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I do thank you. My kids live a few hours away, one is coming tomorrow and the other i will see during the week. But I have wonderful neighbours and friends who showed up in minutes to help, even in the middle of the night. I live in a fantastic small street and we all are very close.
Thank you fezzas for the love, it is very much felt and appreciated. 🤗
I can only imagine that performing cpr is such an emotional and physical undertaking, let alone for 12 minutes, let alone on a loved one. You did a great thing to do that. Thinking of you x
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Fezzas, I’ve had a shitty weekend in more ways than one thanks to a delightful gastro bug that started on Friday night but the thing I’m most sad about is that I’ve broken my reading streak on the kindle app! I was so proud of the “you’ve been reading for 252 weeks” messages and I even thought about just reading one page last night so that I wouldn’t break the streak but forgot and it’s done.
Mind you I haven’t eaten anything in two days either and am down four kgs so suck in that Emmy. And I watched the 20 year Kath and Kim specials on Netflix so the weekend hasn’t been completely bad.
I hope everyone else’s weekend was pleasant and didn’t involve riding the porcelain bus too much.
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Honestly within 3 days. I couldn’t believe it. It’s not a cheap pill but it’s worth every cent. My last real cycle before i started Yaz was 21 days so i literally ovulated pretty much when the bleeding stopped and that was it for me, i couldn’t deal anymore, best decision i made. I think i have put on a kilo or 2 but i couldn’t care less considering how much more normal i feel in myself 🩷
I just got it, $55! Omg 😳 but I just took my first pill. I’m sooo emotionally and physically drained from having to take endone last night for the pain 🥹 thanks so much for writing back, I feel like this might be the first step to getting my life back. You name it, I’ve tried it. Exercise, zero alcohol, EPO, yoga, everything. It wasn’t working.
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I think if he was deleting his own messages he'd also delete the suspect ones. Men are stupid as shit (sorry brother t if you are reading) but they dont think the way we do. Your husband probably read the other guys messages, screenshot and shared with mates about how ridiculous it was and then let it go.
I would absolutely raise it with your husband anyway but probably nothing in it from his side.

I'm hoping this is the case. I'll sit on it tonight, I'm too tired to start a conversation now. I'll figure out what I want to say and bring it up tomorrow.

And besides I have some tattle to catch up on. I wonder if our emmy ever faced this problem with ol'limpy love?? I officially unfollowed her today. What an absoluteday it has been.
I'm sorry but what do you see in this man? I am astounded how much shit people put up with. Strike one is the drugs, strike 2 is the cheating and the third and worst is the fact he isn't even bothering coming to the birth of your child. Please do yourself a favour and get the fuck out of that toxic relationship.

Yeah in cold hard text he's not sounding too good is he...
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What are you fezzas up to for Easter?

I'm house and dog sitting for some friends and their place is ah-maaaa-zing! It's up high on a hill that has a glimpse of the sea, rolling farmland, and a busy road in the distance (it's surprisingly relaxing sitting on the deck watching the traffic through binoculars).

Her dog is sooo cute ... he is a terrier type with very long legs and super-playful. He has a huge toy box full of every toy imaginable and keeps bringing me things to throw. I took him for a drive to get some things last night and he barked allllllllllll the way there and allllllllllll the way back ... he's obviously not used to traveling in the car. So that was a new, fun, experience for him.

I feel like I'm on holiday ... I'm just 40 minutes down the road from home but a complete change of scenery is working wonders.
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I'm so sorry, they should be happy about the baby.

Personally I don't think being married means anything. You don't have to go through that just to prove that you're with someone. I just hate the whole expectation that marriage is the only answer.

us too! we will get married when we feel like it however they are now pushing it on us to be married the next few weekends. I now keep my distance from them and spend more time with my family as they have been such good energy!
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Slightly off topic here, but if and when you need a break from Emmy or any other influenzers or just want to see some nice things, theres a thread in off topic - photo a day. People post random photos they have taken. Some of them are amazing. Just thought I'd share :)
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Esme Watson

Chatty Member
Guys my mother in law doesn’t want to get the vaccine before she sees her grand daughter- utterly refuses and said it’s ok after 2 months. What the fuck 😞 what should I do and is she correct? Our baby is coming in 9 weeks. Both families meet this weekend for the first time. I’m a nervous wreck
The way I saw it, if someone wasn’t willing to get the whooping cough vaccine to protect the health of my daughter, they aren’t willing to have a relationship with her either. Harsh but I didn’t care. I didn’t want my daughter ending up sick and fighting for her life so young
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Oh fezzas 💕 I can't even begin to express how much your words of support have meant to me. I may not know any of you "trolls" but your kind words and advice have given me strength. Thankyou so much for your advice and suggestions. @Broken Veneers once again you have blown me away, you are incredibe and I am so grateful for all that information ❤
@BeachBaby Thankyou for that excellent suggestion, I've never even considered that! But it looks like it could definitely be an option and I'm investigating it further. I really appreciate it.

Ive enrolled in an immunisation course, i was eanting to avoid spending( more )money on more education but this seems worth it.
@somanyteeth ive sent an email to temu

ihavnt got a lawyer as yet, only been able to put one foot in front of the other at the moment and barely have money for food and petrol let alone other expenses. Getting worried now my credit card is getting a hammering.Sorry again for the late reply everyone but all your love and kind words have meant so much to me ❤
These ‘trolls’ are the best people I’ve never met.
I hope you can find a much less stressful ‘normal’ soon. Take care.💕
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Thank you so much!! I was in shock! It’s like how much more punishment do you wnana give your son? Ffs. I see her Sunday so I’ll tell her infront of everyone. Sickens me so much. I was like “hmm then you won’t see her grand daughter till you get it, she could die!” Then she said after two months it’s ok. Ffs how much more shit do you wnana put us through. Isn’t even excited about a baby shower, says what’s the point baby isn’t even gonna be there. Fuck off 😡
I had whooping cough almost 14 years ago. My doctor said it was a mild dose. As a 40-something year old with a ‘mild dose’ I cannot fathom the impact on a newborn. I coughed relentlessly for 4 months - so hard at times that I chipped my front tooth and sprained my ribs so badly I couldn’t lie down. I’d be very happy to have a chat with your MIL if you need reinforcements 😉
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Chatty Member
If it's an iphone you should have a recently deleted folder

Go to albums and scroll down until you reach Recently Deleted
Thank you for all the advice, but no it's gone. I went to the Apple Store and none of it saved to the cloud . Seven days work all gone. Thanks for letting me let it out. Trying to gather footage from elsewhere and scrounge enough to suffice
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Happy MD to all fezzas including the ones who recently gave birth to the next gen fezzas. Enjoy the day!

My first MD, my ex made a Toblerone cheesecake for my gift which was awesome. It was all downhill from then and we coparent with style now just like old mate Emmy 😋
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Hi Fezzas, thanks so much for the love. I havnt been able to sum up what has happened, sorry its taken me so long to reply. Its been a big few days. Everything is a mess.

Basically I asked him gently about it, and he immediately got angry with me, apparently I read it out of context and no matter what he says I will think he's guilty so I will do whatever I want. He contacted the guy and made me call him, apparently it's all one sided and this guy loves my husband, but not in love with him. And says he is a lonely alcoholic, I ended up apologising to him. Then one of my husbands other friends contacted me and had a go because now she is worried about their friend and I'm an arsehole.

My husband wouldn't speak to me about it, was just really angry and I'm an arsehole. Apparently to his friends I'm always keeping him on a short leash and never letting him do anything and he always has to run everything by me, and I am always having major mental health issues and causing drama.
Which all couldn't be further from the truth.

Sure I have minor depression and anxiety and am medicated but so is half the planet. I have multiple children, I work shift work mostly nights and weekends in a physical and emotionally taxing career. I'm highly educated, and I never tell him he can't do anything. Ive actively encouraged him to have a social life because I know it's good for him. I don't have a social life because if I'm not at work I'm looking after my kids.

And then he asked me to leave, and he wants 50/50.

So I've been organising accomodation, the house car and assets are in his name.

Baby girl due Wednesday, so I've been focusing on that and making sure my other kids are good.

It's a mess. And apparently I'm the arsehole, for questioning some inappropriate messages.

Thank you all for the love and support fezzas, I really appreciate it. You are a brilliant bunch ❤❤

I am so sorry. I would hazard a guess he has been having an affair and is guilty as sin. Taking it all out on you, This must be so hard for you, but you sound like an amazing person and this might be a blessing. You deserve better and you’re being gaslit. Concentrate on your beautiful children and I think you have a wonderful life ahead of you xx
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My Mum was 89 when the last little one arrived in our family, she was first in line for any vaccinations needed so she could meet her first great, great grandbaby.
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