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Pink Marshmallow

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1. Stop
2. Alone (leave me alone or let me be alone)
3. Angry
4. Happy
5. Play
6. No camera

I am not learned in this field but it seems some of these would be better than donut or cupcake. Everyone knows Abbie is motivated by food, the whole family is addicted. Their vlogs are all about food, hell Cilla has a whole channel dedicated to it even though she can't cook for shit and as no clue about nutrition. This family has a serious addiction and it will cause disease and will shorten their life spans.

In my opinion, they all need to try and break this addiction and get Abbie motivated by something other than food.
Miss Shanequa and Miss Brandi have taught Abbie the sign for 'stop'. Ass-hat and Miss Piggy just never continued it at home.

As for the rest of the suggestions, I agree.
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Wow all that money spent on her surgery to go back to eating huge portions like that. There is obviously something bigger going on and I hope she sees a counselor or psychologist to find the root cause.

I remember after her surgery she was MISERABLE... as anyone else would be but she was legit depressed. She wasnt ready
She brags that paying cash means she didn’t have to have any pre-surgery education or therapy. Like insurance requires it just to be mean
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Ok... after reading it a couple of times.. this is what I think he's saying:
When teaching her signs and words on her device, Abbie had the strongest or quickest response to food items because she loves food. (Asa has said in the past that Abbie doesn't seem to understand signs involving emotions or moods.) Because of this, it's the easiest or fastest way to teach her to communicate. He then tries to give an example of why it's important for Abbie to know how to communicate (as if anybody would question why she needs to know signs and have her device). He's saying the point is that she's communicating, and we shouldn't focus on the fact that the majority of her communication focuses on food.

While I agree that it's very unlikely that Abbie will ever grasp or comprehend more complex subjects when it comes to signing, for example, signing something like "I am lonely.", I do think there are much more signs she could be taught that are not food related. Even basic, primary emotional things. I don't know for sure. Maybe someone else can chime in with things that Abbie can be taught that are NOT food related.

**Edited to add, I wonder if it actually was impossible to teach her emotional or mood related signs, or if it just proved to be a lot more difficult than the food signs and Asshat & Tinkerhog, as usual, decided it was too much effort and couldn't be consistent with it.
There are just so many different things they could have taught her besides donut, they aren’t expanding her vocabulary.

Yaeah she may not be able to express emotion but they can teach her things like couch, pet dog, go up to room, hug, kiss, etc.
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Anybody see all the comments on Facebook going back and fourth. Asa telling everyone not to defend them and only comment on positive comments next thing you know Big P chimes in arguing back and fourth saying she paid cash for her useless surgery. It was a little ridiculous first giving the #autismprincess a big donut then she asks for a NVB but big P suggests a cupcake instead that’s a lot of sugar and fat.
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Gah, I wonder what she's going to do with the next one?? 😜
I just can't with THIS type stupid shit...
She’s definitely I.D.D. Herself. Maybe that’s why they get offensive talking about it because it brings up painfully memories of P’s own issues growing up

OMG theres that shoulder shimmy shit. She is SO feeling herself. It just kills me. What does she see when she looks in the mirror?
Fat. Lots and lots of fat 😀

so this explains why Asa is always home
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Some of the newer members wanting a link may not be able to get it. You need a certain amount of posts/time here before you can message.:( I read her name somewhere but have forgotten it.

Not to derail but it is it as hell here and 98 % humidty. Just miserable. I went to Wally world today to purchase some know...moomoos. Something loose with pockets so nothing has to touch my skin!! No undies! I say "bring back the MooMoo!!!! hehe "all hail to the MooMoo!!!"
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Also I highly doubt these assholes taught her emotions and feelings. I don’t think she knows what “hurt” means or “sad”. I don’t think she could express herself even if she had those on her iPad. I just don’t believe that she’s that cognizant.
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Well, she did pedal. She'll be riding to Dunkin any day now. Good thing they taught her how to sign donut!
I dont think she had any choice but to pedal when she moved her legs as they were locked in.. I'm surprised she didn't throw a fit..
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That’s def her plate because her Slimelife cup that we see her drink out of in every vlog is right there with the plate. So isn’t fooling anyone trying to say it’s Assa plate. I truly believe that is her plate and she is afraid to say it’s hers cause the comments she will receive
She doesn’t need to hide her plate, we can see how fat she is. God these people are obsessed with food and when they aren’t eating at home, they are eating out or running for dunkin or ice cream. If they didn’t eat so much they would have no vlog content. Arsewipe is looking more like a blimp everyday.
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It’s just SOOO weird how Isaiah genuinely seemed excited about his mother doing twitch..... My son would be horrified as would my husband who would tell me to stay away .he doesn’t seem embarrassed by Pigcilla at all !!! I don’t get it !!!!! Seems in older vlogs he socialized , hung out with friends but as time has gone on they have seem to of disappeared........
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What's to stop 'us' making an IG account? Worst ways it eventually gets taken down. But there are enough of us around the world to keep making a new one! I feel IG would be a quick and easy way to post photos and screen shots for all to see! And I'm sure a few leghumpers would have to see that 🐷 and Ass are actually full of 💩!
It would be a lot less labour intensive than YT. And we could all join in! 😂🤣😂
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It really made me cross that they were making such an effort to teach her to sign "donut". That girl doesn't need more access to junk food in her life! And all the Nature Valley bars?! Have they ever even looked how high in sugar they are? They are NOT a healthy snack.
Frankly I don't believe that Abbie can't learn any emotion/feeling words. It would help her sooooo much to know words like "stop" or "hurt". She has no self-protection phrases. She has "take a break" and "open", but that's not enough. And I don't believe she couldn't learn words like "bedroom" or "kitchen". Stuff that would help her have more independence.
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Chatty Member
Woo hoo Nala sighting
Jeez just buy fake flowers, you already have fake place settings glued together in your dining room
Damn what a waste of food. Novel idea buy what you'll use, not for the sake of buying
WTF with the hat
Wait are the lights at the pool plugged in or not
Brush her hair already
Idiot, she is telling you to go away
Beached whale on couch
Sure, they'll just walk away with the book, you just showed everyone the safe dumbass
Business meeting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yup jump on the mask bandwagon even though you don't like wearing them and didn't wear them when needed
Cilla saying support small businesses, yea last business I would support is theirs. I support my local small businesses.
The end 😊😷
Yea exactly happen to be talking about supporting small businesses as they casually throw in that they are dropping new merchandise and yup shirts that say abbitude seriously. They just can’t stop using their disabled daughter to make money. No wonder they give her anything and everything she asks for gotta keep the cash cow happy
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