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@PhartBlossom and he would make sure to tell us where he got it from, how he’s gonna install it and why he got it... “this is for safety reasons for Pigs bike as we found the original seat didn’t work well for her ... I’ll make sure to put the link on here so you guys can check it out... but yeah we found it works much better and is more practical.”

Lol but yea ... the scene you painted of when she falls off sounds about right. She will also be doing her stupid loud laugh that she does when trying to hide embarrassment.
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Hey let's send her down the stairs with an armful of laundry and her hair in her face. What's the worst that could happen Asa?

stair hair.jpg
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There is no chance that miss 🐷 Isn’t glued to this forum. Hi sweet girl
I honestly wonder sometimes if she reads here but then it occurs to me that if she did, she would take to her bed for weeks because she would be so traumatized by the TRUTHS that we speak here.
What is likely happening is Assa reads here. We know somebody in that dysfunctional house is because they reference so much of what we discuss in their shit show.
I do not think that's a coincidence.
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Jesus, Asa must get so exhausted by this. My husband has an addiction to his computer/ phone as well. Every time I turn around, after asking him to watch the kids (gotta use the washroom, do whatever) I come out and he is never watching them.

One time i asked him to watch them so o could have a shower. I hadn't had time to shower in three days. I was in there 15 minutes and I come out and my 3yo was eating a dishwasher pod. He eventually vomited it up. I have a lot of these stories so I wont bore anyone further, but christ.

I have fantasized about lighting his computer on fire. I imagine asa feels the same way about that stupid phone of hers
But the phone is how she conducts her fantastic wonderful keeps her busy 80 hour work week 🙄
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It's almost like some of the hardcore ones have been indoctrinated into a cult. They die to be acknowledged by them, they wanna KNOW them, they wanna be their special friends, shit....they wish they lived in the house next door. WTF???
One of them posted that they wished they could just spend a day with Abbie because that would make her so happy.... what??? They really believe this??

They did mention you can send stuff to charity or Maassquad cares:rolleyes:.
How do you "donate to MaassSquad Cares"? Just send them money? Is it a real charity?

Is he really saying.. dont send us letters and homemade crap send us money?
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I'm sure they do throw alot of it away. There was one vlog where they brought out some neat looking table and actually said that it had been sitting in their garage for a year before they even looked at it. Apparently, a fan had made it and sent it to them a long time ago and they didn't even bother to look at it.
Asssa has become so arrogant people send them gifts in the hope of a thank you and an online unboxing etc. They just threw their gifts in the middle of the table without a real thank you etc. I can bet that they throw most of that stuff away except for anything thats of value to them eg. Dunkin Doughnuts vouchers etc. I bet Abbie was gifted sensory toys as well but she won’t be able to play with them. Pigzilla wants everything to match her aesthetic which doesn’t allow for sensory toys etc. They’re rotten.
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They get a lot of really nice handmade wall art and you never see any of it hanging on the walls anywhere! In fact you dont see much of anything hanging on the walls except the art THEY have made. If you go back and watch the older mail opening vlogs, where have all those toys for Abbie gone? Where are all the handmade blankets people sent? What about all the fancy handmade cups? They absolutely toss that stuff in the trash! And can you imagine how trashy the house would look if they didn't!? However....they could store a lot of it and rotate it. All those fans spending money on those people might as well toss it in the trash, that's how much they appreciate any of it.
I think the fact that they didnt film the opening of the mail like they used to has put a lot of the fans off. The only reason they send that shit is to see them open it up and swoon over it. I'm sure they were disappointed and half of them probably never got a mention or a thank you.
I am going to ask directly where all that stuff is as it is totally unbearable to think of all the effort that is put into the things people send
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What I don’t understand is that Peliton got heat nationwide for their 2019 holiday commercial. The husband had gifted his wife one & in a series of clips, she showed her fake fitness journey. The PC culture went nuts saying it was wrong for the man to insinuate his wife lose weight, etc.

When he announced the bike, first thought was that I mentioned many weeks ago that she should get one. Second thought was, wow, ok...are they saying Prisss needs to lose weight? I bet she was pissed. Don’t care if it’s about the health benefits, it’s just an odd choice of a gift. I’m assuming it’s the same tier for everyone, like carnival prizes though. School fundraisers are the same. She’ll probably get a refurbished one, repackaged.


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I really hate to exercise, but I bought myself a bike 3 weeks ago and I am riding at least 1/2 hour everyday. It is liberating. I loathe the exercise bike because it is so boring not to be going anywhere. Maybe that would be a suggestion for her to exercise..sell the expensive stationary bike and buy a bike you can ride around the neighborhood. More beneficial than that darn scooter too.
I would pay to see that arse fit on a bike seat.

OMG you didn't get the Karen joke, I- woah, that went waaayyy over your head!
(Also I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing people who think that way, by way of the meme)
Of course I understood the Karen reference and nothing you could say would go over my head.laugh your arse off at that.
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I wish Jen would have nothing to do with these yayhoos. When I saw that she interviewed Asa at a function I wanted to scream NOOO! I just started watching her and A&P would just use her for content and numbers. Jen is a joy to watch and more mature than A and P will ever be. I dearly hope someone warns her to avoid them completely.
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I'm just curious to know what a patreon page is on Youtube?
I think it's just a page where "supporters" can pay to see extra content from YouTube creators. In a nutshell, it's a place where this disgusting family can flat out ASK for handouts and in return, the person giving the handouts gets "perks".
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I'm just curious to know what a patreon page is on Youtube?
Well by definition on google because I'm lazy lol

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that enables fans (or patrons) to pay and support artists for their work. For producers of videos, webcomics, music, podcasts and more, Patreon is a way to earn extra money on what might otherwise be free content, and allows fans to contribute to their favorite artist's platform.
And patreon's pay that tier level EVERY month. It's not just a one time donation.
I suspect that the "Abbie" level is the most popular. $25.00/month or $300.00/year
They currently have 530 patreons. So it can generate anywhere from $1,060 per month to $13,250.00 per month.
This is their patreon page:
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Priscilla so lazy why cant she walk instead of using the scooter and Assa too!!
Because she did 30 seconds of exercise with I and S in the the back yard and she is exhausted. Did she look foolish trying to stretch her legs back or what. She never seems to know what to do with her tree stump arms. Asshole is doing a blog for Limelife about shaving with their waxy products. Boring vlog again.
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I’ve been lurking forever I decided to finally make an acc my post is pretty much a sum up of how I feel towards them

I came across FA about 4 months ago and binge watched them simply because I have autistic friends and family and it felt good knowing it was a family trying to spread awareness
However Asa & 🐷 are very fake and soon I realized how fake !
I will say and It may not be the popular vote .. I prefer Assa over miss piggy anyday . She just simply isn’t it . She clearly doesn’t want much to do with her children and she is very smug and bitchy and her fatass needs to get her ego knocked down .
Assa is a douche bag no doubt about that but I can tell he really cares and loves Abbie and you can tell she’s a daddy girl cause her behavior is completely different with him . Piggy doesn’t care much and I just hate to see it . Everybody else in that house is weird I love the doggies and kitty summer needs to find a outlet bad Isaiah is ok he just needs to get away . I’ll prolly talk More shit the more I lurk and watch
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Someone that doesn't mind getting blocked needs to post "Check out for even more fun clips of this great family"on todays vlog.
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I would feel bad for Priscilla if I thought she was basically a good person, but I don't. I think she's one of those adult women that has a serious case of 'Princess Syndrome' and people like that always get on my tits. She seems to be a pathological liar and something just gets my back up regarding her relationship with Abbie. I know a lot of people feel there's something inappropriate about Abbie's relationship with Asa and/or Isaiah and I respect your opinion, even though I don't agree with it. But I really feel there's something up with how Priscilla feels about/treats Abbie. As others have mentioned, I think P is extremely jealous that A's first daughter is NT. She admits herself that she doesn't have a mothering instinct - which, wow. Isaiah must feel awesome that you admitted that on a public forum! And there's just something else that's setting me on edge. Not saying any abuse is going on, but if Abbie was my student I'd be paying very close attention to the family dynamics.
I was just thinking about this today...her weight wouldn't even be an issue if she was a genuinely good person. She not so she makes it easy. I actually give props to Assa in one regard...he had to step up to the plate and be dad and mom to the kids and her! He's the only caregiver in the family. Can you imagine how much more awful that family would be had he not taken on all the responsibilities? In a way thank God he does! I don't know how he has delt with P for so long and not kicked her fat butt to the curb. If she was just a decent human being it would make a whole world of difference. Any time Assa is around her during one of her lipstick moo moo lives, she is always snarky to him. Its completely rude given that he's always trying to help her. He really rubs me the wrong way, but she is worse if you ask me. Her weight aside, how is he not completely embarrassed of her? His wife and mother of his children is a checked out mother, rude AF, addicted to her phone, totally disrespectful to him and everyone else, snarky, ditzy, out of touch with reality and most of all thinks her sh!t don't stink.
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They could make that girl go up and down those stairs for exercise. It's not brain surgery to think of things she could try to gain some strength. I have to wonder if they like her weak, and easy to overcome.

It really make no sense why they dont make an effort to tire her out. Surfer girl my Assa. I've seen dogs ride solo better. They are into it for the perks. Assa is a secret people hater, there's gotta be some reason they are attracted to it. I bet they go so they can promote FA's cash cow. OMG. I thought of a new name for Prathilla.
They let her sleep during the day way too much. Just to get her out of their way. Naps, naps, naps. All they do is complain they don't get any sleep. Boring.
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Brandi taught Abbie to breath and pull herself together. Never saw A or P do that.

I couldn't stand it but I happen to have known lots of families with their kids that did that. I went barefoot as a kid but now I don't like it, even in my house I wear flip flops or footies. We do take our shoes off at the door though just to keep the floors clean. In Fl I believe it's pretty common to be barefoot, I have seen lots of people barefoot, in bathing suits in stores! It seems anything goes there.

If Abbie refuses to wear shoes, I would have her hose her feet off before she came in...something. I don't even care that she has filthy feet at her house but I would not want those feet on MY chouch. I can't even imagine going to bed with feet like that, but this family appears to be morning bathers.
Nope ... when I lived in Florida it was ok to walk around and go to like Walgreens in a bikini but being barefoot was not common. Everyone wears flip flops! Of course if you’re at a beach bar you may not wear flip flops but to walk around a grocery store with no shoes on was not the norm.

Ass should have left his beard growing cause at least it covers his fat blobby face ... chub rock. P needs to stop wearing #thesecurves shirt ... she is putting curvy women to shame. She needs to wear #theserolls. Because that is what you have P ... a whole bunch of fat and rolls. I really don’t care at this point I will fat shame the hell out of both of them.

Their fans are the most idiotic people on earth. Who the hell sends shit from the UK after MAKING if for these trashy ass motherfuckers? I bet the only reason why they even picked up all that stuff is cause they have no content and thought in their simple heads “hey why don’t we go to the P.O. Box?” Still these idiots around the world keep sending them shit that these people don’t care about and most importantly- don’t NEED. People look at that house with uncalled for envy, yet they send them shit instead of sending their own minds to reality.
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