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chocolate choux

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I’m a bit confused because I missed what happened yesterday, but ❤ to anyone upset by it. I hope I haven’t unwittingly contributed to anything and apologise if so, I don’t mean to offend anyone. Unfortunately it feels like calling Jack out can attract unsavoury opinions which is rubbish at it detracts from the cause of highlighting her utter cuntiness. It’s good to see people pointing out the MT is not the place for that

Does anyone have Halloween plans? The weather is pants here and seems like barely anyone has bothered decorating, so probably not going to do the ‘new normal’ style treat or treating :(
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I didn't know this, What was she googling?
Sorry guys I’m a dickhead I should have put the first thing behind a spoiler too as some fraus shared their experiences previously, so so sorry wasn’t thinking I’m half asleep most my life at the mo x

Prior to the murder she’d googled stuff about marrying mistresses & the wife’s name, but in the interviews w police claimed she barely knew the husband and it wasn’t that deep? I don’t know if it was before or after but she was also googling another family annihilator & googled “did people like x’s mistress”, she also googled about that mistress’ book deal and asked google how much she’d made?! The podcast I’d found was really kind to her like oh that doesn’t mean she’s guilty, does it fuck!

Really surprised Netflix didn’t so much as mention this?! I guess because she’s not been found guilty by a court it would be pretty bad / trial by media but 🥴 Also even from the perspective of the documentary being told first person through a digital footprint the google histories could have been intertwined quite well?
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I’m sure the dating chat has ended by now but just to let you know that I was sent an actual WANKING video by someone about a day after swapping numbers?! Close up with sound effects. I could not have been any drier.
I mean who is going to open that and think. 'oh yeah, good conversation, nice looking and good wanking technique - I'll date him'??
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I think people will say anything as long as it’s the opposite of whatever she’s up to at any given moment 🤷🏻‍♀️ The no nuts line made me hoot!
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I saw a profile recently that said "I met my ex on Tinder. She's an amazing person but sadly things didn't work out. We've parted ways, so now I'm hoping to find someone else special."

Ah yes, the tempting offer to try and fit a space left by an entirely different woman. Do sign me up.
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I’ve never heard of butter beer - where is it made? Wonder if it’s like root beer, which I’ve adored from childhood.
it's out of harry potter. it seems that many of us fraus have journeyed to Watford to partake of it and we have very different opinions. it's not at all like root beer cos it's nice! admittedly, my experience of root beer is limited to jelly belly beans many years ago. 🥴
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ETA I hate when you half write a post and can’t be bothered with it then it turns up attached to one you do later on (now deleted my half asleep thoughts from earlier!)

Me too! It follows you around like a naughty little Minky Moo.
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@heretoreaditall2019 I was going to chime in with the others, but then read that she’d sent a shitty message back! No no. No. Nope.

I’m very understanding of the fact that some people have absolutely had it with this load of shit, and are willing to take risks rather than live in misery. Loads of older people have taken the same attitude. I get that, but nobody should be pressuring other people to take risks for them. That’s so out of order, and I do find older people to be excellent at the passive-aggressive/guilt-tripping talk. You’ve got a tiny baby and are (hope I’m remembering rightly) at higher risk yourself? Come on! You’ve offered to chat on the drive, what more should a person ask of a neighbour?

I hate to think of you feeling bad about this, you haven’t done anything wrong, and in fact have tried to be as kind as possible. It’s like with drink driving, it’s not just the person getting behind the wheel who suffers from that risk, it’s everyone else. Which is why it’s absolutely not cool for a person to down ten pints, and then say it’s ok to drive because they accept the risk to themselves. Same with these people relaxed about COVID, yeah it’s great that you aren’t terrified, but it’s not ok to assume that other people should suffer the consequences of your risk taking.
You’re doing the right thing @heretoreaditall2019. She’s put you in an awkward position because you now feel worried and anxious over upsetting her, when you’re just following the law and trying to keep her and your family safe! She’ll survive without a chat and baby cuddles. Literally! If she wants to ignore the government’s advice, that’s on her but don’t feel guilty for not being party to it.
Omg thank you guys I needed this!

@PoorPatrol LOVE the drink driving analogy that’s fab and so fucking on point, that’s exactly it!! Thank you! ❤ And yeah kind of at risk, well I was unwell with the old ovarian tumours and I know that doesn’t give you heightened risk but it just means I am twice as terrified of it cos what are the odds of surviving two awful things within two years?! And @NoseyParkour yes! When you put it like that it’s literally being peer pressured into breaking the law by an OAP, which is absurd? I wouldn’t let her make me speed or sell drugs would I?!
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Over the last 24 hours I've been occasionally trying to piece together what I remember of it as a distraction and I properly can't even remember for sure who killed who or why. Sorry my dear. I am hopeless.

Hah to jumper - my daughter is waif like and buys jumpers and they have that effect. I buy cosy jumpers and look like a busty off-duty 'lady' vicar (sorry to all cool and trendy vicars out there).
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Did it cost you seventeen pounds or was I ripped off when I visited?

Fuck lunch mate sorry to hear it, bloody hard times at the minute ^squeezy hug^
I am also having wine to calm myself but thanks, loving all the support on this thread :love:
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Can I ask for Fraus advice? I joined a dating app a few weeks ago (last date was over 20 years ago). I have been speaking to two blokes by text, just getting to know if we have anything in common. What is the social norm here? I feel weird even talking to two blokes at the same time as I am so old fashioned. If I meet one do I stop talking to the other?

I have since deleted the app as although I am in my mid 40's it turns out I attract all of the grandads!

I have made red dahl from Nisha Katona's Mowgli cookbook for tea. The restaurant is a fabulous place for vegan food and some now do a take away service.
Text ALLLLLLLL the men. At least one will inevitably be a turd when you finally meet. If they ask, just say you’re talking to a couple of other guys: if this makes them jealous they’re a crank and you know to steer clear.

I absolutely LOVE Mowgli (well, the ones in Liverpool) but I now live in a city famed for curry and the branch there has gone down like a lead balloon. Nonetheless Nisha is formidable but also really kind, I like her an awful lot.
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In two weeks time it will be the 40 year anniversary of my first date with Oxford_Boy weird I don’t feel old enough

Oopmh pulled pork is bluddy lovely
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I had never thought about eating marmite pasta (I remember seeing it on Nigella's show and thinking yuck) but actually I love both components so might try it now I have read so many people's posts on it here (or on MT who knows). Do you add oil or anything else?

omg that all looks so cool, but especially the sourpatch!
It's butter, marmite and parmesan. I add a solid teaspoon of marmite for 120g of pasta, but Nigella is a lot more conservative, which probably brings it closer to the recipe for pasta with leftover roasting stock that it might well be inspired by, but I really like marmite, so I go for it. Nigella's quantities are here:

Mine are (for one):

120g pasta
1tsp marmite
Lump of butter
Fuck-ton of parmesan

She has complicated (relatively) instructions that involve melting the marmite and butter in a pan with a tbsp of pasta liquid while pasta is cooking. I just cook, then drain the pasta, reserve a little cooking water in the pan, throw the marmite and butter in and stir until it's all coating the pasta, then add the parmesan. I don't like extra pans when I can get away with not using them.
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@Flumps ❤❤

The interview was brief, quite informal, but went well I think. If anything, it was a nice chat & a laugh. Its actually comical how anxious I get before an interview. Fully aware I'm being a dickhead 😂 team sounds great, workload seems challenging but exciting.. so we shall see! I find out next week 😬
Erm you are not being a dickhead, nerves mean you care! Have been on the horrible PND train myself so totally get how you're feeling. I ended up being bullied back to work when the bairn was only a few months old, then being sneered at for having to pump and store my milk in the office fridge (where else was I going to put it?! It was only full of their shit beer and Pepperami anyway). I couldn't take it anymore, it was making me feel awful so I was signed off by the GP and found a four day a week job with a lovely, female-run business. Was the best decision ever and means I have the flexibility I want.
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My interesting (not) breakfast was a bowl of porridge plus sultanas.
Our recycling has changed and we now have to separate it into 4 categories. Last week it was left because it was incorrectly sorted. This week I went through it all, constantly referring to the handbook (never wanted to be a bin man).
Door knocked this morning, bin man telling me the rubbish was wrong, apparently if you can squash something it’s not recyclable 🤪.
We’re given 45 minutes to re-sort the rubbish. Was on the street with a coat over my dressing gown, in my slippers in the rain going through the bins🤬.
Don’t know yet if it’s passed the test.
Feel much better after my rant👍
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Novak Nail on the head there. I often wonder if JM scoots past them too, knowing we don’t like it either so it’s not really the cabal.

Making anything yummy today, Blurst? In a vase, natch.
she would love it if we were all like that, wouldn't she!

Ohhh not tonight but last night i fried squash in panko and stuffed them in homemade corn tortillas with lime crema, guac, jalapeño hot sauce, pickled shallots, pumpkin seeds and radishes and they were gooooood. I miss the lovely natural evening light of the summer!


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I think your toddler and mine must be in a WhatsApp group planning this shit because that is word for word exactly what happened in our house last night! 😹
Mine clearly joined it to last night - my partner ended up sleeping on the floor (or camping out as the toddler calls it) as I was feeding the baby. Clocks going back didn’t help! Though I did remember to change the Gro clock before he went to bed (took a few attempts as the instructions are long gone) so he at least stayed in his room, just used my partner as an assault course/target practice.

@Flumps hope your partner is feeling better today and you're both well 💕
Yous must have a thread on they both follow :ROFLMAO:
Love the idea of Toddle.Life and toddlers plotting how to piss off their parents with thread titles such as ‘what unidentifiable material shall I tread into the carpet today’ 😂.

Oh @heretoreaditall2019 I’d forgotten about The Bridge - is it worth a watch? I keep seeing ads for a celeb show on ITV with Freddie Flintoff - not sure what they have to do but looks a bit survival esq and think it could be so bad it’s good? No idea when it starts and I may have misunderstood it completely from the ad!

@Flumps glad your partner is feeling better.

ETA: Thank you @Readingismyhobby

My first world problem this morning is that my other half was meant to take the boys for a couple of hours to allow me to bank some sleep. But he never effing listens properly (his brain is too busy thinking of the next thing) so by the time I’d had to explain some really basic things (about 3 times as he just doesn’t listen properly - even though we’d had a conversation last night) and he noisily banged about getting washed and dressed I was then wide awake with no chance of falling back asleep. Because I’m tired/hormonal just found it irrationally frustrating and have ended up taking the baby back for a feed. Though I’m sulking in bed with the tv on which then gives me the mum guilt for the toddler - who is actually quite happy downstairs bossing my partner back.

I think what really pissed me off is he was given the opportunity to have a lay in/‘time off’ yesterday as my mum was here and I was up early to get my flu jab (in itself hilarious - our surgery had a clinic on and I was the youngest by like 50 years easily but those OAPs can move at speed when there is a queue to join!) so we went for breakfast after and then to the supermarket with the boys while he got to sleep in etc undisturbed for several hours. I didn’t think it was too much to ask for two hours to sleep. Sorry I realise I’m being an irrational privileged twunt and it’s a first world problem but need to rant it out!
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We're in for a frustrating time ahead...

We now have the border closed, and we can't leave our individual towns/cities/villages (except for essential work) between 6am Friday and 6am Monday. It's annoying as I usually go hiking at weekends but I live in a very nice city with lots of places to go for long walks. We have a curfew every night from 22h to 6h.

All restaurants and bars have been shut for almost two weeks. As of today, gyms are also shut, along with shopping centres. All non-essential education (extracurriculars, adult evening classes etc) is closed or online, and all university classes that can go online have to. Obvious exceptions for people studying things like medicine, which can't be online-only.

It's a lot milder than March - May, but still. 😕 Worst of all, the churro van has vanished, and it only opened a week ago. It's almost November, I want churros!!

A friend sent me some supermarket pics, it looks like people are panic-buying again...I need to do groceries tomorrow so we'll see what awaits me! I may be eating like Jack Monroe for a couple of weeks... 🤢
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