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I think he mentioned the redundant thing in the video I was talking about, as well. He probably still feels that saying thank you is unnecessary or pointless in truth but now is just a little more conscious of how it appears or how it comes off so he makes a point of getting Abbie to say thank you.
It's probably a narcissist thing. In particular - An expectation of special treatment, an expectation that others will agree with them and go along with what they want, and a lack empathy or ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and a tendency to disregard others’ feelings.
Is he trying to say thank you is redundant for Abbie and others like her, or in general? Either way it’s ludicrous, but I’m curious

Why are you so fixated on that? Ya might wanna check yourself. Everyone masturbates (or lies that they don't) and kids do for sure, it is normal, Abbie is not abhorrent, she doesn't understand. I do not believe she is doing that when rocking, lots of Autistic and IDD people rock.

I agree, I didn’t think she was doing the squeezing for that reason at all ( although of course it’s normal for a kid her age)
I thought it was just me that didn’t catch on to it lol, but I still don’t think she’s doing it NOR A and P knowing she is and letting it happen on camera,they wouldn’t do that, yes not all people are always bad people....also agree about the graduation ( I was afraid to mention it bc I’m not a mom) but really it is ridiculous like it’s so tragic!

Priscilla behaving like Isaiah not having Grad ceremony is devastating. It is not!!! Good grief....honestly I bet most seniors do not care. It is what it is and a grad ceremony is one of the most boring things on the planet anyway.
Maybe Brandi was honest in her paperwork saying AB is not really helping Abbie. But , she wouldn't be there anyway due to the virus. They must live close, they saw her at the dog park one day. Anyone wanting to reach out to these people in the families life need to think, think, think. That is so rude and inappropriate. Good grief!
I assumed it was close by because they talked about moving him to college in 3 mos. They sound sure of themselves! I guess it shouldn’t surprise anyone because they were still on their multi-city vacay last March. Based on what you’ve been hearing, it probably is best for him to enroll near home & take online classes. I know they can’t wait to get “all the [App-State] things,” but they need to wake up & realize those days are over.
Exactly! A lot of our students are being told to drop the bigger colleges and universities, enroll in your local community college and do their online classes for these next 2 years to get your under-graduate done and then transfer back to a bigger college or university.. It will save a ton of money and most colleges and universities may not either be able to open their dorms or may have to close them again come winter... They state to only go, if you have a full-ride scholarship...
I know App State accepts transfers from all major colleges throughout the country..
Personally, I would love to see Isaiah move off and get that freedom but economically, it would make sense for him to enroll locally for the next two years... He could even move out with some of his friend into an apartment, to get space and quietness...
Priscilla seems to get very over-emotional when it comes to Isaiah's milestones and school related things. I agree that it's way too much. But I also think that maybe she's sensitive to it because it reminds her of all the milestones that Abbie has not and will not hit. So that just compounds it. Not WK'ing for P, I can just understand a bit.

I agree that it would be very inappropriate to try to contact Brandi (or anyone else in the vlogs who is not a direct participant and hasn't put themselves out there like that). I can understand wondering and being curious about what inside information she may have - I get that. But I don't think it should go any further than us wondering or speculating.
That would make us look so bad trying to contact anyone who knows them personally or has (had) a relationship with the family, it’s different giving a thumbs up to a leghumper that starts to see them for who they really are, but reaching out not acceptable
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I wonder if they ever watch the VLOGS? She may actually be worse of now then she was back in public school..she really didn't belong in a classroom setting in public school..even if it was a special education program.
I’m actually really shocked that they would even put her in public school. Like you said - special ed or not! Do they understand how difficult that shit is even for a typical person? Wtf were they thinking? Just goes to show ... again, how they wanted to be selfish and greedy. They should have homeschooled her in the beginning ... but then again, there goes their free time and also lawsuit money. I wonder how much trauma /ptsd she has from those days ... ugh
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Also...why the fuck can’t P do the laundry..I mean A teaching Abbie, I guess the other 2 are doing schoolwork, but dude, throw a load in, ya load...😛
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In Europe nobody would do this, it's totally unknown.
There is one celebration at school and the rest is private.
Our children would be embarressed seeing their faces on a poster for all neighbors and passing cars to see.
It would be called arrogant and vain and the lads would be the joke of the town.
This isn’t something done normally, it’s just a way to celebrate their accomplishments since all public ceremonies were canceled due to Corona Virus. I don’t see how it’s being arrogant to congratulate graduates with a sign when that’s literally all they’re getting for 4 years of hard work. My daughter ‘graduated’ from college at our dining room table, after taking her final exams a few months ago. A sign in our yard told everyone ‘she did it!’. (No picture of her though on the sign.)
I see bigger and longer celebrations for birthdays, where you do nothing but be born on that day. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I’m actually really shocked that they would even put her in public school. Like you said - special ed or not! Do they understand how difficult that shit is even for a typical person? Wtf were they thinking? Just goes to show ... again, how they wanted to be selfish and greedy. They should have homeschooled her in the beginning ... but then again, there goes their free time and also lawsuit money. I wonder how much trauma /ptsd she has from those days ... ugh
EXACTLY. In the video above he tried to imply that P, as Abbies mother knew more than the two therapists. Yet Super Mom P couldnt teach Abbie either.
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This one bugged me.
Who is the "we" in "we all worked together"
Why not just say "Asa and I worked on this..", because Summer sleeps in the shack. So "we all" once again must include Isaiah chasing her down.
And better yet, if they managed to get her to keep her clothing on at night after 14 years, why cant they stop her from stripping in the pool? Or the bathrooms?
Not buying it.

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WOW. That is a lot of anger/rage over not getting more snacks. I agree, she should have been told NO and sent to her room.

I wonder if this is how she behaves at school and off-camera, which could be another reason they edit a lot out.

I felt bad for Isaiah actually, at one point I thought she might hit him. They have created a monster, who is only getting older/stronger by the day.

After the initial outburst, she came up and asked for snacks a few times. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

View attachment 132677

View attachment 132676
Disgusting behaviour.
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EXACTLY. In the video above he tried to imply that P, as Abbies mother knew more than the two therapists. Yet Super Mom P couldnt teach Abbie either.
He actually said they were the experts because they are her parents... such a narcissist.
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I was watching today's vlog and just wandering where is Priscilla's knees?
God help her when not if she has knee replacements. There's no way she'll do the PT and like bariatric surgery it's not a magic pill, you have to put in some work.
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VIP Member
This one bugged me.
Who is the "we" in "we all worked together"
Why not just say "Asa and I worked on this..", because Summer sleeps in the shack. So "we all" once again must include Isaiah chasing her down.
And better yet, if they managed to get her to keep her clothing on at night after 14 years, why cant they stop her from stripping in the pool? Or the bathrooms?
Not buying it.

View attachment 131980
Omg obvious you are trying to get everyone to believe you give 2 shits about her. Did Asshole make that sentence up for you? You guys couldnt even handle teaching her basic stuff so you got Becca back, lol.
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There are several women on YT saying that they want to be the kind of mom that Priscilla is 🤮🤮

my response would be “you mean fat and lazy?.” I feel sorry for those women’s children.

theres a Department of Children and Family services office near my home. I’ve often thought about applying to work there
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Wow, this was before 🐖 Cilla became so self absorbed from her fame, slimelife and youtube fame. She actually seems more relatable in this video.
She was. She held/hugged Abbie and told her she loved her. Whether for show or not, she seemed much more sincere back then.
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Chatty Member
Counting calories and logging my food was the key to my success in losing 90 pounds in 18 months. It’s simple and it worked for me. I eat calories no matter what they are(carbs, fat, protein, etc.) and when I have my allotted calories for the day, I stop. For me, it’s all about pre-planning. Being proactive...and also being active. I know they can make something work for them. They are just not trying or caring.

Exactly..she makes those sales and gets the recruits directly from FA. My opinion and hunch.
Yes! That is awesome 90lbs in 18 months. Congrats to you!! I think once you learn your body, then you know what works and what doesn’t. I stopped counting calories a while ago after I realized that I don’t even meet the calorie count anymore... so it’s all about a balanced diet and being active. I stay away from carbs but if I have any, I’m really done within a few bites. You are right when you say that they can make something work for them.

You guys! I’ve just realized that Mama June (Honey boo boo’s mom) is Pig’s long lost sister... I knew Pig reminded me of someone -

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Just something to think about, with the low muscle tone and fingers...
We do not know Abbie’s full diagnoses. Even her Speech Therapist hinted that Autism wasn’t her only dx and we can all agree that at minimum, IDD is there (plus confirmed by AssHat himself)...
There are some children/adults on the Autism Spectrum that have unknown genetic deletions. Meaning, the genetics doctors can see a deletion or issue within the DNA but they have absolutely no idea why it is their or how it effects each person that has this...

Gosh, I am going to get a little more personal right now and if anyone knows me, please do not call me out...
My youngest two kids are twins. Both twins have a genetic deletion on one of their genes. One twin, while struggling with writing, has been able to write. He also can walk and has no issues with standing or doing any activities... The younger twin, has always struggled with basic fine motor skills and gross motor skills. It is a “Tone” issue, as we can build strength but the toning is gone. Yes, his fingers resemble Abbie’s (not bending but the knuckles). He actually was approved and received a wheelchair/stroller because he gets so tired, just from trips to the grocery store. The reason he couldn’t get a Manual or Power chair is because at age 11, he still cannot see people and would run right into them.. We knew his limitations and had to push for that piece of equipment because we knew the others wouldn’t work. This child has also been in PT and OT since he was 12 months old. Finally, at age 10, he was discharged from both, not for lack of progress but because they couldn’t do anything else with him. This child also has issues with potty training and had a regression and we are continually working on retraining..

So, I get this a little bit BUT there is absolutely no way I would take the constant laying down. My child was always told to sit when he just got that tired and his muscles started contracting (which we could literally see in his legs) but we never would have put up with the constant laying on the floor...

Again, this isn’t an “excuse” but we have really no clue, exactly, what the genetics doctors have stated. It very well could be a genetic issue..
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I saw a blip on the JSA FB when looking for a post on why they’re moving (didn’t find reason/only a post w/ pics etc) & how ins. isn’t approving ABA for all.
Do you suppose it was found out that there was lying going on about reaching goals on IEPs?
I dunno what to think.
Something happened to Abbie's time with Brandi getting reduced to 1 day a week and we know it wasn't because Abbie had progressed. Since lockdown, we have heard nothing from her or about her. Not even a FaceTime therapy once a week. You know Assa would film it.
I wonder if therapists in this field are not truthful on these documents just so they can get paid.
As I mentioned before, unless Abbie's goals are things she can actually do, I am bewildered as to how she can meet goals at all.
Just my opinion.
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Assss is determined to go with the bike narrative wonder if the fan$$ies have been asking about it. I’m sure there will be many tears of joy.

what I saw is 2 people pushing and steering for her, her pedal movement is not enough to make the bike go so she must have been pointed downhill. ...just more smoke and mirrors and delusion.
Why is the teacher recommending skittles to practice A’s colors? She apparently doesn’t know the amount of sugar already consumed in that household!
And I feel so bad for Abbie that she doesn’t know her colors. I really feel like it’s something she could have had a grasp of by now If her parents had followed through when she was younger.
I wish they’d have her sit up straight for part of her ‘school’ too, her poor shoulders hunched over 24/7 is just sad.

Also, at the beginning of the vlog Assss talks about good days and bad days and how on this good day A had fruit and granola for breakfast. But on a bad day she’ll have Captain Crunch for breakfast. (I’m paraphrasing.) OK, it’s not hard AT ALL to make sure your kid has a healthy breakfast! Seriously! There’s 2 parents there allllllllll the time, cut up some fruit the night before. It’s sheer laziness to pull out sugary cereal, plain and simple. And why is that cereal even in the house, especially since A probably throws a fit to eat it when she sees it!? I didn’t get that crap cereal growing up because it was expensive and all sugar.

That’s all I watched of the vlog because I just can’t watch more than a few minutes. I get the rest of the info from you nice people.
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