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I lost a lot of weight and said that after I'd had kids I was going to have a tummy Tuck to sort all my saggy skin out....

Then when I had kids my priorities completed changed - I couldn't think of anything more selfish than spending thousands on surgery that came with risks that my kids might not have a mum to wake up to. Yes I'd love to look a bit better naked, but I love my kids enough not to take risks, and going abroad for the surgery just makes it even worse!
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I’ve had implants, there’s absolutely no way I’d want to be flying home a few days after having them done! My hospital was 10 mins down the road and was enough! I have a 5 year old now and there’s absolutely no way in this world I’d go abroad for surgery knowing I’ve left her at home and things that could go wrong! I’d love to have a “bleph” (she thinks she’s so cool saying like that 🙄) but again I will stick to saggy lids than risk my child being with out a mum- probably a bit dramatic! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Don’t forget though, Fopps has such a strong mindset, much stronger than yours I’d guess, so she’ll probably be fine!
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For anyone blocked.. this is her latest offering.... could she blow anymore smoke up her size 12 arse - I have never heard anyone big themselves up more than she does but actually does very little.... if she was as qualified as she says she'd be making a right success out of her online coaching.... she's full of rubbish and lazy !!


This is a question 🙋‍♀️ I get asked a lot! I’m answering it fully here from my own personal perspective and experiences and also from a professional one. Please feel free to save and share/tag.

I lost 3 stone in 3 months on SW, mainly red days with some green days back then and kept it off for over 20 years. I then after the ivf and a twin pregnancy wanted to lose weight again. I did carry on with SW but with extra easy I could maintain, but I struggled to lose consistently. I knew I was eating way too much, beyond feeling full just because it was free. I got lazy with it and complacent and took it for granted. I wanted a change and something new to focus on, so did CC with exercise during lockdown a few years ago and got to the most toned and happiest I’d ever been. But then lockdown finished, I went out again and life got back to normal and it slowly went back on as I stopped CC. I didn’t put a maintenance plan in place and should have.

I liked things about both and then found some things more challenging.

Professionally I was a Team Manager for SW for over 14 years with one of the best teams in the whole of the UK and my gold group was in the top 20 groups in the UK too. I’ve seen thousands of success stories and also people who of course struggled. I left SW years ago, so I’m not affiliated with them but I do have more of an insight into the company than a lot of people on here.

After my CC journey I carried on educating myself in nutrition, (you do get trained with SW on this too) and qualified as a level 3 weight loss coach, I’ve also nearly finished a higher level nutrition qualification/life coaching. In addition to that I invested quite heavily in a mindset and trigger course to understand more about the mental challenges of weight loss. Again you are trained on this with SW but this is a unique approach and way more in depth psychologically. This is all just to give context and background to my post.

I hope this helps you with your choice and of course there’s hundreds of other plans, programmes, apps, methods and so on you can choose. Whatever you decide on you just need to be consistent and not let small bumps in the road get in your way.
Such an expert that she went back to sw and faked getting back to target 🤣🤣🤣🤣

She's a total bullshitter. She's been on 1400 cals for YEARS! she even showed us when the brats were babies. It's on youtube in one of her wieiad vlogs or some other crap

She lost 3 stone (ish!!!) On the bags, booze, fags and heartbreak diet when she was in her 20s. She's been chasing it ever since.

Why would someone with all that "knowledge" (bought off wowcher or some other nonsense) need to do extreme diets?? And constantly chase that 10lbs or draw lines??

Fuck off you washed up old trout. Go do some protein farts or something useful
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I've not been paying much notice to her page recently cause it's just so same shit/different day, but what on earth possessed her to wake up this morning and think 'I know, I'll post the front page of MY BROTHERS FRIENDS funeral order of service'?! Its so strange 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I don't wish to contradict our very own Carol Kirkwood of mid-Warwickshire, but it's not 'absolutely chucked it down all day' here - I know, cos I've been out in it walking the dogs, and I've spent the rest of the day in the office, where I have a WINDOW to look out of. It rained heavily early on, but there have been lots of dry spells for most of the day.

Can't stop thinking about a gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous jacket. Get a grip. Or a job.
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Daddy Fopps was meant to be getting pesto pasta for his tea over 3 years ago and still hasn’t tried it despite numerous promises from Mazza.. she even bought the pesto! 😂

Are they actually braindead the pair of them?!

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Fucking LOVE your dedication to screenshotting all this..... altogether like that it just shows what a pair of fuckwits they really are !

Also I noticed the tags were in those Inspector Gadget coats - no way she keeping them - they'll both be sent back..... what a tragic life she leads !
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I cannot believe she moans about Chris WORKING away for 4 days and she pisses off abroad for ten days for surgery.
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Looking at this article there is no way she’s maintained a weight of 9st 7 for 20+ years. (She also has a completely different face!)

I’m sure after the miracles she said she was about 10st 7? And she’s bigger than that now. I’d say probably around 11st if not 11st 7.

Her only success in life is actually a lie. Imagine having absolutely nothing else to talk about than losing some weight nearly 25 years ago..

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So at 9st 7 she was a size 8-10 but now at a heavier weight she’s always extra small? Sure Jan.
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I’m sure she has never mentioned a fatty lump on her leg before how convenient 🤔 like someone else said just an excuse for some lipo as she has always been conscious of her legs. Imagine telling the boys mummy is going abroad on holiday with a friend & she comes back black & blue covered in bruises & can’t pick them up or do anything strenuous for like 6 weeks. It’s all very pathetic at her age. Just a shame she is getting the boobs changed at the same time as the coil gets removed so we won’t no if her peri menopause symptoms get better cus of it
Nothing strenuous for 6 weeks, so she’ll still be able to do her daily gym visits then!
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I saw these sweets in my local (grubby) newsagent and thought they say fizzy knickers...made me think I'd old fopps and her protein mingeboner
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Imagine the conversation. "Where have you been mummy?"

"Just sitting in the car filming myself looking pouty, then posting it on my Insta account kids. I'm hoping any of my followers who aren't bots that daddy paid for compliment me on doing what mummies do all day, every day".
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I usually hate watch her with the sound off but just watched her latest reel with the uncreamy pasta dish. I'm no prude and I swear like a trooper myself but from someone that is trying to come across as a mum influencer/life coach is it really appropriate or professional to have a song on your reel thats blaring out expletives. Same as when she shares reels of the boys accompanied by some x rated song. Just can't get anything right can she 😆
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She’s already the talk of the school apparently! I’d be mortified if was her. Good luck to her on her on treatments but it won’t make her a better person on the inside.
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She needs to realise those 2 boys won’t always be In the same size clothes especially with that height difference. Poor greyson he should probably just miss out the size 5-6 & go straight into 6-7
She’ll be hating that height difference as they look even less like twins (not that they ever did to me) but she’ll have t-shirts printed now just so everyone knows she’s a mum of TWINS!!!!
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