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Check it out y'all! It has all the things!!! Only $194.00 and it will make you look younger! It says so in the ad and we all know it has to be real if you see it in print! ETA and it sold out.
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Maybe I took too many painkillers today but I see no difference. It's a lighted mirror FFS LOL.
The way the description reads it sounds like something she was going to force on her down line people...after all doesn't everybody need a mirror to make them look younger that has a phone attachment for pics and video and bluetooth so you can do both and keep your arm out of the way 🤔
The only person that needs that type mirror that doesn't vlog is snow whites evil stepmother "mirror mirror on the wall"
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Tonight's vlog 17.6.20
Wow really pushing this missing mom narrative

Looks like he is back to the cheapass dollar store knock off sunnies, must be overstocked do they have to push then again
Also, I wonder what set Abbie off that Isaiah gave here a look at timestamps 8.04

Overall BORING
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She is on a “private girls trip” I bet she didn’t take her daughter on this girls trip! I can guarantee you if Abbie was a typical 15 year old she would’ve taken her after all it’s a girls trip. But because Abbie is not and considering she can’t be bothered with her at home why would she bother taking her on a girls trip. She goes away all the time. Whether it’s with the family or with the girls. What does this lady need a break from (besides the obvious honking, clapping and smell of dirty diapers)
If she's answering questions no need to tell anyone she's away. No one would know. She only posts things like that for the drama. Maybe she's off getting fitted for a custom full size body spanx.

Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster

The snake vlog obviously shows how Priscilla is checked out of parenting Abbie. Its sad that Isaiah had to pick up the slack of moving Abbie out of the way and comforting her after she’s startled while P just stands there giggling like a schoolgirl:sick:
Welcome! Love your name by the way!
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Assss's dad has an RV ...I'm sure he knew ahead of time that Abbie would be able to get in the RV and ride in it.. now over a long trip or at night...yikes. I noticed they put Summer to sleep next to Abbie while they sleep in the master bedroom. Well.... I guess they are "besties".
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Chatty Member
It would be unthinkable here.
Peoples can get in jail for doing this.
She should thank you, that you didn't run and hide from her after this action.
I meet my husband online.. We have been married almost as long as A&P... Yes, I ran a criminal background check on him, before we met. Yes, he knew that I did it to but I wanted to make sure he wasn’t a psycho.. My family also asked me to do it because I was only 20 years old and online dating was so new and there was already several killers that used online dating to stalk their victims...
My poor Hubby though, he didn’t realize what he really was in for though...
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
Thanks for mentioning the green snakes and how fast they are. I was going to say something about that but I thought why even bother since people seem so convinced that they staged the incident. And yes ... true on the whole pushing thing .... she just ran behind her. I bet more than half of the people on here would have done the same thing ... it’s just instinct (fight or flight)
I think it's good to share your thoughts & observations even if you think they won't necessarily be well received (obviously within reason, I'm not advocating to do something like start bashing other members for no reason, lol).
I know for me it helps me to read posts that are opposing to mine or in some way disagreeing. It helps me see things I may have missed or gives me a perspective I hadn't considered and I value things like that.
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Yeah but the boat must have a bathroom for the female hambeast.
Have you ever heard such dumb shit?
I haven't.
That is ridiculous. She can’t jump in the water to tinkle? All the other Humpback whales do their business in the water! Why shouldn‘t she do the same?
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I can only wear flip flops even in winter but I wouldn’t go barefoot in public places, you can pick all sorts of things up from people’s feet but each to his own I suppose.
My feet are so sensitive the only places I’m barefoot is the shower and on the beach, I wear slippers even in the house, I need my hooves covered

About a month ago P was doing a live and Abbie kept walking in, honking, spinning, etc. P was clearly annoyed but tried to keep going until Abbie started walking into the bathroom and started lifting her shirt as if to undress. P SHOT out of her seat and ran saying "No! No! No!". She then moved/pushed Abbie into the rr out of view for a second, then walked her to the door and hollared for someone, then shut and locked the door.
She should've shut the camera off then too. Abbie was not exposed in any way, but just the fact that she strips didnt need to be seen.
Why can’t she just lock the door when she starts filming, I don’t get it
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
Also, we were talking about on here how Asa has been venturing too far away from autism stuff on the vlog. So what do we get today? Asa rambling off all the pertinent autism related info he can think of to show how focused he is on Abbie, her experiences and her progress. But once again, for me it begs the question: If he knows all of this stuff about Abbie and her autism, sensory processing etc, why does he ignore it and do things that go against it and that antagonize or upset Abbie?? For entertainment on the vlogs??
Super shitty 'parenting' there, Asa. It's like if I had a kid that had seafood allergies and I decided to vlog myself giving them shrimp to see what crazy shenanigans ensue.
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That guy is a weirdo. I find him extremely cringy to watch.
He definitely wrapped his lanky body around her on the beach that time. I dunno what he said though.
He fits into their little tight knit group very well.
I would never leave an IDD kid with him.
Alone or in a group but especially alone.
Watching Dummer and Assa basically get all up in Abbie's personal space was hard to watch.
I was shocked to see her hit abbie twice with the pillow and yell at her in a stern voice. Maybe she does it all the time and that's why it didn't get a reaction out of Assa.
Who knows.
Bunch of weirdos.
They have no redeeming qualities in my opinion.
And I do not apologize for having this opinion.
I’m sorry but she really gives me weird babysitter vibes.

“Don’t pinch me” Whack!

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Motherly instincts should take over before fear of snakes does. A good mother wants to take care of her child first....not herself. Especially if that child can't take of herself.
We only have wee Garter snakes where I am, not dangerous at all but we have lots of cougars, black bears and grizzlies! Its hella hard to back slowly away when you see a bear but you gotta do it!
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Purple Ruby

Chatty Member
What is this 'my girl' on the birthday wishes post and 'my girls' on the greasepaint pyramid scheme, to me it seems overly possessive and dominant terminology. I'd be tetchy if someone referred to me like that.
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
And the more I think about it, they do not communicate with Isaiah at all. No....I think P does, Asa does not.
Has anyone ever noticed that when Asa films "talks" with Isaiah, they are not really talks at all. Its Asa talking at Isaiah, and guiding the conversation by saying things like "Well you know people need educated, so you....." or "well you've always been protective of Abbie so you...." or "you never resented being the 3rd caregiver..", etc. etc.

Its actually quite impressive on Asa's part. This is a technique that we use in counseling. Even law enforcement is trained to do it. You never want to ask an open ended question, ever. If you've asked something that can result in a yes or no answer you need to circle back and refine. And...Asa is correctly pushing the desired reply. We do that too. If one of my clients is denying something, I will eventually say something like "I bet you are scared that your P.O. may discover you've used. What is your plan?" It lets the client know I am aware they have used, and they have to provide an answer rather than "yeah" and "nope". If utilized properly I will hear- "I'm going to try to buy fake urine." -which is the information I want...affirmation of my suspicions. Asa wants his narrative affirmed. Clever clever. I wonder what he could have done with his life if he wasnt a narcissist? And Isaiah is majoring in psychology. I cant wait until he learns counseling/interviewing techniques, active listening/ reflecting back....LOL...he will be like, wow....I've been doing this all of my life!
Those are spot-on observations and very excellent insights. It's interesting to hear your professional perspective on it. It sheds a certain light on things.
What you've said just further solidifies and demonstrates how much of a control freak Asa truly is. Something I always say about him is that he wants to control "all the things". Asa is acutely aware and hyper-focused on how he appears and by extension how Isaiah and P appear because they reflect on him. I think that's where the rebranding of Priscilla that was mentioned earlier (my apologies if that was you, my memory is a bit scattered, I can't recall who said it originally) comes in. It not only makes P look better but it makes Asa look better. In his mind, anyway.
Maybe this is why Isaiah has been spending more time out of the vlogs and away from the house?? He and Asa could be fighting/arguing behind the scenes. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
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I wonder if the neighbors will be able to see the camper rocking violently when Abbie does her rocking? Probably think P & A are being freaky... lol.
Oh man I threw up in my mouth a little on that one. 🤢 All I can picture is two sweaty grunting wild hogs fighting under the covers in the back of that sardine can.

Brain bleach now!!!!!
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Somebody commented on one of their vlogs today and they said “Ms Pricilla I made a song for you guys could you show Asa and everyone please! it’s on my channel” So obviously i had to click it. I was a little disappointed in his creativity tbh but more importantly I can’t believe someone is out there cutting clips of Abbies yelling and making beats lol. Also it’s sad to me that Pricilla is responding to negative comments like always and of course she won’t give someone the time of day that made an entire song for their family (reguardless of what the songs actually turns out to be ) here’s the link - let’s give him views!!!!

Ok that’s just weird!
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
I agree. And even though I know Isaiah acts the way he does because of Asa, sometimes hes too extra.
But did anyone catch Asa's smug ass when they were in the car? I wish I could give him a spinning round kick to the head....
Isaiah was trying to bond with Asa by saying when P is gone, he is more on Asas level. Instead of acknowledging that Isaiah is almost 19 and a man.....Asa says, "no....when mom is gone Im down here (lsaiahs level) and act like a man-child."
Excuse the language but Asa is such a dick. He loves Isaiah but hates he is losing "power". I honestly think thats part of his obsession with Abbie. Its intoxicating to that tiny tyrant...he will have control of Abbies life forever. I cant stand him. :mad:
The smugness is part of the ass-hatness. He can never let Isaiah even remotely have a moment where he could be in some way perceived to be on the same level as him. Asa cannot stand the idea of that. He always has to make sure he kicks Isaiah down a notch or two. It makes it especially shitty the times, like this evening's vlog, where Isaiah is reaching out and trying to bond and Asa is just like "Nah, fuck that. You're my kid and you're beneath me. Always will be."
I think Ass-hat feels threatened as Isaiah is growing up and becoming more of his own person and starting to stand up for himself a bit more and doing his own things.
No need to excuse the language, Asa IS a dick. An ass-hat dick with short-man syndrome who is so deeply insecure that he lashes out at everyone, especially his own family.
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