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Freddy:" i am a perfectionist! I am perfect! I always look perfect!"
Also Freddy: 🐷 (look at her tiny eyes and well thick thighs. I think this is her real body. Real, without photoshop etc.)
PS: it is not fat-shaming! I am just laughing because of Freddy acting like the most beautiful human in the world 😑 I think she is a pretty girl with a pretty body, BUT I just can't stand when ppl look down on other ppl and act like they are better. No, we are equal and we are all beautiful!
She's obviously quite chunky. She just needs to accept it and buy her size or work on losing weight.
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Has everyone noted that black tights say you’re cold and brown or white say fashion?

She only mentions is every other video October - December every year, but just in case anyone missed it and needs to bin all their black tights to follow the dictator of tastes fashion (a 27 year old woman who’s inspiration is prom, gossip girl and rich 40 year old divorcee)
To me, brown tights say

“ A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and should do a good turn everyday.“
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What if Freddy is extremely homesick? That would explain the never ending story about moving out and her passport "mistake" 🤔
I think she is. She must have been absolutely terrified of living by herself. She didn’t seem to spend much time away from home and to suddenly live by herself is a massive change.
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While some Burberry pieces have had a revival it was faked so much 20 years ago plenty don’t accept it as high end anymore. What rock was she under to not see the trashy Burberry period.
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A bit weird she didn’t post about M’Lady Josie’s birthday…apparently Miss Flossy is too exhausted from sooooo muchhhh work to remember her “best friend’s” 30th
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Agreed. She's didn't disturb her neighbours and people are allowed to sing in their homes, especially during the day.
Yes between 7am and 11pm. I think you’ve missed the point made it didn’t read my comment thoroughly because it’s very clear what I said. The law it is what it is and nobody is above it. Excessive noise like screaming after that time for whatever reason is illegal. It’s worth noting she mentioned the neighbours first, not me. I was going by what she stated. It implies that she has bothered her neighbours “didn’t knock for neighbours or call for Daddy” was her words. Just by even mentioning the word neighbours it implies she goes to them for things in the past perhaps. That wasn’t my input from nowhere. I hope she doesn’t but she may do. Whether you agree with me or not is immaterial. Some people aren’t kind or tolerant to that sort of thing. If one of my neighbours is in need and it’s an emergency ie locked out and need to call for help, or phone emergency numbers by all means but over a spider some would take that so not kindly or supportively. Her neighbours might be very nice and tolerant people but some aren’t and do contact local authorities. Freddy needs to know the real world isn’t how it is maybe living with her parents. She needs a reality check at times. We would have never have known about this if she didn’t constantly post about it. She claims she’s a very private person which sadly is codswallop I’ll put it politely this time. It’s codswallop she’s private when it suits her that’s fine if she didn’t insult her audience in the next post daring to enquire on her or what the issue may have been etc. She is the one who posts it. Taken at face value I commented and I stand by it. She needs to understand multi occupancy dwelling comes with various complex issues that occur with attitudes like she appears to demonstrate. She will likely say yes she knows but that post is contradictory to that. It implies she isn’t aware of things that are pertinent to a peaceful living situation for everybody not just her. I haven’t quite understood why she bought a flat. Why not a detached house? She certainly had enough money to. Her choice all of it is her choice but it won’t be beneficial all the time to her the way she goes about things. Anyway that’s all I have to say on that.

I just moved into a block of flats and we’ve so far had neighbours come round to ask if we can ‘sort out our squeaky floorboards’ tell us off for not shutting the front door quite quietly enough for them and if we can turn our TV down at 8pm because the kids are going to sleep so…yeah it’s really not a stretch to think they’d be pissed off if she’s screeching about spiders and singing loudly tbh
Put perfectly, perfect example of how some occupants are about things

If Freddy's phobia is so real, why not do a course like Amie did? Why not try to fight it instead of using it as content?
The best thing I found to cure my phobia of them was to hold a tarantula. I fainted mind you thought I’d had a stroke but when I finally came around I held Zsuszi the Tarantula. She was very sweet actually I ended up keeping spiders for a while, they are primeval creatures and they keep our worlds clean. They’re needed species but once the initial fear is gone. They’re quite evil to each other but no more evil in the grand scheme of how humans go about life. Spiders don’t do military coups or wreak genocidal wars upon the population. A course would definitely benefit Freddy. Face your fears is sadly the only way

Or watch Lucas the Spider on YouTube. Josh Splice created him to help people see another perspective on arachnophobia such as Lucas has a mum and Dad brothers and sisters. Spiders get scared of having a glass trap them emotionalising from their many eyes so to speak


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omg tacky
View attachment 844685
Laugh love live vibes, eat pray love, But first coffee basic bitch
I saw she put random books of paris, dior etc, i hate that, shes so basic why cant i stop watching her, somebody help
Omg that print with the swan head is hilarious. It's so cringe how basic she is but I cant stop watching either. I think I almost enjoy the drab working class vibe she maintains probably to appeal to her roots and pleb audience or something, but um the working class should enjoy high brow culture too. It's not that hard to pick up even a coffee table book on fashion history to educate yourself. Learn something new and look at some relevant fashion instagrams or sth outside of your pastel weheartit bubble Freddy please...
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I’ve stayed at that hotel. It’s lovely. What the hell did they do to get kicked out?! Also the people there are lovely so they must have been extremely offended to ask them to leave any info?
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Chatty Member
MY god, the dresses in the new video are SO TACKY! What is with her? Does she have a mirror? It's all so sugary and childish, I feel like I'm eating candy cane with my eyes.
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I have a feeling or a theory that she's reluctant to move because of health issues, isn't she asthmatic or something and has a hard time sleeping at night, so maybe she feels like being home w/ her parents is safer for her overall well-being than living alone, then again why buy a flat in the first place? I dont know
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I find it interesting that she wanted to be an actress. Can you imagine her playing a part and wearing a costume that wasn’t “glamorous and feminine”?
She probably had/has a super romanticized/glamourized idea of what being an actress means... like once you are an actress, you become super famous instantly to the point where you can just choose your roles and costumes. Weird if you think about the fact she went to a stage school where you should get prepared for the realities of such a job
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Waiting for the dictator of taste to say something along the lines of
People need to credit me when taking inspiration from me
God forbid someone else likes the same colour palette and shops seasonal fast fashion 🙄
Then she’s a hypocrite and says things like I don’t owe you anything (referring to her not posting depop internationally a while back)
but QVC Freddy can’t miss a commission sale or else she’ll go full Karen mode

Grace seems like a nice girl, I’m happy she doesn’t let bullies win


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I love your insider zoom calls with JJ but what does he see in her? Why did he fell for her and if she is such a basic brat, why are they still together? If this is private and he does not want us to know, that is absolutely fine but I am just dying to know this.
Awww, Thank You🌼

I’ll ask him later today as we have a Zoom call scheduled😂
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