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I’ve spent £62 in Tesco today, for 2 adults and a teen! That’s including washing powder, shampoos and snacks. Not pigeon sized meals either 😂😂 how the hell do you spend £100+ in Aldi!!
When she said she spent over £100 I thought she'd bought a random fucking item that Aldi always sell 😂😂😂 I shop at Tesco also I spent £60 today on two adults a toddler an newborn (baby milk) and I still got alot of fresh stuff meat etc so how has she spent so much 🤦
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Apple In My Pie

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The video of the boys giggling is so precious! Grayson’s hair isn’t great but I still don’t understand why or how she didn’t notice or step in sooner as presumably she could see what was going on!
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I genuinely believe she had a think about how to address what’s being said on here and thought she’d do a Q&A. She’s probably asked herself those questions about the boys using a second account, so she can control what’s being asked and answer them the way she wants.
Didn't someone say they asked a question & she didn't reply 🤔
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She's on the gram now as just liked and commented on a post from Mrs Hinch that has just gone on. You are on a hen do get off your bloody phone!!!!!

She's getting so involved in the hen do that she's managed to find the time to like and comment on Mrs Hinchs latest post :rolleyes: I'd be fuming if she turned up to my hen do and was scrolling Instagram. Just said the same!👍😂
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Okaaayyyy... so give them their own plates like you have been doing? And why hide the veg? They could be feeding themselves some carrot sticks or broccoli, maybe even some green beans? , she's copying Lucy Jessica carter. I know you have to do the hidden veg thing sometimes with older kids if they're fussy or whatever, but how are the twins going to learn what foods are, their texture, colour, taste etc if she hides it all away
I was going to mention she was copying Lucy .. great minds 😂😂
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Also just an observation, it's always surprised me that flop's bath is so covered with products and shit and now baby paraphernalia...for me the bathroom is one place I like to keep completely clutter free and without any baby things out as standard. It all goes in baskets and in the cupboard- easy to get out every night for bath and play / products for us to use etc but not on display and certainly not on the sides when I'm trying to have a relaxing bath. I don't know if that makes sense, I just always felt like the bathroom is one place I could keep clean and tidy and calm and relaxing?!
She's a total slob though. Her perfectly presented 'image' is just that - have you seen her filthy make up brushes? She has a cleaner, Ratboy, and Mad Mazza running around after her.
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Chatty Member
I'm a bit thick and can not for the life in me attach the screenshot but.....

On the q&a she was asked about baby names she liked apart from the ones she picked and Nate is on that not othersons middle name 🤷‍♀️
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THEY'RE indestructible
THEY’RE called forever baby books


God how can an apparently university educated woman be so thick?!

In other news, how can one family be so unfortunate with their haircuts?
she did get the THEY’VE right though 😂😂
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I absolutely do not judge the way people have their sleep set ups at home, I had to move my little girl into her room quite early as we only had room for a mini cot and it was right beside the radiator and window so trying to control her temperature was a nightmare. So it’s not that I’m saying they’re bad parents for having them in another room.

But surely on holiday it’s a bit different? It’s only for a few nights. I definitely think she could’ve at least put them beside each other

Also did anyone notice when she was going through the toys she had brought for them she kept saying bought? We’ve bought them their trucks and cars and balls etc. She definitely meant brought as they weren’t new toys. I mean, I know people commonly misspell bought/brought but I didn’t realise some people were thick enough to actually mix them up in speech? You BROUGHT their toys Fopps. Jesus that degree must’ve been half price or something.
I didn't notice my brain was too fixated on EYEtinray (even if she hadn't said it yet it was such gold that YouTube had sent me subliminal messages that it was upcoming)


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I don't believe she gained at all. She probably thought it up overnight to use as an excuse after reading here.
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Oh god she’s getting on the ‘tap to tidy’ bandwagon. I don’t need to see Chris’s Calvins thanks. Or your strategically placed Gucci changing bag yet again!!
Just gonna say she's trying to do the hinch/Stacey Solomon tap to tidy shite 🤦
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