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Chatty Member
New video on P's stuff and things channel:

"We like to be productive...." 😆😆🤣🤣

"Who wants to spend their summer in the grocery store? I know I don't."........ buys 20 bags worth of groceries like every three to four days.
More taters, bread, oil
Hmmmm? 1000 words. Maybe we should start having a guessing game of what words may be flagged. Ill start.
Pig, Fat, Calories, Cheese, Hoof/hooves, Spanx, Filthy, Third Child, Weenus, Neglect, Scam..Any one else want to take a stab at it?
I responded to a comment the other day, "you shouldn't let Abbie in the pool with a dog" My comment was, "I agree,I don't care how much they shock the pool,it's disgusting and I would NEVER get in that dirty pool with any of you, let alone a damn dog" LOL My comment was deleted right away, sooooooooo DIRTY DOGGY POOL must be added lol
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I’m sorry but she really gives me weird babysitter vibes.
“Don’t pinch me” Whack!

I was actually hoping for Abbie to give her a good kick to the face. She’s going to nail her one day, let’s see if Summers laughing after that. I just hope it’s on camera.
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Noir Fan

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I am a part-time barefoot person. When I'm at home, I'm always barefoot, no socks, all year round. When I go out for shopping or whatever, I always wear some kind of shoe or sandal.
Also, my feet are not all dark and dirty like the Maassives. I'm thinking probably because I'm only an indoor barefooter and my floors are cleaner. lol
I never wear flip flops or open toe shoes. I just don’t like them on me. I wear tennis shoes when going out and at home I wear socks except in bed.

Here in CA. we are to start wearing masks in public. Before my husband would be one of three masked shoppers, in a sea of unmasked people. I need him to wear a mask because I am immune compromised and have to inject myself with expensive immunoglobulins weekly. He is an essential worker too. We sleep in separate rooms now so we dont share that airspace. If I get covid I am dead. Please wear your mask to help keep my family safe? I dont share that often but...I dont have what it takes to fight it. My people will miss me.

Hey Asssa! You showed off that spiffy laminator toy you bought with subscriber's limited funds? Make that poor waif a damn chore card like that red laminated one you used to have. I hope you remember, because I sure do. Give her a schedule and a purpose!! It must've gone to the big yellow dumpster in the sky. Eff Miss Priss and her need to remove clutter! Make one up! Its been a year!

Edited to add: when I was in my 20's I was an assistant for a famous winery owner. If he needed dog biscuits I went. Made his bed, vaccumed, cleared fride of old crap, shop for girlfriends, file papers etc. They asked, I jumped.
About chores: Yesterday’s 6 Blind Kids vlog showed Abbi helping to feed her autistic severely disabled blind brother. Abbi is also blind and IDD (but semi-verbal). Karen, the mom, said that all her kids need to be able to help each other and that includes chores. She wants them to all live together after her and her husband pass and be able to get along independently (for the kids that is possible). She said they would have hired help that would overlook, but it’s important that her most severe two kids not end up in a nursing home. I see many great teaching moments on her vlog and not just home movies.
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In the video with Summer's friends, they showed one girl using that huge ass blow up slide thing right beside the pool stairs in the shallow end 😬 I could NOT keep watching, somebody else's kid is going to end up paralyzed! Who would cook up delicious meat/cheese colon-cloggers if Slabba-the-literal-hut-sized-human was injured??

From my husband: “Are you sure they’re not the Griswalds that showed up at Wallyworld when it was closed”.
The shitter was fuuuuulllll!!! Wait, they are going on an actual RV trip, right?
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I just had a thought on the marriage video they did recently:
Maybe the reason that Asa's parents didn't like Priscilla at first wasn't because she was came from a more career oriented background, but because she didn't know her and yet she was the mother of her son's child.
I might be wrong, but that's just something I thought about when I opened my fridge today.
I thought the reason was/is because she's a bitch hambeast.
A fake ass one at that.
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Boy. Its a cute little RV for average size people, but not A&P. P cannot fit at that table comfortably, no way.
We already know that P said they had little sleep the first night. I bet we wont see that, but all I can picture is Abbie boomeranging around that small space while honking. I hope they werent parked too close to others....can you imagine seeing that thing rock and hearing the noise and wondering wth was happening in there? LOL
I'm sure he will park near others, his holy task in life is spreading awareness.
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Chatty Member
Y’all, I just found where they are at... I feel so sorry for the other campers... This is the 7th best RV park in the US (they state on their video)... It has 4 waterfalls that are absolutely gorgeous... I couldn’t imagine going camping, hoping to fall asleep to the sounds of the creeks and waterfalls, just to wake up to Abbie’s honking and screaming...
If you are wanting to go there, here is the link to their video:

PS. It only took me 2 minutes to find this... It isn’t hard, when you post a video of the area and an in ground trampoline.. Seriously, those are not very common.. I can only imagine if their leghumpers found out that quickly, they would be overran with visitors at the campsite...
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In surprised all the time by the things you US people can find online about other people lol 😂. We have this privacy law which makes it illegal to post private things like criminal records, names or anything online. You definitely can not find criminal records online, custody court files or anything like that. We’re not even allowed to know last names when people committed a crime. It’s a funny difference 😁
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Chatty Member
Oh you dont have to track it down, I was just curious.
No worries! I just could have sworn I heard it..

Hey Asa (since we know you read here),
Didn’t you go to school to be a preacher and then dropped out? Can you address this in a vlog, in the next few days? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!
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I rewatched the “snake” part of the vlog. She definitely pushed Abbie to save herself she DID NOT push her out of the way. She looks so dumb even saying that in her little baby voice. “ I was pushing her out of the way” yeah ok. And where was the snake? I think p is seeing things I don’t think there was a snake at all. Asa went and looked right away unless he actually stopped recording but I didn’t see a snake. Ugh these people annoy me.
My observations, exactly! IF the snake had been found, Asa would have filmed the boogers out of it.
Majestic Prig kept changing her story and tactics to keep All the Things, things= attention on herself. Her story and reenactment kept changing.

Majestic Thinking:
Snake! (Fake snake, use my worst fear to get attention, cause everyone is focused on Abs ”hiking”)
Abs steals spotlight by crying (change snake story multiple times to cast self in spotlight, elbowing Abs out of spotlight while doing so.)
Ankle! (fake my ankle injury to get Abs and her hurt feelings to stop taking my place in the spotlight)
Deploy baby voice & hurt feelings pout ( My son! Called me mother of the year! The ungrateful tick tok hack)
Self Soothe- (Get ice cream that the spotlight stealing Abs doesn’t like)
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I’m gonna count how many times Ass says “right” while he’s wrong tonight.

I’m gonna count how many times Ass says “right” while he’s wrong tonight.
Never mind. They started to talk about the plantation. I can’t...... they’re going to say the wrong shit to the right person one day.
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I loved the whole bit about not giving "haters" and "trolls" attention but that's all they do! They only comment on the "negative" comments, they never respond to the nice ones and show their appreciation to those people. Instead of telling the negative comments to stop watching, why do they not focus that attention responding to the positive comments and thanking them for their support? Also it really bugged me that when the whole snake thing happened it was Isaiah calming Abbie down. P was clearly worried about herself and A was off trying to film the snake whilst Abbie was freaking out and needed support to calm down!
You can’t forget about the people who pay to have badges by their names. Asa and Priscilla rarely to reply to them either which is sad
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Well #autismprincess likes the RV, they didn’t say we hope Isaiah likes it. What would they have done I’d she didn’t like it, cancel the trip.
We have only seen a few minutes, let’s get to day three and watch the shit show.
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This has made me laugh so many times. The state of Assa as well. Hilarious.
This was just scary to watch. She could have had a major head injury. She was in no condition at her size to do this. Everyone around her had to keep rescuing her. If you notice at the end her raft looked deflated in comparison to Asa and Isaiah’s. There probably was a weight limit on it. She could not maneuver her own body weight which is an issue with this activity. Poor Isaiah having to always assist with Abbie and now try and save his mom’s ass. She appears to have been large most of her adult life so you think she would know her limitations physically. Dumb ass
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They don’t discipline her, that’s why she acts like a rabid animal,she thrives off making people angry and irritated to get attention,they just ignore it or laugh it off,had they started disciplining her from the beginning she wouldn’t be the way she is! Same with her wearing pull-ups cuz she 💩’s and pees herself!, she shoulda been potty trained at like 2-3 years old,they’re just lazy parents who expect everything for nothing!
I know there are some things Abbie doesn’t understand BUT she looks calculated when she steals food.

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Chatty Member
I think Abbie's hairline is like that at least partially from having her hair pulled back in ponytails, half-ponytails etc for almost all the time. It seems like the only time her hair isn't pulled back is if she's just gotten out of the bath/shower. It's called traction allopecia.

I agree about Isaiah. He calls out A&P a lot more often now and I am here for it! Gives me a good laugh at times.
Exactly... It isn’t healthy to keep you hair tied back with regular hair ties.. Then, one of the humpers suggested the small hair rubber bands, that usually have to be cut out of hair, after usage and usually are only used for updos and special event hairs... These rubber bands are not for daily usage, yet Asa just seen that Abbie can’t take her hair down... These hair ties cause major pulling of the scalp too...
So, it doesn’t surprise me that her hair is rescinding. They won’t have to worry about long hair soon, as Abbie probably will have huge patches of no hair in a few years...
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Pink Marshmallow

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I believe Asa got really defensive about us talking about how Isaiah was hugging Abbie back a few videos ago. Then Isaiah forceable making Abbie go into the pool and A&P doing the same... I believe more people are seeing the forcefulness that they are using with Abbie and are calling them out and this is Asa’s way of trying to gloss it all over...
Yes, sometimes kids that are on the Autism Spectrum do have to be restricted in their environment because they could cause harm to themselves or others. My aggressive child, has had to have that happen before and it broke my heart every time I had to stop him from hurting himself or others. I refused to be a punching bag though and didn’t want him to hurt himself. As he got older, around Abbie’s mental age, we actually used a lot of distractions and redirecting to stop this behavior though...
Someone else commented on the IDD portion, straight on and I won’t repeat that but what they stated was absolutely the truth..
This is what I'm talking about when I said Asa was trying to be strategic when talking about the restraint. He acknowledges that there have been comments about restraining Abbie, but he spins it and tries to make it seem like ppl are complaining about the times when Abbie legitimately needs to be restrained. This is not only manipulating what is actually going on, but it's a blatant attempt at deflecting from the real situation.
I really don't think anybody was complaining about them restraining Abbie when she's in danger of hurting herself or others. Unless it's a kid who doesn't understand these things. The majority of people are referring to the manhandling of Abbie when it is definitely not legitimately needed.
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I'm not sure she is to get her own drink on her own. It involves her going into the kitchen alone, getting a cup, making a choice, opening, pouring, etc.
Very true which is why I’d leave something out filled already that she can drink from easily. We know she grabs Ps cup with the straw and doesn’t have problem, they should have that around for her. Might have some spills here and there. But even if they have another option that’s out and its ready and available that there lazy butts don’t need to go far for.

They seem to ignore her asking for a drink a lot in the video, so how much do they do it on the regular. They ignore her dirty diapers and let her have explosions. They ignore she needs the bathroom and she goes on the couch too. So I guess it’s safe to say they ignore her asking for drinks on the regular. And you pointed out the big situation she can’t get one herself! ☹
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I’m puzzling/pondering what thought process leads Asa to teach Abby how to open gates? If we disregard her teen age appearance and go with her mental age of being a preschooler, why would someone teach a preschooler to open a gate?
Because it was more important to him and Isaiah to have her open the gate than droppin' their Dunkin' crap (they both had their arms full of food) and not being able to eat for the 4th time today. And God forbid they spill their DD coffee too. When its more convenient for them, safety with her is not number 1.....THEY are. Oh...and at the beach when Summer was along? Where was the chewy she always has along because she is always right on top of things? DON'T DROP THE DUNKIN!
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