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VIP Member
Exactly the type of couple who would complain about 'furriners' in the UK not speaking "our language". I'd like not to label her ignorant and proud, but it's becoming more apparent since there is nothing preventing her from learning something new and gaining some independence. Who knows? She may even make some new friends along the way (the fastest way to learn), and get better customer service in those shops!!
God knows she has enough free time and instead of obsessing over her body image she should enroll in some classes a couple of times a week.
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I think she has huge confidence issues and doesn't realize that it would help her if she felt more independent by being able to speak the language. They have the money to get a private tutor and she's smarter than she thinks. It's not okay for either of them to rely on their kids to translate, and it's not okay to just hang out with the Brits. Of course it is comforting to be around those you feel most 'normal' with, but it can get very isolating. I'm an expat (not in France) and wanted to cling to any Brit I could find at first, but it wasn't good long term. I'd love to see her be fluent and let her other loud expat friends see that she's moving on up in the world.
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VIP Member
Exactly the type of couple who would complain about 'furriners' in the UK not speaking "our language". I'd like not to label her ignorant and proud, but it's becoming more apparent since there is nothing preventing her from learning something new and gaining some independence. Who knows? She may even make some new friends along the way (the fastest way to learn), and get better customer service in those shops!!
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Well-known member
Anyone else think she's become unhealthily military about their food ? She even said herself she doesn't think about what it tastes like anymore, just what nutrition it has.
Also poor Seth, saying they hate laziness just because he had a lie in on a Sunday. It's a well known fact that teens need a lot more sleep.
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That poor baby did not have a hat on all day? There was no real shade to speak of. I know Fern would not let her kids go out like that.
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Good to see her endless and wasteful clothes shopping getting criticism in the comments on her new video. Let's see how long those last before being deleted...
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I like Fern but her advertising Lilysilk, saying it's sustainable and not fast fashion which she prefers nowadays, shows her ignorance. Especially since Lilysilk is a Chinese company and they produce everything in China. And 5 min later after mentioning she much prefers quality clothing like Lilysilk compared to high street fashion and fast fashion, she's in Mango drooling over their new line 🙄
I much prefer her exploring and housing content.
Same here. Only a couple of weeks ago she was showing her endless supply of leisure wear bought from Primark. And when she showed her wardrobe it was full of it with the labels still on. Don't forget she's got her brother in laws basement full of her gear that is just left there, loads of it new. Bless her I think she's confused. Buying designer doesn't mean you're buying sustainably. Buying more expensive doesn't mean it's sustainable. A €25 hat bought just to see the look on Nancy's face, which will never be seen again, is definitely not buying better is it?
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Active member
I have such a soft spot for Fern and her family. I really enjoy her vlogs and their zest for life and work ethic. They were brave to move to the south of France and have created such a great life. In a works of fake people like FROW / Amelia liana / Lydia millen, Fern (and Nicki) are w breath of fresh air.
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
It's Seth's birthday but Nancy decides he "has" to share it with her and lo and behold before the boy even had a chance to have any himself she gets first serve of the pancake and the spread. I wonder if she realises what she's doing?

Also re having a mortgage etc, Ryan is clearly a stereo typical Yorkshire man. Tight and doesn't wanna spend his money. Oh wait he's happy to purchase a totally impractical electric car, pay for tax MOT , insurance, electricity to charge it ,but he doesn't want to spend money on a house. Selfish much. As someone in the comments said he should have thought about the cost and taxes of buying a house in France before uprooting his family. We all have bills to pay. That's just life. If you use gas and electricity you have to pay for it. If you value your house and contents you insure it. Simple. I think he's a very selfish man. He's been sucked in by some social media bullshit about not getting into debt. Unless it's a car of course. Fern clearly doesn't have a say. He shouts her down.
Yes I thought wooh he is wound up about the “ curtain twitchers” querying them selling the house

He had a rant about the government and banks like a real tin hatter but you didn't mind making a big profit on the house you sold !

Made a big thing about the money from the house making interest in the bank , well I think you would find the value of the house would have gone up more than that interest !

The way he talked about and touched Ferns boobs was very uncomfortable and you could tell she didn't like it

Used to think he was ok but can now see he is controlling big head

Why does she even bother with you tube the views are pathetic
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Well-known member
I am really torn about her. She really annoys me that she cannot speak French after this long living there. That’s just unforgivable and a total embarrassment. I hate it when she talks about “naughty food” or weight issues in front of her kids, especially her daughter for obvious reasons. She’s trashy as hell when she gets back home or with her friends. She’d be a lot more enjoyable if she wasn’t so utterly obsessed with what she looks like.

But on the other hand she clearly puts thought into her content. I like it when she she shares her meal ideas as the food always looks good. Moving to France has obviously been a great thing for their kids and they seem to be flourishing at school which would have never happened back home. She seems to have a good heart and clearly loves her kids to death. I mean, we all do, but YKWIM.

There is something weird about the moving, etc. Some people think they never even owned that villa before. And yes, moving into that creepy rental is so out of character. My theory is they are having to cut their costs and are saving up to build somewhere if they can find a plot…or who knows. The husband acts like an arse, but I would not say no to someone who can do everything around the house. 😆
Some good points there, yes I also cringe when she talks about " naughty foods" It'll be interesting to see how Nancy grows up with such an image conscious mum.
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Maybe if she learned the language or at least tried to learn and speak the language of the country she's chosen to live in she would find the people there a bit friendlier and open to chat, but currently she's an English woman who's made zero effort and why should the French speak English to accommodate her?
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I have watched her from the start I dont understand why they sold their lovely pink house near Cannes and now moved into a caravan , bit strange 🙂, but she is genuine and lovely
They flip houses - they did it with their Doncaster house and again with the French villa. It sounds like the next will be another project. With his business/contacts in trade, I bet they make a fortune.
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Well-known member
She actually talked a while ago about not mentioning dieting in front of the children. But she mentions enough other stuff about food that it negates it!

Not sure about the trashy comment?! Seems a bit harsh. She's fine as far as I can tell.

I found it really weird that Ryan's staff used to live in the house with them, even if it was in the guest flat. She was doing their washing!
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It’s guess it’s totally fine to be trashy If that’s the look you are going for. Going to London to get bladdered and looking like a dogs dinner in the middle of the afternoon in your designer gear is trashy IMHO. No need to film yourself getting trollied. 🤣
I don’t want to turn this into an anti rave thread, but wanted to answer why I called her trashy when goes home or with her friends. I don’t think she’s trashy all the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Like @dressagediva mentioned, she really has turned herself around quite a lot since her TM appearance, and she does deserve credit for that. If she started to learn to speak French it will open so many doors for her. I hope she gets enough confidence to go for it. I know she says she always struggled with school, but she’s probably a lot smarter than she thinks she is.
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
So the latest bandwagon she has jumped on is hating consumerism , yeh right 🤣🤣

But doesn't mind supporting chinese gangsters and people traffickers by spending 120 euros in nails / pedicures . Hope you gave the girl directly a big cash tip Fern because she probably getting paid peanuts if at all ! Not a good look , do your research !

Next she will be in London visiting the American Sweet shops on Oxford Street for all the yummeh good stuff !
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I think she feels a bit lost now that the kids are getting older. She's missing a structure and a purpose in her daily life. Something she probably found in her garden in their house before.
Everyone else in the family is settled with a job or school, they have daily contacts with colleagues or classmates. The kids have their friends that they see after school. And Fern is just trying to fill her days with meaningless activities and she knows it. She's not happy and probably lonely, you can tell... Especially when she mentioned, she would love to take the kids out of school so they could learn from life.
That's more for her benefit than for the kids, to stop her feeling lonely and make her feel wanted.
But I don't think the kids are up for that, except maybe if they could game all day, watch tiktoks and go shopping. A lot of kids wouldn't mind that 😂
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Was so nice to see so much love for her nan. To have that much fuss and family and friends around when you are 90. How lucky. Her mum’s house is lovely too.
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