For anybody struggling ❤

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Oh dolls, that’s brilliant thank you. I’ll join some of those now. And I actually had no clue about the soya. Didn’t even cross my mind 🥲 I’ll check that out to tomorrow. I’m probably detailing the thread here now so apologies for that, but do you think it’s worth getting her tested for these allergies, or waiting until she’s 1? So 2 months time
It depends on her symptoms. If she didn’t have the immediate hive reactions, tests wont show the allergies. They can do skin prick tests or blood tests but unless you have the immediate IgE allergy the test will show negative.
So if her reaction was all tummy, it would be pointless.

Don’t beat yourself up aboot soya, how on earth would you have known! It’s just one of those things that someone has to tell you for you to know.
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I am really struggling today, I feel so low and I can't get out of it..
I’m so sorry to hear that. xx
Does it feel like it’s been a really bad day for you that’s made things difficult, or perhaps more than that?
Thanks I'm definitly going to check these things out. Kids are on half term break this week so hands are full but will start having a look next week. I'm also going to read up on perimenopause, as I think it's effecting me too. I ordered a load of vitamins the other day and they came today. Got full spectrum magnesium, vit d, zinc and ashwagandha and some highstrength, full spectrum cbd capsules, so I'm hoping they help somewhat as I know how crucial they are and our bodies very often lack these things. I ordered a cbd oil that you spray under your tongue which came yesterday and I got a much more restful sleep lastnight. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling to sleep.

Cbd has been a life saver for me, with anxiety, peri and single mum stuff. I’ve been using an oil for nearly 3 years, and I’d say my anxiety is little to none now. Which is very odd considering that most peri-women notice an increase in anxiety.

One bit of advice with the cbd - start LOW, Don’t go in too high or too strong as it *could* make you either hyper / more anxious.
Also give it time- don’t give up, it’s not like conventional medicine where you expect to feel better in a day or so.. it was 4-6 weeks before it “ built up” in my system. I tried a few brands and eventually settled on one that really seems to do the trick for me. ( it doesn’t have THC in it)
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Cbd has been a life saver for me, with anxiety, peri and single mum stuff. I’ve been using an oil for nearly 3 years, and I’d say my anxiety is little to none now. Which is very odd considering that most peri-women notice an increase in anxiety.

One bit of advice with the cbd - start LOW, Don’t go in too high or too strong as it *could* make you either hyper / more anxious.
Also give it time- don’t give up, it’s not like conventional medicine where you expect to feel better in a day or so.. it was 4-6 weeks before it “ built up” in my system. I tried a few brands and eventually settled on one that really seems to do the trick for me. ( it doesn’t have THC in it)
I've got quite a high strength one🙈 it says for the first 3 days just have one spray and then after that gradually increase up to 3 times a day. I will see how I go with it, Ive got some capsules coming in the next few days which are not quite as strong as the spray. I did have a much better nights sleep though, no nightmares and didnt wake up much, fingers crossed it helps with my anxiety too 🤞
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I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. How can we help? Would it help to share with us what you're struggling with?
Thank you and @Jwren too 💕xx
Just everything at the moment I feel so lonely although I have a great partner and I have great friends and people around me I don’t feel happy. Sometimes I sit and think like when will it end.. will it end. Will I forever feel like this i can’t see a way out of it. I feel like a burden most of the time. I live with my mum because she went through a really messy divorce through the first lockdown and we moved in together.. got a mortgage together and when she was struggling I was the only one there. We did loads of stuff together and now she’s got this new social life with these new weird friends I’m a second thought. I come home from work and just sit in my room. I’m scared to ask her to go out with me because she always gives me a frosty reception or if we go out she’s always on her phone or she’s always got someone else she’d rather be taking too. My close friends all work and have busy lives. I only see my boyfriend at weekends because we live about 30/40 mins away from eachother now and it’s not practical during the week anymore. I don’t know I just feel like if I disappeared it wouldn’t matter.
Sorry for the long rant. I should have probably put it behind a spoiler.
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Thank you and @Jwren too 💕xx
Just everything at the moment I feel so lonely although I have a great partner and I have great friends and people around me I don’t feel happy. Sometimes I sit and think like when will it end.. will it end. Will I forever feel like this i can’t see a way out of it. I feel like a burden most of the time. I live with my mum because she went through a really messy divorce through the first lockdown and we moved in together.. got a mortgage together and when she was struggling I was the only one there. We did loads of stuff together and now she’s got this new social life with these new weird friends I’m a second thought. I come home from work and just sit in my room. I’m scared to ask her to go out with me because she always gives me a frosty reception or if we go out she’s always on her phone or she’s always got someone else she’d rather be taking too. My close friends all work and have busy lives. I only see my boyfriend at weekends because we live about 30/40 mins away from eachother now and it’s not practical during the week anymore. I don’t know I just feel like if I disappeared it wouldn’t matter.
Sorry for the long rant. I should have probably put it behind a spoiler.
Firstly don’t say sorry, you haven’t got any need to apologise for anything in here ❤

Secondly it would matter if you disappeared.
I know you might not believe that. I really do understand that you might read those words and think they’re not true. Or you might not even be able to take them in. I really do understand.
But I promise you that it would matter.

You don’t have to answer any of these questions, I’m going to ask them but you can ignore them - okay?

How long do you think you’ve been feeling like this?
Do you think it’s been the same sort of feeling for a while, or have you begun to feel better, or worse?
Have you spoken to anyone at all about how you’re feeling?

It’s really brave of you to share it here with us. I truly mean that.

You did a wonderfully kind thing for your mum, and now it’s time to take care of you x
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Firstly don’t say sorry, you haven’t got any need to apologise for anything in here ❤

Secondly it would matter if you disappeared.
I know you might not believe that. I really do understand that you might read those words and think they’re not true. Or you might not even be able to take them in. I really do understand.
But I promise you that it would matter.

You don’t have to answer any of these questions, I’m going to ask them but you can ignore them - okay?

How long do you think you’ve been feeling like this?
Do you think it’s been the same sort of feeling for a while, or have you begun to feel better, or worse?
Have you spoken to anyone at all about how you’re feeling?

It’s really brave of you to share it here with us. I truly mean that.

You did a wonderfully kind thing for your mum, and now it’s time to take care of you x
Thank you for being so kind.
the feelings of loneliness have Been around ever since I was a teenager I’m now 29 so a long time. Recently it has got worse, it’s got worse as I’ve got older that’s for sure. I just feel like the way I am is just too much for people. I feel things so deeply and I see things differently to other people. I don’t understand behaviours and why people do some things they do. For a while now I’ve wondered if I have ADHD because the way I am would suggest so… but I don’t feel like people are always fair towards me. I am very emotional and very anxious about 90% of my life and I get it would be really testing forpeople to put up with that’s why Isay I feel like a burden and it would be better if I just went away. I can’t shake those feelings at the moment. I sit there in the evenings and don’t even see the point of anything 😞😢
I self medicate with alcohol quite a lot and then I feel awful for it.
I haven’t spoken to anyone for some years now the last therapy sessions I had made me feel really awful and the therapist I went too was really odd.. quite creepy… and I came out feeling worse than I did going in! I ghosted him in the end. He would call me relentlessly and it would make me sick with anxiety.
Anyway I’ll stop going on but just like magic after I wrote my previous message my auntie text me asking if I would like to go out to dinner with her on Friday. That’s cheered me up a bit ❤ Thank you for your kind words it’s nice to have a supportive thread/community here xx

edit - when I said I don’t think people are always fair towards me I mean like if I try to express myself I either get told I’m being stupid or a regular one from my mum is ‘oh here we go!’ My boyfriend has told me it’s like listening to a pity party before and he’s told me I need to toughen up and not let things get to me. I agree with that but sometimes it’s not what you need to hear lol
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Thank you for being so kind.
the feelings of loneliness have Been around ever since I was a teenager I’m now 29 so a long time. Recently it has got worse, it’s got worse as I’ve got older that’s for sure. I just feel like the way I am is just too much for people. I feel things so deeply and I see things differently to other people. I don’t understand behaviours and why people do some things they do. For a while now I’ve wondered if I have ADHD because the way I am would suggest so… but I don’t feel like people are always fair towards me. I am very emotional and very anxious about 90% of my life and I get it would be really testing forpeople to put up with that’s why Isay I feel like a burden and it would be better if I just went away. I can’t shake those feelings at the moment. I sit there in the evenings and don’t even see the point of anything 😞😢
I self medicate with alcohol quite a lot and then I feel awful for it.
I haven’t spoken to anyone for some years now the last therapy sessions I had made me feel really awful and the therapist I went too was really odd.. quite creepy… and I came out feeling worse than I did going in! I ghosted him in the end. He would call me relentlessly and it would make me sick with anxiety.
Anyway I’ll stop going on but just like magic after I wrote my previous message my auntie text me asking if I would like to go out to dinner with her on Friday. That’s cheered me up a bit ❤ Thank you for your kind words it’s nice to have a supportive thread/community here xx

edit - when I said I don’t think people are always fair towards me I mean like if I try to express myself I either get told I’m being stupid or a regular one from my mum is ‘oh here we go!’ My boyfriend has told me it’s like listening to a pity party before and he’s told me I need to toughen up and not let things get to me. I agree with that but sometimes it’s not what you need to hear lol
I’m jumping in here to the bit about your last therapist before I’ve even finished reading - that was absolutely not okay of him to behave that way. Absolutely unprofessional doesn’t even come close. I can understand why that would put you off trying again. It would me, too. There’s no point anyone telling you it would be different next time, because the only thing that will help your brain believe that is to actually experience it and build that trust gradually.

But I’m going to say it again - that therapist did not behave properly and that was nothing you did wrong.

If you feel able to try again, you can explain what happened last time and a new therapist can be mindful of that experience and help set out clear boundaries to make you comfortable. The therapeutic relationship should be built on trust and respect.

‘I am very emotional and very anxious about 90% of my life and I get it would be really testing for people to put up with’
My lovely, don’t worry about anyone else right now. This sounds really testing for *you* to live with. Anxiety is exhausting.

Mums unfortunately don’t always say what we hope to hear from them. I know how that feels. I’m sorry that yours doesn’t understand 😔

Your boyfriend doesn’t sound very supportive of your struggles, either. It’s not as simple as just ‘toughening up’ when anxiety and sadness has taken over your life. It’s all-consuming. Unfortunately it’s impossible for those who haven’t experienced it to really understand - but that doesn’t mean that they can’t try.
Remember that you deserve to be loved and supported for whoever you are and however you are ❤

I’m glad your auntie has been in touch. Would you feel able to confide in her about how you feel?

And do you feel able to contact your GP? I really think that would be a great (but big, and scary) step. You could show what you wrote in your post here, that explains really well how you’re feeling, and would give your GP an insight and mean they’re able to help you make a start to feeling better.

You could pop it into an econsult on their website if that feels less scary. I’d be happy to help you re-word it (with your words, I mean, just only with what the GP needs to see) if that would help? I know it’s overwhelming.

You’re super brave to be sharing here. You deserve to be happy.
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Thank you for being so kind.
the feelings of loneliness have Been around ever since I was a teenager I’m now 29 so a long time. Recently it has got worse, it’s got worse as I’ve got older that’s for sure. I just feel like the way I am is just too much for people. I feel things so deeply and I see things differently to other people. I don’t understand behaviours and why people do some things they do. For a while now I’ve wondered if I have ADHD because the way I am would suggest so… but I don’t feel like people are always fair towards me. I am very emotional and very anxious about 90% of my life and I get it would be really testing forpeople to put up with that’s why Isay I feel like a burden and it would be better if I just went away. I can’t shake those feelings at the moment. I sit there in the evenings and don’t even see the point of anything 😞😢
I self medicate with alcohol quite a lot and then I feel awful for it.
I haven’t spoken to anyone for some years now the last therapy sessions I had made me feel really awful and the therapist I went too was really odd.. quite creepy… and I came out feeling worse than I did going in! I ghosted him in the end. He would call me relentlessly and it would make me sick with anxiety.
Anyway I’ll stop going on but just like magic after I wrote my previous message my auntie text me asking if I would like to go out to dinner with her on Friday. That’s cheered me up a bit ❤ Thank you for your kind words it’s nice to have a supportive thread/community here xx

edit - when I said I don’t think people are always fair towards me I mean like if I try to express myself I either get told I’m being stupid or a regular one from my mum is ‘oh here we go!’ My boyfriend has told me it’s like listening to a pity party before and he’s told me I need to toughen up and not let things get to me. I agree with that but sometimes it’s not what you need to hear lol
Heya, so sorry you are feeling pants. There is an adhd thread here, and elsewhere there is an online talk this sunday run by seed talks (I found them on fb) for women who may actually have adhd and have been misdiagnosed. I'm giving it a bash as I suspect I'm one of the oldies that got missed. Let me find that thread for you. I have a few girlfriends facing this right now and all of us would really nod when you say you feel like "too much for people". Can you ask your Aunty what she thinks? Is there anyone else in the fam who might be a bit neuro diverse too?

It's not very busy, the thread, but it may have some info that helps. I also have found ADDitude mag online really helpful.

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I fell asleep for a hour on the sofa after childminder drop off this morning, still massively struggling with dissociation after yesterday.

Then I dragged myself out of my pit and walked the dog. It was an effort, I’m not going to lie, but we both needed it. I don’t feel any better (just more exhausted) but she’s happy ❤ (and now making my sofa damp 🙄)
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I fell asleep for a hour on the sofa after childminder drop off this morning, still massively struggling with dissociation after yesterday.

Then I dragged myself out of my pit and walked the dog. It was an effort, I’m not going to lie, but we both needed it. I don’t feel any better (just more exhausted) but she’s happy ❤ (and now making my sofa damp 🙄)
Could feeling more tired be hormone related, or could it perhaps be your AD’s, I know they’ve made me very tired at times especially at the beginning. Or do you think it’s more linked to yesterday and that‘s playing over in your mind?
I don’t think the weather helps either it’s quite grey here today.
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Could feeling more tired be hormone related, or could it perhaps be your AD’s, I know they’ve made me very tired at times especially at the beginning. Or do you think it’s more linked to yesterday and that‘s playing over in your mind?
I don’t think the weather helps either it’s quite grey here today.
It could be all of the above! I’m pretty certain that yesterday is the overriding cause though, I’ve had this before when I was first doing EMDR that I was falling asleep after the sessions (like I did yesterday) and then the next few days I found the same - it feels just like that. It’s because the session yesterday was so tit, and my brain is not able to process what was said, so it’s just switching off. Hate it.

The Amitrip isn’t doing a great job yet either, but I can talk to my lovely Psych tomorrow about that, there’s another increase we can do but then that puts me at the max so 🤞🏻

You’re right about the weather. It was raining a bit on the walk and it’s so grey.
I can’t get warm either!
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It could be all of the above! I’m pretty certain that yesterday is the overriding cause though, I’ve had this before when I was first doing EMDR that I was falling asleep after the sessions (like I did yesterday) and then the next few days I found the same - it feels just like that. It’s because the session yesterday was so tit, and my brain is not able to process what was said, so it’s just switching off. Hate it.

The Amitrip isn’t doing a great job yet either, but I can talk to my lovely Psych tomorrow about that, there’s another increase we can do but then that puts me at the max so 🤞🏻

You’re right about the weather. It was raining a bit on the walk and it’s so grey.
I understand where you’re coming from I use to feel like that after CBT especially at the beginning, it can be very draining and a lot to cope with at times. Would it help to jot some notes down so you can free your mind of it a little. I found noting things helped me to stop storing it in my head as much, if that makes sense.
When my AD was discontinued (as there were concerns over it‘s safety) I tried 3 different ones before I found another one that was right for me, so if you feel it isn’t working it might be worth trying a different one rather than struggling on but of course you need to do what feels right for you xx
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I understand where you’re coming from I use to feel like that after CBT especially at the beginning, it can be very draining and a lot to cope with at times. Would it help to jot some notes down so you can free your mind of it a little. I found noting things helped me to stop storing it in my head as much, if that makes sense.
When my AD was discontinued (as there were concerns over it‘s safety) I tried 3 different ones before I found another one that was right for me, so if you feel it isn’t working it might be worth trying a different one rather than struggling on but of course you need to do what feels right for you xx
Thank you ❤
I did email my therapist yesterday so she knows how I’m feeling, we need to talk about it but the dissociation is so powerful it’s a blocker 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m hoping that I can be mentally prepared for next week and it’ll be okay.

The AD problem I have is that I’ve already been through a *lot* over the past few years.
SSRI’s do nothing apart from make me feel physically unwell.
SNRI’s are good - I was on high dose Venlafaxine for a long time but that’s what I’ve just weaned off of because I was completely emotionally numb. I took that alongside Mirtazapine (which I think is a tetracyclic) but that just made me gain loads of weight and didn’t really help anything else, and low dose Quetiapine (antipsychotic) which was prescribed to help my sleep and nightmares but didn’t help enough.
Quet was stopped by the Psych and he swapped it for something totally different which has been MAGICAL.

There’s a couple of other things going on that are causing huge stress that I would share here anonymously, but because AJ knows who I am in the real world (and I don’t know who shared it with her, or who else it’s been shared with) I just can’t risk it.
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Thank you ❤
I did email my therapist yesterday so she knows how I’m feeling, we need to talk about it but the dissociation is so powerful it’s a blocker 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m hoping that I can be mentally prepared for next week and it’ll be okay.

The AD problem I have is that I’ve already been through a *lot* over the past few years.
SSRI’s do nothing apart from make me feel physically unwell.
SNRI’s are good - I was on high dose Venlafaxine for a long time but that’s what I’ve just weaned off of because I was completely emotionally numb. I took that alongside Mirtazapine (which I think is a tetracyclic) but that just made me gain loads of weight and didn’t really help anything else, and low dose Quetiapine (antipsychotic) which was prescribed to help my sleep and nightmares but didn’t help enough.
Quet was stopped by the Psych and he swapped it for something totally different which has been MAGICAL.

There’s a couple of other things going on that are causing huge stress that I would share here anonymously, but because AJ knows who I am in the real world (and I don’t know who shared it with her, or who else it’s been shared with) I just can’t risk it.
Bless you lovely, I’m so sorry you‘re having such a shite time. And with the extra stress you’re going through it’s no wonder you’re feeling like you are.😔 AJ is an absolute witch to have done that, I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to risk sharing but it shouldn’t have to be that way, she really is a vile woman.

Hopefully upping your dose and giving it a bit longer will help. 🤞🏼

For all you’re going through, I think you’re doing amazingly and perhaps being a bit hard on yourself, I think how you’re feeling is completely understandable. Be kind to yourself and when you can take some time doing something for you, I know that’s easier said than done but I think it’s so important, as L‘Oreal say……’Because You’re Worth It‘ 😉 and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise because if they do …they‘re not worth it 👀😊 xx

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Okay so worked up the courage to write this in a note and then it doesn’t feel so daunting to post 😱

I found the NB case has really triggered something for me to the point I was reading the threads almost obsessively.

My mum was around the same age when she took her own life and there were some similarities - they even looked quite similar. She had a (very big) problem with alcohol and was going through menopause bought on by a hysterectomy. Not exactly the same, granted, but it’s definitely stirred something up for me.

Despite her being abusive and me spending what felt like my entire childhood trying to stop her from taking her own life, I still felt shocked and broken when she finally succeeded. I spent 15 years trying to bury much of that hurt and for some reason this being headline news has sent me on a spiral. I can’t eat, sleep or work. I feel utterly paralysed. It almost feels worse than when it originally happened and I can’t work out why everything from my childhood has come flooding back but it’s terrifying.

I’ve found so much comfort in reading your kind words and advice to each other. I’ve also used some of the advice you’ve given to others for myself and have a doctors appointment in a few weeks to go through what’s been going on.

I’m not sure what I wanted to gain from posting this, I guess it feels cathartic even just writing it out and acknowledging there’s an issue. And to thank you all for what you’ve unknowingly done to help me too.

So yeah, thank you! And huge love to anyone also struggling ❤
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Okay so worked up the courage to write this in a note and then it doesn’t feel so daunting to post 😱

I found the NB case has really triggered something for me to the point I was reading the threads almost obsessively.

My mum was around the same age when she took her own life and there were some similarities - they even looked quite similar. She had a (very big) problem with alcohol and was going through menopause bought on by a hysterectomy. Not exactly the same, granted, but it’s definitely stirred something up for me.

Despite her being abusive and me spending what felt like my entire childhood trying to stop her from taking her own life, I still felt shocked and broken when she finally succeeded. I spent 15 years trying to bury much of that hurt and for some reason this being headline news has sent me on a spiral. I can’t eat, sleep or work. I feel utterly paralysed. It almost feels worse than when it originally happened and I can’t work out why everything from my childhood has come flooding back but it’s terrifying.

I’ve found so much comfort in reading your kind words and advice to each other. I’ve also used some of the advice you’ve given to others for myself and have a doctors appointment in a few weeks to go through what’s been going on.

I’m not sure what I wanted to gain from posting this, I guess it feels cathartic even just writing it out and acknowledging there’s an issue. And to thank you all for what you’ve unknowingly done to help me too.

So yeah, thank you! And huge love to anyone also struggling ❤
If it’s any consolation I think that happens to many of us, especially when something on such a large scale (as NB’s case was) resonates with us. So please don’t think you‘re on your own with your thoughts.

I‘m so sorry you had such a traumatic childhood and lost your mum, that’s an awful lot to cope with. 😔

Thank you so much for sharing it was very brave and I’m sure you’ve helped others by sharing your struggles. I think NB’s case has had a negative impact on many of us for various reasons.

And well done you for making an appointment with your GP as I know it‘s not always easy but definitely a move in the right direction.
So many things in life are a head f*ck and sometimes we don’t even realise at the time but working through them with the right help can really make a difference. As I‘ve said to others on the thread it’s so important to be kind to yourself, put yourself first, try not to take on too much especially while you‘re feeling like this. Take one day at a time and know it will get better because look at all you’ve overcome already in your life. Sending hugs 💕 xx
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I fell asleep for a hour on the sofa after childminder drop off this morning, still massively struggling with dissociation after yesterday.
I don’t know if this will be of help or not, just dismiss if not but I wanted to mention in case it may help.

Have you read “Dissociation Made Simple” by Jamie Marich PhD? It is written in a sensitive and mostly non-triggering way (I can’t make that statement for everyone obviously). Maybe if it is too difficult at this time with the therapist, a little step back and self reflection around the issue may help? Reading at your own time and pace and comfort place can help you get closer to working more effectively with your therapist? Give you things to discuss around what’s happening? Or maybe mention to your therapist and see if they think such a book or approach may work?
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