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a colleague was OBSESSED with the matcha ones, I’ve never tried it as surely it just tastes like tea?! Also didn’t know you were due to be married! Have you made plans? x
It pretty much does just taste like tea, yeah! I’m here for it, tho.

Yeah we’re fucking off to the west coast of Scotland next year, just the two of us, then having a party the next weekend in our home city.

TBH we’re only having the party because my mum was doing a sad face that she wasn’t invited (to a fucking elopement!!!) and I really wish we weren’t now. All my friends have been great responding but his have been a nightmare. His niece asked to bring a boyfriend we’ve never met despite her entire family being in attendance; his best mate asked if he could bring his two grown up (horrible) sons even tho we invited his mum, dad, both of his brothers and their wives, and the icing on the cake, another mate texted with “plus one?” (literally that, no niceties) and then the other day was on Facebook morning about how shit tinder is and he keeps getting sacked off. Partner had already said yes to a plus one because he won’t know loads of people so looks like we’re gonna have some random scally bird at our party who we have to feed.

Sorry for that enormous rant and feel free to skip through it just had to get it off my chest haha. This was the entire reason we wanted to elope. I’m just glad there are no seating plans or favours or speeches or shit like that. I’d have a breakdown.

@Universal fuck me, I love and miss Sayers. Sorry for Greggs blasphemy but their sausage rolls just don’t hold a candle to Sayers.
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I love that we thought we were pushing our luck with bum mints and now 52 pages later we're emboldened enough to progress onto naming a thread after penis sausages 😅

Congratulations @Begborrowsteal and good luck for second round!!! You'll kill it 💪 💥

Gutted i missed the penguin jokes, we'll have to crowdfund some more 😄
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Agree that you've got to work the numbers. I used to online date, ahem, a lot, and absolutely it's a numbers game. Also, don't be too nice about it. If you aren't feeling it, move on. Avoid those who want to share their problems with you early doors, you don't want to be their therapist, and those who list their requirements like a checklist, yawn. Also am not happy with emoji use in profiles, and not too many in text conversation either. Use your words. I, like someone else upthread, used to approach every actual date with expectation that it would be an amusing anecdote rather than the beginning of a long-term relationship.

OKCupid was definitely the one that I met the most, ahem, interesting people on too. And a few actually interesting people too.

I would caution that you need a relatively thick skin about it all, which you do tend to grow quickly. TBH I mostly used OLD to scratch a particular itch, without wanting a relationship, because I was not interested in feelings and all that shit. Mind you, it was during that phase that I met my partner now and now I have all the bloody feelings, so proceed at your own risk.
I saw a profile recently that said "I met my ex on Tinder. She's an amazing person but sadly things didn't work out. We've parted ways, so now I'm hoping to find someone else special."

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I absolutely know this isn't what I should be focusing on right now, but my mind kind of drifts back to it when I stop doing stuff, and I can't even imagine where we'd have been right now if we hadn't trusted ourselves that this wasn't 'normal'. I am v tired though, so probably shouldn't be thinking too much. I can imagine how hard a job in medicine must be, and I'm not blaming individuals, but it does make you worry about policy.

Anyway, have done my hospital visiting for the day (am deeply in love with this ward of rule-avoiders, who found a little room outside the ward for us to meet in for handover of goods, though maybe I should be feeling guilty about maybe circumventing the system, but meh, I can't bring myself to be). Am probably going to nap now.

On topic. I had 2 Border dark chocolate ginger biscuits for lunch, and am planning a Chinese delivery for my dinner, because I want tasty, comforting food that I don't have to cook (advance thanks to @Jay-cloth Cow for the recommendation I have been hoarding for a while).
You can absolutely go to PALS once it’s all done. I did and I know that they spoke directly to the Dr I saw at A&E; his report back pissed me off but I at least knew he’d been spoken to and he would spend more time on diagnoses in future x
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You've obviously started a pile on, out of stock!

A flash of lightning briefly startles a solitary figure in her shitty bungalow. Accidentally conquering her fears, she returns to the task at hand. With no lightbulbs in the house, the room is lit solely by Jack monroe's thirty three phones, each logged into a different new look account.

She's done it.

Finally, she has taken her revenge against that cohort of mithering mavens.

Is anyone else having the “how the hell do you change the time on the oven?” Argument?
You don't, the oven sets the time and you wait for the universe to bend to its will again in the summer.😄
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Vegetable and cheese!
looks amazing, also quite peppery (which I love!) I had for the first time the other day, from a carribean shop near me, a jamaican patty , similar ish (but not really, pastry totally different ) to a pasty. I loved it and couldn;t believe I hadn't had one before! Tbh everything in patry is great
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does anyone else think teeth are kinda gross? you know how some people hate feet? I feel the same about teeth. even the word makes me feel 🥴

and they're always wet makes me think of when I read a post on reddit pointing out that your bones are always wet 🥴
I cannot cope with the image of the extra teeth just chilling out in a kids skull. Fucking grim.
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I think we've all had enough today... butter beer's nice though.

butter beer drama > other drama.

night night ❤
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In other news, on the phone to MrF, watching TV, and his new nurse came in to do meds and introduce herself. He said 'So bad luck, you've got the Friday night shift' and she said 'Yep. We're spending the night together'. 😂 Just as she said that a completely nekkid woman walked across the screen on Gogglebox. No idea if she might have seen it on his iPad, but eep!!! He's feeling horrendously embarrassed at the thought. No dignity in hospital stays are there?
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I don't have kids myself, but my sister does the "Something you want, something you need and something to read" rule of thumb for her kids' Christmas presents, which I always think is a quite a nice idea.
That’s a lovely idea, as it sets the expectation that you are not going to get lots of things just for the sake of opening multiple things, but you can then think of items that match the want, need, read. :)

I have no kids but think this is a great idea.
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@heretoreaditall2019 I was going to chime in with the others, but then read that she’d sent a shitty message back! No no. No. Nope.

I’m very understanding of the fact that some people have absolutely had it with this load of shit, and are willing to take risks rather than live in misery. Loads of older people have taken the same attitude. I get that, but nobody should be pressuring other people to take risks for them. That’s so out of order, and I do find older people to be excellent at the passive-aggressive/guilt-tripping talk. You’ve got a tiny baby and are (hope I’m remembering rightly) at higher risk yourself? Come on! You’ve offered to chat on the drive, what more should a person ask of a neighbour?

I hate to think of you feeling bad about this, you haven’t done anything wrong, and in fact have tried to be as kind as possible. It’s like with drink driving, it’s not just the person getting behind the wheel who suffers from that risk, it’s everyone else. Which is why it’s absolutely not cool for a person to down ten pints, and then say it’s ok to drive because they accept the risk to themselves. Same with these people relaxed about COVID, yeah it’s great that you aren’t terrified, but it’s not ok to assume that other people should suffer the consequences of your risk taking.
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Breakdance Badass

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Fraus, I have avoided the MT as some lovely fraus have alerted me to the distasteful right views there at the mo, and I’m not here for that!

I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at the same time, I was in agony that got worse and worse. When I phoned the receptionist, who was really snotty but agreed I could go back in, they discovered they’d stitched my gum to the inside of my cheek.

@Dustye i hear you on breastfeeding a toddler with teeth, I used to have to say to mine, no bite!!😂

Well done @Begborrowsteal and love to @Flumps
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Still heard nothing. Dum-de-dum. Was all ready to call dept, but then saw he'd read my couple of messages and was typing a reply (this is like a really shit version of when you have a crush on someone and are first texting isn't it?) but then no reply came, and now nothing. Giving it a bit longer, then will call A&E.

Also got to stop drinking coffee now.
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Man I only catch up on this thread every 7 days or so.

@Flumps sending ❤

Can I just say I’m a big fan of all types of willies...

Am I too late for a catto photo?

On my food plan this weekend: homemade pizza 🍕- 4 cheeses, croquettas with my friend tomorrow and the husband is craving F and C again...also considering some kind of lamb shank situation for Sunday.

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Ahh.. See doughnuts are tricky for me..
If I bite in and get the full whack of jam in one hit, shite. Drop that bastard straight in the bin.
Then the opposite, eating and eating wondering where the fuck the jam is to end up with blob the size of a baby sneeze.
Nope, not for me.
The ring sticky fuckers? Won't even touch them, because, sticky.
I live in the arse end of nowhere and a shop that sells JUST doughnuts?
Well, I could probably go off on a full 'Uncle Bryn' about how amazing that is!
Ah, I have to say, I enjoy the russian roulette nature of the jam in a doughnut, but then I've left most of my younger excesses behind me and have to find my fun where I can these days.
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@heretoreaditall2019 my sympathies for your loud brushing husband. Mine is a bit sensitive in the morning so can be a bit coughy/gaggy but I’ve mostly managed to tune it out now. If it was loud enough to hear on the phone I’d have to get him to brush while I wasn’t there!

@Readingismyhobby fingers crossed your rubbish gets the all clear today!

Been to the shop for milk and #influenced Penguins 😋

View attachment 291179
Oooo. Oooo. Is it a PenGRIN? Please let it be a pengrin. I am not cheating because I don't really like Penguins (please don't throw me out of the cabal)
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Frauen I’m here for the donut chat. I think I might mish to m&s for cronuts this wkend as my treat.

I don’t think you can beat the 75p Bag of jam donuts from Sainsbury’s bakery if you hit on the right bakery dept! I have lashed a small fortune on the primo LDN offerings, I will put crosstown above donut time, and defo above bread ahead (who are fully £6 for one iirc).

I’m actually really glad you all mentioned the MT I thought I was being a bit awkward by finding something so off? I haven’t kept up as religiously as usual the last week or more and defo not engaged as it’s a bit.... strange?!

Sending love to all, esp mr @Flumps!
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Lots of love to those of you affected by this - I agree the lack of daylight is going to make this
much tougher. I’m lucky that life here will be pretty much the same. I worry for my daughter (11) walking to and from school in the dark, with deserted streets now; but she’s generally with a couple of friends.
I’ve been craving craving craving a pho, and have booked our local Vietnamese place for Wednesday night. Feels like a last hoorah, and I don’t want my last prelickdown meal out to be like last time - a Boring jacket potato at a garden centre.
Anyway, hope you‘re all ok this Halloween! We went to about ten supermarkets and there were NO pumpkins to be found.
As awful as we all find it at times.. Get your daughter and her chums to play loud music on their phones as they walk.
Not obnoxiously loud, just 'noticeably' loud.
People notice that. Even if it's just to tut or look out of a window.
The people who could possibly be up to no good with young people walking home, don't want noticeable.

And pumpkins? Did anyone else not get a Swede as a kid?
You genuinely had to be Michelangelo or Barbara Hepworth to get anything out of them!
Hammers and chisels were needed!
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