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Noir Fan

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I was watching Lauren’s husband’s weight loss vlog today. He seems like a very nice unaffected young man. I was impressed how real and down to earth he is. Much like A & P before fame and greed stepped in.
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I'm from Michigan. I moved back from Virginia to be with my family after a cancer diagnosis. I was totally out of the loop about pot since college. The minute I got back my docs at UofM told me to get my medical card. My parents were totally not ok with pot. As soon as they saw the medical benefits they started using. I also use Lazarus Naturals CBD. Many of my friends that had tried all sorts of CBD's without any sort of relief tried LN and are receiving benefits from the company. If there are people on this site that are vets, low income, or are on disability you get 60% off everything. After being unable to teach for a few years I got disability and was getting the CBD at the 60% discount. I come from a family that is very much able, without hesitation to help me financially when Inlost everything, but it was very nice to not have to ask for even more money just to get CBD. ✌ All the chemo and drugs have scrambled my brain a little. When you see my grammar and punctuation all messed up, that is why. I'm hoping with time I will get my brain power back.
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Freaking Thilla.

Abby: Nature Valley Bar
Abby: Nature Valley Bar
Thilla: We have cupcakes
Abby leaves
Thilla Hey do you want a cupcake?

Let's push cupcakes over a granola bar. :rolleyes: The girl had a donut earlier.

Summer is just gross.
Why are they not listening to her? She wanted a nature valley bar so they should bloody well get her one. Never mind the cupcakes. If she really wanted a cupcake then she would have selected that option on her AAC first.
She can never make her own decisions or give her own opinions as she is controlled like a puppet by her parents. That girl is nothing more than an animal in the zoo that needs feeding to them.
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So now she can pick what color of cup cake? And that was the reason for all the color lessons? Wow.. that will really get her far in life. Why are they always encouraging her to eat candy, cookie, cake, cup cake..etc etc.

Also.. even if she wanted to communicate she wanted a cupcake and a color.. did you see how much effort it was to find cupcake? even asshat had a hard time finding it.

and that is with Spanx on
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Pink Marshmallow

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I am not pink Marshmallow, but if I may (I hope this is okay @Pink Marshmallow). Abbies medcation are taken every day (as far as we know). Filming doesn't change that. While there is no medication specifically for autism, there are quite a few psychiatric drugs prescribed off label to treat some aspects of it (like making sensory input less painful, helping with establishing a regular sleep schedule, mood stabilizing and calming). All of those things apply to Abbie (that is just a wild guess).
The stimming (like hand waving and vocalizations) are a good thing. They serve multiple purposes. Most people on the spectrum (myself included) do that. Abbie takes it to an extreme though and some behaviours should be reigned in somewhat (not disappear, but decreased to a more manageable degree).
Her deliberate communication is stunted, bordering on nonexistent (which is mostly the fault of her parents) and I agree that she often seems frustrated. Which is understandable given her situation (nobody bothers to listen to her).
Yes, this is okay. :)
You have quite a bit of knowledge and information on the subject, so, I definitely welcome that.
I agree with you on both points that Abbie needs to be able to stim but also that some of her stims are extreme or can become extreme. Even to the point of hurting herself or potentially hurting someone else. It always makes me very nervous when she's vigorously head swinging and we see her come THIS close from smacking her head on a kitchen counter or piece of furniture. To me, that's a disastrous injury waiting to happen. Other stims definitely need to be reduced, as well.

I think if any of us were in her situation, if you were desperately trying to communicate and people around you just ignored or dismissed you, you'd be very frustrated too. Funny, Asa tried using that as a justification for mainly teaching her food related signs. There is so much more she needs to communicate beyond cookie, cupcake, candy, or donut, Asa!!
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Oh and somebody here, I forgot who, mentioned he ought not have those lights over the pool like that months ago. 😁
Maybe he started reading from the 1st thread and saw it somewhere.
I know they read our comments about their fridge being so full.
That's why they had the snarky conversation they had in the kitchen in tonight's vlog.
And later on he even made a point to open it and show it wasnt as full, and thats a "better representation" of what it normally looks like.
Meanwhile, P is making guac to eat by the pool. Again. Is it just me or is the heifer making guac every damn day?!
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Pink Marshmallow

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Especially since they go on and on about the importance of communication. Abbie tries to communicate a lot. It must be unbelievably frustrating for her. Having such a limited vocabulary and even when she utilizes it it gets ignored. It is like someone verbal asking "can I have a glass of water, please?" and the person responds "No, you want tea. You can have tea." And said person gets a reaction like that every single time. No wonder Abbie regresses at such a rapid speed.
Why do they even bother asking her or phrase it as if they're giving her a choice when they're just going to decide for her?
A prime example of this is the time they stopped at a convenience store and told her to pick out a treat. She pointed to something and P said "You've never eaten that before, I don't think you'll like it. Why don't you choose something else?".. and so Abbie chose again, "no, choose something else..." was like the fifth item by the time A/P just said "She usually eats ____, let's just get her that one." In and of itself, choosing a treat is not a big deal that should really upset me but in this context it does. Why even ask her to choose? Just grab something you think is the right thing and get it. Also, even if she didn't end up eating the candy bar she'd never tried before - so what? It's not like you dropped 100s of dollars on it. And they do stuff like that to her all the time.

Abbie may not have an average level of intelligence but I guarantee you she's still frustrated beyond hell at the shenanigans A/P pull and how they treat her.
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Asshate likes the slogan "Normal is overrated". .. yet they want to hide the fact she is special needs with her having long hair ? Hate to break it to them but there is no way to hide Abbie's special needs... unless of course It is a strategically taken still photo. The way she moves, holds her head, her mouth .. all give her away. Why is he ashamed of that?

If he wants to be ashamed he should be ashamed that she is 15 and they haven't potty trained her yet.
My Mom was always concerned that my brother be dressed nicely, so he wouldn't stand out.
There's no harm in wearing nice, clean clothes. But nothing he wears helps him blend in. He's almost seven feet tall and beyond that, he looks "diffferent." You can see it from far away.
It was one of the many forms of denial we had in my family. The other, the one I took part in for years, was that he would "catch up" and be able to live truly independently, work, etc. He did acquire some skills and did pretty well with some help. He's just not going to be like his peers.
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Hey yall
just home from work shortly ago
what is with these people?
I just posted yesterday how I have hardly ever used that word but once ot twice in my life
And now I'm in some kind of charcuterie board world...I must be in some kinda nightmare
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Purple Ruby

Chatty Member
Wow, somebody drank thier breakfast today. Wow. 🤭 she can’t even remember the name of the stupid product she pushing but it’s her “jam”.

Now there's a classic example of a vacant look.....the light's on but no ones home type of thing and the lumps of cream are just a bonus.
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I dont even want it for free lol.
$14 bucks for a cloth mask. The same masks that they havent wanted to wear for months.
Scummy people. And apparently before Abbies Art they black FA masks.
14 dollars for one mask? That is the biggest rip off ever. A small piece of cheap cotton with a bit of elastic. 1 metre of fabric would probably make about 40 masks. That is extortion. Those who aren't banned please get posting.
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“She dove in” haha nice clickbait. She went down the slide head first that’s definitely not diving in. Ugh this family. The lies. I also thought he threw them in too. Sandy has never gone in that hard or Abbie for that matter. Stop with the lies , your vlogs are so damn boring. Maybe I will make a channel and make up lies and just talk , give me a break. Also I wouldn’t eat that cooter box food no way.
I wouldn't eat it even if there wasn't a pandemic going on. Ot with Abbie snatching and touching everything. Probably why he didn't show her making it. They just don't see or get how obnoxious and stupid they are! Those people have a new baby...don't take anything to them they can't sanitize ffs!
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THIS!❤What about meal prepping for Abbie. You know she is going to be asking for food, so have small meals available for her. Hard boiled eggs. Small fruit bowl. Sweet peppers and some chicken tenderloins. Some sort of future planning that keeps her from ingesting such crap!
They know she gets frustrated when trying to communicate. She cannot tell them if her belly aches after yet another fast food meal. Heartburn..indigestion. Would it not make sense to be sure to adapt her diet to items that are less likely to cause sensitivities or issues that she can’t voice?
The daily donut to start the sugar fest each day just floors me. Sugar acts as an addictive substance. You get the sugar rush..the sugar high, and then you crash. We all know this, right?!? This leads to hunger, irritable mood, sleepiness which then leads to bad behaviors...especially in a kid that cannot freaking communicate!!!
Last nights vlog: Ab come pick out your movie candy! It was hard to tell, but it looked like the clock said 9:10..regardless, it was dark outside, so it was at least after 8. I hope she kept both their asses up ALL night!😈
They have zero structure in that barn. I know that they try to do the “Well it is Summer break” routine. That is fine and well when you have a kid that has regular sleep patterns, can communicate and is able to self regulate somewhat, but unfortunately for them they do not have that luxury. It is an absolute disservice to Abbie. She would benefit greatly from even just a little schedule. If they woke Abbie up around the same time each day, fed her similar foods also around the same time, they would be able to better gauge if certain things affect her negatively. Not to mention, she would probably develop some sort of more predictable bathroom habits and may be easier to toilet train.
The thing is though, that would mean that Assa and Pork Loins would have to lead by example. That shit ain’t happening. Hog teats would be forced to put down the liquor, beach herself outside of the pool, cancel a FB live or two, keep her cannibal hooves off of the cooter boards and actually think about what is best for Abbie. She has grown too delusional and pretentious. Plus, In my opinion, she would rather do anything else than have to look after Abbie anymore than she already does. Tinkerfuck gets zero respect from me! 🐽😡🐽
This is so true, Ass said himself she will eat anything, so why not choose healthy foods and snacks. I really dont think she cares about what she is eating as long as she is eating something. Let the sugary snacks be a treat every now and then, it might also help with all that running threw the house that she does. I think they call it her power hour.
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I find it really odd that the Fathering Autism IG page (Assa's) features pics of Abbie at her WORST! Not all, but most of the photos capture her in very unflattering moments and those are the ones he chooses. Is it to keep the narrative going that he is raising a child with a disability? Yet he seems bound and determined to push the normal teen angle on the vlogs. I guess he wants to please ALL the fanatics. There is not one ounce of honesty left in anything they do or say.
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Just a quick update on my weight loss journey, lost 5lbs but most importantly I have been on the treadmill. I haven’t been able to do any exercise as I am mainly bed bound for 10 years. I am starting extremely slowly as I have chronic fatigue but it has meant so much to me to be able to walk a short distance. Sorry to bore you .
Not boring at all‼It takes time and dedication to reach our goals, and you are off to a good start! (y)🚶‍♀️Super proud of you!! 🤩 🥰
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At the start of todays vlog I thought he added in a abbie honking remix with the music in the background. Her noises was very in sync with the music
Some rap artist will discover the honking sound and drop it in their next track release.
I wonder if Assa has tried to copyright it?
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