletes and blocks everyone else for having an opinion.
Be alright when she goes home, she won’t be in Sheffield anymore and can hide from them
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On an iPhone, do messages from the same person show up separate like that? I have a Samsung and if I get multiple messages from the same person, my home screen will show just 1 whats app 'box', it won't have a box for every single message.
Yes, I just ignored someone to check and feel so rude but yeah they do.
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Hey, just slightly catching up. I thought the person who said "I hate cats and dogs are superior" meant like why pit animals against another. Not like they hate cats, but that it shouldn't be a battle of which is better. Did I interpret that tweet wrong?
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Am I missing something here? In this post Gabby is commenting on it looks like this man does know the difference between your and you're. I can't see the mistake. What is she on about?
I'm only to this point at catching up but I wondered that too. I didn't see anything incorrect either.
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Hello! Okay so this is my first post, always thought I would just lurk and read others opinions on her threads but the past few weeks on social media has pushed me to make an account & share my own views.

Last night I read that tweet about wanting to move because her “small business” yet she’s got a massive flat that she could just remodel for the billionth time cause she has nothing better to do. But as someone previously said I do reckon it’s laying the foundations for moving and buying another property in Manchester. But already annoyed myself thinking about it because I doubt she actually knows what the place is like and will probably slate it for being too rough because even the nice places around here probably won’t be to her liking.

also I know she doesn’t have any other personality other than her constant medical issues but Jesus I’ve never heard anyone bang on about an operation so much... she reminds me of a girl I work with who told everyone she was having major surgery when she was having the coil fitted.
Now I'm paranoid cos I did have surgery to get my coil fitted 😂 was supposed to be general anaesthetic (and still would have been out couple hours after) but I got them to change to sedation after lots of begging (though apperantly this is more dangerous as they can't control your breathing like with GA) and was out of hospital just over an hour later...good old NHS 😂
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