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It was an odd reaction in my eyes. She didn't just shake her head no she seemed visibly worked up by it.
Are you insinuating something? That’s what I was asking because what is the significance of her having that reaction and it being a big deal?

Omg God-cilla and that graduation nonsense! I rolled my eyes so hard that my body went with it.
Am I crazy to think that that giant poster and lawn sign would actually be embarrassing for Isaiah??
Good grief, Cilla! I think you need to get a grip, Ma'am!
I thought so too but apparently that is thing. Lots of leghumpers posted theirs in the comments. The thing I found odd about it was how Zilla makes it about her. Kid just got done running, so you sneak and put that up as a surprise? He’s like um I would give you a hug but I’m sweating....

She’s just so dramatic. She’s been crying about him graduating for weeks.

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Pink Marshmallow

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I wonder if that will cause her to develop arthritis when she's older. That has got to be painful.
I think there's a good chance that it will. I have moderate kyphosis myself, as well as scoliosis and lordosis (moderate level)... my back is all curvy n messed up... lol..
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Chatty Member
So wait ... she was in a regular classroom? They said that she was in a class with others who had disabilities... but that means a lot of things right? I think during my day it meant even kids with adhd and stuff... not IDD. They are complete idiots. If Isaiah won that iPad and they act like they can’t afford one, why didn’t they just give her the one he won at school for being so gifted? Sure your gifted child can understand that his parents ain’t shit and he has to continue to make sacrifices for their sake.
I still haven’t seen one video of him watching Abbie in the back of the shop... if anyone can recommend what title to google that would be great!
I think she was in a special ed classroom but they weren’t following her IEP.

Six years ago, it seeemed like they had no Money. It wasn’t just about the iPad, but the speech software at the time was cost prohibitive.
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I've just come across this old vlog!
If any of you can't stand to watch it all (it's super short though).
Just go to 4:45 to see how some of those holes were made in the wall back in the old house!
The whole thing is worth a watch!
"no one wants to change an 11 year olds diaper"...hmmm.. what about a 15 year old? I can't believe they were able to sue the school..and they she any different now then she was then? Possibly worse?

In this Vid they all talk about her being able to do tasks by herself and some day being independent.. wonder if they still think that?

Does anyone have the article from where they sued the school?
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Another funny thing from tonight's vlog, P talking about how Abbie sleeps so much better when she's been active... NO SHIT!! Really???
Thought the same thing! Lol! “Actually Pig, how about you give her some more sugar and some Powerade or water with mio in it? I’m sure that will help her fall asleep.”

@Whimsical small small world we live in huh! In Re: to pikes peak and South Park high school!
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I think they can graduate from JSA, but it wouldnt be the same as a traditional high school diploma.

The article says Abbie is 12, and has been working with that person for 10 years.
That reporter/author dropped the ball.
ETA- I realize its older and Abbie was 12 then, but she hasnt been going to JSA since she was 2.
"It looks like she also may have had this teacher in the Duval County Public School system
"This all changed when she met Trina Middleton, a teacher with Duval County Public Schools."
The 10 years may or may not be wrong since no one really knows what kind of therapy etc Abbie actually had prior to JSA and with who
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Chatty Member
Ok so some here say their lawsuit money is gone. So is this along the lines of the misinformation ppl are talking about or is it all assumption?
I don't think they got a payout in the lawsuit, but maybe they did. But They did get her the McKay Scholarship until she ages out of public school. That pays for her to go to a private school if public school can't fit her needs. Not sure the age they age out in Florida, but it is usually early 20s.
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”Speaking of hip, look at those leggings” - Assa

Is it the puzzle pieces? Because if not, awkward.
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I know with my two grandchildren (one from each one of my kids), if they need any kind of financial help with their kids, I’m always willing to extend a helping hand (or wallet). My parents did this for me with my kids (they even bought me a house and car with cash) and my grandparents helped out with me and my sister. Why couldn’t her parents or his parents help out with hiring an at home teacher/tutor, back then. I guess I have lived a privileged life, but I was brought up with the idea of families being generous If they could afford it. Don’t her parents have bucks?
It’s not their responsibility.

Tonight's vlog. 22.5.20
Sorry its super late. I fell asleep 😔😴😲
Ty for uploading

I really hope Isaiahs gift isn’t that he’s going to stay and go to community college🤦‍♀️🤞
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Chatty Member
I don't get why they were able to sue the private school. Didn't they choose to send Abbie to the public school? And considering it is a public school, it's not like they paid them any money?
I'm not that good with legal things, so maybe I'm wrong here.
They sued the public school system for not following Abbie’s IEP and to get her into a more appropriate program.
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My thoughts on tonite's vlog,

I noticed P commenting that Sandy is getting so big now that she can't pick her up. GOOD!! It made me nervous as well as pissed off to see P manhandling Sandy, only supporting her upper half and letting her bottom half bounce around. I was just waiting for some kind of back injury for poor ol' Sandy.

Abbie seems much happier doing learning activities with Summer & Becca than she does with Asshat. Summer and especially Becca seem to have a lot more patience with Abbie and they have more of a gentle approach (in comparison to Asa).

When Abbie was clearing the dishes after dinner, I could visibly see Asa trying to tone down his dictatorial, high-handed approach with her. It made me chuckle to see the struggle on his face of one - keeping some distance from her and not being literally right over her shoulder barking at her, and also trying not to be as yappy and forceful. Did he totally succeed? No. But it was amusing to watch.

Talking about Sandy needs some obedience training.... hmmmm... I wonder who could possibly do that with her?? Pssstt... Asa... you don't have to hire someone else to train the dog.... there's this thing where dog owners ... gasp... do it themselves! P says Sandy is the poster dog for doing all the bad things that puppies do... again.. things that make you go 'hmmmm...' I can't imagine why!

Asa snarkily 'thanks' a subscriber for sending them the annoying chicken toy. :rolleyes:

Asa & Isaiah talking about the yelling stim and whether or not it's suppressing her making her do it in her room and how the yelling can be disruptive etc in public. Again... it's another situation of mostly Asa saying he understands something or that he has certain motives/objectives about a certain thing.. but then his actions just speak completely otherwise. It's not enough to just say what you think the leghumpers (or even us tattlers) want to hear, Asa. You need to show it in your actions for it to actually mean anything.

I am awarding Asa one point for standing back when Abbie was supposed to be brushing her teeth and seeing if she would do it on her own. While it's great that he did that (even if it was partially to stick it to us "haters"), it did show how much she is dependent on prompting.
I apologize if this has already been asked and answered but does anyone here (autistic, has autistic/special needs kids, works with autistic/special needs kids) have opinions and/or suggestions in regards to Abbie being so prompt dependent?
One word.

I agree with people here and say Summer and Becca are nothing more than paid babysitters. Perhaps Becca will actually help more but Summer for sure is just a playmate. They need Brandi or someone like her who will TEACH, not accept defiance or laziness and follow through on tasks on a regular schedule. I would love to know what Brandi really thinks about this family. She'll never tell because her bottom line is her paycheck.

When P slathers her product all over her hands before her face is a selling technique. It's purposeful to make you use more product than you need, run out of it sooner therefore having to buy more quicker than it should take. I saw this at a makeup counter once, the salesperson put (expensive) blush on the brush then proceeded to very explicitly blow off the excess. I said "Why would you do that? Just tap the brush back on the container so you don't waste the blush!" Just another example of the disgusting deceitful up selling of their over priced stuff. We can only hope she fizzles out eventually and doesn't scam too many unsuspecting women along the way.

Anyone else notice how A allowsed a split second of Abbie's tantrum to be heard before the jump cut in the laundry room video? I think that's purposeful also. Just enough to let the leghumpers feel sorry for them and continue to send them gift cards and such. It's only a matter of time before A does show an actual tantrum to try to increase the declining viewership.
I don't think he ever should have been showing her tantrums/meltdowns. It's just embarrassing and humiliating for her. Even filming a toddlers' meltdown isn't cool (IMO), because what goes on the internet stays on the internet forever...

I doubt many people would like it if they were in sensory overload and had their subsequent meltdown all over the internet..

(PS: I never knew that about make up! *shocked face*)

Not a good idea.
I think it's Brandi Morris...only know that because I sa P tag her on FB once lol (I disagree with all the ABA therapy practices but I have to admit, Brandi's profile pic looked cool though xD)
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Noir Fan

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I know a 17 yr old severely IDD/Autism that has to be put to sleep for every dental procedure. @Sam-I-Am, do they have to do this with your child too? I wonder if putting Abbie to sleep for medical is even an option. It at least an option that can be discussed
They have stated on one of their live streams that Abbie is sedated for dental procedures. I guess medical if necessary would be an option.
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Did y’all catch in yesterday’s video how Isaiah wanted to give Priscilla a vacuum cleaner for her birthday but Asa wouldn’t let him? Spoke volumes of Priscilla even then.
I thought it was sweet in the way Asa described it. Isaiah loved informercials when he was younger and thought his mom would really like it and it seems like Asa talked him out of it. He probably knew P wouldn't react like a normal mom getting a sort of ironic gift from their kid who was just genuinely trying to please his mom. She'd probably be pissed he gave her something she would never use.
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Who needs a bath or shower when you can wash your face with overpriced crap soap and then rub overpriced crap lotion all over your face, arms and legs?
Oh and dirty feet!!!
And....oh....whatever dirt doesnt come offf theres always the pool tomorrow.

She usually does that in the morning or whenever they get around to it during school as a “life skill”
I'm not so sure about that
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