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Stop what you’re doing!! Charles has posted his first TikTok!!


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Excuse me while I defend Heidi again but it sounds like a dumb hater. Heidi is hardly an unofficial girlfriend. She’s met his family and friends and has been on his gram (ya not much but still 😂) some people think you need a public insta post to be official
yeah, I don;t think it's about Daniel; I also think it's Heidi's choice too to stay behind the scenes
I think it's about Lewis, but than again, this is "news" that reappears from time to time, so I think someone just tried to make a gossip out of nothing LOL
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if i was lando i’d be not so pro tbh - daniel hasn’t pushed him and carlos was like an indulgent big brother. it’ll be a completely new dynamic that he hasn’t had with a teammate before and i am intrigued to see how/if it works out!
I think Daniel has pushed him in a way, he came in with such a reputation and that ‘I will destroy you’ energy, we saw Lando after the first quali where Daniel beat him, it 100% lit a fire under his ass and pushed him to prove himself as number 1 driver

Obviously Daniel not being on top form has helped but I defo think he’s only helped to improve Lando as a driver

It would defo be an interesting dynamic with Oscar though, I agree
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Happy new thread❤ (a little late, but better late then never, right)

Happy to see your date was good @aac_124 ❤❤

What I've gathered so far is that the discussion of DR is still going strong, Pierre has gone into partymode and hiding on Social media, The Squids are just chilling on the yacht, being the only ones actually putting out content. And George is probably dating Carmen's brother and not Carmen, did I miss anything on my catch up from last thread?

Working on catching up on this one, so reaction spam incoming❤😇

still not feeling great today, but now I'm only having the migraine hangover and I am almost done with my report. I really hate writing reports on projects where I haven't written the application, there's so much information missing 🙃
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Haha same 🤔 idk when we found out . I cant find the picture in my phone 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ But i think maybe few days later . I think it was around the end of summer break 🤔

Haha i knew someone would have the screenshots 😂
13th of August was the iconic hand on ass shot 😂
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Hamster seems to have burnt on the first day, do any racing drivers if max counts as that anymore know what sunscreen is? 😅
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More like people idolizing wags than jelaousy imho 😅

It's not her sister neither - I mean, why would she post anything "against" DR or Heidi then 😁

It's an ordinary fan with Heidi's blessing to post stuff and before someone jumps with "omgggg who does she think she issss" put yourself in her shoes - if your fanpage approaches you with "can I post your pictures" would you say no?
(I personally would but we already established what kind of wag I would be :devilish:)
I think its probably someone that follows Heidi for a while before the all DR thing thats for me the more plausible explanation because the fan doesn't like DR thats clear 😅
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Pole er bear

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Went to a pub briefly and had a chat with some Australian guys like 24ish (one was spitting image of a young port cop)
Main point. They are from Sydney and are pro Daniel not oscar.
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Come on sisters, do me a favour and find the date of first pic of vacation - Luisa and Alicia in the toilet

Luckily they weren't on Lewis' yacht, otherwise they would have to take mirror selfie somewhere else

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Going on with Week 2 of summer break so far with no new contract news
but lots of yachts
and fashion shoots

Here's to a week with less stress and more Pierre photo dumps

@aac_124 so sorry I cut you off... PLEASE do go on

aac_124 said:
Omg it was so amazing we went out to this amazing steak house and everything was just so perfect he was such a gentleman and the conversation was just so natural and then we went for a walk on the beach when the sun was setting and it was so beautiful (granted I wasn’t really appropriately dressed 😂) but it was so perfect
Happy new thread ❤
Yeah it was absolutely amazing just perfect
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Ferrari was doing so good, laying low, distracting us with their drivers
and now this shit. 17 years worth of brakes recalled. Brilliant
god I was panicking for a moment and then remembered I drive a German shopping trolley

I am the Fernando Alonso of tattle
Spy Kids specs set to SHADE

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