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I just watched the Atlanta vlog. If we have done anything here, we have helped Abbie have a voice. They showed how they listen when she says "no"...well isn't that new? She sure as hell doesn't trust them to listen because it looked like she felt they were going to make her go on the ferris wheel.

A&P...your daughter does not trust you., that's great parenting right there.
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I’m not proud to say what would have happened if in a dark place someone grabbed me like that. At very least I would have shoved her off me and my husband who suffers from PTSD would have shoved that camera up Asa’s bum. They need to start teaching her to keep her hands to herself. If any Maass squad are reading this for Abbie‘s and your safety you need to keep Abbie from ever doing something like that again.
I thought the same thing....My husband is a 5th degree black belt (inducted into the martial arts hall of fame 6 yrs ago) he has super fast reflexes and had anyone grabbed me or himself like that I guarentee they would have ended up restrained or on the ground waiting to get a fist to their ribs. They have to make sure she never does that again for her safety. Then to not even attempt to apologize...wrong and a Jack ass thing to not do! Shame on ALL of them for allowing that and not having enough compassion to make sure the woman was ok.
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Moving from the car to the sofa is a sweaty workout for P.

And oh, so now we are to believe Abbie is recognizing weather conditions? She cant have "hello" on her tablet, but is a doing this? Whatever.
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I asked a friend who works in the medical field about hand sanitizer amounts to be most effective. She sent me this:

2) Do You Know The Correct Steps For Use Of Hand Sanitizer?

While using it, take a coin-sized drop of it to the palm of one hand and then rub it all over the surfaces of your hands until your hands become dry.

People should cover all the surfaces of both hands with it, and have been found to provide similar disinfection effectiveness provided here the detailed steps for rubbing it.( there were pics w this,but I cropped them out)

So while PityCilla peddles the BS about only a pea sized drop will be needed,she is in fact spreading a lie,or maybe even false advertising?
It’s her “hook” to get people to buy it. Promising the price is worth it as it will “last for about 2 years”.
But hey,it smells so good!,😤
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I saw your post!! I think we should all do this on a daily basis ...let’s call them out and back each other up you guys
Honestly, I dont mind to comment with my actual account bc, I used to be a supporter of this family way back when and I used to comment alot but, I want them to know that I have seen the light and am no longer a supporter. (Its not like they would remember us little ppl though) That was my real account, my real name, and my real picture.

I tell you what, I dont like the big lady's attitude towards folks here lately. She is getting more bitchy and snooty by the minute. What has got her head so big? Is it those "I'm the highest in sales" moments? Well, she needs to understand that, all those sales she is making and all the money she is bringing in is just bc of Abigail and the FA channel, it has nothing to do with her ability as a "business woman".
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And did you notice that after he force fed her he said to the viewer "Oh and if you don't like it, you can delete this part, I don't really care"
He actually said that to his dad.
I noticed he didn't seem too excited when they arrived home. He didn't look too excited to hug his mom, but then again, a lot of teens don't or at least not on camera.
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Yeah, she didn't pick 'Bath' she pulled every damn card off while they said 'Not that one' until she handed the Bath which was the only one left. I mean, it was the last one and she picked every single one of them before. Pisscilla kissing her, she put her head down, she wasn't a fan and that wasn't even what she asked for.....she handed them at least 2 others first.

I'm not bashing Abbie, I'm bashing the assholes who live with her and pretend what they want her to do is what she wants.
Even in the Atlanta vlog ... she shook her head no about the Ferris wheel... and as soon as she turned her hair Pig goes “oh she’s saying yes now.” I didn’t see her say yes AT ALL

Just a word off topic here- Things look to be getting a bit worse. California just went into lockdown. Cases are up across the country. And those are just the known ones. Medical staff are exhausted,some even calling retired personnel to come in to cover shifts. I don’t know any of you personally and you don’t know me. I have come to recognize familiar names. So,please,stay as safe as you can. Take no chances. We all need to come out of this as there is going to be quite a lot of work to be done when this all settles..we all are gonna need one another,even if it’s on this faceless forum..venting and dishing does a body good...
Yes we all need to stay vigilant. We are headed into a complete shutdown in my state. I’m going to the stores tomorrow to get groceries and other items. Man I really hope that there are tampons on those damn shelves cause there is a shortage of those as well here. We are assuming that we’ll be shutdown either tomorrow or some point over the weekend.

To top it all off, we got quite a bit of snow today and I normally love snow but it just looked apocalyptic today. Just sad to see the only people outside are walking their dogs. We are a very active state and so that is definitely different. They closed all the ski resorts like two weeks ago too which I thought was smart but a huge hit for our economy. On top of all this, I am out of work for God knows how long... so I’m going to have to depend on my family to help me with rent and other things. Smh I would like to cancel 2020.
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Well folks, I'm getting my ass jumped already on the FA thread for that last vlog bc, I suggested that it isnt really safe for Abigail to be grabbing random folks, for many reasons. One being this deadly virus going around and two, she may get the shit knocked out of her one day if she does it to the wrong person. (Of course it would be the other individual's fault, can't be the family's fault for not getting their kid....oh no..). I wonder if they truly believe it will get them some sort of award or points with the Maass family if they talk shit to the non supporters? It seems like these "fans" think the family is actually paying attention to them and what they say. Blows my mind.
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There is no logic to these people. I also can't stand those two pigtails that Summer insists on putting her hair in. I am for cutting her hair short, if not then atleast give her a fringe in the front. She used to have a fringe and have her hair pulled back when she was younger in the vlogs and it looked well kept and she looked comfortable. They talk about sensory issues with clothing etc., I would be having sensory issues with my hair in my face and always getting sweaty and being a hot mess. Everytime I see her like that in the vlog I want to yell at them "where is your hairbrush, go and brush that girl's hair!".
The pigtails wouldn't look so bad if they didn't put a hair tie at the top first, that's what's making them look so goofy, and the fact they are placing them to close to the sides of her head lol. The kid does need a hair cut though, and I noticed her hair is getting very very thin and stringy and it could be a health thing, but the more likely reason from what I've observed, is that it's because they are pulling her hair back ALL THE TIME. And this kid doesn't even have it down at night, which isn't good. This is why she has so many short pieces of hair now, it's breaking off from being up all the time. Also, pulling her hair up while its wet is not helping the breakage either. They either need to cut it off into some cute style or let that damn scalp breath! Or else her hair is just going to continue to get worse.
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The scary behavior is starting to escalate with Abigail now. She is now just grabbing random folks whenever she wants to. Nobody even attempted to stop her or apologize to the poor lady she scared to death. They are all under the impression that everyone should know who they are so it should be just fine to allow this shit. What's next, pinching random folks? Grabbing them by the shirt collar bc they don't have snacks to give her? What makes it even worse is this virus going around. What if Abigail has it and now that poor woman would have it too. (I'm not saying Abigail does have, this is just an example.) I just don't like that they are allowing her to act like she rules the world and everyone else must bow to her and do whatever she wants, when she wants without apologies.
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Thought I would add my thought on the A extra baby thing. Seems to me what probably happened is A was running around on P. He probably lied to or just didn't tell her that he was married. So when she ended up pregnant A told her he was married. Mother didn't want a liar scumbag on her and her child's life. (I have seen this scenario first hand) the A ran back to P... or she managed to wrangle him back on. Knowing the entire time about this baby but hiding from the mother. Thus they move to a new area. Probably convincing P it was for some random reason. Then when the mother had another baby and needed Medicaid she had to list A as the father.... and state went after him. Then he acted all surprised and proceeded to gaslight P telling her that it was when they were "separated. " and playing himself as a victim of circumstances. They were probably hard pressed for money then so the mother didn't get much but then after they keep stuff in Ps name so that he can't be made to pay more.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Not at all. A hug,holding her hand,a high five,all good and ways to show affection. The heavy duty things such as wrestling need to stop. She can not distinguish between right or wrong per se,so when they wrestle w her,she may think it’s okay to do so w strangers,etc. A very dangerous game. Or,when she ages,and her strength develops,she may attempt this behavior and seriously hurt her parents,Summer, Becca,etc. Think of a typical child who gets caught up w the rough housing w a parent. After a bit,parent says no more. The young child is now so wound up( wife warned him) and won’t quit. Parent now upset,child doesn’t understand why,now it’s done. Imagine Abbie who can’t absorb any of that at all!

And,I will word this carefully here. Isiah is a young man. Between 12- even now,HIS hormones are raging as well. He can’t stop his body from reacting to situations either. He knows she is is sister,but when caught up in a frenzy from the one on one physical contact,his body may not.

Same can be said about Summer/he. While Moobman and wifey constantly state she is like a sister to Isiah,thing is,Isiah KNOWS she is not and may through the years had deeper feelings than just sister/brother,and not understood it.
You're right, I agree. I guess, I was initially reacting to ppl having such a strong negative response to it and it seemed a bit disproportionate to what was going on. I definitely agree that the wrestling should stop, for both reasons you mentioned. Abbie has difficulty with knowing that it's okay to do something some times and not other times. Even now when they're trying to teach her that she has to go upstairs to yell (Yes, they've just started on it so, it's not going to be great just yet) but she still yells when they go out. I don't believe she has that much understanding about when she can yell and when she can't. She just knows that when they're at home, if she starts yelling they'll tell her to go to her room. I don't think she really understands it beyond that. I was surprised in one of the more recent videos where Summer & Isaiah take Abbie through the drive-thru at chick fil a and have taught her (or tried to teach her) 'the quiet game' so that they can order without her hollering in the background. Like I've said before,A&P have let her do the yelling stim so freely for so long, I really have little hope that they're going to be able to do much to stop it.

Was lurking on their vlog site. It’s like a proverbial zoo at feeding time! P just keeps giving them meat and they can’t wait to devour it. And lawdy,let anyone post a non adoration comment and they attack like the wild things they are!( Her/fans).
So,now it’s a half pump w the sanitizer? Last week,it was about a pea sized amount. Thing is,not even close to being an effective amount.
Most of the crazed groupies have no clue about anything and when they do speak,they are so ignorant.

And have said it time and again. If they are calling the site “Fathering Autism” is that all they see of Abbie? He hates labels,yet his own vlog discounts her as a person by referring to her as just her handicap. He could have called it Abbies Journey/ dealing w autism,or even our journey w Abbie who is autistic. Yeah,may be petty/trivial,but is how I see it.

They have failed in helping Abbie to reach more milestones. Each attempt by Brandi to bring Abbie a little along,gets talked over by Moobman. They all claim P works these 80 hour weeks,no issue( doubt it though) so how about Moobman stepping up and taking the reins Instead of just vlogging.

Sorry,the excuse that Abbie needs a break after a long day at school is just that.
What she needs is the follow through of her parents at home. It’s not the job of Summer,Isiah,etc to do those things( of course they can help at times). It is their job!
If Brandi thinks that Abbie needs this or that,do it. It’s what she has gone to school for,has been taught and has been doing for a bit...

I don’t know if Brandi writes reports for supervisors or what,but I do hope she is being straight w them. Letting them know where Abbies progress is and how the Weebles seem not to take recommendations to seriously. Someone needs to step up and say enough is enough.
In a past video, Asa said that the reason he puts things like 'autistic girl' in the title is for the youtube algorithm so that more ppl will find the videos. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He seems more concerned with growing the channel and getting more viewers/subscribers and thus $$$. He'll say it's for awareness/education but his and P's true colors have been coming through lately and it's obvious they're in this for popularity, recognition, and $$$.

The only time I agree with Abbie needing a break from school is that I don't think her ABA sessions with Brandy should be taking place right when she gets home. She DOES need time to decompress and unwind from the day. So, maybe have Brandy come over an hour after Abbie gets home or something like that. It should be similar when it's just A&P, let Abbie have an hour after she gets home to decompress.. then work with her on something. Key words being WORK WITH HER. Meaning spend one on one time with her and actually engage with her!

With Brandy, someone else mentioned that maybe the real reason she only comes once a week now is because Abbie is not progressing and learning as she should and A&P are not putting in any work either so it was the company that Brandy works for that decided to cut back on the number of therapy days. I would agree with that way more than Ass-hat saying that Abbie is doing 'so well' now that she doesn't need as much therapy.
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I have been noticing how old P looks too. So she is three years older than me and I look at her pics and I’m like “damn look at all the wrinkles!wtf!!” Then yesterday I went to the store with my sister and the lady at the store thought we were in high school ... she was like “do you guys go to east high? You look familiar, I think you’re my sons friends” ... moral of the story ... 3 years younger than P and looking like I’m in high school lmao (I’m also a smoker - not happy about that )

Btw we had no makeup on!
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Reasons why MakeupSilly looks a bit worn:

She realizes that for first time in long while,they are on their own w Abbie,and have no real timeline as to how long.

The back to back trips prob exhausted her,as well it should.

She admits to having just a head cold,prob is worried could be more.

The negative comments just on their own vlogs have increased,and who knows who is reading here,or reporting back what is being said.

Again,worried about the business( um,seriously,$72 for a palette of 6 eyeshadows?) and how bad they will be hit.

Prob stress eating and seeing weight going back up.

Having to cook/clean a bit more as they are all home.

And while we are seeing some content,one can only wonder what is really going on behind the scenes. Am sure Moobman is bitchy as hell as he has no real new content to film,and is prob demanding them to do something to make it happen.

Reality check is hitting her hard.
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I had to skip past AnP in the vlog today. Not looking forward to the continuation of shit treatment they give their children and everyone around them. Had to chuckle at the end with Isaiah and Summer sitting so close together on the couch. I don't sit that close to someone I am not cuddling up with.

Bets on how long before the kids all seem miserable again.
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yeah, Abbie's regression is definitely about A&P failing to follow through the way they should. yes, she deserves time to relax after school when she gets home. but she needs more engagement after that, more things to keep her physically and mentally active. and the thing that really bothers me is that I get that it can be exhausting, for both them and Abbie, to have to work at these things all the time. but it is literally their job now. they work "80 hours a week" supposedly to provide content about this very topic. they closed their business to focus on this one thing. their house and lifestyle is paid for by supposedly spreading "autism awareness" and being a resource for other families. and it is simply not happening. they are in a great position to actually do what they supposedly set out to do, but none of it is happening. we rarely see them working with Abbie except for things that are too little too late - trying to control where she yells, for example - and they claim it's because she's made so much progress. anyone can see that is not true when comparing to their older videos.

this forum has become a better resource for advocacy and awareness than their videos have and I'm grateful for the people who post here who are actual resources.
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Yup. I saw a lot of comments about her sleep. Asa gave a typical generic response.

Good then maybe he'll stop complaining about how they were up all night for the first 15 minutes of every vlog.We get it already. Just have her switch rooms with Summer....problem solved.
Don’t forget about them not wanting to adjust her medications though, even if she was growing so much more!! We suggested it and then it was a short while later and Abbie was back to the doctor and we even commented that we thought they changed her medications!!!
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