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Dear @Flumps - been struggling to keep up with both threads, but you are in my thoughts! The cabal are always here for you, and the other fraus who are struggling 🖤
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I've booked a hair cut before lockdown comes in again. I'm relieved that schools are staying open, my two found lockdown quite difficult (and me obvs). Theyre doing really well at school now too so I really dont want to go backwards.

Sending love to everyone ❤
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I love that @Mustard, everyone else will waffle on about extra teeth and tinder dick but you will always be there with on-topic food recommendations 😂
😉😆Yes! I’m thinking of setting up tours of London bakeries in particular. COVID put a stop to my personal tours but I can recommend the Danish Ole & Steen bakeries and cafes dotted around London. They also have good bread of the chewy rye variety including a carrot and rye version which stays ‘moist’. If you like cinnamon and cardamom cakes and pastries do try them.

In Brixton, I urge you to try Aries Bakery. They are in Acre Lane and open from Wednesday to Sunday. They had only been open about a year before COVID hit. They reopened during lockdown and pulled off feats of ingenuity for the local community with the help of customers. They were mentioned in an article in Olive magazine recently.

Also in Brixton, and in Acre Lane, is a wonderful vegan/vegetarian cafe called Blank. They too pulled off opening during lockdown for takeaways and deliveries with customers doing deliveries to isolating people.

All the above are on Instagram.
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happy Halloween mavens
no idea why they have rotated 😳
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Omg I love this! This is cute Halloween kids will love this!!

My neighbours have turned a for sale sign into a terrifying pumpkin person, from behind it’s just a person dressed in black stood there so has made my heart stop multiple times whilst up in the night with baby 😂 Let’s hope Jack Monroe doesn’t see it and its square for sale-y shoulders, and start pawing at our pavement.
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I think the Asda down the road was just trolling me. Popped in to get a few supplies for the patient. Checked the yellow sticker aisle out of curiosity. One shelf entirely filled with lamb and pigs' liver.
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I don't know much about straight dating but echo what everyone has said, chat to aaaall the dudes and if you end up swimming in weiners then more power to you!

I met my first wife on a now defunct site called Lordy did I do well on that site. I'd say more but I cba with possibly attracting the aunties from the MT.

Edited because I got myself in a right verbal pickle first time.
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Ooh don't look at me, I saw a window of non-lockdown opportunity, swiped a few times on Tinder, and lucked out that I didn't get a gargoyle. That D seems a long time ago now... 😬. But yes, work those numbers honey.

I have a few rules that may or may not work for others. Swipe left on: 1) Video profiles (don't fuckin make me watch your Big Brother audition mate); 2) Shirtless pics (reeeeeeally?); 3) On longer profiles where the guys are listing their fave books/movies to show how 'cultured' they are, if they don't mention any women creators (there are loads of these depressingly) it's a nope from me; 4) The phrases 'partner in crime', 'natural girl', 'drama free' :rolleyes: 5) Too many emojis - what are you, thirteen?

I quite like OKCupid for an app - there tends to be more interesting AHEMkinkierAHEM guys on there, if that's your bag.
My favourite shit profile pics are the blowjob eye view ones...dude, nobody and I mean NOBODY has "camera pointed up at underside of chin" as their best angle.

Also the sheer number of men who write something like "I don't know what to put here. Ask me if you want to know." Riveting conversation ahead...
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Am planning to make a broccoli soup tomorrow. Haven't made it before but remember being served similar and had the urge to give it a go. The plan: fry some onions and chilli, add broccoli and water/stock and cook for a bit, then add coconut milk and then blend. Was also thinking about grinding some walnuts and garlic together, after hearing someone say it on a podcast the other day, probably will kind of sprinkle over the top/mix in when serving. Has anyone ever made a soup like this before, any tips?? Anything I could be adding for better taste? Cheers in advance!
Skipping ahead but weirdly I had a real yen for broccoli yesterday so had my first in months. I did it as a pasta sauce, with butter, anchovies, chilli flakes, garlic and (Maverick) the last of some creme fraiche which needed using. It was lovely.
In other news perhaps I am being optimistic but things seemed to have improved over there <<<<<< so it seems like yesterday's little drama might have been a good thing in the long run?
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Love to all of you. Bloody bastard Covid.
It’ll feel much worse for a lot of people now we’re in the colder darker weather 🙁
Yeah, the dark nights have been getting me down, I log off from work at 5pm and it is already dark. At least in April we could go for nice walks and get fresh air.
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Chatty Member
My plan for today was to go to McD for a breakfast after dropping the boys at Bin-Cunts and to watch Saturday Kitchen but the queue for the drive in was massive so I am settled with my bagel and honey butter. God I love all of the people on todays show and I have laughed along with them as they genuinely seem like mates. I love Bryns gorgeous accent and always marvel at the fact that he is married to Sharleen Spiteri from Texas, I can imagine they are a lovely fun couple.

I am too invested arnt i?
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Toffee finger

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@heretoreaditall2019 my sympathies for your loud brushing husband. Mine is a bit sensitive in the morning so can be a bit coughy/gaggy but I’ve mostly managed to tune it out now. If it was loud enough to hear on the phone I’d have to get him to brush while I wasn’t there!

@Readingismyhobby fingers crossed your rubbish gets the all clear today!

Been to the shop for milk and #influenced Penguins 😋

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Silver Linings

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Fraus, this is a wonderful and safe space where everyone is welcome - but if people come around and make *others* feel like shit with their bigoted views then you better believe they'll get called out on it. I'll say it on here and I'll say it to their faces on the MT (it's Mother Thread, actually sweetie...).*

*calling out the specific poster here, don't want any of you folks worrying it's you!
If we’re a girl gang then you’re deffo Rizzo! I’ll be the one with the flippy photo album full of penpals. She was gorgeous. 😍

ETA - aw @heretoreaditall2019 that’s a hard stage. She will probs still do it occasionally. Something that always got me was when I read that one time you’ll hold your child’s hand and it will be the last time but you won’t know. 😭😭
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Toffee finger

VIP Member
Sending love to @Flumps and others that need it (why don’t I write my comments as I go?! I always think I’ll remember but never do)

Quickly skimmed the MT but it’s a bit odd. Like we’re going through the cycle in to an argument amongst ourselves again. I haven’t posted much on it partly because of that. I don’t think it helps that Jack hasn’t done anything funny recently, it’s all been genuine shitty stuff rather than horse spunk laughs.
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Omg sorry guys I didn’t think this would end up setting the topic of today’s chat you poor things! Please tell me what you’ve had for breakfast / lunch so you’ve not got to think about this strange man and his teeth!

Something that is actually funny - he spent a stupid amount on a fancy electric toothbrush... because it’s silent 😂 The heads are small but maybe the power of it is just all too much? I know he presses too hard cos his heads end up mushed up (the toothbrush tells you this but maybe it enters stun mode when he starts). I will ask about his tongue and if he’s actually brushing his throat too, even tho he’s terrified of the covid tests you see on tv so can’t imagine he’s doing that intentionally? He’s gotten upset I said we should ask his mum if he did it as a child and he’s been really apologetic and given me the last chocolate breakfast bar so I feel really mean now ☹
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