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Looool I love this thread, just catching up on the last whilst trapped under a sleepy baby and chuckling along.

Not food but you know the Netflix American family murder documentary? The husband’s girlfriend is shady as fuck did you guys know this?! She was googling some weird shit I’ve been listening to podcasts about it as ~research
I didn't know this, What was she googling?
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I had a date this summer with a FIREMAN and I was so excited because hello fantasies!!

Then he turned out to be a RACIST FIREMAN who kept complaining about Moroccans and asking me loads of weird questions about what apartheid was like. Most disappointing date ever, I was gutted.
omg that is such a letdown... how long did the date last?! I think this is the kind of date I would have "gone to the bathroom" and snuck out (yes, I have done this before)
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Beer in a work fridge! 🙀

Sending all the PND ❤❤❤ It’s awful.

I love Marmite so might try this with vegan spread, hopefully it won't get too claggy 🤢
It’s good with a huge sprinkle of nutritional yeast!
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Lads, sorry, going to ask you to help me stop stressing. Spoke to my partner this morning and he said he'd been sick in the night, but more worryingly had massive abdominal pain and he sounded really out of it on the phone. Was planning to visit today, but moved it up from evening to morning as I was very worried about how he sounded. Got here, and he was really poorly (and he is normally super good at being ill). Decided he needed to see someone, like now, and struggled to get him into the car. Got him to hospital (thankfully not a long journey) and he vanished into A&E (can't be with him because Covid, let's not even go down the road of how that's making me feel). They looked worried about him at reception. He's had bloods done, seen the doctor and been sent for x-rays (currently waiting for them now). I have managed 3 hours of being calm since I left him, but I am no longer feeling so calm, which is highly unreasonable of me.

I think it would be better if I could have been there, I feel soooooo bad for leaving, although am 10mins from the hospital and he said there was no point me still in the car clocking up hours in the car park, but I am fretting about what it could be/how he's doing/feeling irrationally guilty for not being there. Can you all be sensible at me, pretty please?

ETA: sorry @Begborrowsteal, I meant to say, am rubbish, hurrah for smashing your first interview. Must be a good feeling. Please to have a small celebration this weekend. x
Oh Flumps hope everything is okay with your partner .Had he got everything he needs for the hospital ?When one of my relatives often had to go in at short notice I would make up overnight bag with PJ's dressing gown change of clothes and toiletries .It kept me busy and helped stopped me sitting worried. He'll be in the best hands take care of yourself and please don't feel guilty ❤
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Just catching up from yesterday. I hope Mr @Flumps is feeling better today.

@Alansbigplate that cottage pie looks *chefs kiss* proper good home cooking that is. I love cottage pie. Mary Berry has a delicious version in her Favourites book that has crispy crushed potatoes on top which I really recommend giving a go.

On the topic of food, I’ve only just discovered that Helena from GBBO 2019 had a book out last month. It’s full of spooky themed bakes so I’ve just ordered it in time for some Halloween baking this week.
I follow her on Instagram - I love her.
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Beer in a work fridge! 🙀

Sending all the PND ❤❤❤ It’s awful.

It’s good with a huge sprinkle of nutritional yeast!
The staff room at my daughter's school has a wine/beer fridge. It is meant for after school only, so hopefully they stick to that 🙀😂
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Thank you all so much. Sorry not to do individual thanks. I have got him back now. Not appendix, that was my guess too. I shan’t go into details for the sake of the poor man’s privacy, but v painful but not life threatening thing, follow up necessary and poss lifestyle changes. I feel very relieved, he feels terribly guilty for worrying me and bothering health people. Now he’s napping on the sofa next to me and I’m busy pretending that I have been FINE all along.
Thank you again. Sorry to go quiet after asking for support, but had to do work thing, then pick him up, then attempt to be nurse like.
Glad hes home and ok! ❤
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@emm so sorry to hear that :( wine is well deserved! And have whatever food you like but strongly recommend its both hot and filling, you deserve all of the comfort food can impart today 💕
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It's butter, marmite and parmesan. I add a solid teaspoon of marmite for 120g of pasta, but Nigella is a lot more conservative, which probably brings it closer to the recipe for pasta with leftover roasting stock that it might well be inspired by, but I really like marmite, so I go for it. Nigella's quantities are here:

Mine are (for one):

120g pasta
1tsp marmite
Lump of butter
Fuck-ton of parmesan

She has complicated (relatively) instructions that involve melting the marmite and butter in a pan with a tbsp of pasta liquid while pasta is cooking. I just cook, then drain the pasta, reserve a little cooking water in the pan, throw the marmite and butter in and stir until it's all coating the pasta, then add the parmesan. I don't like extra pans when I can get away with not using them.
ooh I think I will try this this week , my partner is not British and has never tried Marmite.. I am excited for his reaction:LOL:

Extra teeth talk is 😬. I’ve only had two wisdom teeth removed.
oh god I had my bottom two grow in ok (ish, fucked up my teeth a bit) but my top ones will have to be removed, I am shitting myself. Also they have been growing for like 20 years, I was hoping it would never happen. ugh why are we designed with so many flaws :rolleyes:
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judge away, I don't do flaming hot anything! a cheese wotsit is the food of the gods. 🥰
I find supermarket cheese puff things cheesier than wotsits (and therefore ultimately better). Same with the prawn cocktail ones in comparison to skips.
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which slings do you guys have please? I have the baby ktan the pre wrapped cloth one which she loved as a newborn, but our problem is she’s the size of an average 6 month old so she’s heaaavy. I was going to get the baby bjorn structured ones but have heard babies either love or hate them which has made me procrastinate actually purchasing one!

@EddieBeds so glad you got some sleep!! I love hearing your updates it’s so comforting tbh, and thank you re thumb I’m still traumatised 😫 funnily she’s absolutely fine with being left alone now thank god, she’ll fall asleep in her electronic swinger or lying down on sofa (I’m always next to her so she doesn’t roll), even at night. The first 5-ish weeks were legit torture where she wouldn’t though, and I’d have nightmares like yours where I was just constantly sleep deprived! Once you get solid blocks of sleep again that’ll stop, I’ve not had one in weeks.

omg could you imagine all these cute thread babies hanging out with each other 🥰 although when baby met another baby she was more interested in the ceiling than her fellow tiny being 😫

For dinner did the Miguel Smokey mackerel taco! Inspired by @Alansbigplate and sharing a pic, I added a guac I made myself after the pic cos otherwise it would have just been a green pic. Didn’t have spring onions so cut up some iceberg lettuce as a ~maverick~ watery crunch. Ngl just ate this with chips.
Our first was a chunky babe so he didn’t last long in a stretchy sling so we then, through the local sling library borrowed a few different ones to try (after borrowing the stretchy sling) and work out what suited. This was useful as sometimes your body shape etc can effect how a sling fits - so for example I’m quite booby but narrow shouldered so some didn’t fit me right if that makes sense? We have a Lillebaby carrier - think it’s the ‘Complete original’ which I love - it’s easy to get on by myself and can be used through to toddlerhood. The baby loves it as he is smaller than the toddler ever was and can (safely) be fairly tucked up. I have no idea if Sling Libraries are operating at the moment due to Covid but could be worth seeing if you have one nearby and if they are purely to try a few different styles? If not there might be some baby wearing groups on FB that have good recommendations and aren’t just influencers trying to flog stuff.

Re: sleep - I’m hoping once we’re over the hump of 5/6 weeks it might settle a bit. I was lucky with my first that he slept well overnight from about 6-8weeks and then by 12 weeks pretty much slept through the majority of the time. But fully aware subsequent children can be like welcoming in the devil 😂.

Ha I can imagine a mini coven of babes well versed in influencer bullshit and slop detecting! Like you say initially they’ll be more interested in everything around them as opposed to each other!

big love to you @Flumps

so far this evening, I've beaten both teams at their walls on only connect and I'm just waiting to get something right on university challenge 🙂
I love it when I manage to do the wall on Only Connect. The missing vowels round I either ace or can’t get a single one!

@Flumps - really pleased they let you on the ward to see your partner and that you got to speak to his Dr. As others have said try not to think to much of the ‘what ifs’, though that isn’t to detract from how frightened it must have made you. Hopefully, now Mr Flumps is in the right place, getting the right attention he’ll get the right treatment and be on the road to recovery soon.

@Pixieboots - so sorry to hear this. It must feel quite overwhelming at the moment not quite knowing what the future holds. Hoping your Dr is supporting you/you’re under a good team who will help you navigate this/find the right treatment.
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I've found fewer liars than I excepted. There was one guy who ended it after a month because "my girlfriend nearly caught me last night" 😳 In fact, that was my first Tinder experience...not very inspiring.

I also had a date with a guy who I'm 99% sure lied about his age. All his pics showed him as a brunette, he was nearly full grey in real life. Generally a terrible date, though. He told me his favourite musicians were Backstreet Boys and Michael Buble, I actually laughed out loud until I realised he was serious. He also said that all culture in the world comes from Europe (I am South African, and grew up between there and Asia).

After a while he said, essentially, "Well now we have to decide where we're going." Then that sentence that every woman wants to hear: "I can't be home too late or I'll wake my parents." Despite this classic panty-dropper, I did not go home with him.
He sounds such a catch though....

We had chocolate glazed donuts for afternoon tea. Got to keep up with you lot 😉
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