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I have just had a thought.... you know she bleats on about The Secret.... well isn’t the premise of that that you focus on what you want and it will just happen? So her sitting their in all her videos saying how much money and savings she has...... is just what she wishes for? 🤷‍♀️ Something just doesn’t add up does it with her selling cheap shit for a fiver and then all the hauls etc. Weird.
Maybe, she's certainly changed a lot in the last few years. Whether it's PND or not I don't know, my personal opinion is she's just spoilt. She's always been looking for the next thing to make her happy, she wants to get married, she wants a big house, she wants a new car, she wants designer bags, she wants babies etc etc. She gets them and then realises she's still isn't happy so looks for something else, diet, gym, hair, nails, shipping hauls etc. It's all a temporary fix and only makes her happy for a few minutes. However, unlike the bags and the clothes (that i think she returns as rarely see her in he majprity of what she shows) the boys can't just be tossed to one side when she's fed up of them and I think she regrets having them. They have bought the happiness and fulfilment she thought they would.

No one really understands how hard parenting is till you have your own kids and it is a massive shock to the system but most of us learn how to deal with that as time goes on. Fopp just palms them off at every opportunity. I'm still not convinced she's ever spent a full day with them by herself. She says she's to strong a person for MH issues but I think she's got some serious psychological issues going on.
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I used to really like Fopps and supported her. I always knew she was shallow and vain, but I thought once the twins were born that she'd change and become more relatable and humble. She didn't, and as we all know, the twins (gorgeous as they are), have actually brought out the worst of her charecter traits. I started this thread mainly just to see if anyone else felt the same way.... and here we all are 🤣 I used to comment on her vlogs mainly to try and make her think about her actions, I don't think I was ever cruel but I did wind her up at times. She eventually blocked me and I came clean about my identity to my lovely tattle friends 😍😍
I love that it was you who started the thread!!! I was like you, used to follow her, always knew she was a bit up herself but accepted that but she’s just become more and more narcissistic. Take’s herself way too seriously and she’s not even a real influencer. Personally I follow people who have organically found their way to a large following (which in fairness to her she initially did with sw) and they may advertise things that they have always used but she just doesn’t get it. Advertising something then it’s never seen again. You also notice she doesn’t get many recurrent ads. I feel like she desperately tries to get another one with Philadelphia and she’s very obvious with things like Fage. She’s one of those who thinks she’s really smart but you can actually see through every single move and nothing is done without purpose. The engagement is not to connect with people it’s to bump up her comments etc etc. Her life must be very sad because she claims she left sw to spend more time with the boys because she couldn’t bear one day away from them yet this “job” means she’s never present for them. She will always be “on” ready to film for her bought followers. It’s just so very, very sad.
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The spelling and grammar on this post 😲 'presence' 'earthling'
The pic on the right is at the SW ball
The pic on the right is before I lost 3 stone in 3 months
She is so so so so thick!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂
Funny how I mentioned the SW ball the other day....

She just chats the most extreme, obscene amount of bollocks I have ever heard in my life.

I've made more sense trying to order a kebab and a taxi after drinking 3 bottles of wine and a tray of tequilas 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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Her obsession with yoghurt is so weird. I get the feeling she licks it off deux chebs and that’s the only way he gets any off her 🤢

I’ve just noticed I’m now a VIP🤣🤣 I keep vowing to take a break from tattle but it keeps me genuinely keeps me going sometimes!
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The spelling has now been corrected but there are no comments so she clearly read it on here. Hi Nicola, while you’re here there’s no apostrophe in boys or lots 👍🏻
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gives them chicken to keep them balanced......its fridge raiders! processed shaped and re formed chicken....but she's a foodie don't you know!!!
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Purple star

Chatty Member
I sound mean I know but ive got kids..I love them and love watching old videos of them watching other people's bores me! Her boys are lovely they just remind me of performing seals! It's just not natural 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's all for show! They always look nervous to me
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So the boys asked for omlit, pasta, fridge raiders and a bit of salad ? Pull the other one Nicola it's got bells on...... why don't you give them a jam sandwich and some quavers ? FFS ...... I can't imagine the boys saying 'mummy can we have one of your super de duper microwav omilts (spelt wrong on purpose ladies!!) ;)
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If someone sent me Burberry for free I think I’d send it back. It’s an horrific partner for kids that aren’t gypsies
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They're not obsessed about lining their trains up. They are simply doing what any other kid does, minus the obsession.

It's not insta story worthy either or hilarious. Fuck off you simple cunt.
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Exactly this. I'm sure they are lovely children but they are nothing special. Just normal little boys. She makes me laugh how she presumes they will make everyone who follows her smile... some people don't like kids, or want to see them. Nothing wrong with that either. She just gives off this air that they should be special to everyone and they're better than everyone else. Well that's standard for fopperbollox anyway!
I go on my phone to get away from my own kid. I Deffo don't give a shit about a smug cunt on insta's kids
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😂😂 Every time she puts syn values on any posts I screenshot and email to the bloke at the slimming world head office ive reported her to before. I’ve got his direct email. I’m sure he’s sick of me 😂 but maybe they’ll finally do something about her. Especially as she’s using syn values in association with affiliate links which earn her these much needed pennies (which she donates to charity/boy’s money box/injects into forehead).
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Memo for Fopps - NOBODY CARES!

I have 2 little girls aged 2 and 4. You actually can’t see my living room carpet most days when they’ve emptied the toy cupboard under the stairs (I’m not privileged enough to have a grey playroom of doom BUT my oven is in my kitchen). That’s ok though, Fopps because guess what? It tidies away. Loosen the apron strings a bit. Go wild 🤦‍♀️

My husband is currently midway through an 84 hour working week as a keyworker, working 12 hour day and night shifts. I’m a student mental health nurse and I also work. My youngest favours 5am these days.

This dimwit has NO clue about real life whatsoever. Her ‘job’ is posting shit online and she can’t even do that right. So so so so so tragic.


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I keep thinking about that lunch she gave the BOY’S yesterday. An omelette contains every vitamin apart from vit C so if she was that arsed about it being BaLaNCeD she could have given them I dunno a tangerine? Surely she should know shit like this seeing as she worked for slimming world. Tbh I think she thinks she still works for Sw announcing new hifi’s before margy miles bramwell herself has tasted one

ETA my mum always said eggs have every vit in so if I’m wrong I stand corrected 🤣🤣

Also ‘do you parents get me’ no babe because a lot of us have spent lockdown working right the way through WHILE bringing up our kids, not having the luxury of going to a different park every day of the week and watching Disney films

get to fuck
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