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Katie 0099

Chatty Member
I shop every week at Aldi and they have some fantastic low calorie foods , I bet what ever she shows have been round for ages , she’s always behind and think she’s found some think great when she definitely hasn’t
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Why are they all dressed in beige?!?! So bland and dull aka The Ryans!
They look terrible in them outfits if they're just in the garden or park... why not jeans.... bright sweatshirts...... kiddy colours....... and she looks like a big poop in that beige outfit !!
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That ‘haul’ really is awful. I don’t even think it’s that she’s too old for it, it just all look like the last of the sale rail. Nothing spring like/ seasonal, well fitted or good quality. It’s all old style/ outdated, stuff that’s been about for forever. Uninspiring. She’s not quite the fashion finder she thinks she is...
I can’t see those jeans being an 8, her calf’s are as big as her thighs, she has no definition from the knee down. If she bought a ‘mum’ style Jean in the right size I’m sure it would benefit her shape and not cling to to the calf as much...
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Posts a pic pretty much at the same time as 930pm vigil for Sarah .... just Mac and trainers look at me

Literally no words 🤷‍♀️
Thought exactly the same. She’s absolutely tone deaf and lacks awareness about anything real. And she’ll end up with two “boy’s” 😉 who grow up to be just as shallow, vacuous, vapid and self obsessed as she is because they won’t know any different.
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I think it’s the way the dress hangs.if she was to us the other egg she would of asked everyone on a poll if she should for engagement
Haha that's true it would be asking which clinic, which town, which day etc etc

1. She doesn't answer the actual question
2. If that's what she's is actually doing then surely she is doing her job wrong 😂

Surely the point of stories etc is to show what you are doing "in the moment".* We all know she's in a different shop everyday but can't admit to it because she knows she is stretching the current restrictions that she thinks don't apply to her and her "cOnTeNt"

*to add - she is never really in the moment because everything is staged and filtered to make sure it fits her perfect narrative.

She is so deluded she has actually convinced herself that going out to a shop everyday is an essential trip for work.

Wtaf she needs help.she is going to be scuppered if they do introduce the new stay local (instead of stay home) guidelines at 5miles. So she can't go to parks etc further than 5 miles away
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Who in their right mind pays £650 for a pair of 'club feet' trainers?? They are vile too! She's seriously got issues. Nikki they are horrible!!!!!! 🤢
Not relatable in the slightest either! I have had a pair of £25 (bought in the sale and through a cash back website haha) white addais trainers for about 3 years much nicer than those! That’s half my monthly salary on her feet!!!
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Have we ever seen her cook a proper meal from scratch for the boys, not using packets or jars or low calorie sauces or cheese. Not that I’m totally against them, but when you’ve no job and more childcare days than not, I just can’t believe she doesn’t cook proper food & better still, batch cook and freeze some for when she’s soooooo busy. And not just for the boys, for all of them. It might encourage them to eat together too, as I find that bizarre. All her recipes are for one. Maybe Chris does his own food shop too as that ‘haul’ had so little to make proper meals with. The mind boggles.
she used to when she actually did slimming world but I feel like when she did twinsets diet it all changed. plus she doesn’t share what she feeds the boys anymore so I’m wondering if it’s all processed stuff 🤷‍♀️
I still find it odd she feeds them they packed pastansauce She may as well give them a pot noodle 😂
she changed them to green top milk ages ago but yet feeds them skittles 😂😂
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Omg me too. I would LOVE a peloton (I’m a keen spinner and cyclist) but obv can’t afford one
I bought a spin bike (it was £700 so not cheap but not as expensive as a peloton) and downloaded the peloton app (£12.99) and stream it to my TV. It’s fab!
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That reel has blown the chunky summer sandals right out of the water 🤣🤣🤣🤣.... what the feck does she look like? Obvs cottoned on to beige trend the younger instahuns are flogging, I had a cushion over my face watching I was dying inside for her, she looks absolutely ridiculous in most of those outfits. If I wasn’t convinced before that she gets slagged off in the instahuns group chat I certainly am now 🤦🏻‍♀️ This is her biggest fashion fail in my eyes 😩🤦🏻‍♀️
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Wonder who the boys are looking at in those pics? They appear to be looking at someone to their left and right as well as whoever is taking the pics. Had the parents round Fopps? Wonder when they last saw Chris’s parents? She hasn’t mentioned them at all the whole pandemic bar once saying they were on a FaceTime with Chris and the boys.
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we really need a Wiki for Nikki.....people with less threads than Nikki foodie fitness Fopp have really good Wiki pages on Tattle! She really deserves one!
Ive said this a few times but I don’t know how to make one, nor unfortunately have I got the time sorry ladies but if someone would make one it would make my year and BE A BIT OF ME! 💕
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She's back to her old routine. Only having the boys on Mondays and Wednesdays. You can tell by her stories. They're always on her stories. It's so bloody obvious. She is so stupid she thinks people don't notice
and even on Mondays Chris is at home. I reckon she’s back to just a Wednesday on her own.
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I agree her fretting about not being able to workout or get her steps in is absolutely ridiculous!!! She’s actually panicking about it!!! Absolute alarm bells there
Everyday she's got to lose a pound here or there. Fitness helps so this is why she's having kittens. I watched a video of hers and she mentioned that she lost 6 pounds in a week just before her wedding. 6 pounds! There's a noticeable pattern, she has major major issues! 🙈
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I'm not buying that these are size 8 jeans. And for the record, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Why lie just to feel superior to an audience that will be feeling vulnerable, trying to lose weight themselves. It's been said before but she is so dangerous.

I wish she could see the bigger picture and impact of her needless spending. There's no way she is ever in profit from swipe ups surely. If she is, she is even less transparent with her percentages etc.
I agree, they look more like a 12/14 and like you said that is absolutely fine. If that's your size own it. I thought her legs looked heavier again in that haul. Up down up down up down... Nikki's weight pattern 🙄
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