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I don't think anyone on here would treat you differently, this is a pretty decent place and none of us really know what colour, sexuality or even gender we all are...even if we think we do, we could all be creating personas!
I still don't agree re Max but never feel you can't have your say. We often agree to disagree...
Although if you don't think Pierre is fine, that might be a disagreement I can't get over
I understand I don't think tattle is a place like that but that feeling is something I always get irrespective of the place, something like an inferiority complex. I like Pierre with yuki, does that count?
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Isn't the point that the word can be used in a loving way, allegedly, or in a racist way? Unless you think that Piquet was using it in a loving way whilst criticising Lewis, I don't think any other context is needed is it? We know which variation of the word he was using so unless there's another context I'm missing, I don't get the argument that Max was right to defend Nelson. I don't think any of us want to believe Max is a racist but it's not a strong condemnation is it?
I am not defending piquet, he is racist he can go to hell for all I care. I have called out a lot of racist people in my life, and in every case, their friends would come and say "oh no she is not a racist, she is a good person" but usually the person would be the first-class bully their friend just doesn't know it. In a case like this, is it fine to focus on this friend and make a drama out of her instead of focusing on the main case raised?. That is what I am against it. Just because max knew nelson doesn't mean we have to analyse every breath he takes and make a drama out of it and leave the main issue unattended. focus on nelson and that idiot bully instead of focusing on max
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Pole er bear

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I’m going to put my two pence in on the whole β€˜mistake’ thing sorry

I think what it find the most hurtful about Lando and Max saying it was a mistake is I was attacked (not going to say how but you can probably guess) when I was a teenager by a very popular guy at my school, I reported it to the police and it was a whole extremely hard situation but people around me , other kids at school and even the teachers constantly Told me he was a good kid, he made a mistake and that i was ruining his future. In the end the pressure got to me and I dropped all charges and it’s something I regret to this day. He went on to a top Uni and got a really good job but then was arrested for doing the same thing to another girl and I blamed myself for a very long time that I basically reinforced his behaviour, that he thought he got away it once so went on to do it again. That’s why I thinks it’s so important to hold people accountable for their behaviour or they will just carry on using said behaviour. Anyway sorry for the rant and well done if you read all that πŸ‘
This crap happens far too often. I'm beyond sorry and am glad you see through the BS now
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Ultimate Lurkee

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They are holding hands perfectly normally. Lando looks perfectly comfortable and happy with Luisa. Only discomfort might be his sore throat and arse if they spent last night with Luisa wearing her strap on. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
She's saving that for Sunday, the seats in the car aren't made for sitting on with a sore arse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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Hello everyone!!!

Thank you for all the Silverstone well wishes - I’ve had the best day today!!

I think the rumours about the fight are true. As I was leaving I stopped by the fan zone/entertainment area and there were police cordoning off an area with police tape - shame people can’t just enjoy themselves!

The rain was definitely as ominous as @90sgirl says - one second it was clear skies and the next a massive wall of black cloud rolled in like something out of a film. I’m sure tomorrow will be even worse 😬

Seeing F1 has really made me appreciate the skill the drivers have even more. I don’t think TV really conveys the speed and precision they drive with - super impressive and sexy - I’m looking at you Pierre

I’ve got loads of pictures and videos so will do a post-Silverstone dump under a spoiler!! Consider me influenced by all the driver dumps
great that you had fun time, all the best for tomorrow!!!!
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Poor Billy Joel, a generation of Irish/UK women think Uptown Girl is a Westlife original
Then Olivia Rodrigo came along and fixed that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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That bag is awful with the outfit
This playlist concerns me more and more every time I add to it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Have to see the whole pic but yeah πŸ˜…

View attachment 1385614

Finally a decent bag πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

P. S. Cinnamoooooo don't even think to start with "she's always holding her phone" ... She sure does since we, crazy women, made this kind of bags popular for years now πŸ˜… . Not even a lipstick fits inside and we can only dream about our phones πŸ˜‚
Sometimes I feel like an octopuss ffs with my phone, bottle and notebook :ROFLMAO:
Water bottles are never making it in bags. I should knowπŸ˜‚
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