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Anyone taking bets on how it will be before we see a true pitty party.... These dumbasses are all show, they will not be able to pull off the entire quarantine. Homeschooling may last a week & they will film everything to fake it so the sheeple think they are doing what parents should be doing... But we will know the truth that poor A is rocking away on the couch day and night while they won't get off their fat asses long enough to be responsible parents....

No fast food, eating out, no multiple DD runs and stuck in the house together.... Crap is about to hit the fan, bless their hearts. Summer stay where you are, you don't want to be in the middle of what is about to happen, don't let them guilt you back to do the work they should be doing.
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I watched this vlog because Brandi was in it. I am just so impressed. And the way she introduced the dog and told Abbie to sign "stop" was amazing. Abbie signed stop and the dog was removed and there was no meltdown.
And yet her family doesn't give her that option or put the word on her iPad. Because being able to say no an stop clearly would give Abbie autonomy that would make it hard to exploit her?
I couldn’t hear because all I heard was Summer giggling.

Brandy is wonderful with Abbie. Have any of you seen the movie Matilda? I want Brandy to be Abbies Miss Honey so bad.
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That fan is about to have her ass handed to her.
The thing is ... the fans are dumb as fuck. They tried to eat me alive for my comments the other day, but their comebacks were so idiotic. I will post the screenshots for all you guys’ viewing pleasure. I stopped responding to them cause at a point I felt like I was literally talking to donkeys (but I think donkeys have a higher intelligence than those folks). So, Idk guys ... just try and imagine talking to the dumbest animal on earth and that is how I felt. Screenshots coming soon
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I forgot how awful that was. And....there was P talking about air travel and that it wasnt fair if Abbie disrupted, and then the talking penis says "Oh, so Abbie has to conform to the world?!" and then P reluctantly changes her stance. This is exactly why I dislike her so much. She is a grown ass woman and can have her own opinions and thoughts, but simply conforms/agrees with everything he says bc she doesnt want to "lose" him. Its weak ass behavior like this that is partially to blame for how Abbie is today.
Oh that comment that the world had to conform to Abbie was a huge red flag for me. Be kind to her yes, but his expectation of tolerance is so narcissistic. No matter what she does or how jarring it could be to someone else, the world is required to say to her (and by extension him) that everything she does in any location is okay.
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I don't know if he has or not.
All she said was Isaiah "had it".
Meaning a "head cold".
She was full on snotted up when she landed in Jacksonville.
She had not even been in contact with Isaiah when he "had it".
She blamed the plane and the altitudes.
Um,okay. And being that Isiah “had”it(even a head cold) that made him more susceptible to being exposed/catching the virus! Damn these people just have no damned common sense...but wait,nothing was shut down when they got back,so all is cool( and hand sanitizer was there to save them all as well).🤦‍♀️🥺😡🤧🤧
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The scary behavior is starting to escalate with Abigail now. She is now just grabbing random folks whenever she wants to. Nobody even attempted to stop her or apologize to the poor lady she scared to death. They are all under the impression that everyone should know who they are so it should be just fine to allow this shit. What's next, pinching random folks? Grabbing them by the shirt collar bc they don't have snacks to give her? What makes it even worse is this virus going around. What if Abigail has it and now that poor woman would have it too. (I'm not saying Abigail does have, this is just an example.) I just don't like that they are allowing her to act like she rules the world and everyone else must bow to her and do whatever she wants, when she wants without apologies.
I agree, they are lucky because it could have went very different. The real" well damn moment" came when he never even offered an apology. The instincts of a person is TO FLIGHT OR FIGHT, in this case the lady pulled away, but the next person she does that too may choose the fight instinct. Asa thinks the world should conform to Abbey, but every other person has rights too. With all that is going on in the world not many people are going to accept some random stranger grabbing them, even if it is a child. Since I know they read here, Asa you need to take this to heart, While Abbey is your daughter, and your world may revolve around her, that doesn't mean everyone else's does.
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You are a great asset to helping us on this site spread awareness!
Very well said.
Thank you!
Thanks, I'm glad to be here. The sad harsh reality is this....Youtubers can claim to not listen to their haters but they actually care more about what we say then their cult fans. If they read here, I hope they do maybe they'll take something out of some of this shit.

I'd say Abbie looks out of it, lost from the world maybe 80% of the time but the 20% she is 'in their world' she looks super unhappy and miserable. If she wants to sit on the couch, let her! They make her move like she's running around the house doing laps while they sit on their asses and talk about her like she's a circus act or TV show.

They need to give her ONE COMMAND and it needs to be BASIC 'Abbie, throw that in the garbage.' and if she still won't try it smaller. 'Abbie, trashcan.' and maybe point to it. ONE person needs to talk to her so she's focused. If you try to teach her with a camera rolling and 2-4 people talking at her giving her commands, she's going to be confused.

I would also be confused if someone asked me to do something and then I had four people at the same time yelling four completely different ways they wanted me to do something.
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LOL In a recent vlog Asa commented that they had to find a new post office because that post man was so "rude". No, I would be the same way. Its a tiny hub in a gas station...not frkn Amazon...haul all that crap to a real office!
He and P would be "frequent flyers" that we deal with in IT. We also call them Level 8 errors, PEBCAK errors and ID10T errors. People whose names you never forget and make you cringe and sigh inwardly because the next twenty minutes are going to be spent with someone who is a total PITA.
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My doctor is very pessimistic about the Coronavirus. He fully expects that I will catch it at some point. We are just trying to delay things to a later point when they have better protocols for people with underlying illness. He is also super freaked out by this hitting during flu season. To make matters even worse, this is the best time of year to be outside in Florida. By May it is so humid you can almost swim in the air. So people want to be out doing things. It is so hard to stay in the house. We are setting up the back yard to have some outside space and for the time being taking walks in a park.
I hope you stay well, it is so hard to stay in. I am actually sick right now. I have a nasty cough and runny nose, but no fever. I work in a homeless shelter so I am high risk to catch it, and of course be a carrier as well. I called our local hotline as required and was told to keep washing my hands, cover my mouth, and go to an ER if I start running a fever. I dont think it is anything other than a cold, but I wore a mask at work yesterday and stayed home today....its hard to know what to do. I am considered essential service, so there is no staying home every day unless a fever starts.
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Awe,poor PityCilla has a head cold. Didn’t her $48 sanitizer ward off all of those germs?
I wouldn’t wish this virus on anyone,so,I will wish on her the flu instead. That is still in full tilt in many areas.

Btw,according to why Abbie keeps closing those doors,it’s because she has OCD.(per P).
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I know we joke a lot about their (especially Priscilla's) obsession with making Abbie out to be a typical teenager. But, why don't they buy her clothing that typical teenagers wear? There are many things that are sensory-friendly and appropriate that teenage girls wear. Also, clothing is probably the easiest way to make Abbie seem like a typical teenage girl.

I'm just surprised that Abbie is not decked out head to toe in Urban Outfitters and Brandy Melville. Especially because they can brag about how healthy and skinny Abbie is since she can fit into Brandy Melville's one size clothing. Does anyone know why they don't do this?
That would require spending the money they earn because of Abbie on her and not themselves. Remember the one pic they took where everyone BUT their meal ticket got new clothes.
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Noir Fan

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This was on FB comments. I wanted to reply but restrained myself. Oy!!

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That’s great news! Take care xx
when she grabbed stranger but for Asa not to apologise and label the vlog Dance with a Stranger is just weird.
Right! Why was that the focus? He could/should have edited that out because it was inappropriate and rude, but he only sees vlog opportunities and dollar signs everywhere 🤑. He could have made the focus and thumbnail about Abbie bravely crossing that bridge and handling the museum without a meltdown. Nope, he has to choose the weird, awkward incident. These fan$ keep him gased and he is losing touch with reality.
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Moobman reminds me of another huckster who pretends to know about everything. He also has the same style of drawing one in,with just enough truth to pass of the lies. He has probably even read that other hucksters book a time or two( the one ost of all know was ghost written).
It’s all a facade,and if you dare to pull pack that curtain,you will most likely find all the skeletons.

He may be having his 15 minutes of fame,but,eventually there will be an end to his show as well. I hope they vlog all of that as well!
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Okay, so here's some Make-up advice for Pisscilla.

2. Those lips....They're chapped or some shit, that's a problem with whatever lip stuff you's drying as all hell and we can tell.
3. Those cheeks. Whatever shit you're putting on them, please don't do it. It adds like 10 years to you.
4. The colors you use for that eyeshadow? You're too old for frosted eye shadows and they just bring out the bags in your eyes.
5. No, seriously. That eyeshadow is terrible on you. DON'T DO SHIMMER! You are not 15 years old.
6. Back to whatever dark shit you use on your looks like you took a snickers to your face.
7. You dumb asses live in FLORIDA! put some sunscreen on before you even leave, some foundation comes with it.

Most importantly, thank Abbie for being your little moneymaker. Without her, you'd be exactly where you were before all this fame and scamming on your end. You're ONLY a top seller because of her and none of that shit works. Don't you ever for one second believe that without Abbie you'd be a successful marketing scam business owner. It's not jealously on our end it, it's just a fact. You have NO personality. It's Fathering Autism even though he's a dick, without him and Abby you'd just be sitting at home with a box of failure when the business didn't go well.

Can you even report her for false advertising on that hand sanitizer? Like, how she's telling people how to use a $48 hand sanitizer lol I figure the company won't say anything because she's the top seller with a Daughter she uses to her advantage.
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Above all their ignorance and gluttony they're so unbelievably racist like maybe she does know English but she was startled so she didnt say anything because thats what happens when youre suprised youre at a loss for words. Furthermore "she doesnt look American" neither do I and I wouldve reacted the same way and it has nothing to do with culture either god he's so deep in his ass
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Looks to me,from most of what they have “shared” that Asa was the only male w the group. I do think the guy in the water was part of the crew.
Why did he even go? It looks like a girls trip, something she should have taken one of her "besties" instead of that teen time playlist dump. He has been acting real clingy lately since his love child scandal hit the fan :unsure:. Seems like he might be worried that she might come to her senses and leave him up the creek. Other than the vlog/camera stuff and Abbie, she does everything else and everything is in her name.

Priscilla lose that weight!! All including that inflated ego, cheating, lying, deadbeat, dead weight! Then get some long needed therapy and get your life!
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