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You folks on here that are happily married, have a nice long working collaboration with your husband. What do you think about her claims about her marriage to Ass. She makes it sound like because they’ve been married 23 years, they’ve worked out all the kinks, so to speak. She makes it sound like their marriage is a perfectly oiled working machine where all the parts fit together. Are you all buying this?

And about the 23 year long marriage thing. I attended divorce recovery classes with people married longer than that. There’s always somebody somewhere tired of putting up with somebody’s shit. No matter how long they’ve been together.
No. I’m not buying it. She may be under the impression that they have worked out the kinks, but I seriously doubt Atha feels the same. It doesn’t matter how much she tantrums, how they try to spin it…the fact remains that since day 1 it has been blatantly obvious that Atha carries the mental, physical and parental load in that family. I don’t care who you are, what you do, how much cash flow you have, at the end of the day that shit wears on you.
There are a multitude of examples so I will choose just one.
We watched Atha carry a m’fing couch on his back into the manor with zero help from Biggun. What was her excuse, I wonder? I am a princesth? I just got my nails done? I’m too damn obese?
Love him or hate him, Moobie has his hooves full.
Name one thing outside of cooking, wiping that dumb ass counter top for the umpteenth time and “working” on her phone that you have seen her physically do since the creation of FA? Like on the regular. She did pull weeds next to the cement pond one time and it was such an anomaly even Atha was surprised, but outside of that….what?
Y’all ever hear the expression “Those that scream the loudest are usually guilty”…or something like that? IMO we just watched that shit play out in real time via FB Live.
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Any other time she lets the water works flow, but now that she's truly mad she can lock them up. And where was her little girl voice? She is so damn fake. We always speculated how big of a monster she is, but she just showed us, and it's way worse than I imagined This is how her whole family gets talked to when something doesn't go her way. If this was a case, I'd buy her a damn Easter basket too, just to avoid all that crazy.
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Yep. Its the same car they just washed and swept a few vlogs ago.
He had nothing else to vlog about! 😂 😂
If they are so precious about having clean cars, they need to pay the same mind to their own bodies. The whole family looks nasty dirty and their only regular "bathing" is when they flop about in the cement pond. Filthy beggers. Pretty sad when your vehicle's undercarriage is cleaner than your own.

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I watched it, it was pretty funny. When he showed Piggy crying and she said "I'm an only child!!!!!" I yelled at the tv "tell that to your sisters lol"!
What does that even have to do with anything? I'm an only child too, but I know how not to be a massive fucking dipshit.
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I can't believe they stuffed...literally stuffed... all those flowers into that pot.
It didn't occur to either of them that flowers grow over time. Just like any living thing does.
This is evidence of just how profoundly Intellectually Disabled they both are.
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They have 5 sets of friends? 😳 🧐🫢🤥 That supposedly told them to get the $100 silky sheets for their bed.
It was kind of funny that he was praising his wife for….ordering crap on Amazon. Such an accomplishment and so much work!
Finally I was getting a bit anxious that he was taking us upstairs at bedtime. I was thinking…”oh no. I don’t want to see this! “ 😱😖🤪🫣 I was hoping he wasn’t going to try and prove to us haters that they are actually romantic. Fortunately it was just Pig in bed enjoying the new silky sheets. Whew! 😤😒😓
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Chatty Member
I worked as a nanny for 30 years with my clients regularly going to black tie events! Men usually wear nice formal suits like tuxedoes and women wear ‘cocktail’ dresses, if for any reason the children went (parent been presented a whatever) they were always immaculately dressed and the mother would buy me a presentable dress and shoes and I could get hair and make up done as well.
ShakBoi looks like a reporter from the local rag trying to hustle his way in!
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Chatty Member
I've been thinking about how truly odd the Tubberson Family is. I think that Candy Cane Wide Load Lane Bryant is the genesis of Twatty's delusional way of thinking and acting. We have Candy who has three daughters, one of whom believes that she is an only child. This "only child" has been sheltered from the harsh realities that go along with being responsible. After getting knocked up, Candy and Wide Load Wayne tracked down the penetrative penis and locked it and him into marrying Twatty. When the penetrative penis left and wandered to find another nook to cranny, Twatty and Boy Wonder were taken care of. When the Tubbersons reunited and had a bandaid baby and obviously were ill equiped to hold down employment, again, Candy and Wayne saved the day and let the four of them move in. It seems that when Tubby's first daughter was revealed, Candy, Wayne & The Tubbersons wished her away, the same way that Twatty wished away her sisters. In all of this, Candy appears to had been estranged from her two other daughters and only in the past few years had any real contact with them. Was Candy's ability to disassociate herself from her flesh and blood the catalyst for Twatty to be so cavalier in her treatment of Tubby's second daughter and her own complete lack of maternal instinct?

As much as Twatty owes everything she currently has to Abbie, leading up to the grift she owes everything to Candy who obviously has the capacity to cut her own daughters out of her life. Does Twatty play the "awesome daughter" that she claims herself to be out of fear of being cut off in the event that Tubby buggers off again? If not for Tubby, she would be ill equipped to find any success in Slimelife. It is because of his YT grift that she has humpers and it is because of his ability to run her lives etc that she can do her sales. It is because of Tubby that she can flounce off on Slimapaloozas and not worry about who will take care of Abbie. It is because of Tubby that anything gets done around the house and more importantly, with Abbie. She is all bravado when it comes to being a Bothhhhh Babe, but deep down, she has to know that she has nothing if Tubby left her and if Candy ever cut her off. She has spent her entire life being catered to because she is a useless tit who can't stand on her own two mighty stumps. I think that the events of the past month have jolted her unlike any other event in her life.
That whole family deal with Candy Von Hogg is so confusing to me. But….here’s a thought….if Candy and Wayne were instrumental in tracking down the
Coast Guard Lothario and dragging his Ass back to Guantanamo Bay of Pigs to marry their pregnant daughter…perhaps Candy was as desperate to have an empty nest as Pig is now. If they hadn’t convinced Ass to marry Pig, they’d be saddled with Pig and her offspring forever. She’d be even less likely to get married and someone would now have to work to support and care for the child. Pig? Wayne? Candy? I’d say they were highly motivated to contact that ship and the coast guard.
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I was surprised that Big P was this flexible:

View attachment 2882328

I was sadly not surprised that they let Abbie walk around on the car wash pavement with bare feet.

View attachment 2882329

Mother of the Year strikes a pose:

View attachment 2882331

You’re a good sport, Abbie.

View attachment 2882333

It always amazes me that they use respite to bathe her. But she always looks so much cleaner when Summer handles it.

View attachment 2882334
They need to tell her if she doesn't keep her shoes on then we aren't going anywhere or we are going to go back home since you can't follow directions. Shoes off in public should never be allowed or encouraged.
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Cardinal Rule

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Thank you for saying this!! Her brain is warped because they don’t actually work or do anything but sit on their asses all day. Empty nesters at 40 still have jobs and bills. Most don’t retire and travel at 40! She will say its from hard work but she needs to get freaking real. They are vloggers their income comes from YouTube and Facebook. Either of those platforms shut down tomorrow, they will be fked. Slime is a crutch to what they have from vlogging. If they were to stop filming all her customers would ask “Where’s Abbie”. I doubt they would have any interest beyond Abbie
I think you’re right. Even during the chaos they generated with Piggy’s Pitty Me Live, many of the humpers continue to ask questions not related to their video topics.

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VIP Member
You folks on here that are happily married, have a nice long working collaboration with your husband. What do you think about her claims about her marriage to Ass. She makes it sound like because they’ve been married 23 years, they’ve worked out all the kinks, so to speak. She makes it sound like their marriage is a perfectly oiled working machine where all the parts fit together. Are you all buying this?

And about the 23 year long marriage thing. I attended divorce recovery classes with people married longer than that. There’s always somebody somewhere tired of putting up with somebody’s shit. No matter how long they’ve been together.
<—-hopes to make it alive to my 15th wedding anniversary this Thursday the 18th 😆
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How absolutely infantile. I actually do cringe when I read Hun word salad posts. I have to hand it to Slimelife, they know how to prey upon the weakest to build them up in their own minds. All that lump does is click on a cart and then send it for processing. She has ZERO expertise in makeup application and her skin is atrocious and they call it a "Gem that shines"😂😂😂 How often does Bothhhh Babe fill the cups of her dismal downline? Does she send them notes and gifts to congratulate them for making her grift a success? Thought not🧐🧐
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I'm betting it eats at them to know they've failed Abs. What do we see...maybe 5 mins of interaction with her? The kitchen stuff, her putting dishes away? I believe we aren't allowed to hear the prompting, we see she keeps looking at fatboy to see what she's to do next. Autism awareness my left butt cheek, he gives nothing. Exception: 'give up and put your kid on a sofa to shred magazines'. He'd go into shock if he visted a real home with parents that take better care of their child (@JunoandMaya ) All Asswipe has shown us is how to exploit a helpless child for riches and be a jerk while doing so.
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Asa did Abs hair and he packed her lunch bag and book bag for the day. Here’s the proof in the pudding Priscilla! You don’t do anything.

Another car wash for the Grand Wagoneer segment? Damn Priscilla is such a high maintenance diva. And they always drag Abbie along to “help”. And truth be told Abbie puts in more elbow grease than Priscilla.

No matter how loud Asa edits the music, we can still hear Abbie groaning and protesting while cleaning the car.

Poor vacuum that sucked up Priscilla’s dress and lord knows what body part it got itself attached to. She seemed excited by it, I bet it’s the most action she’s gotten lately.

blah blah blah the rest of the vlog because I tuned Asa out
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Cardinal Rule

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In last night’s A&P LipShit Live, Big P was asked if AssA sold skincare. She immediately said, “No.” Not so fast there, Piggy!

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Priscilla said they worked their asses off to get where they are today. Sure you did. Have you looked at your ass lately? And OMG when she first said she retired from her inventory manager job and then said she left it. It's no wonder Asa has to do everything due to being married to a complete moron.

She said Abbie will let them know when she doesn't want to be on camera, which is a bald-faced lie. That tells you all you need to know about these people. She is a POS mother and she got called out on it and being the spoiled brat that she is gave everyone a peek at what happens when her fragile ego is told the truth. It's why the SL gang has to constantly be giving her praise for sitting on her ass all day scrolling on her phone. I am sure she has given them many tearful private lives telling them how she gets bullied on the internet, what a great plus-size mom/woman she is, and how much she and Asa have done for the autism, marriage and obese communities 🤡 . They had their chance to help the autism community in JAX with SW but they decided work was too hard so they bailed. And losing 100k which was a gift from Abbie was no big deal. Their brick-and-mortar businesses probably never even made a profit. Right, Asa, profit first or should I say exploitation first when it comes to your business model. They really are smelling their own farts and telling the world the aroma is wonderful.
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