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I hope you’re doing okay @dartsmokingpony!! His massive overreaction absolutely comes from a guilty conscience. Maybe he’s not involved with this guy, but he’s definitely not been behaving above board. I can’t believe his friends piled on?! Or that you apparently never let him do anything!?! I know very few people (probably no one!) that would be cool with their partner staying out all night so frequently while they stayed at home with the kids. Especially pregnant!!

Don’t leave the house!!!!!! It doesn’t matter if it’s in his name. Make him leave if he’s the one that wants to end things!! What kind of asshole makes you run around like that at nine months pregnant.

Absolutely horrendous timing. I’m so sorry this is happening the week your beautiful new baby is due. You should definitely reach out to @somanyteeth on that email address. She’s a wonderful person and great for a chat.
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Hey fezzas! Sorry I'm not the most active on tattle but I read along every day. I had my tonsils out last Wednesday afters whole lifetime of issues and the recovery has been absolutely horrific! I just wanted to say thank you to all the awesome peeps in here for making me laugh during such an awful time, it has been the best thing for me (other than pain killers ofcourse 🤣) ❤
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Baby fezza has arrived. She is perfect and today was amazing, a beautiful maternal assisted csection. Other kids are in love. Her initials are T.C which I'm going to pretend stand for our mascot treasure cat ❤
Thank you again for all the love fezzas.
I look forward to catching up on many pages of tattle during all the night feeds now!
This is the best news ever, Pony. So beautiful!
I think TC will always be out little treasure cat ❤
Enjoy the catch ups on tattle. Emmylous been particularly crazy over there if you need some extra long entertainment. Xx
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I’m so flat. Baby is 6 months today, getting his first tooth. We haven’t slept for a week. My toddler and 5 year old have been having a week of big emotions, and toilet training the 2 year old I’ve been wiping up wee all over the place. Hubby is perpetually in a bad mood and takes it out on me. Feel like I don’t have any friends. Just want to lay in bed and not have any responsibilities. Wahhh.
Baby, toddler and a 5 year old? Ah super mum! Hoping you all get some sleep tonight. I tried to toilet train my daughter at 2 and she wouldn’t have a bar if it! Waited until she was 2 1/2 and she was toilet trained in a few days. Crazy! I was tearing my hair out 🥴.

I’ll be your friend 🌸
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Man I haven’t thought baby gear for years (my baby is 16 next week) but with my two they were so different! My oldest used Nuk dummies no issues but the youngest flat out refused any dummy - until they were almost 2 and tried stealing a dummy off a friend’s baby and I was like “um no thanks not starting this nonsense” :ROFLMAO:

Nappies were another one - Huggies were the worst for both with constant leaks at the legs so matter how much shimmying and pulling and tightening I did! They were Snuggies kids although I think the 16 year old was in another store brand but I have no idea what it would have been.

Then there was the nappy rash cream excitement. One kid did ok with most creams, one got the worst rashes ever if I used anything but a zinc based crea. And god forbid I put paw paw cream near either of them…

ETA - I just had a horrid flash back to trying to find a bottle system that worked with my second too. We went through so many bottles and treats I can almost feel the stress of trying almost every single teat on the market. Then the formula…. 😬

That diatribe to just say - be a bit cautious with stocking up! You’ll work out what’s best for you all soon enough but it can be a lot of trial and error even for relatively straight forward things 💛
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@dartsmokingpony I‘m sorry it’s blown up like this but you know your worth and you can see that he‘s gaslighting you so hold onto that knowledge.
You‘ve got a bunch of Fezzas who’ll go into fight for you or will hold your handbag and earrings while you fight
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Esme Watson

Chatty Member
You both ok? The in laws have been GREAT! They come over a lot & done a complete 360 on their behaviour. They love seeing her, holding her and she smiled last night to them! They rushed for their phones to snap a photo. But me and baby RB are in such a good routine. She’s in bed by 7pm every night. She is a 6-6 routine and did that herself! So when visitors come round which is never lol / mainly the grandparents - I tell them what time to come instead of going by their cues. They want to spend time with her but she needs to stay in her routine. Also, is medium frequent poos normal?

also, if you are ever in south east, bunjil place cafe coffee is awesome. It’s $5 -VERY EXPENSIVE, but for a mumma who enjoys a cuppa and wants someone else to make it , very good coffee. ALSO, I must admit , my baby is mixed fed also. My supply is low..she wasn’t gaining weight when she first came home. I was shattered but came to terms with it. I was actually ok with the formula and mix feeding bcos my mental health was declining when she wasn’t gaining weight. Now she’s 4.1kg & I’m proud. But the stigma behind formula is intense. People look down on me all the time , especially the midwives and I stick it to them everytime. “Breast is best” WELL I’M NOT PRODUCING ENOUGH, I’m doing the best I can & I love my little girl so much. I love waking for her feeds, I love it when she sleeps so she can grow to one day enjoy a baby cino
With me. She is so cute. But she eats and sleeps straight away. She also has a mild tongue tie but it doesn’t effect her drinking x immunisation next week , gonna be a big cry and a heart break to see!
Anyway that’s my life story with her :)
I promise it does it easier. My supply also didn’t come in properly and was only able to supply enough for 2 feeds per day for the first two weeks. My supply dried up within 48 hours. My mental health took a deep dive around this time but my daughter thrived on formula and we haven’t looked back since. At first I thought everyone was looking at me with judgement when I would whip out the formula but soon discovered it wasn’t judgement at all. It was a preconceived idea I had in my head that people would judge me. Not saying that’s the case for you at all by the way. Just something I personally discovered.

You will meet some arseholes along the way but the good outweighs the bad. I had so many medical professionals ask if I was breastfeeding over her first 12 months and my response was always “no I had a failed breastfeeding journey”. Most people would correct me and tell me it wasn’t a failed journey or I even had a couple upset that in my mind I saw it as a failure. Don’t let those bad eggs get you down! You are doing a wonderful job. The best thing you can do for your daughter is provide her with food and nutrients and you are doing just that 🩷
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How's everyone's week going?

I'm getting some new cupboards and shelving installed in my spare bedroom which is so darned exciting ... I'm going to turn it into a super-duper-sized home office and convert what is currently my study, into a single bedroom with a pull-down bed. I need my home office more than I do my spare bedroom, so I'm looking forward to this all working better for me. I just came home for lunch to check on progress and cannot believe how great this firm is - they're almost finished!
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thank you so much! We say the same thing, they didnt even congratulate us. after leaving our palce, they called my partner and screamed at him. he hung up, he is over their behaviour. being a grandparent should be an exciting thing since we had a hard time getting pregnant. dont need their energy! thank you so much!😍
22 years ago when we rang my ex mother in law to tell her I was pregnant, her response was its not too late for a termination is it? Stupid Bitch she is.
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Limpy Love

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Oh fezzas 💕 I can't even begin to express how much your words of support have meant to me. I may not know any of you "trolls" but your kind words and advice have given me strength. Thankyou so much for your advice and suggestions. @Broken Veneers once again you have blown me away, you are incredibe and I am so grateful for all that information ❤
@BeachBaby Thankyou for that excellent suggestion, I've never even considered that! But it looks like it could definitely be an option and I'm investigating it further. I really appreciate it.

Ive enrolled in an immunisation course, i was eanting to avoid spending( more )money on more education but this seems worth it.
@somanyteeth ive sent an email to temu

ihavnt got a lawyer as yet, only been able to put one foot in front of the other at the moment and barely have money for food and petrol let alone other expenses. Getting worried now my credit card is getting a hammering.Sorry again for the late reply everyone but all your love and kind words have meant so much to me ❤
Are you able to look into Legal Aid to assist.

There is no way on earth that the father of your children hasn't got an obligation to provide for them regardless of the circumstances.
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Director of Mugs

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My partners family are disappointed we aren’t married but my family are so excited. So we feel our news got tainted on his side. I feel for him, he is hurting
I'm so sorry, they should be happy about the baby.

Personally I don't think being married means anything. You don't have to go through that just to prove that you're with someone. I just hate the whole expectation that marriage is the only answer.

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I have a 6 months old and Tattle has been my best friend over during overnight feedings and contact napping 😂 good luck with everything, truely is the most amazing time in the world 🥰
yeah i find myself waking at 3:30am to wee and scroll through tattle till i pass out again! cant wait for mid April to meet our little one
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Howdy fezzas! If anyone remembers my life crumbling at the start of the year here is an update and a question about what my new career should be ? I apologise in advance about the ramble of thoughts.

Sorry I hadn't replied to the last messages checking in to see if I was ok, i really appreciated the thoughts.
Honestly, everything's been shit. The husband has fully checked out of all parenting, our family and kids lives completely. Like none of the past 15 years ever happened.

It turns out all "our" assets are actually owned in with his families trusts or something, I don't understand and feel so stupid about. So I'm without my car, out of our house, with 4 kids. I'm staying with my parents but my mum has gotten unwell suddenly and is now palliative, so that's a shit blow.

My adorable baby fezza is now 3 months old and gorgeous, she is so very loved and adored and it breaks my heart her father has checked out of our life.
my postpartum cardiomyopathy is now deemed chronic heart failure and the pulmonary embolisms are still being treated with massive doses of clexane twice a day, my entire abdomen and thighs are black and blue with bruises. I can't pay for specialist appointments because the accounts I had access too have been emptied.

Im poor, essentially homeless, desperately sad, heartbroken about losing my mum soon, chronically unwell, 3 months postpartum and trying my best to provide a happy life to my4 beautiful children, who are all amazing and deserve the world

I can't go back to work just yet as I'm receiving ppl , and I've realised I won't be able to return to my employment of rotating shift work , night shift, double shifts and overtime as a single mum with no support.

So now that I have had a whinge and a pity party for myself , if you've made it this far, I would like to brain storm with you diverse and intelligent fezzas to what my new career could be ?

I have a couple of Bachelor degrees and postgrad diplomas however, without doxing myself, my current employment is in a very niche area. But broadly speaking, what would a RN be able to change work to that is not in nursing at all ? 9-5, work from home, minimal stress, etc etc .

Rural and regional location make it limiting, and I'm definitly not interesting, beautiful or talented like Emmy, so I won't be able to make it as an influencer 🤷‍♀️
Oh dart my heart breaks for you. Have you got a lawyer? Whether his assets are in trusts or not you should be entitled to something - at the very least child support.
As far as a new career goes, I suggest injury management. They love anyone with an allied health background. Doing return to work programs etc for people coming off w/c or income protection claim.
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oh thank you! googled it, $15, totlaly buying it. i went abit insane and got three packets of dummies, one glow in the dark and two other ones...woolies was on special but big w had the ones i was looking for and paid full price but oh well, trial and error. Hopefully all worth it. it as the Timmee Toppee brand the light weight one - hopefully our little girl likes something hahah! Now I need a breast pump and bottles...but that can wait. need to keep on saving!!! lol need a baby bath thing but i can get that on marketplace for half the price - WOW I am excited but also nervous bcos who knows what she may or may not like lol

oh my! REALLY? hahahaha i need to get them soon then. Big W or woolies is on special, half price!
I’m so happy for you reading all the shopping updates and preparations. I feel like we’ve all been on such a journey with you from conception to her almost being here.
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Christmas event! Our youngest started walking last week and now toddles around the house with his Santa hat on saying “ho ho ho”. It’s Super Cute.
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No replies to that from my husbands side, but I can't tell if anything has been deleted.
Obviously there is more issues , but I was snooping because I was suss on his drug use. He tells me it's just a joint occasionally and some beers, but ive been suspecting ita been more. Which has pretty much been confirmed. I don't care if people enjoy recreational nose beers. I used to be fun once upon a time. I just would prefer not to be lied to about it. But obviously curiosity has killed the cat, and now I've found myself on the verge of my world falling apart.
I think if he was deleting his own messages he'd also delete the suspect ones. Men are stupid as shit (sorry brother t if you are reading) but they dont think the way we do. Your husband probably read the other guys messages, screenshot and shared with mates about how ridiculous it was and then let it go.
I would absolutely raise it with your husband anyway but probably nothing in it from his side.
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