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Afternoon hausfraus. I missed Nigella on Saturday Kitchen so I’ll have to catch up later. So far we’ve watched The Addams Family and eaten a ton of party food. I’m on day two of dairy elimination to find out what’s irritating my IBS so much (TMI fraus) so I couldn’t eat any of the chocolate I’d bought :(

Can’t add much to the wine chat as I’m an uncultured swine and drink Strongbow if I’m at the pub. Sometimes I’ll get a Rekorderlig if I’m feeling FANCY.

Disappointed that a lockdown looks imminent. I have my 20 week scan on Tuesday which is the first time Mr NP is allowed to come with me so I’m hoping the rules don’t change before then. It’s also the first time we’ll be leaving the toddler without either of us and I feel more anxious about that than the scan!
Sorry on another grunka...I’ve been BUSY Ok?! I realise every hospital is different but although ours have brought in restrictions in the last couple of weeks re: Covid they’ve not made any changes to the maternity stuff they reinstated eg partners going to scans and visiting during/post labour. Hoping your hospital follow suit/don’t make any changes. Really pisses me off how women have been/are expected to go through so much alone re: pregnancy/labour/post birth during the pandemic let alone how drastically it varies from hospital to hospital.

Fingers crossed your toddler is ok when you go - hopefully despite the break in continuity she’ll slot right back in with your dad.

I did lol at your comment re dusting off clothes for baby. My other half when they revealed we’d had another son went ‘great we can reuse all the clothes we have’ and is now mortified that was his first response 😂.

We had sausage (not Brenda’s), egg and chips for dinner before we went on a Halloween walk - found a couple of houses who’d gone all out on the decs and had sweets in individual cups. Toddler was ecstatic. Added a pic of our kitchen window I decorated for the toddler.

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Chatty Member
Hope you're all okay. Can't believe (yet not surprised) that we're back in this situation. 2020 has been a weird old year. I've seen my family today for the last catch up we'll be able to do for...however long this next bit ends up being...and I feel so sad. Sending ❤ to the rest of you all. If nothing else, we are all in this together.

P.S. I have nothing to offer re. skin but reading with interest. So many knowledgeable people on here!
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I’m afraid I have nothing to add to the dating chat. I just want to rant that my Chinese takeaway is 35 minutes late and I’m ready to eat my own arm.
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@MarthaFarkus tagging you over here xx please do look after yourself and message your course leader about a break. Uni shouldn’t be a miserable experience or perverse endurance challenge, you deserve to enjoy it and soak in all that ~education~ and taking time out to restore will really help you. I got signed off with MH a few months ago before mat leave and was really reluctant to take it as I felt like a failure / disappointment / lazy but didn’t realise that was just the sadness talking? That time to actually look after myself plus CBT has really helped me and I’d recommend it to anyone ❤❤❤
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I’m sure the dating chat has ended by now but just to let you know that I was sent an actual WANKING video by someone about a day after swapping numbers?! Close up with sound effects. I could not have been any drier.
I used to have a guy who regularly sent me those...close up but totally silent, which was just creepy.

Has any woman ever actually requested a wanking video?!
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Sentient mirror

Well-known member
Sending love to all Fraus tonight xxx

Juat as some light relief I always have a chuckle about my "Member" title under my username and wish I could add "Big" in front of it 🤭
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Oh my, your poor Mrs. There's something about seeing the PPE damage to the faces of all healthcare workers that really brings the insanity of this all home, I can't imagine what it's like to see that on your wife's face. Sorry, somehow that feels like it sounds insensitive, I'm sorry if it does. I don't mean it to be. It's like the struggle writ large on the people who are really bearing the burden. Love to you both. xx
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

Face cream/moisturiser has been added to the list of things to 'never ask the price of for the purposes of a happy marriage' along with;
Bed Linen

ETA.. She doesn't ask me the price of cookbooks or why there are 999 books on the kindle yoke.
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Sorry if I have missed it, but did your viewers turn up after your frantic tidying? Or did they cancel?
Hah. I may not have updated, but they cancelled. Grrr. But at least I have a very tidy house to go back to tomorrow night. Suspect I'm going to be doing a lot of driving and travelling over next week or so, so good that I don't have housework to worry about I guess.
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Toffee finger

VIP Member
Our latest snack surprise box has arrived.
This month is Turkey! Another country I haven’t been to and know little about their snacks so that’s good.


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Sentient mirror

Well-known member
We had a pizza. Vegan. Not ish. Worn out from work so going to watch some Bly Manor. Gonna make a nice cuppa tea and put my legs up. Have a nice Friday and stay safe xxxx
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It’s so hard when someone you love is going through something scary and unknown and you can’t be there with him. I really, really feel for you. I hope you can hear more from him tomorrow. Lots of love. Wish there was more I could do to help x x x x
You guys just letting me ramble on this evening and sending lovely wishes has been more help than you could know. I really appreciate it. xxxx
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View attachment 291243

As it’s you I’ll ignore the not liking penguins comment
I haven't had a penguin in YEARS but this reminds me of once when I was teaching abroad and I bought my students xmas crackers back after the holidays. I had to translate basically all of the jokes as their English wasn't great, everyone's reaction was basically "but they're not funny?" Trying to explain that was the point as everyone just looked at me in confusion was hilarious
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It's like being at a big birthday meal and your friend's slightly racist aunt keeps shouting over everyone about kids these days and making everyone else feel awkward
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I’ve had a Jack free day!

Someone upthread asked about Cronuts near
Brick Lane. Was it Rinkoff’s bakery? I’ve only been there once and it was to try their bagels.
Ooh! I’m a bit strange in that I’ve wanted to try cronuts for so long, but I’m too scared of getting one and it being shit, so I’ve ended up never trying. If anyone’s recommending, I’ll scamper to Brick Lane to buy the ultimate cronut of dreams. I’m a bit funny like that with food so tend to make everything myself, rather than end up with something cooked badly, or even worse - bland! Bland food literally sends me into a rage.

Sorry I’ve only been over here five minutes and am going on about my food rage.
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Oh Flumps! Poor you.

He’s in the best place and you are as close as can be to get there if needed, even through screens and PPE and whatnot. Obv. respect his privacy but do you have any idea what it could be, so you know potentially what to worry about?
No, not really. Relying on him for updates and I know how out of it he is, and so I'm getting v brief update texts as he goes from one test to another, but hard to pump the poor man too much for more info when he's struggling.
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Rumours of a month long lockdown has me a bit 🤯 every so often, its just a huge reminder that this is real life now!
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Made another terrible food decision and decided, as i was out of butter but really wanting a sandwich, i would use a thin layer of mustard at top and bottom of sandwich to glue ham and cheese in there 🥪 🙃

For some reason the "eye wets inducing" heat is solely confined to my nose rather than my mouth, but that is sparse comfort when every breath feels like you just deeply inhaled burning ash. Fetch me a sling im apparently a big baby 🤣🤣🤣

Terribly worried im turning into Jack Monroe with my inability to produce an edible meal 😐
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