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I don’t live in the UK but our state has been on lockdown for almost a year. Our gov just announced maybe opening back up June 30. But I have known people who have traveled this whole time. I honestly don’t give a flip about her going to Dubai. She isn’t the only one who went, I understand why they wanted to go, I understand why she wanted to keep it private, it’s just a nonissue for me. People keep bringing it up like she is the only person who traveled or lied about it, move on! Throwing it back at her over and over is pointless and it was months ago.

I have had miscarriages and took time off work to grieve and not have people looking at me and asking about it. I don’t blame her for being sensitive for that. She has a gorgeous daughter but we don’t know how her miscarriages are affecting her mental health.Maybe that was why they decided to go to Dubai and escape their daily lives. Sitting in your house (no matter how grand) and grieving while losing a baby would make anyone want a change of scenery. Her life is online and parts of it very public, but that is so tender and painful and not something you want 100,000 of your closest friends involved in intimately.
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But the magazine effectively stole Fleur's she supposed to ignore that because it happened to be used on a cover that featured a black woman? Would it have been OK for her to call out a white woman? I have a pretty good understanding of race relations as a close member of my family is mixed race and I've seen first-hand the racism she has, and continues, to experience. I still don't see how bringing race into this situation is relevant. It sounds like you're just looking for a reason for Fleur to be racist (I know some people were going for that angle a few pages seems that Fleur simply existing as a white woman makes her racist). There are a LOT of issues with Fleur, but her defending her legally protected trademark isn't one of them.
They didn't steal or infringe on her trademark AT ALL.

If that were the case, TV directors and authors would be sued left right and center for using words like "Tesla" or "Coca Cola" in their writing.

Fleur's followers shouldn't be attacking Fleur East but what is the point of paying for a trademark if a magazine will just use the phrase regardless. I'm not surprised FDF is annoyed but she should deal with this like an adult and speak to her lawyers before starting drama online.
Here is an extract from a website explaining trademarks:

A trademark does not mean that no one else can use your word, phrase, or symbol in connection with any and all goods and services. It means only that somebody else can’t use a similar trademark with similar goods or services. The key criterion: trademark infringement occurs when someone else’s use of a trademark would likely cause confusion about the source of goods or services.

(see full article here:

You cannot trademark a phrase, and when you do trademark something, you have to be specific with what you're trademarking. For example, An Australian car repair shop decides to open a shop and call it "Fleur de Force" - Fleur would have ZERO legal legs to stand on. Why? Because her name isn't trademarked against car repair shops and it in no way relates to her brand and no one would get confused by the car repair shop in Australia and her YouTube channel.

In the same way, authors are protected from writing a book about a character who loves Walkers crisps and it may even be entitled "I love Walkers Crisps" - Walkers Crisps could not sue that author for infringement because they did not infringe on their copyright in any way. Walkers will have trademarked their name for FOOD PRODUCTS, not for anything else (very likely). As I said, you have to specify what you're trademarking the name of something FOR - it cannot be a blanket trademark.

In this case - they just used the term as a pun. It's not the name of the magazine, and they're not selling it under that name.They could have put "Barbie girl" on the front cover instead and, again, Barbie's trademark would not be infringed upon
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All these years of talking about this and I still don’t get it. It’s an ugly print, yes, but it’s the same exact cut, style, and length of Ingrids. And Fleur, of all people, should not be talking about ugly patterns/prints.
It was the whole outfit. Her hair was like how I do my hair to go to sleep, her shoes clearly didn't fit, and Tanya showed up with a huge black bag that was akin to something you might have taken to school in year 8. The dress was bad and ugly, but the entire look was way worse. It was clear Tanya had put no thought into wearing something appropriate for Fleur's wedding.
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What does it have to do with Fleur East really? She won’t have decided the cover. Probably discussed art/editorial direction and they’ll have run the final past her as a courtesy and she might think she signed it off but it’s unlikely she will have had either approval or veto rights. There’s every chance she will not have seen the final cover lines. These things are so prone to last minute tweaks.

FdF needs to take it up with the magazine and leave Fleur East alone or shut up altogether.
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If I thought Fleur was showing active racist behavior then I would have stopped following her much earlier (being a woman of color). But with the classicism and elitism in the UK (thanks to their monarchy), it is fair to assume that excluding people of color from certain "higher" circles is a real thing. That is a racist system, no doubt about it. The UK's history is, like many other countries', deeply rooted in racism and colonialism. Does that automatically mean that Fleur herself is racist towards people of color? I don't know.

I have no friends of colour for exactly the same reasons. Also not a racist. I’ve never seen any evidence that Fleur is a racist & I’m a long time follower. Throwing the word racist around lessens it’s value IMO & does a disservice to the victims as racism.
I think Fleur gets a much harder time than other influencers because she is well off.
I respectfully disagree; for the longest time Fleur was more respected because she is well off. Over at GG people weren't allowed to make negative comments about her in the appropriate thread, because the main argument was that she was more genuine than other influencers, because she didn't need the money. Which I always thought was a crazy argument, but ok, that's how things were then. Also, lots of people admired her for her wealthy husband, their house, their travels and saw them as more classy than others. If anything, she had a big advantage for a really long time.
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Does anyone think that fleur and Mike aren’t compatible, and that Mike is too good for fleur? I know my opinion I’m just curious what other people think, whether you think they’re compatible or not
I actually think they are both exactly the same, self entitled snobs, terrible people, I didn't mind Mike but after seen his despise looks when Fleur purchased stuff from a charity shop and his stupid stories after the Dubai gate I only think he is an asshole just like Fleur, they both have what they have thanks to their family wealth is not like they worked hard to earn anything, Mike excuse is that he has dyslexia, I know plenty of people with this issue that found a way to educate themselves and be successful of course he knows he doesn't need to worry about finding a job or anything so he doesn't make any effort whatsoever again an entitled twat.
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Her latest Instagram stories “Piggy you get me every time” PUT HER ON A LEAD THEN 🤦🏼‍♀️ If this repeatedly happens one day it’s not going to have a happy ending.
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‘Leave her for a brood mare’ ffs, I’ve heard it all now 🤣 they’re not bloody Charles and Diana!

I don’t think he would ever leave her actually. I think in those wealthy upper class (whatever class you want to call them) circles it’s very much not the done thing to separate. Even if you’re miserable you just put up with it. Affairs? Yeah maybe, but divorce is probably much less common than in your average middle class family..
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Defending a trademark doesn't often involve being a snarky bitch to someone that, essentially, has nothing to do with the issue at hand
What the hell is wrong with her? What does she want Fleur East to do about this? "I'm sorry that I have the same name as you and someone else made a pun with it"
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Has Fleur’s connection to Nikki Philippi come up here yet? I’ve scanned a few pages back and don’t see anything. There is major drama going down with her at the moment, she has pretty much been cancelled for putting down her dog of nine years for agressive behaviour without trying to train or rehome. Worst thing for me was that she turned it into content and did a photo shoot with the dog - for the gram - right before he was killed. Tonnes of drama channels are covering it, but it seems like she was good friends with Fleur at one point - dozens of videos of them collaborating
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Maybe just me but I think her tits look totally normal - good in fact - for a 30 something woman who’s not wearing a bra 😂
A thirty something woman who’s also had a baby!
I’m no Fleur fan, but her tits aren’t on the list of things I dislike about her.
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Really? Please don’t have pets if you think this is okay. Not walking your dog for 2 years is pure negligence.

Regardless of size, every dog needs exercise, mental and physical stimulation to have a happy life. Dachshunds may be small but they still require walks and can become destructive and depressed if they don’t get the necessary exercise they need. 🤦🏻‍♀️

she still needs to be walked regardless of how big her garden is. They need to experience new sights and smells. Imagine how bored the poor dog is, no wonder it runs off! 🙄
You’re reaching. This dog gets more exercise than most people walking around they block three times a day. I don’t think you understand how big their property is. It’s not a garden. It’s really huge. You seem to have some sort of fenced off area in mind.

Piglet is always racing off like a cannonball. There’s a lot we can say about Fleur, but that family takes good care of their pets.
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Sadly some people still believe in Fleur's bullshit saying "she already apologised what else do you want?“
Fleur wasn't sorry about her shitty selfish attitude of travelling abroad when it was almost forbidden she was only sorry that she got caught and she couldn't get away with her lies only when she couldn't handle it anymore she finally admitted in a very sneaky way of only editing an old insta post to make sure very few people would see it.
But thanks for what influencers call "trolls" she ended up all over the internet in not a good way, now she is pretending taht never happened something she is very used to do.

View attachment 704991
I wrote this article, you’re welcome ;)
the link to it is here if anyone would like to actually read it.
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And this is the part that makes me judge her for going on vacation or staycation or whatever. She essentially has a little hamlet all to herself. Give me a break, Fleur.
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She's so massively over-estimating her own fame and influence. Sweetie, you're not even on Zoella levels of fading fame and never were. She truly expected the magazine to contact her beforehand. And yes, she's awful for going after Fleur E. I'm sure if this had been Taylor Swift (I know, not possible due to the name) she would have seen it as a massive honor.
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Anyone else think pre-Dubai she wouldn’t have admitted to getting her nose done? But now she’s looking to spark interest again and thinks being ~honest~ will do it.
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Rainbow Blossom

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I think our country as a whole has a huge problem with class divide. I don’t think America has the same class structure as us, there it’s just rich/middle/poor, and you can move up and down the levels if you increase your income. Our class system has many more intricacies, it’s not as simple as earn more and you find yourself middle class. I find it very interesting.

I don’t blame Fleur and Mike for sending their children to private schools. River wouldn’t fit in at their local comprehensive in the same way that my children would stick out like sore thumbs at a private school. I don’t hold individual people responsible for the class structure, it’s not their fault they were born into the families they were, however I find it troublesome when they don’t check their privilege. Fleur has absolutely no idea how most people live day to day.
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The question is....was she already in her early yt days really good at faking empathy and being down to earth, or has she changed over the years? Because the Fleur I started watching in 2011 wasn't that much of an other-level snob she is today. Or at least she didn't seem to be. I always she she was rich, but one of things I used to like about her was the fact that she did seem somewhat self-aware. Despite the constant traveling and living in massive homes, she didn't seem as disconnected as she does now. But who knows....maybe she has always been sneaky.
I have watched her from the start and I completely get your point. She was different back then but what I feel is in the early days she was constantly travelling on YouTube brand trips with other girls. She was almost always on trips by herself. What we see now is a Fleur who doesn’t get as many brand deals as before for travelling mainly due to covid. So now she has to go on the family trips and it clearly shows exactly who she is because these trips are all chosen and planned by her. Previously her “work trips” were too much and it made up for lack of travel with family. But now she doesn’t have those anymore and we see how she actually really travels as it’s all her personal taste and not something planned by a brand.
I hope I could get my point .

She has always been very sneaky. I remember this one time when she was doing her wedding series. She was trying to be so relatable by telling that she really couldn’t go overboard on her wedding dress because they were planning a wedding and wanted a honeymoon in Thailand. She cribbed and cribbed about sticking to a budget for like a year before her wedding day. She said she might not even go for a honeymoon coz they were saving up and all that shit! But guess what? When it actually came to it the bitch got a dress (which She said did go over budget) all the way from New York (oh the fuss at the airport was horrendous- true Fleur colors there if you watch that vlog) , actually bought a bloody huge house right before the wedding , had a grand wedding reception and the icing on the cake - went anyway to Thailand for her honeymoon. This is the time when it finally hit me that she is a sneaky bitch! I never trusted anything she said about being relatable from then!
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