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I get what you mean! I like her more way more than the Nicki Positano, and it was because of Nicki I came across Fern. Fern has plenty of faults, but she’s not a horrible snob like Nicki, and I’m warming to Fern a lot more. It’s refreshing that she has her own interiors style, doesn’t follow house trends, and is unapologetic about her tastes.
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I do! Can't stand the husband but I enjoy the vlogs generally.

Considering Fern got her initial online following from dressing the daughter in designer gear as a toddler (she was on This Morning) and coming across as vacuous and materialistic, she's really turned it around and comes across well now.

I enjoy her health/fitness stuff and when she goes to different villages around the Riviera, an area I love a lot. It's very easy watching. Will be interesting to see what they do with the next house they buy and do up too.
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I like it that they have an active family Sunday, but then to go on and on about not eating ”naughty food”, and earning treats, and not eating when going out to eat by claiming she’s not hungry (then admitting when the food came she was ravenous) is so going to screw up her daughter. Stop showing your kids your own screwed up issues over food!
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She shared a Katie Hopkins reel the other day on Instagram - basically a 'climate change isn't real' weird rant dressed up as a joke. Not what I would have expected from her... Put me off.
Did she? I didn't see that. Very strange as she goes to great lengths to delete anything even remotely controversial from her comments on insta and especially from her YouTube. She meticulously deletes comments.
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One of the costs they mentioned was a poolboy 😂. I mean that's only a cost because they wanted to have a poolboy. With Fern not working and that pool being small, that's a job she could have herself.
I think Ryan has watched too many 'are you awake' video's. Someone even mentioned it in the comments, like Ryan gets it... he's awake 🙄
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Lady Lindy

Chatty Member
I Hope Ryan realises that she's obviously struggling living out of a suitcase. It suits him and his needs but doesn't suit her. She's devastated at them not securing the house because she's desperate for some normality and I don't blame her.
I felt really sorry for her when they didn't secure that house. They are competing with cash rich buyers so they may have to compromise a bit to find the next property. Even if they find one, houses in France often take 3 months to go through so they are facing a long winter in a caravan. Not my idea of fun
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Tbh I dont why she bothers with you tube and puts so much effort in to it as well as exposing her children and family to strangers on YT social media etc

It can’t be for the money , she averages about 8k views a week at around £4 per thousand views so say £ 32 ! That wouldn’t even keep her in the good stuff whatever that is this week ! Honey , Collagen, protein powder, goats cheese , olive oil etc etc

Her twin friend looks like she has a drink problem , always drinking and looking pissed holding her little baby ! Not a good look !
I think they like the attention. She's been on TV in the past, on morning TV talking about how much she spends on designer clothes for her daughter and " Don't tell the bride "
I wonder what the story is with her friend ? She seems very glam and not short of a Bob
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Did she? I didn't see that. Very strange as she goes to great lengths to delete anything even remotely controversial from her comments on insta and especially from her YouTube. She meticulously deletes comments.
Disappointing that she deletes comments. Not so down to earth after all
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I disagree. She's now living permanently in France. She SHOULD learn the language. She's made zero effort on that front. I mean only the other day she pointed out that she hadn't had her nails done since moving to France as she couldn't tell the nail tech what she wanted.
Agreed they only seem to mix with other ex pats. Shame really.
French women generally have an understated classiness about them.
Sorry... I'll rephrase... I personally think she should learn to speak the language given that she is living in the country. She however may not feel the need given that she has inhouse translators and usually has one of them is in tow when she is shopping.... she should definitley learn the french for Gorgeousness... (is that even a word)...
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I do feel since they sold the house the content has suffered massively. They don't do their Fridays out now, which made for good content as invariably they went somewhere interesting, which is ironic as the whole reason they sold the house when they did was to make a killing and to allow them to have a summer of fun, which didn't transpire because Ryan works more than ever now ,which is understandable , you gotta take the work while it's there, but without him her content is becoming boring. They don't appear to hanging out with the other ex pat friend of theirs now, it was her birthday the othwr day and there was no insta post from Fern.
I totally agree and always loved the YouTube vlogs/blogs. Everything seems so superficial with no substance now. And the way she goes on about 'naughty foods' and lusts after anything the kids or Ryan eat is not normal - just get a slice love and stop letting your daughter hear you talking about 'naughty foods'. She says she is promoting 'healthy eating' but actually isn't.
Healthy eating is eating what you want in moderation. Not restricting yourself from the things you enjoy - just have them occasionally. She's become too self centred and little miss perfect for me now and totally all about clicks and views. Which is quite sad.
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Interesting that Seth has to do chores to earn his screen time. Picking up dog shit etc. No mention of what Nancy does to earn hers though.
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
Tbh I dont why she bothers with you tube and puts so much effort in to it as well as exposing her children and family to strangers on YT social media etc

It can’t be for the money , she averages about 8k views a week at around £4 per thousand views so say £ 32 ! That wouldn’t even keep her in the good stuff whatever that is this week ! Honey , Collagen, protein powder, goats cheese , olive oil etc etc

Her twin friend looks like she has a drink problem , always drinking and looking pissed holding her little baby ! Not a good look !
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This American holiday looks awful. The amount of money they spent on total rubbish! And why on earth were they filming Trump supporters? Ew.
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Had it of been Nancy's birthday she'd have been shopping for weeks. Seems she left the bulk of the present buying to Ryan for Seth. The favoritism is very real.
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Does she not understand that she’s not getting great customer service in France because they are sick of ignorant Brits refusing to speak/learn French? 🙄

That brisket looked insane. 😛
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I really like Fern. I love her style and interior design so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they buy next and how they rennovate it. I like Ryan too and his work ethic, they deserve everything they have as they are self made, disciplined and work hard as, a team. As others have also noted my only slight concern is the effect that the good/bad food obsession might have on the kids. I understand her reasons re pain and anti-inflammatory food but she needs to be careful. My friends adult daughter is in and out of hospital with anorexia, and it's heart breaking to watch. I also wish she hadn't had the lip tattoo. She is so beautiful and didn't need to do that. It was quite alarming. I also wish she would go to French lessons. I moved to Spain 5 years ago and have learned the language. It really enriches the whole experience and would benefit her kids too
She doesn't need to learn to speak the language... the kids learn it at school so if she needs translator she has 2 on hand... plus all of the friends she mixes with are English speaking. The amount of shopping she does I think her money speaks for her. Her overall appearance when going to the shops suggests money and taste so I think the language is not a barrier for her.. I used to really like her but for me she is on that slippery road, especially with the patreon account... she doesn't need the money. I can't listen to any more gorgeousness either. I find she is becoming quite shallow. Not everyones opinion I know but I'll see how it all pans out.
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Hi. Does anyone watch this lovely family who moved to the south of France a couple of years ago ?
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It’s guess it’s totally fine to be trashy If that’s the look you are going for. Going to London to get bladdered and looking like a dogs dinner in the middle of the afternoon in your designer gear is trashy IMHO. No need to film yourself getting trollied. 🤣
I don’t want to turn this into an anti rave thread, but wanted to answer why I called her trashy when goes home or with her friends. I don’t think she’s trashy all the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Like @dressagediva mentioned, she really has turned herself around quite a lot since her TM appearance, and she does deserve credit for that. If she started to learn to speak French it will open so many doors for her. I hope she gets enough confidence to go for it. I know she says she always struggled with school, but she’s probably a lot smarter than she thinks she is.
Oh I quite liked seeing them out drinking in London, pretty realistic for lots of us when you get a rare moment to let your hair down haha. I don't get the impression she's on the wine going mad regularly.

Why she's not just sorted out some French lessons I just don't know... It beggars belief that anyone can live in a country and not even attempt to learn the language. Especially France, where it makes a massive difference to how you're received by locals.
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Well-known member
I love how this started as a rave thread and then quickly progressed into a place to rant about what a daftie Fern is :D I can’t stand Nancy. She’s an entitled little brat. Definitely loves consumerism that one!
She's definitely turning into one. Learning from her Mum and Dad, I guess she didn't stand a chance !
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