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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
I've already admitted that I was wrong about the snake thing and yet some of you refuse to see THAT. It happens on all sides, people see (or don't see) things, they see them from different points of view, and people disagree. That's all part of a discussion.
But I mean, if it gets ignored when I admit I was wrong on something... then what does that say?? Wouldn't it be a similar situation where you're only seeing what you want to see??
If I make an initial comment and it turns out I was wrong about something or mistaken about something, I'll own up to it. As I said before, I feel it's a good thing to read posts from people who have opposing opinions or who disagree with something because of the fact that those posts can point out something I've missed or was mistaken about or from a viewpoint that I hadn't considered before. Or in same cases, some people know more about a particular subject than I do.
We're never all going to agree with each other about everything. That's just a fact. I also don't think you should let that stop you from posting your thoughts and opinions on something.
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Hi everyone! Just finished my first day at work after being home for over 3 weeks. I'm ready for quarantine again. LOL
Anyway, theres a whole new thread to see since I was on last so heading back to catch up. I want to know why P is majestic!!
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Noir Fan

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Personally I have not seen fans come here and try to change narrative as you mention. Actually, I have seen new members come here and say the absolute worse things, nasty things that anyone can say and then leave pretty quickly. Saying horrendous things and lies makes the entire site look wonky and untrue. That is how fans infiltrate.

This is a discussion forum, why not discuss even if you do not agree? Why be on a forum to talk then scroll on by everything except what you agree with? That makes no sense to me at all. Some members get their panties all in a bunch if you disagree with them...why be on a gossip site if you cannot handle varying opinions?
Whatever anybody says...they say. I don’t often state disagreement or outrage to anything said. Its opinions. And opinions are like assholes..everyone has one and nobody thinks their’s stink.

I love this keeps me sane between all the bad shit happening in the world and my frustration with my mother. It’s a gossip site - lets accept it as it is and enjoy it.

And that’s why I never posted until recently. I’m definitely not a liar but yes she spun around her and put herself behind her moving her in front of her. I will not make another post. Carry on I will just lurk.
Please post!!!
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This is disturbing. Frankly it sounds like porn. I wouldnt have responded either. It isnt like he took her yelling and laid it over a rock way.
I’m wondering if the person who made it is special needs. It’s definately creepy. And crappy lol
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P just posted on her Facebook story....looking like hell....saying "not much sleep was had"...she seemed a bit snarky too. Assa, P and Abbie were up but said S&I were still sleeping. From what I could tell in the background when she shows Abbie in the front seat they are at a rest area. She said they haven't gotten to their destination yet. So I wonder if they slept at the rest area last night. :LOL:
Just looked at the story on insta! Omg they are gonna be miserable for a while. I can’t believe how small that thing is. I don’t really know about RV life but you’d think they would have got something bigger than that. Looks like they got the mid priced one or something. You know Abbie was up and screaming cause she’s fully amped up... in the insta story they show her rocking on the passenger seat while Ass is driving... and he looks irritated.
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Please wear the spanx A & P i cant look at you guys anymore!! And why does Priscilla and
her mum need to go on a holiday when there is still the coronavirus!!
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I don’t really care about the things they buy and what they do with them ... but I do agree that they say a lot to impress all their impressionable viewers. Like on today’s vlog when he was talking about buying a boat and he goes something like “it doesn’t have to be something serious ... I mean doesn’t have to be a mega yacht...” lol. Anyone with sense knows they could never afford a mega yacht (at this time at least).

I have to give it up to them for having multiple streams of income. YouTube money is actually really good so I am sure they will be doing well for a while even if they no longer have Abbie to film... even years from now they will be making residual income out of all these vlogs they make now.

On another note, being fairly new here I have to ask - why do some people on this thread say things like “I’m not trying to defend them but ...” Reason why I wonder is that I have seen that a lot of members here make stuff up or just repeat what others have said even though it’s not true or accurate... and when I see it, I often correct them but not always.
We are not here because we like them and wish them well in their exploiting endeavors. There have been people that come in here that try to change the narrative because they are fans... and again that’s not this forum.

You talk about lies... Everyone sees things and interprets things differently and they say their opinion. Some people may agree with them and then some might not, doesn’t mean it’s a lie. If you don’t agree best thing to do is ignore it and scroll on. It’s just a gossip forum what’s the big deal.
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And to top it off, Asa talked about Abbie and whether or not she liked the restaurant/food of that particular place. Even on this special occasion that was supposed to focus on Isaiah, Ass-hat brings up Abbie.
That might be nit-picky of me but it annoyed me.
The whole bloody world revolves around the #autism princess. It’s time they gave their son more time and also let him decide what to eat for a change, let’s face it Abbie will eat most things, including the plate if they let her.
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I’m puzzling/pondering what thought process leads Asa to teach Abby how to open gates? If we disregard her teen age appearance and go with her mental age of being a preschooler, why would someone teach a preschooler to open a gate?
I think it's the same reason they have her carry things and have been training her for years to do kitchen work.
Extra hands are needed when you are
buying "all the things" and don't want to make 2 trips because you're a sloth.
They - errr - Ms. Magestic wants a servant child to do things so she doesn't have to. Typical teenagers do house chores don't cha know!!!
They say they do it to provide her life skills. I do not believe that is the true motivating force that drives their desire for a "helper".
Teaching her to open doors and gates for them is just another way for them to use an extra body who is there to enable their laziness.
Either Assa is so involved in the moment when he's vlogging that he doesn't think about the consequences of things like this or his arrogance will not allow him to see the dangers/truth or he's a bigger dumbass than any of us ever imagined.
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This may seem petty but both Isaiah and Summer were wearing loose fitting shorts(gym shorts), most likely because it’s comfortable.

This is just imo but I think they should invest in more shorts like this for Abbie.

Just because I doubt it’s easy for her to adjust in tight denim shorts.

Maybe it’s just me and I’m not a teen so I shop for comfort over fashion. It’s hard to find a comfortable pair of denim shorts. I usually have to go a size up just so they feel right.
They most likely are much more comfortable but they're also easier for Abbie to get them off and access to her diaper. That would be a true shit show then.
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
I found it extra asshat-ish that Asa decided to promote his twitch where he plans to do a story-time about a camping trip while Abbie is still sobbing in the background.
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Yep I heard about it here in the uk
I hope you are doing well. I just went back to work Monday, and I'm home again today with fever. Have phone appt. w/ doctor at 11 a.m. I finally tested negative last week, so I just dont know whats happening now. :cry:
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She is on a “private girls trip” I bet she didn’t take her daughter on this girls trip! I can guarantee you if Abbie was a typical 15 year old she would’ve taken her after all it’s a girls trip. But because Abbie is not and considering she can’t be bothered with her at home why would she bother taking her on a girls trip. She goes away all the time. Whether it’s with the family or with the girls. What does this lady need a break from (besides the obvious honking, clapping and smell of dirty diapers)
Maybe she is taking her mom for weight loss surgery? She sure can afford it!. I am surprised Lauren Brazee doesn't have it done too. She needs to be healthy for her daughter too.

Also P was trying to comfort her. Did you all not see that? They all were trying to comfort her. I don’t understand what you all see sometimes. Also, I am sure they did not plan out that snake scene.
P trying to comfort Ab after the snake sighting was only to make up for the guilt she had for pushing her out of the way in the first place. She knew Asshole was filming it and that we would all be giving her shit for doing it. It's all about saving face to her.
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