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Biscoff traybake

400g jar of Lotus Biscoff spread plus 5tbsp extra to decorate
3 medium eggs
2 tsp baking powder.

preheat oven at 180c/160fan, gas mark4
line a 20cm/8in square tin with baking parchment
scoop all the biscoff spread into a bowl, add the eggs and baking powder. mix with a wooden spoon until combined.
scrape into the baking tin and bake for 18-20mins until just set. leave to cool for 10 mins then evenly spread over the extra Biscoff spread. cut into squares when cool.

TIP I got my 3 jars of Biscoff spread from poundland. also you can use the crunchy spread for the topping I didnt.
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Peter Kay 😂

Yes, I love black and white cats. The current owners of the kitten have named him Adolf and I'm wondering whether we can keep the name or if people would find it offensive?!
Depends if you can weather the looks when the receptionist at the vet shouts 'Adolf Kitler [YourSurname]' across the waiting room when you take him for his vaccinations!
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You've got me thinking about patisserie now. Ratbags.

Tarte aux Fruits
Tarte au Citron

Things with fruit that tastes like fruit, really.

Best served with black coffee/chicory blend (I LOVED the Sainsbury's blend, but they stopped doing it - bastards)

On the first day about a million years ago that I decided living on my own didn't mean I had to have a microwave meal, I wandered off to the supermarket and found, of all thing, Bresse chickens reduced to clear, so I got one for about £2.50. I stuck it in the oven with a lemon, fresh tarragon, lots of sea salt, a big old leek cut up and some potatoes - and then made myself a peach and blueberry crumble, which I had with creme fraiche.

Ohhh, that was such a good, good meal. The chicken and potatoes were golden, the leek bright green and then the crumble was the most amazing orange sunset colour where the blueberries burst.

I've just been handed a cup of black instant and some slightly limp (WHY doesn't he leave the toaster on until it pings?) toast with Marmite as I'm 'working'. It's really not the same.

Pepperami equals pencil dick. I had a musician with one. He left his plectrum on the bedside table.

Quite clearly inadequate in more ways than one. A real musician will, every time they put their hand into their pocket (and let's face it, that's a rare occurrence), pull out about 22 pence, three plectrums, a 3.5-6.2mm TRS converter, two cigarette filters and the squishy bit from a set of headphones.
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Right, I've caught up with all the "food and dick" of the day. Credit to @PoorPatrol for that excellent name.
@Pocahontas I bloody love Aragorn. So rugged. Jesus 😅
I am so here for the Matt Berry love, he's fit!
@Switchstreetz I'm sorry you have such a sexy Dad, that must be annoying.
Jamie Dornan (The Fall over 50 Shades anytime, obvs...).
Fuck yes.
Friend of a friend slept with him & said he had a curved penis.

Youre welcome 🥴
When THAT WOMAN''s thread wasn't moving so fast it took over my life I used to go on the celebrity gossip threads and someone who shagged him (or their friend - can't remember) described it as slender 🤣
That was my friend and yes, slender was the word she used. 😂😂😂

I've just ordered a Chinese because I've been BUSY so I'm treating myself.

Fave cake is Pistachio and Rose
Fave tea is Vanilla Rooibos
(Those choices make me look like a twat)
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Jay-cloth Cow

VIP Member
Oh I love This Country! Never fails to be a balm for frayed nerves. Might watch it again later.
And @Oothedrama. I'm still in shock over the Scone/scown revelation.
Vicar of Dibley is my go-to for frayed nerves (or disney films, preferably ones with songs I can wail along to sounding like a strangled cat)

Speaking of partners ages, Mr LF is 3 months older than me - an ex however told me he was one year older, until I saw his driving license by chance one day and he was in fact 7 years older :oops:
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Brian Butterfield

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I am HOOTING over here!!! I posted in the admin threads asking how to request a username change but didn't specify in my post what I wanted so it seems I was given one at random - this is the artist formerly known as LF519!!

I then posted again asking for Highland Cow and this is what I got!!!
Much like @help i need some help!

I still laugh every time I see her name (and sing Help! I need some help! by The Beatles)

Admin changed nine to 'numerous times' before I got to my final requested destination.


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Can I make a case for a savoury biscuit? I love Cheddars!
When my kids were little I developed crushes on quite a lot of the CBeebies presenters, incl Big Cook Little Cook (both of them) and also Mr Tumble. 🙈 😬.
Oh, I saw little cook doing a stand up bit on a night out. It was so confusing to hear him swear and talk about sex. But somehow also thrilling.

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omg sorry guys I've made baby talk happen - I've been told off on another thread for making it like mumsnet so I'll put this all behind a spoiler! It is lovely to chat about though, thank you, especially those that have made me giggle because I was a bit shakey yesterday after thinking about being induced early / slightly heightened risk of a c-section.

You and baby have separate blood systems but the placenta transfers nutrients, oxygen and removes waste between the two systems. Some things are small enough to pass through the placenta membrane Inc drugs so that's why pethidine would effect baby too. I'm a bit of a placenta geek, always fascinated by them (midwife not weirdo 😂)

You're not an idiot, when I had my first before I was a mw I was shocked when the mw told me I had to birth my placenta. I thought it came out with the baby, a bit like a backpack 😆
lmaooo like a backpack, I just laughed and read this out to husband he laughed too but looks slightly haunted behind the eyes in remembrance that the placenta exists. That's amazing you're a midwife btw - and thank you for explaining, yes it was pethidine!! I'm not doing anything weird with mine though like keeping it or using it for arts & crafts.

Ed is going to get quite the shock when you're giving birth!

My son was 9 lbs 3 with a massive head. Still haven't forgiven him :ROFLMAO:
AHHH mega babies, is he tall now?! The blood lady said her 9lb 6 baby is 4 now and in 6 year old's clothes!!

The midwives think he's going to be a fainter, I've been back a few times since without him and they've cackled over it all. He absurdly wants to wear a go pro throughout (he's charging all his batteries for the hospital bag as we speak) - I pointed out he will never, ever want to watch the footage again but he's convinced it's a great idea.
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Toffee finger

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I remember watching a programme awhile back where they toured a factory making Christmas puddings. All the same pudding but some went to places like Lidl for £3-4 and others went to Marks where it was £15. For the exact same thing just a different box!
I don’t rate fruit/veg from any supermarket so buy most of ours at the greengrocers.

Lord. Ive had to unfollow Alexis Adjei on IG. The bonkers conspiracy theory around child trafficking & wayfair is too much.
I followed her when we all found out about her but swiftly unfollowed the week after when she shared some anti-vax stuff.
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This thread is an absolute balm.

I'm currently eating a Nobbly Bobbly to celebrate after a rare successful meeting with my manager (she's actually great, I think she just gets sick of my disorganised bullshit). I haven't had one since I was about 6 and they're so damn good.
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I once had one of those stuffed crust pizzas from sainsbos and it had a macaroni cheese topping. I literally sat here thinking ‘and this is why I’m single’.

V much looking forward to seeing this go pro footage of Dora the explorer Eagle Edwards with her backpack on

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Wish I could chat about peparami dicks all day! I’ve just had a meeting on Google meets, about to start another on Zoom, then have another on google hangouts - which is surely the same as bloody google meets, we’ll see later when I’m trying to sort it out one second before the meeting starts. My delightful colleagues will get the eye of Sauron, and maybe a bit of cleavage thrown in. I’ve slowly shifted all headache bullshit stuff onto Fridays, so that once it’s all done I don’t have the anxiousness of difficult conversations etc hanging over the weekends, everything is then done.

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I had some white chocolate cheesecake for breakfast 😬. It was my sister's birthday the other day and she dropped off some leftover cakes. I'm not a cheesecake fan but my god this is lush! Lots of fresh cream and chocolate 😍
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@chocolate choux - hope your foot is feeling better. I'm afraid I'm a ghoul when it comes to injury, on myself anyway, I have sympathy for others, but tend to regard my own injuries with a sort of interested detachment.

So sorry, I didn't make enough notes and can't remember who asked about teas. I'm a coffee drinker, but my daughter loves tea and someone bought her a year's sub to this thing:

You don't get a lot of tea (3 types a month), but it's useful to try lots of different varieties, and then we can order more of the ones she likes. Some are incredibly pretty as well. And some look like something I'll get arrested for if anyone random opened the jiffy bag, but I like to live life on the edge.

Re: supermarkets. I hate Asda, I don't know why, I feel like they pipe stress hormones into all their shops, I find them panic inducing. I used to live near a Morrison's that I love, love, loved. Meat and veg was amazing and cheap (and yellow-stickered stuff was incredibly cheap). I love a visit to Waitrose, and think their food is way better than M&S if we're going to be spendy. Sainsbury's is my delivery supermarket of choice but I feel I am spending more just to have an easy time of it. Partner and I bonded over a love of the Aldi middle aisle. I vastly prefer Aldi to Lidl, not really sure why, possibly familiarity. There are some awesome things in Iceland too, most notably, all the ice lollies/ice creams of your childish dreams, and some of their luxury range stuff is fabulous. Also, they do Gregg's steak bakes. Ummm... essentially I am a bit slutty about supermarkets. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Hope you all had lovely weekends btw.
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