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I reckon it's still a bit too sweet although the cherry jam was definitely better than strawberry. I once had some dogwood jam from a Polski sklep, I think that would be even better. It's still weird though. It probably varies so much depending on which burger and cheese you use as well.

Hold on, do people not normally put butter on their peanut butter sandwiches?? Have I been doing this wrong my whole life?
my mother didn’t when we were growing up, so I thought that was the norm. Usuallu had just peanut butter and jam. However, I stayed at a relative’s house when grown up and she made me one with butter on it and I never went back.
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@Mustard I think Holland & Barrett stopped doing frozen and chilled stuff, or at least they have where I am anyway. I can't tell you exactly where I got them from for 🔺 reasons but it was a shop that sells strictly vegan products so your best bet is online if you don't have one local.

Here is my pre-gym hot dog from earlier. The chunky stuff on top is onion, pineapple and pickled jalapeno relish. Please excuse the enormous chip in my plate, I am very clumsy.

View attachment 829750
Omg that looks amazing

Omg these look amazing, pls cater our post court events and/or prison time?

Haven’t been well and waiting for .45 to be able to do a covid test after not being able to taste dinner 😞 do any pro test takers have tips for getting it to the back of your throat pls?!
Oh no hopefully you’re negative and if you can do it in front of a mirror I found that helped and take deep breaths through your nose whilst swabbing that might help with the gagging.
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Sorry late on the pan talk but when my husband told me today he wants at least a 32cm frying pan for Christmas (he’s impossible to buy for and I’ve been asking for months now, so glad he’s told me with one week to spare??) I gasped and thought why didn’t he say this when everyone was talking about them?!

Does anyone have a Le Crueset one and are they worth it? I’m really not a posh foodie so this is outside my remit. I don’t get the cast iron thing either.
Does he want a cast iron one? Then you have lots of advice here. Or just a frying pan? If he just wants a frying pan then can I suggest THAT MANS range. He does a good range of shallow frying pans as well as the deeper ones to cook other things like risotto.
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Morrisons do a bag of frozen swede, diced. I regularly use their frozen veg and never had an issue with it - obviously just need to allow for the fact it’s frozen when using it. Depending what you’re making they also do diced carrot and swede in the fresh veg section which I’ve frozen in the past and used for stews, soups etc.

I think it’s from here:

I went for a nosy in her Insta comments after seeing her on the show. Someone had tagged the designer.
Thanks Eddies. Will investigate Morrisons.
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I’m watching ‘I’m a Celeb’ and the hairless rats keep making think of Selling Sunset and Jason. Not helped by (think it was @heretoreaditall2019) saying they wish Chrishell would stop stroking his head so now I just keep thinking of her stroking a hairless rat :sick:.

OT: We had tuna pasta bake for dinner. Basic but a winner.
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I was going to come on and list some more sweets of sadness but that seems inappropriate now.

Animals being ill is the worst. I know we anthropomorphise them but even so, knowing they are in pain and knowing someone will feel their loss is still terribly sad.

In food matters- neighbour gave me celery and a Savoy cabbage before going on holiday. I hate celery and it is a lot for 2 people to eat cut up in bolognese etc. Any ideas? I usually steam cabbage but am trying to be more adventurous.
Celery soup. I like celery(with onion too) in egg salad, potato salad or tuna mayo. You can also freeze it chopped up and use it later. I also think it’s good in a vegetable soup as is cabbage. You could do dumplings on top.

You could do stuffed cabbage with the Savoy, cabbage and potato soup or slice and chop it, rinse in colander and then add to a pan with butter, put the lid on and shake/cook on the burner without adding any water as it steams in the water on the leaves. I don’t know if that’s how you cook yours.

OR You could make rumbledethumps. Precook chopped/sliced , sliced onion or leek (sautee or boil) and boil some potatoes. Sometimes I’lldo all the veg in one pan when the potatoes are almost done. Mash up boiled potatoes with butter, salt and pepper. Mix together with seasoning and put in ovenproof dish and grate cheese on top, bake in oven until heated through and cheese is melted and a bit crispy. I noticed pre-pandemic that Sainsbury’s had a version of rumbledethumps for sale in their ready meals section and bought some to try. It was pretty good.

Gah, I want rumbledethumps now. No spuds, or cabbage.🤨
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How do you stop them going off? We had one (years and years ago) that I put in the cupboard and it collapsed in on itself.

When I tried to remove it, mouldy, squash innards went everywhere. It was probably the most horrible thing that has happened to me flora-wise.

All I can think is that it must have had some small damage and so went bad? They lasted for ages in my kitchen, though it is very cold in there in winter.

Unless it was sat for too long in a wet field before hand, that can start rot.
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I love the Idaho mash.

It’s £1 a pack at Sainsbury’s and Ocado now.
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I’m sorry but I could not live without cheese!!!!
I’m lactose intolerant so hasn’t made too much of a difference. I did eat cheese on occasion but didn’t tend to have too much. This thread did reach me how to make cheese on toast though! Mmmmmm ok now I want cheese.
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Hot banana!!!! Eek. But then I like dried figs so don’t trust anything I come out with.

These sauces are scrummy…

Baked bananas are good with added honey, cinnamon, chocolate pieces. They need to be reasonably ripe. I don’t like eating quite ripe bananas raw/cold, so I either bake them or use in a banana bread. I only like eating raw just past the green stage bananas.

Baking them in a bonfire or barbecue is also good.
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Pasta cheese and salad cream is my disgusting comfort pasta of choice. Will have to try ketchup next time!
Just seen @heretoreaditall2019 brown sauce option too. I love Tiptree brown sauce why have I never thought to try it with pasta?!
I nearly bought this brown sauce the other day (feeling FANCY cos it’s nearly Christmas) but worried it wouldn’t be as good as HP? Are they alike / would you bother if you’re a HP stan?

HTRIA - glad you found your keys! Have you ever tried baking bananas in their skin? You could add the white chocolate buttons.
Have you ever done this on a BBQ? I remember having one as a kid, it had jam on it tho? I didn’t love it but kid palettes are different, I’ll give cooking a banana a go though I’d be interested to see the results tbh. Not frying it like Jack does tho 😳

Thank you all for kind words re keys, hopefully today’s a better day!! xx
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I haven't used it (stock) but I know the stuff you mean. Looks like you can't get it now. If it's a meat stock you want, Bovril is just beef stock concentrate, Morrisons do their own version of it too which is cheaper.

I've had that spreadable butter, it was ok but, such a bugger to actually get out with a knife! Slides all over the shop 😂
Oh great idea thank you of course yeah Bovrils the beefiest, I do keep that/alternative in. One thing that can muster a bit of cosiness in a hospital for me too (mainly from back in the times when you were given the leeway to wait around with people not trying to hint I've ever had to be in one for long).
I prob used the concentrated chicken stock the most, but theres so many chicken flavoured seasonings and stocks and maybe I'm overestimating the quality of the bottled stuff anyway.

Ok won't take that spreadable butter at its word and will approach it with appropriate caution thanks.
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How, HOW did you quote from another thread!? I’m so used to seeing slop I didn’t think Hinch’s looked too bad, but now that you’ve broken it down, I understand,
I want to know this to re: quoting across threads!!!


I need to talk to someone about Hinch's pasta.

Edit; attempting cross thread quoting....

Edit 2: Praise beans, it worked!
1) I HATE linguine, it's the worst pasta shape.
2) that looks like just cream and brocolli on it
3) why would you have mushrooms on the side of a pasta meal? does she put them on a side plate or put them on the pasta? why not just put them in the sauce, and on that note, why is the brocolli part of the actual meal but the mushrooms are not? If we're going to entertain this madness, why not have a plate of plain linguine, a bowl of sauce, a plate of brocolli and a plate of mushrooms?

Also I bet she doesn't let the water boil before she puts her pasta in.
Have you watched the video of it on her stories :sick:. My tummy did a danger flip just watching it.

click quote as normal, then copy the text from the box in the thread you're quoting from, and paste into the new thread! I am a maverick
All hail! Praise beans @Traazers!
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Not sure those strawberries are sellable now…

Who cares! Those paws. I miss cat paws.

I had to break up a cat fight this morning. No cats were injured but the noise was really bad and the size difference meant I thought one would have got hurt. They go so big and fluffy when they want to look scary. Dog gave no shits.
how did you manage to separate them?!
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I love love love frozen raspberries, I don’t like the mixed fruit though, it has strawberries in and I don’t think they taste right after freezing. I whack yoghurt, frozen raspberries and oats (can use granola) In a pot before bed, leave in the fridge and grab it in the morning for breakfast. Sometimes I stick the blender in it and drink it. I just got a bag of freeze dried blackberries looking forward to trying them in the mix.
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Does anyone here use frozen fruit for adult human’s smoothies / baby yoghurts? How do you find it and any top tips pls? Any gr8 fruits or awful ones to avoid? I’m guessing it’ll yield a LOT of water? 😬

Main reason I ask is 👶🏼s absolute fav is smushed up raspberries and blueberries in Greek yoghurt, but every single time the raspberries are furry with mold a few days after purchase and it’s v annoying. We don’t give it her every day btw but it’s nice to have it as a back up plan when she’s refusing other food as we are in eternal nursery illness hell rn!
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