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God the desperation is ridiculous. Its not even been 6 months and she is trying on wedding dresses and talking babies non stop.
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ferne is out with friends & lorri is babysitting. he fed & bathed sunday
She is a disgrace of a mother, letting him bath her child I just can't agree with it at all, and the other night on her show letting the cameras and her boyfriend see her undress Sunday into her school uniform it's just not disgusting poor child


Not suggesting he is, but that it’s not good parenting to allow random men into incredibly intimate points of your child’s life or routine. Idk I’ve practiced consent with my daughter since she was born eg can mummy change your nappy, updating her in what I’m doing and why, okay good job. Even her nursery don’t allow randos to change nappies they have their key person & their second and they’re rotaed to allow for that consistency because a child feels more comfortable with it.

My concern is that if this random man is okay to see her naked, when a terrible man asks/insists her mum has over written those red flags that could arise? How can a child disclose that man X asked to see her genitals when mum herself allows bloke xyz to do bath times? Privates are private and children need to be safeguarded beyond - is he an actual n*nce or not!
I couldn't agree more am a single parent of a child the Same age as Sunday and if i ever did meet someone, be no way they would be bathing my child or dressing them I wouldn't feel comfortable about it
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This is incredibly sad. I don’t care what anyone says, and come for me if you have to, but any woman who puts ANYBODY before her child is not a mother. Someone needs to give her head a wobble. Poor Sunday.
She doesn't try to parent the poor child, you cannot be their best mate one minute then try to implement rules. Poor kid is going to grow up so screwed up. The thumb sucking for me shows just how unsure the poor kid is. She's going to massively struggle in school.

The only constant the child has is Jill
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Wonder what Nanny Jill thinks of the new fellas latest dirt? She must be so proud of her daughter. 🙈

Thinking about it, it was probably Ferne that filmed and released the footage in a desperate attempt to get him back in the UK permenantly 😂
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Nah to be honest I don’t. His name never gets mentioned and he never comes home this way. No one got an invite to his “engagement” it was all her mates. I’ve seen he talks a lot about his childhood trauma but thinking this is fabricated to to cover his drug video
Someone a couple of pages back said he was well known in his hometown for asking men for sex and was either in the closet or bisexual. Nothing to back it up though. Any truth to those rumours?
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The amount she tells us about her amazing relationship I feel like the third wheel just sitting there watching my friends snog while I’m single
If it’s so perfect ferne then sod off and concentrate on it, lorry Haines manual is working out his next move every time you’re busy posting crap on Instagram!
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Just watching some old TOWIE and wow Ferne genuinely was so beautiful and striking before she did anything to her face. It’s such a shame that girls feel the need to do that


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So again catching up on this weeks show - I’m only 10 mins in and honestly I’m appalled at how she ‘parents’ she laughs when her kid misbehaves, gives her sweets when she’s acting up, absolutely zero discipline, relies on everyone else to look after little bratling.. she needs to be cancelled because this is a shit show of how it to be a mother.. she’s so self obsessed 😑
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100% agree itv should be ashamed of themselves for not intervening and broadcasting an innocent child naked and vulnerable at every chance they get
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I have said from day 1 he's got tinder swindler vibes, I bet he hasn't got a penny to his name and judging by the speed he left dubai he prob ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to essex. Didn't even go back for his belongings did he when they left the maldives? He moved into fernes with the clothes on his back. I think he knew the shit was going to hit the fan in dubai, was keeping tabs on who was flying out and she was easy prey for a meal ticket out of there. Whoever he pissed off in dubai released the videos no doubt, hope they have some more content to drop
The guy has clearly hustled his way through adult life trying to get the big bucks and Fern is just his latest hustle….He will do whatever it takes
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I knew him as a teenager, he’s from portchester in Portsmouth. This will be a smart move from him to get his business out there!
He made his money dealing heroin. It will all come out! It has too!
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That story about her getting stopped in London, think we all know that never happened

I see he hasn't gone back to dubai either! Definitely tinder swindler vibes, his enemies released that video....
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Scabby McCann really does have shit for brains doesn't she! There are hormone free contraceptives such as the copper coil, condoms, fendom, etc etc.

She would sell her granny for a few quid wouldn't she!
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I assume Sunday is staying at the same private school she is at pre school as you would have had to show some commitment and be christened before applications last November to get into a school on religious grounds

Yeah Billies children are at a state school I remember on her show when she was doing the application process. Sam's are private so she can social climb with Ashley Cole ha ha
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They’ve united to flog that Herbalife shite basically
So sick of Danielle trying to promote her Herbalife shit and strut around in a crop top.
She’s a shit mum who was complaining about Orla not listening to her about eating lollies at 8am. The word you’re looking for is NO..!!!!!
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Tell me you're reading tattle without telling me you're reading tattle in both their stories tonight.

Anyhoo I don't think she's pregnant, hopefully no one is going to hold me to my earlier post where I said I would put my house on her being pregnant 😂

Or she's doing a good job of throwing us off the scent with the drinks. But I do think her belly has gone now. When the preview for the new series comes out I guess we shall see, not long now my daaahlings
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lol I’m not sure why I’m getting the impression that he’s been backed into a corner to do this… defo baby announcement next. She will be an absolute bridezilla. He clearly only goes for women with money as his ex girlfriends dad is a millionaire LOL
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I dunno, as much as she’s a complete moron and hasn’t thought about it, it doesn’t mean we have to instantly jump to him being a child sex offender. He has a child of his own and so probably doesn’t think about being asked. They’ve been together a good few months now haven’t they? And it’ll have been a full on few months so he’s likely the most familiar ‘father figure’ Sunday’s ever had- barring ‘co-parent Carl’! Drugs and Ferne aside, I thought he came across as quite genuine with Sunday.

I will add though- no, we never have to see children in the bath!? There are laws on how long children can act in scenes- does this cover ‘reality tv’ shit does anybody know?

Not suggesting he is, but that it’s not good parenting to allow random men into incredibly intimate points of your child’s life or routine. Idk I’ve practiced consent with my daughter since she was born eg can mummy change your nappy, updating her in what I’m doing and why, okay good job. Even her nursery don’t allow randos to change nappies they have their key person & their second and they’re rotaed to allow for that consistency because a child feels more comfortable with it.

My concern is that if this random man is okay to see her naked, when a terrible man asks/insists her mum has over written those red flags that could arise? How can a child disclose that man X asked to see her genitals when mum herself allows bloke xyz to do bath times? Privates are private and children need to be safeguarded beyond - is he an actual n*nce or not!
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