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Why are you so fixated on that? Ya might wanna check yourself. Everyone masturbates (or lies that they don't) and kids do for sure, it is normal, Abbie is not abhorrent, she doesn't understand. I do not believe she is doing that when rocking, lots of Autistic and IDD people rock.

Priscilla behaving like Isaiah not having Grad ceremony is devastating. It is not!!! Good grief....honestly I bet most seniors do not care. It is what it is and a grad ceremony is one of the most boring things on the planet anyway.

Maybe Brandi was honest in her paperwork saying AB is not really helping Abbie. But , she wouldn't be there anyway due to the virus. They must live close, they saw her at the dog park one day. Anyone wanting to reach out to these people in the families life need to think, think, think. That is so rude and inappropriate. Good grief!
I think the point of the masturbation is more to do with him filming her , whether that is what’s happening or not, I don’t particularly care but I think he shouldn’t record something that could be misinterpreted.
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Pink Marshmallow

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You've made some good points there but I think she yells, grunts and flails in public because she doesn't like the environment (e.g. loud noises, bright lights, too many people). I would also suggests he brings noise cancelling headphones, her phone/iPad with Spotify downloaded so she can listen to music to help block the noise out, stim toys and sunglasses so that she copes fine with being in a public place.
As an autistic person myself, when I go out to public places, I always bring stim toys and ear defenders with me to help me block out loud noises and cope with anxiety/stress.
In addition, he should immediately stop filming when she yells/has meltdowns/shows signs of being overwhelmed, take her somewhere quiet and give her a stim toy and that will allow her some privacy. Nobody wants to see an autistic child or adult melting down in a place for the whole world to see.
And another thing that frustrates me is, why isn't he teaching her to express how she feels and sign that she wants to be left alone. That will enable her to have her needs met more as I think she mostly gets frustrated due to unmet needs.
A&P have tried noise cancelling headphones before. Abbie won't wear them. Along with sunglasses. She doesn't tolerate wearing things on her head or face. They have taught her to keep items like that on only if they do a countdown for 10 seconds after which she immediately takes them off.
They have brought a chewy toy out with her a few times and that does seem to help some of the time.

Asa has said he doesn't bother teaching her signs that involve emotion, mood, or thoughts because Abbie doesn't understand those in terms of signing. He says she does better with tangible things.
I would say the closest signs she has for wanting to be left alone are 'bathroom', 'break', or ''all done''.
Brandi taught her the sign for "stop", but I haven't seen Abbie really use it on her own.
We do see Abbie shake her head 'no' a lot but Asa usually just tells her yes and goes ahead anyway.
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For most females, nurturing and teaching their children comes naturally.
🐖 failed miserably at these things.
She just didn't have it in her.
During the preschool years, most moms (and dads) teach their kids. They meet them where they are and teach them on that level, whether it's advanced or below.
It's not "homeschooling" and it is a natural occurrence in most households.
In most cases all you need is the desire, some time and a crayon and paper in order to 'be equipped to do it'.
The hambeasts did not work with Abbie consistently..
They left this up to the school to do.
As I've said before, people can defend them all they want, but the facts will never change.
They failed Abbie.
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I don't know if the rules are different in FL, but here you don't have to be severe to get respite care. I do respite for my sister and she's only borderline...age 23 with about a 5 or 6 year old mentality. Sometimes it has to do with behavior issues, which is obviously something Abbie deals with.
I tried looking it up and it’s extremely confusing. But when A&P talk about it in their vlogs for parents looking for help getting care and funding they always come off as they know the skinny (only skinny they know lol) on how to get every agency to pay top dollar. I mean the lemmings think they are being nice offering help but to me they come off sounding sleazy as like we know how to con every agency out of funds! Rubs hands together and both laugh like evil villains.
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So many ways I can dissect your statement/ question... but I’ll take the easy way out. They can always make the TIME to homeschool her... doesn’t take much money. I know cause I had a combination of homeschooling and actual school in my early days. With two parents who seemed to work 24/7. Abbie being atypical, I can imagine that it wouldn’t take that long of your time from your day. She should at least know colors and numbers by now. And how to go to the bathroom when needed. Really doesn’t take much effort or money... just a bunch of discipline.
YES, YES, YES to this all.

They were lazy, they still are lazy.

It does not take money to teach a child, it takes time, desire, and effort, none of which these two lazy boneheads had. Well, they had the time, but not the desire, nor did they put in the effort.

The minute they heard the word Autism, they should have been researching it, figuring out what they could do for her, at home, etc. Instead, they waited for school to take care of it all, which was the lazy way. By the time she started school she should have known basic colors and much more, but nope, they did nothing proactive for her, until it became a way to make money.

They have taken the easy way out with Abbie from the start and are quick to blame everyone but themselves. Blame the schools she went to, blame the teachers because Abbie was not learning, blame everyone, except the two people that could/should have made a difference from the moment they heard that word, Autism, themselves.

Those hambeasts infuriate me!
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Did Priscilla touch Abbie's feet??
She did. But, earlier in the vlog Asa makes a big deal over the dogs eating the chicken shit fertilizer and what does Big P do? Let that damn Sandy jump all over her and then grab her face and rub all over the shit eating dog.
What part of "the dog is eating the chicken shit" did she not understand??
Nasty heifer.
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My thoughts are why would anyone use a crock pot in this time and day when the Instant Pot can cook things in less than an hour.
I use a crockpot :confused: lol. I’m just not up to date on appliances. I’ll get around to it. I love my crockpot though.
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Chatty Member
The crying is making me nauseous...first of all her face ( I know we all look alil funny when we cry, but some more then others) it looks like she’s gonna lose is....and how awkward when she said “and we didn’t screw you up” Isaiah couldn’t even lie! Did u see P’s expression when no one came to her rescue? Then A tells her to “get yourself together” no love for P today, ok going back to it, I stopped it to comment lol
My Mom used to pull shit like that. Cry and want me to tell her I had a happy childhood or some other lies to make her feel better. If we were out and she was driving I'd say whatever she wanted to hear so she wouldn't wreck the car and kill us both. Otherwise I'd leave the room fast. More recently, I've given her real answers. There were happy moments, but I wouldn't say I had a happy childhood. And yes, her son is most definitely capable of hurting other people. I just won't play the "feed me lies to make me happy" game.
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And the grad sign w/ his cheesy ass face & button down looks political or a realtor sign.’s ok to keep sssome thingsss personal or for family.
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I’ve been riding everyday for a month...about 5 miles a day. Does bike riding not burn enough calories? Do you feel walking is better (not as much fun for me). I’m not being sarcastic, it’s an honest question. 😎
It surely doesn't burn calories when someone is pushing and steering for you..:unsure:
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It’s getting worse. This was from a vlog they did a couple weeks ago. Abbie’s neck looks so painful☹☹
View attachment 132709

That would break my heart seeing my daughter like that, I don’t care what it took I would get a certified trainer ( or whomever) to work on that! By the time she’s 20 she’ll be an old lady! I don’t know guys but with all the “trauma” to her brain that she causes from rocking,etc,not getting adequate testing we all get as we get older ( I still swear not getting a pelvic exam is not good,doesn’t matter that she’s not having sex) she’s not going to live a long life, it’s really so sad
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Noir Fan

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Okay, gang! I watch, sometimes for background noise, anti-MLM YouTube videos. This one caught my ear today because it’s for LimeLife. Pretty recent - uploaded today. I’m watching this as I’m posting. I haven’t seen many of these videos about Limelife.
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Here's a good one for ya..... 😂🤣😂🤣🤢

Just one.
I think Abbie enjoys moving on the bike just like she likes the golf cart.. and probably the attention she is getting with everyone catering to her and saying "good job" and pulling her and steering her. If it came to her moving the bike on her own or steering....not so much.. The bike is for steering and pedaling it to a destination on your own power.

Did you see her take her hands off the handlebars to do her yelling into her hand? That was the highly edited version.. imagine what the reality was.
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I’ve always said that they are weird as hell for swimming with those dogs in that already filthy pool. Now Ass wants to complain that as soon as he let sandy out, she jumped in the pool. Wtf do you expect? Also... they have a bunch of folded laundry and I’m wondering why are they each not able to take their respective clothing to their rooms? How hard is that? Is P responsible for also sorting and putting away these grown peoples’ clothes ?? Sure looks like it to me at this point. What century do they live in?
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Summer had to grab her right after because she veered off.

Smoke and mirrors

why doesnt SumSum take her out surfing more? they are besties! it would be great!
Probably because regardless of what they say she can’t really surf .

They've been pushing this "Surfer Girl" crap for years. And here's P saying she gets teary eyed because Abbie is transformed (basically) by surfing. And yet in all these years of vlogs I have never seen them take Abbie surfing on their own without an SFA event going on. Either they dont want to do the work involved for her to "surf", or they just go because they want the attention. I dont believe they skipped her meds for a minute but it fits their narrative.
When I have seen a her “ surfing video “ she is basically sat on the board with two or three people holding her on there.
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