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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
Best part if the vlog...

Abby grabbing tokens and refusing P any. Even when she put her mitts out in the way of Ass Abby still refused her. Then Summer pops up so abby gives her some... the ONE P got was not given to her by Ab.
Great minds think alike! lol I just had to make a gif of that moment.
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The RA in my hands prevents me from being able to straighten my hands completely w/o feeling a really tense stretch. It’s harder for my R hand (I’m R handed). Is it normal to feel so much stretching & tension while trying to do what Abbie is doing? I don’t even come close to her hand posture. It has been said many times before, but she does appear to have hyper-mobile joints & flexibility. I wonder why that happens in ASD. Anyway, it very much looks like P’s hand & forearm there too.


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Melissa Roper

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@Melissa Roper Not sure if you knew this or not but, the hambeasts were the ones who said "special needs".
They stated they don't want Abbie's hair to be cut short because it "made her look special needs".
Personally, I believe that Abbie is far more IDD than Autistic. While I do not agree with stereotyping - it happens - and profoundly IDD diagnosed people do look different.
Way moreso than someone who is just on the Autism spectrum.
At least in my opinion.
Thank you for clarification.
The vlog I just saw was Autistic Girl Haircut for Back to School. In the vlog from Fathering Autism (2 years ago) the haircut starts about 8:40 in the vlog and she is not jerking her head around and getting treats every 2 seconds. That is why I think that she regressed and needs edible reinforcements now.
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Was that ambien? I don't recall they gave her that drug which is a sedative-hypnotic. It definitely will knock you out of your gourd, with little memory of what you did. People drove cars, shopped, and worse while on it. It also is very fast acting.

It has been awhile since he has discussed her medications.. I know she takes Clonidine and Seroquel, possibly Risperidone, Abilify or Risperdal. Those drugs can be heavily sedating and awful to stop taking.
It can’t be Ambien if it’s for anxiety, that’s strictly a sleeping pill and yes it is fast acting she’d fall asleep in less then 5 mins and sleep deep but not necessarily 8 hours either...probably Xanax
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Melissa Roper

VIP Member
I don't know, there was a period when Asa talked about starting a business coaching wannabe vloggers on how to gain a following...and it coincided with them meeting Kaitlin and her starting a vlog.

Someone mentioned a roller coaster in their post...did they really take Abbie on a roller coaster in this vlog?
No, Abbie apparently heard a roller coaster and Assa said that she's definitely not going to go on the roller coaster. There must have been a roller coaster at the amusement park they want to. Apparently the noise was annoying Abigail.
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First of all this is Abbies house so why and how she can get a tax deduction for remodeling her daughters kitchen? So what she has a cooking channel she’s not a certified chef therefore there’s nothing to write off. People remodel all the time. Tax office would be bonkers if everyone tried to write their remodels off.
It’s absolutely sickening they can’t make a space where Abbie can go and enjoy herself. They gave her the smallest bedroom in the house. They need to shut up about being Abbies house.

Thank you for the welcome! So a kidnapper is someone who buys the kit just for the products in the kit. But I was still put on a team but never sold. I just couldn’t imagine saying to someone “ here try that fabulous 3D mascara, its the best mascara on the market”
5 women sued Younique because the 3D mascara because it had some really bad ingredients that they did not list and the women won. It took years and they really didn’t get any money because of attorney fees but money wasn’t what they wanted. They wanted it taken off the market and it was but my sponsor still wanted her team to lie until it was removed. There’s so much lying going on in these MLMs mostly from the top sellers so they could make more money. Kind of sounds like what P does. Guaranteed if you’d ask her real makeup questions or about the ingredients she wouldn’t have a clue. This women woman begs on her lives like I’ve never seen. She doesn’t care about her team. You can also be a kidnapper in LL but P has said she doesn’t allow that on her team because she can’t make money off them. She’s truly one of the worst makeup sales person I’ve ever seen. I bet she’s bugged the hell out of her sorority already. And by the way I used to be in a sorority years ago and it’s nothing but a bunch of women who try to out dress each other, brag on who has the most money, who’s the thinnest, a bunch of cattiness. I lasted 2 weeks. They do community services as well. I wonder how many sororities she tried before she was accepted. It’s truly not a big deal like she thinks it is.
It’s absolutely sickening they can’t make a space where Abbie can go and enjoy herself. They gave her the smallest bedroom in the house. They need to shut up about being Abbies house.

Another example of how Abbie "fits" into their family scheme.

It’s absolutely sickening they can’t make a space where Abbie can go and enjoy herself. They gave her the smallest bedroom in the house. They need to shut up about being Abbies house.

Another example of how Abbie "fits" into their family scheme.
Damn auto had put anointing!
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As soon as they moved into the new house, Things seemed different. I enjoyed watching Abby make small breakthroughs with Brandi. I initially felt sympathy for the family, and I admit I still do sometimes. But they have managed to steer away from relatable moments. I think around the time they moved in, they mentioned that they had some "haters"... so I googled their name and here I am.
Welcome to the dark side! I found the forum after they posted the video about Ass' second daughter. You are in good company here.
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I just couldn't in all honesty. My younger days I was on the heavier side (not morbidly obese) but heavy and I was reluctant ti even wear shorts...much less a bathing suit such as this!
I hate being wet (unless it's rain) so I haven't even owned a bathing suit since I was a kid. Lol I honestly don't care what any wants to wear and feels okay in. None of my business at all. So I am not one to notice or have negative thoughts on others bodies.

Though in the Maassholes case I think their outsides directly reflect what's inside.
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They probably forced her on one and she us scared to death of them now. I know they have made videos of a lot of things they forced Ab to do that legit scared her. Can't recall vlog name to point out but someone with a better memory might be able to. Poor girl probably assume they were at an amusement park and her dumbass parents were going to torture her some more. She was scared of a ferris wheel when they took there first covid trip to... Atlanta I think? ... so really makes me think they do these things they know scare her.... it is really cruel and not "pushing to do something uncomfortable. "
They took her on a water slide in one of the vlogs, and she was terrified, and Asa said they made her try things once and if she hated it (as she did with the water slide) they wouldn't make her do it again. That was why I was wondering if they took her on a roller coaster, because that would be a really bullshit move after knowing how much she hated the water slide. She's also been on a kiddie roller coaster (maybe at the same place, they had go-karts and an arcade there too) but they didn't show her reaction to it.
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I agree with you. I know at one time one of Abs meds I had taken before also. It was for anxiety and not only does it numb you and totally zoink you out but highly addictive. I spent a lot of time (if I wasn't falling asleep) so out of my gourd I couldn't tell you what day it was or what I did 5 minutes ago. Not sure she is still on it but pretty sure she is.
Was that ambien? I don't recall they gave her that drug which is a sedative-hypnotic. It definitely will knock you out of your gourd, with little memory of what you did. People drove cars, shopped, and worse while on it. It also is very fast acting.

It has been awhile since he has discussed her medications.. I know she takes Clonidine and Seroquel, possibly Risperidone, Abilify or Risperdal. Those drugs can be heavily sedating and awful to stop taking.
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Im the same... all done myself lol and I use graduated ones think I paid 12 for the set on Amazon.

All the stuff on that site is not only garbage but insanely ugly.
You're braver than me
I was the person at Piercing Pagoda, damn showing my age lol, lying about my age. I'm actually amazed I still have ears since cartilage piercing wasn't really done alot back then.
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VIP Member
Hi everyone
Time for the next installment of
"Emmerhog" (in honor of our UK tattlers)

1. Yea we already know your bad parents...tell me something we don't know
2. Dang piggy looks about 15 months preggers in that other words a bit LARGE
3. Stupid costume
4. And now filler time...why the fuck do they always wait until the last minute
5. Stupid ass joke about the movie holes..god he's an ass
6. Poor hate take no fucking precautions, it's just a minor inconvenience for you.
7. Damn that kitchen looks fucking ugly from the split second I saw..cold and impersonal just like Piggy
8. Guessing that old cushion is shot to hell...wonder why 🙄
9. Here Abbie goes cycling through food again
10. Ok Asswipe she clearly signaled for a break but he keeps at her...leave her alone
11. Isn't Piggy just ohhhhh soooooo important and take your cheerio and stuff it up both your fat asses Asswips
12. And here he goes pushing Piggys make up. Shut the fuck up Asshole...oh and stereotype much
13. Fake loving moment...excuse me while I 🤢...
14. New cute expression...stinking cute. So is the house smell seeping into their subconscious
15. Fake smile for Piggy
16. Blah blah blah Halloween costume
17. Holy fucking shit a group costume for the "girls"
18. Awww look he's trying to save a dog
19. Blah blah blah
20. More fucking filler ugh
21. Look all the chins are trying to escape the masks on both of them
22. Fucking cart funny they almost caused an accident...FUCKING NOT...IDIOTS
23. Boring
24. After the beep...soooooo loving 🤢
The end

Damn really scraping bottom of the proverbial barrel with this one
Bet we think they're just going to ignore Piggys hissy fit hoping people forget

"Good job" Oops....Sorry Kermy!
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Yes, they actually showed putting her to bed and she was hollering to keep herself awake.. They addressed it and said that she had started doing that again, to keep from sleeping..
I think I remembered seeing the gate and it was closed even too... Hmm 🤔 I am going to need to rewatch that vlog part.. I am wondering if she did go over the gate then...
But yes, he definitely does pick it apart to make himself look good. I would never have Abbie on that pool deck without an adult that will watch her, to be there too... Abbie isn’t safe whatsoever, alone on that pool deck..
I went back and watched it, the "after the beep" section is labeled "after dinner" and Abbie is still in her day clothes in the security footage, so Abbie jumping in the pool presumably actually happened when everyone was still up...which means all she had to get through was the door. Asa notes that he forgot to lock it, so at least they have some kind of safety measure to keep her from getting out there all the time.
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