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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
You know what I see when I see Abbie? I see a two year old.

I see a two year old kid that wants to go outside so they just push open a door and walk out without any other thought. I see a two year old in a store that wants a candy bar so they just take it off a shelf and open it and stand there and eat it. I see a two year old throwing a tantrum when they don't get their own way. I see a two year old on a tricycle not understanding how pedaling works. I see a two year old in a teen body.

How do they ever think she will be able to have the comprehension to live any where near independently? How does her school not see it and say something? They've been with Abbie a long time they must see it and know it as well.
I'm starting to wonder about JSA as time goes by. I agree that the teachers/staff at JSA must know Abbie's limitations. Maybe they just bring her along even tho she won't be participating as much or get as much out of it because it's easier to take all of the students rather than having someone stay back with her?? Maybe they make certain allowances during lessons depending where students are at with their capabilities?? Maybe they don't want to have to deal with the fuss that Asa would kick up if he felt they were singling her out??
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LMAO when Abbie threw the wrapper in the crockpot... again! I always wait for her to do that every time P asks her to help in the kitchen. This girl literally has no clue. I really need to know what the actual diagnosis is. That whole family is a mental case.
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From college prep to hillbilly in one covid lockdown, for all you folks that ‘care’ Isaiah has barefeet!🧐🙃
Yes! And the pic is so irrelevant at age 17-18! Kids don’t change as much. Also, how many flipping pics does one family need? Their narcissism is adorning their walls. I just can’t do that.

I wonder what they make off of 1 IG post, even unrelated to Abbie & their channel. But maybe they tagged FA. I don’t recall those details. (ok edit: i see it’s on her Ssssssilllahsss Ssssstufffff s end Ssssssthingssss).

That door banner was crooked & bugged me. Wonder if they left it. haha
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This does not look or feel right. In the second frame Abbie is pulling away and summer is still hugging her. Whether Abbie “likes squeezes” or whatever, they should not be doing this. Summer is weird
I think Summer is desperate to be on camera being Abbies "BFF" .. they have told her all these years she is Abbies BFF and Abbie responds differently to her. Either that or that have an unexplained weird relationship.
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They should be doing all these OT things in this video with her every day. That exercise on the peanut thing is really good for her neck. I dont understand why she can't do all these things at home. Dummer and Becca should be doing these with her instead of hanging on her and booping her nose all day.
Couldn't agree more! Absolutely nothing stopping those 2 (adult) paid members of the 'team' getting to work on this stuff!
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Well we saw the nighttime routine today. I didnt hear about any bath or shower ......
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when I worked at a day program, we knew the clients strengths and weaknesses. Clients knew how to pick out their rewards but, for the most part, staff would handle money transactions. Now we did have some vey high functioning autistics who could complete their own transactions from start to finish. There’s no way Abbie will ever complete a transaction on her own. At least parents I worked with knew their childs abilities and they were ok with that

i don’t ever recall a parent wanting to push their child into doing more than that parent knew their child was capable of doing
I really don't get them being so unclear on what she is capable of. I may push my brother beyond what is comfortable to avoid a greater discomfort, but I know and have known what he can and can't do since I was a kid. A's blog was so clear and the early vlogs weren't as delusional as the ones they show now.
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It does make you wonder, but from what she did show during her life up at NY and college, she did have friends and seemed to get along with her volleyball team, as for Becca not being her real friend, given how close the two became and Becca visiting her while she was away in college, it tells a different story.

What I question, is how often did P and A especially A, pestered her about moving back to FL and finishing her schooling? Because it seemed like they were doing it every chance they got. Idk, something has always seemed odd about everything. Hell, A even started doing it with that one YT family, I think it was the breezies? Or whatever their called. A even added a subliminal massage in his vid like a weirdo. (If that's what you can even call it idk lol)

It was semin recent. He was talking about how a certain family should move to Florida, and for a half a second, the family's name flashes on the screen. I wish I brought it up when it first came out, but Idk why I didn't. Probably because it was so hard to catch. It was just so weird.

That family just has weird vibes EVERYWHERE.
Yeah she did have volleyball but then again she always said she didn’t like going out with them outside of that because they all liked to party and she didn’t.

I do think her and Becca had somewhat of a friendship at a time but I think A&P have ruined that or are in the process. I think Becca is serious about her role and taking care of Abbie and everything to Summer is a joke and that is where things are going to get messy. Summer used to be very good with Abbie at Surfers for Autism Events she took the role seriously, but now that she’s move in with A&P she’s morphed into this shadow of herself. It’s all about pleasing A&P. And in a way I can understand she’s a young girl who lives in their home and she’s probably scared to go against them. She will lose seeing Abbie, her job, free vacations, and a place to stay while in college if she does anything that might upset them. I guess she has no moral principles or hasn’t gotten to ethics in school yet. I just really wonder what her parents honestly are thinking at this point. Are they watching the videos and is this what they really want their daughter involved in. Because I honestly don’t think mom is too keen on the situation and that is why she doesn’t interact with A&P.

I also wonder if Becca’s school knows she’s involved with this trash too. Because personally I don’t think it looks good for either one of them. Future employment will dig up things and YT and social media is a wealth of information, and they can be damaging their futures being involved with these idiots.
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Lemme tell ya about my fam.

Both my kids were potty trained at 1 year old and never even wet the bed after that. If they did, they would have gotten up and cleaned the mess themselves. I taught them to prepare their own food at 4 and they took care of the kitchen from then on.

When they did play outside, they used an outdoor shower to get clean before returning inside, then they did their own laundry.

My kids never, ever picked their nose, had a nose bleed or vomited, pooped or peed unless they were on the toilet. I taught them such great self control they were able to master this by toddler hood.

They would never touch themselves, private parts were off limits totally, only touched when wiping or bathing and never any other time.

If their hair was ever messy, they had to go redo it, it must always be neat and pulled back.

They never yelled, cried or screamed. They were perfect little dolls, both in looks and behavior.

Now, once they turned 12, was time to go to work. They mowed lawns, walked dogs, cleaned people's houses and made their own cash. When they turned 15 I made them work at least 20 hours per week somewhere and go to school and make straight A's.

Once they decided to go to college, they had to pay for it themselves. They worked full time and went to school until they finished. Of course they were fully mature grown adults at 18.

I had perfect kids. :ROFLMAO:
You forgot about how you were always consistent in discipline and there are absolutely zero unfinished projects in your house. And you knew every single thing they did in school every day and worked on it at home every night without fail.
You can’t have perfect kids without a perfect parent after all.
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I commented a couple weeks ago on the “Zucchini bread disaster” video, and just now saw that Cilla had responded. I said “Why would she teach her how to use an oven?” To which she replied “why not?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Really? 🙄😐 That’s like teaching a 2 year old how to use the oven. Only thing she should know about the oven and stove is that it’s hot, and not to touch it.
Because she’s an autism princess.

I really hope the leghumpers have just a little bit of smarts because I would hate for any of them to feel less than in their job or parenting because they don’t let their severely autistic client or child use the stove.
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
I kind of disagree about Sumer and Becca being effective teachers .. but we will see. I feel like Summer and sometimes Becca treat Abbie like a cute puppy. They let her do what she wants to do..everything is treats, rainbows butterflies, BFFs and she can do no wrong and most likely gets away with everything along with way too much touch and affection. I dont think she will have the structure and consistency she needs.

Abbie needs someone more like Brandi (and that teacher at JSA Sheniqua?). they are calm, respectful, patient.. but dont take any BS. Also Crazy Nanny would probably good as a teacher as well.
I was saying they're better at it in comparison to Asa's methods which are tremendously lacking. Summer is definitely more of what you described but from what I've seen of Becca, she is more firm and sticks to the plan. Part of me wonders if Asa doesn't show that as much because it would make him look even worse than he already does. lol
Brandi is definitely the most effective out of all of them. Her demeanor really makes a huge difference with Abbie and also Abbie knows that she can't get away with her usual shenanigans. Brandi isn't afraid of Abbie fussing or throwing a tantrum and thus will challenge Abbie when needed and tell her no, redirect her etc when needed. It really sucks that Abbie only sees her once a week, altho since quarantine I don't think she even sees her at all now??
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Dr. Loomis

New member
They’ve talked about it in the future when they can no longer physically take care of her, but since her being there finances the whole family, I doubt that will be anytime soon.
Well have you or anyone really paid attention to how Priscilla responds to hearing the subject of Isaiah leaving for college? After all is done with the "Coronavirus" Priscilla's goal is to continue to not deal with Abby. Look at the vlog where I believe it's the one with Asa's mom and the stepdad, over for dinner. Look closely at her body language as Asa makes excuses for Priscilla's lifestyle of not doing anything as a mother and wife. The "work" that she does is always outside the house but never with Abby because as the words from her mouth from the podcast, "mothering is not my jam" she also says in the vlog at the dinner that she grew up with a nanny. Priscilla only knows how to live or "exist" as someone doing all the work for her. She obviously has no patience with her own daughter and more so according to her words, she "doesn't shine in that area of being a mother". I am convinced that they will put Abby in an institute after Isaiah goes off to college, maybe not right away but in due time they will because Priscilla does not have a mother's intuition. We all know it and she even says it, "it's not my jam"
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Sandy being kenneled constantly only makes her a more hyper dog. Ass had videos of him training maverick about 2/3 years back. There’s NO excuse to not train Sandy except for pure laziness. Ass can’t say “well dog training centers are closed”, you wanted maverick to be a service dog for Abbie, he started training him, another half ass attempt with no follow through! Honestly EVERYTHING with this family...if it takes some work or time, they give up!!!
They have the perfect opportunity to train Sandy with 4 adults available 24/7. .... he could have even blogged his training efforts. Yes... everything they do is half assed because they have zero follow thru.....
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I don't know much about idd but would Abbie know about pain and how to tell them if they taught her the sign? Not that I am holding my breath that they will as you said they are known for not properly taking care of her needs.
She knows for sure what pain is.
When she injured her toe at the pool she limped and showed her discomfort.
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That posture...her oh man. It seems the older she gets, the worse her issue with low muscle tone gets. The way she kind of flaps her legs when she walks, can't lift her arms all the way up, her weak looking core, her hands now it's like she just can't hold her own head up. Maybe that's why she lays down so often right in the middle of physical activities...maybe it all exhausts her. This is what the Speech lady mentioned...her other medical issues. I'd love to know what all is wrong with Miss Abbie.
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New Thread.

That scene in the bedroom with P sorting out everyone’s laundry was quite amusing. I just knew she was in charge of it all. Here are these grown men taking about their underwear getting mixed up. Just so gross that grown people wash their clothes together and don’t even have the decency to sort it out themselves instead of having P do it. Lol! They literally took it upstairs and had her sorting. Isaiah saying that he’s about to be “skinny mini.” What guy even says that out of his mouth?
The same guy whose weirdo dad says "super cute" in every other sentence.
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He’s a very nice dog.
But also a poor dog. What a hard life living with this family. Like the puppy, he's living without daily walks in the park or wood, without enough attention and respect.
The Maassive's are. both like children. When the new toys get boring, they will be ignored and thrown in the corner.
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