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Has anyone else watched Skylar's vlog on whether he supports his sister Shaye/ going shopping? He is certainly clickbaiting the hell out of things for income, and it could have been really thoughtful and interesting but I thought that the humour missed the mark? Him trying on a skirt and top was a mockery really? (unless that's where he is going as well?). He's also talked about Jamie being devout LDS in a couple (or a few) vlogs now - as opposed to coming across as supportive and respectful, to me it's coming off as passive aggressive - they are both going hard on individualising their brands (which is fair enough and understandable) but part of where he's going or perhaps part of what he's trying out is the mixed faith/ leaving the cult type thing. It's unfair to Jamie really - she was devout LDS when they married - it's not as if she suddenly sprung it on him. They shoud both just get normal jobs like normal people to support themselves.
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It is interesting where their money comes from. Skylar seemed to have his own business as a house valuer prior to having the quints so you would assume he could just fire that back up, but Jamie doesn’t seem qualified to do anything or have a whole lot of work history. Seems like she was a Mormon mum planning on making that her job for life.

I think Skylars social media could do quite well solo. He is likeable and the whole ex-Mormon thing is interesting.

It is odd that so many family vloggers or instagrammers feel they are all respectful and enlightened because they always say “if the kids don’t ever want to do it, we respect that”. So basically it’s an “opt in” unless you can voice you want to “opt out”. Which is not how consent in the broad sense works!!!!!
I do feel in the future some of these kids will have solid legal cases against their parents for violating and taking advantage of their inability to consent.
I think that he could do okay with a channel of his own as well (but definitely not focused on the quints). I noticed in a vlog recently that he said that if they ever decided that they didn't want to be filmed then he'd stop vlogging them, but that is ridiculous given their ages. They have been used since before their birth for the family's income. I kind of get it for a period of time that the vlogging income allowed them both to be stay at home parents (but they never parented with just the two of them in any case). It's time that they put a stop to it - when I did consistently watch them a couple of years ago there were a number of times when Vivi particularly obviously didn't want to be filmed - they never respected that.
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I like the fact that Jamie quietly took the fivetwolove name while he was busy navel gazing and shagging in hotels in Vegas. Nice little F-you! For some of his less than nice carrying on.
I do think he at least should be a gentleman and go back to his previous job and career and leave the vlogging to Jamie.
I tend to think her vlogging involves a bit more respect for the kids, rather than doing things like filming them while he explains divorce to a five year old for clicks.
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checked the channel out after being disinterested after a while, and was surprised to find that the dad already has a new girlfriend. Obviously, there is no timeline in starting a new relationship after a divorce, BUT with so many kids and a new house, I thought a new relationship was the last thing on his mind (but that's just me though!). He seems happy and the kids seem to like the new girlfriend. Cool
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He's got a video out today explaining both he and Jamie have to move.

He was Live and someone in comments said " why divorce? Who cheated" which I thought was incredibly rude, but he answered. No one cheated. They were married 18 years and could no longer make it work.
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So the newest update, he's got a very pretty new young girlfriend. Who has never been married and no children. Also a vlogger, God it's awful.... I guess there's potential there to keep the money flowing in from not actually working. New wife, more babies, more circus.
Still find it appalling making a,living off sharing every intimate detail.
I had to find this thread to express my shock lol. When you're introducing your new girlfriend in a vlog, surely it's time to give up the pretense of having a joint channel with your ex wife? Whatever happened to their marriage, it is not a nice thing to do to Jamie at all? Or perhaps she has a new partner already and her new partner will be introduced next?
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I believe they left and shay “came out” for the sake of their children and their futures, it sound like he was put under a lot of pressure growing up and wants his kids to be free to be who they are without judgement.

Im glad Skylar stuck by his brother and their family, it gives hope to the quints and his other kids, if they ever decide to leave the church.
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Awkward that the relationship ended so quickly. I hope he’s okay. I have a soft spot for Skylar despite myself. I feel he is a person who really would have been quite different if he hadn’t grown up in a restrictive religion. He seems very lost.
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It was pretty foul of him to be airing a new very quick relationship on the channel that Jamie was still posting on too. That’s really disrespectful to Jamie.
I don’t mind him but I think he’s on a long journey and I’m glad he sees that too, I hope he’s in therapy and gets a proper job and focusses on being a good dad and person and stops being so narcissistic.

I have respect for Jamie. She’s not my kind of person but boy is she tough. I get the impression she doesn’t have much money (maybe a job could be good) she’s raising all those kids, she’s neat, well presented, but more relaxed and comfortable than she used to be. She’s stepped up a bit I think.
Really GROSS. And shameful for the children too, having that confusion introduced to them in such a short amount of time.

I also see that Danna has now broken up with the relationship that she started minutes after Skylar as well.
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They say you shouldn't jump right into a relationship right after divorce. Sigh. Skylar definitely presents as someone who can't be alone.
Yeah but having a hot sexy rebound person is just what you need! Good on him and I hope he is getting all the booty he can handle. Her Insta is Montanna Danna and her socials are cheesey and sickly sweet.

I really think “relationship” in the actual sense is not really what’s happened here, it’s more some influencer/vlogger cross promotional thing for both of them.
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New video from Jamie. She obviously has not appreciated Skylar's videos.
The comment about the ten acres in Waco and homesteading was so interesting. I know that wasn't the turning point but it seems like Skylar wanted to run off to some place and live this certain lifestyle that she didn't.
I thought that she did it very tastefully - obviously in response to his videos though.
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i wonder the reason for divorce? Doesn’t sound like it was what skyler wanted he described it as feeling like a form of grief
I feel looking back at older blogs Jamie seemed so disinterested in skyler and like she couldn’t bare to be around was probably just that Jamie fell out of love with him
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Yes I just saw it. I think he is really genuine and honest. He said he had been through a faith crisis and was no longer Mormon as well.
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So Skyler has talked about the divorce today on hus youtube channel. It sounds very much like Jamie hit him with it out of the blue.... and he says he's definitely not ready for dating either so I guess he's figured that out.
I wonder why she said she was done?
I actually don’t agree at all with the assumption that Jamie divorced him.
He probably assumed that if he left the Mormon church Jamie would stick with him because of the kids and family, much like his brother Shane’s wife stuck with him.
Therefore when she couldn’t leave, a decision had to be made for both of them. A decision he probably didn’t really see coming.
I get the feeling that her family was more devout Mormon than his.
To be honest it’s a bit stupid of him to say he didn’t see it coming or was surprised, he clearly thought Jamie would put his needs and views and keeping the family together over her own.
@MrsSlocombe yes the whole Dana Montana episode was a bit gross, especially when he filmed their hotel bed in Vegas - vomit! Jamie has definitely grown on me.
Also the more I think about it, it feels like Skyler is just taking about the divorce yet again because he has talked about it a few other times - just for clicks, now that the YourTube channel is all his.
Which has the yucky flavour of selling his family personal story with a click bait headline for money.
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My perspective is quite different. I feel sure Skyler is gay, I have several friends who are gay. It is a difficult journey, but it can be done with love, respect, and understanding. Perhaps he thought he could suppress those feelings, but when he realized he wanted to be true to himself, he may have agreed to stay til the quints were somewhat independent and in preschool so that there was “ daytime “ relief. The kids will still grow up knowing both parents love them, albeit in different houses. When you think about the arrangement, it gives the one who does not have them for a time, a well deserved respite! Religion would play a big part in family acceptance and that may be why you don’t see some participating, ….and that is the children’s loss. I also do not think this was sudden, but perhaps has been a somewhat long term plan in transition. Love comes in many shapes and sizes! One thing that can’t be argued is how much these two parents love and enjoy their children, older ones, of course, included!

Exploiting the children is a whole other belief that many seem to have.
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Wow 😮 yes she did a great job. She definitely comes across much better on her own channel doing things her own way.
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What a complicated divorce that's going to be. And their older boys have already had such tumultuous changes in their lives since Jamie's pregnancy.

It's probably poor taste for me to speculate but still, I'm so intrigued about the circumstances of the separation. After the shock of the Gardner Quad Squad scandal it does have me wondering about the things they don't show.
I am intrigued too 🤔
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I don’t comment on my own thread much as I don’t watch their vlogs much these days. Have nothing against them divorcing etc. Mainly cos i find Jamie’s quite boring and trying to be miss perfect all the time. I do watch Skyler a bit more, at least he has more personality but his costco trips are same old
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