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Help me! I can't find Pig's live about the downfall ...what do I look up?
It's on the new Facebook page- Lipstick Mama 2.
The boo-hooing is brief and starts around the 30 min mark I think
Today, GB is going live with her to "help support" her.
It's so funny to me. She's always been so cocky. FA and it's following had nothing to do with her success, that she was successful because she puts in the work and built her own following. Yet, here she is. No one is following her new pages and she's bringing in the family to encourage views...yet still had the balls to end her Live yesterday by trying to recruit new BG's!
Like wth?
You're on there crying because you're down to 1,000 FB friends and not making money. That is how it would be for 99% of the people!! I want to call her out SO bad but it's too soon to get blocked from the new pages 😞
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Thanks @Cardinal Rule for these great screen shots. I would be so embarrassed to wear these Hawaiian pjs in public on this “fancy” tropical vacation with other adults at a convention. They don’t fit him. They are made for a man child average height of 5’8” thus he folded up the arm sleeves and pant sleeves for his obese greasy 5’4” body. Talk about special needs. And they looked crumpled and wrinkled. He knows how to sew. He could have cut 4” off both sleeves and off each pant leg. It’s not that hard. I’m betting he just pulled them out of the package and never tried them on. Pig probably ordered them on Amazon. I can’t see any of the guys at the convention wearing something like this. Not cool, Ass. 😎

And yeah. What ever foreign country made her dress, didn’t exactly check to see that the palm trees were right side up. Maybe they are suppose to be dusters or chimney sweep things. 🙄🤪 It looks hiked up in back and lower in the front. Is that a new fashion trend? 🧐
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@bready Btw there is nothing wrong with adult Easter Baskets. It’s the throwing a fit for not getting one.

I cant imagine stressing my husband out over an Easter Basket.
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I wonder why GB hasn't posted a vlog featuring his adventures in babysitting? 😂 :unsure:😂

Easter is days away, WLW is in rehab, their pages are hacked, but they are still island vibing?
Priorities I guess!
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Noir Fan

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So they are building a fire pit next to the pool where there is wood flooring that’s rotting. So he’s going to rip out the wood. Why the hell do they need a fire pit right next to the pool?!? That tiny ass backyard is so full of crap that it’s tacky. Did big fat p fill the house with stuff so now they have to move outside with the crap? Also asshat.. no one wants to see your gross face with those stupid glasses making coffee. Putting a camera in and then pouring the coffee is so stupid. He seems to always do stupid shit like this when he’s out of Abby content.
My husband said they need a mud pit for both of them to wallow in. His words, not mine! 🤣😅
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What in the entire fuck is between her boobs?!
A snack? Is her boob cutlet loose? A new gunt?
What is going on?!!!
I was so sidetracked by her Otis Campbell face in the first pic that I completely missed the new salami cleavage growth. 😂 I feel like it is gunt flesh looking for a spot to escape. She has those flap jack titties so there is not a naturally occurring gunt barrier.

@bready Btw there is nothing wrong with adult Easter Baskets. It’s the throwing a fit for not getting one.

I cant imagine stressing my husband out over an Easter Basket.
ManMeow bought me a Birch tree for Easter. Unprovoked. I love it. Its name is Buddy Birch. I did throw some hints about needing a rabbit…a live rabbit. We both know I would have that fur ball hipping and hopping through the house, so no rabbit. 😂 I didn’t have a tantrum and/or stomp my hooves. 😂
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This I don't know the answer to, but it's concerning that it's still there. He's had it back for days now.

My medical kid has been sick the last few days so I've been really out of the loop here. They're saying they're not getting the PP&P/LM pages back? Is that what Priscilla was crying about?
They did a live together today, and they said they still haven't gotten her pages back nor heard from FB.
P said shes lost money and basically Lipstick Mama has sunk.
Asa sat there just grinning and acting like an ass, smiling while he would say he's so sad for her.

What I don't understand is, if these pages were all under her email account, how did he get FA back but nothing of hers?? Its very odd.
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Cardinal Rule

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Great triumphant return, Piggy. In your first Biznes post (after your middle school mom breakfast or lunch) you tell your followers they are crazy and stressing you out. What a biotch! Where’s your gratitude?! Humpers and Huns alike are still posting that you’ve been hacked and not to trust the page. You have a strong percentage of neurodiverse people following you who don’t understand all of these changes and easily confuse your different social platforms. Yet, you’re barking at them to not report the page or make hacker comments. Just calm down, be kind, and go down a sugary cocktail and a jar of pickled okra. Oh, the drama!


And look who is lurking!

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Would be funny if people reported the new page as pretending to be a business (her original page.) You know most her "clients" don't understand what is going on. Only huns or diehard humpers are going to follow a new page.

Wonder how many sells she will get when they play up the sob story of losing so much business now Abbie will suffer.
You know, after reading your post, I realized maybe I don’t understand what is going on. How do I really know that is her new page and not another hijacking? So…..😂😂 Better safe than sorry.
Why didn’t she name the page Lipstick Mama the First? Or in keeping with Easter Week, Lipstick Mama the Resurrection?

This crab claw and choked wrist were alarming.

View attachment 2849863
Lipstick Mama the Resurrection. 😂😂
What I want to know is, when did her toes grow 6 inches and become straight again?
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Ass has always had this extreme jealousy towards people with more education than himself. Especially those with a college education and higher. I can remember him making snarky derogatory comments when that ABA therapist was coming to their home. She would try and help Abbie and the hambeasts but I felt like Ass was always interfering somehow, talking over her, trying to insert himself into the situation. I think he would say stuff like…”well of course I don’t have the education or degree….”. In other words, he inferred that he knew a lot about Autism and his daughter and could probably teach her and the world a thing or two about ABA therapy even though he was uneducated. I found it offensive and I wasn’t even there. Can’t imagine how Brandy felt. She was always polite and professional but I don’t know how she did it.

But their delusions are unbelievable. To think they are making a difference in the world by selling shit makeup is beyond comprehension. @WowMeowMeowWow said it best. All those people who the hambeasts rely on for their medical care, psychiatric care, legal issues, ABA care….all have college degrees. Wonder what they think when they hear these two fools. Even Dr McDreamy, the PA has a higher education. These people just make themselves look even more stupid when they open their alcohol soaked mouths.
Tubby's sister and brother are both professionals with university degrees. Twatty's invisisisters are also college educated. In reality, The Tubbersons are unemployed grifters who can't take comfort in a steady income, pension or benefits. They just keep hustling until the bottom falls out and we are witnessing that in real time. Given that Tubby was discharged from the military, how is he still getting a military discount at stores?
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Okay, I've put together some more information and a timeline on the Facebook hack because this just gets funnier and funnier the more I learn, as well as a detailed breakdown of the hack itself and what happened. At the end I’ve given my opinion on what I think will happen in the near future.

All dates & times are EST.

Thursday, 5/22

The vlog is posted to Fathering Autism's Facebook and Youtube accounts at 6pm as usual.

**They may have lost control of their business accounts overnight Thursday into Friday.**

Friday, 5/23

No vlog is posted to the Facebook account. A vlog is posted to Youtube. This & the lack of Saturday FB vlog are my primary reasons for believing that Asa was removed as admin from the business pages overnight Thursday into Friday - HOWEVER, due to other evidence Tattlers inadvertently gathered, there is a chance that the accounts were lost later.

Friday, 5/23 into Saturday, 5/24

Asa & Priscilla drive overnight from Jacksonville to Miami - a more than 5 hour drive - because their flight from JAX was canceled. Saturday morning they fly to St Maarten for the Slimelife cult gathering.

Saturday, 5/24

No vlog is posted to FB. A vlog is posted to Youtube.
- Early in the morning the Pots Pans & Priscilla Instagram account posts updates about having to drive to Miami overnight and a photo from the plane out of Miami.
- 11:05am EST: @therealamylynn notices that Priscilla's personal non-business Facebook page 'Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass' is gone & posts about it here. At the time everything appeared normal so we joked about her deactivating or privating her account so she couldn't be tagged in unfiltered photos from St MartEEn. A good time was had by all!
- @TamCamp is able to screenshot a post on the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass account at 10:46am EST, approximately 20 minutes before @therealamylynn noticed the account was gone, indicating that P's account was still active up through Saturday morning. This screenshot may potentially indicate that the accounts were taken over Saturday morning before 11:05am.

Sunday, 5/25

No vlog is posted to FB. A vlog is posted to Youtube.
- The PP&P Insta account posts a "good morning from St Maarten" story, then a few beach pics & the hilariously compact rental car pic stories, then a short lunch video story.
- A few photos from other Huns & ManHuns with A&P in them are posted to social media.

Monday, 5/26

No vlogs are posted.
- 6:58am EST: @SunnyDale notices that the Pots Pans & Priscilla Facebook account has had its name and profile picture changed, immediately suspecting a hack. According to screenshots and posts from replies on the Fathering Autism Facebook page, the page's name change occurred shortly before 7am EST.
- We joked about the PP&P hack and a good time was had by all. Humpers are going nuts on the Fathering Autism FB in replies.
- 9:33am EST: @Cardinal Rule discovers a reply in the FA FB fracas from Asa posting under Isaiah's account: " happened days ago but they just now changed the name. They have all our pages because they got her (Priscilla's) personal FB account."
- 10:02am EST: @boychik0830 screencaps a story from the Fathering Autism Instagram account with more details about the hacking situation. Asa claims that Priscilla's personal FB page was hijacked "2 days ago" (which brings us back to late Friday night/early Saturday morning when the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass FB account suddenly disappeared between 10:46-11:05am EST) and that they removed Asa as admin - and therefore any access - on Fathering Autism, Lipstick Mama, Pots Pans & Priscilla, and More Maass. He says his Insta account is still linked to Facebook.
- (while his claim of 2 days ago/Saturday morning as the time of the hack does line up with what we saw publicly, I struggle to see any reason why he posted a Fathering Autism vlog to Youtube on Friday but not on Facebook. He makes a good chunk of change from Facebook. He may have been too exhausted, too busy packing, and/or panicking about their JAX flight being canceled to have posted the vlog to FB It doesn't really matter either way, I just like to know stuff.)
- The new name of Pots Pans & Priscilla is Biznesnachrichten - Nachrichten is German for news, biznes is used in several languages to mean business. Per some research I’m able to do I believe that the hack is Russian or old Soviet in nature.
- Humpers continue to freak out all day in the comments of the last Fathering Autism FB post. Asa can do nothing but reply using Isaiah’s FB account. He cannot delete any comments.
- Monday evening the Pots Pans & Priscilla Instagram account posts a couple stories of them smiling during some sort of motor boat activity. They had to take a 3 person motor boat for the two of them because weight limits are a thing that exists. All is quiet otherwise.

Tuesday, 5/26

No vlog is posted to FB. A vlog is posted to Youtube ("Sleepless Nights and Autism"). This vlog was filmed very early in the morning on Friday, 5/23 (i.e. probably somewhere around 3am their time) as Asa says they're supposed to get on a plane in 36 hours. The initial account takeover may have happened shortly before or during filming while he was up dealing with Abbie.
- We get numerous photos from other Huns and ManHuns featuring Asa & Priscilla, including Asa in his cowboy hat in an attempt to add a couple inches to his height. He looks ridiculous. All is quiet otherwise on the Maass front - no Insta stories, no more replies on FB, no further visible activity on their hijacked Facebook accounts.

Wednesday, 5/27 - today

The Pots Pans & Priscilla Facebook page was further "re-branded" with the profile picture and cover photo both updated at 5:43am EST. The profile photo is a stylized BN and the cover photo reads NACHRCHTEN (news) over a blue background with a globe and arced lines. This style emulates international news websites. The page location was changed to Munich, Germany and the Page Manager location is now listed as Ukraine. Page commenting appears to have been disabled sometime Monday. Comments advising people to block the page were deleted.

What does it all meeeeeaaannn?? And what happens now?

This is a Russian hack as I suspected. A grammatical error was made by the hackers which is commonly seen in native Russian speakers communicating in some language families, and using that hint I was able to suss out a few more hints online and then arrive at my hypothesis. Wednesday’s re-branding of PP&P solidified it for me.

They were hit by a particularly nasty hack. These bad actors (BAs for short from here on out) are very good at what they do and know all of Facebook's weak points.
What happened is that after Asa got their Youtube channels hacked, a skeleton key of sorts which was created from that hack was put up for sale on the proverbial black market. This skeleton key allows BAs to appear to Facebook’s servers to actually be Asa or Priscilla using their account. It bypasses the need for passwords and, worse, 2FA methods. The skeleton key for their Facebook accounts is worth quite a lot of money. You can get 1000 skeleton keys of basic user accounts with 100 friends for like $75. Asa’s skeleton key gives the BAs access to their aged, verified business pages with about 2 million followers total.

  1. At some point - either very late Thursday night or fairly early Saturday morning - the BAs took over the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass account.
  2. All of their business FB pages were “created by” the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass account, therefore tied to her personal account. Asa doesn’t have an account of his own and didn’t bother to set up a separate personal account; he just used Priscilla’s to create Fathering Autism, More Maass, Pots Pans & Priscilla, and Lipstick Mama.
  3. Once the BAs were ready to take over, they added themselves as admins to the business pages and then removed the Maass account(s) as admin. It’s unclear if only Priscilla’s personal account was used for this or if Asa eventually got himself a dummy account to use for administration but the outcome is the same.
  4. Here’s the nasty part, and what I’m sure Asa does not understand. Once the BAs had admin control over the business pages, they nuked the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass account. They spam-posted (and, mind you, to Facebook servers this all looks like it’s fully coming from Maass devices using proper Maass credentials) a torrent of horrendous images onto Priscilla’s personal account. They might have been very gruesome images, they might have been graphic adult images, they might have been CSAM. Whatever those images were, the intended goal is for Meta’s automated AI filtering system to pick up on the fact that horrendous images are being posted and to IMMEDIATELY deactivate the offending account for violating TOS.
  5. With the Priscilla Plaggenburg Maass account now TOS deactivated only the BAs have access to those business pages. Often with hacks like this on basic accounts the BAs immediately post crypto scams or some other quick turnaround money scam. They didn’t do that with these valuable accounts they now control. They waited 2 full days before starting to make visible changes, 4 full days (today) before really digging in on the 2nd tier account. These BAs are going for the long game.
Asa seems to be under the impression that he’s just gonna get home, send a few emails to Meta, and get his Facebook pages back.
He’s not.
Point 4 above, the image posting, is going to fuck them both hard.
Those pages are now no longer tied to the Facebook account that created them. The Facebook account that created them is gone. The worst thing you can do on Facebook is to post gore, porn, or illegal imagery. There’s an outside chance that, if you can prove to Meta that you were really hacked, maybe after months and months of trying you can get that account back. Maybe. But remember: the hack these BAs used appears to Meta’s servers to not be a hack at all. It all looks like it came from the Maass’ devices using their wifi on accounts they’ve remained logged in to.

Thousands and thousands of business pages have succumbed to this same type of hack, including getting the creating personal account nuked.

Meta does not care. Most of those pages are never recovered, the previous owners stuck in an endless cycle of appealing and verifying and AI support responses until that personal account times out from deactivated to outright deleted. Once it’s deleted those business pages can never, ever, ever be recovered.

The Maass SoCiAl MeDiA eNtErPrIsE does not make enough money for Meta for them to care about this hack. As far as they’re concerned Priscilla spammed a bunch of nasty shit to her page. People do that all the time. Meta doesn’t allocate the resources for human review of every case of “hack or tantrum?” Her account posted beheaded bodies or buttholes or..…other stuff and Meta does not want that on their platform so they deleted her shit.

He legitimately may never get those business pages back. This is different than Google/Youtube. Meta is a whole other animal, one that doesn’t need to worry about customer service. People who have spent $2 million per year advertising on Facebook - as in they have given FB $2m to run their own advertisements - have been taken over by this same hack and they never got their accounts or business pages back. Facebook isn’t gonna jump to attention for Asa Maass.

So what happens now? That’s what everyone is asking.
I have a strong suspicion, given today’s re-branding, that their business pages are going to be used this year to disseminate “news.”
News is intentionally in quotes.
Everyone should be aware by now that Facebook is a crucible for the spread of mis- and disinformation of all sorts. While my expertise lies in tracking and monitoring the shit on other platforms I’ve done work on the Facebook side and I’m all too aware of how stolen pages exactly like this are used.
If I’m correct about the BAs intent, and if the BAs are able to maintain control of the pages long enough, they’ll soon “re-brand” at least Fathering Autism into either a “news” page or a meme page. Those two pages have the most followers so the algorithm will favor shares from them.
A bot farm will take over posting duties churning out AI generated images, links to external sites purporting to be shocking news stories (which are also AI generated), rage bait, targeted memes, anything that gets people riled up. Because these are aged, real, verified pages the algorithm will push the content out to a greater number of people.

And because these pages will get interactions from an even wider base than it already has, the page manager will have access to some personal and demographic information about millions and millions of additional people. That sort of data is valuable in and of itself for many reasons and it’s scooped up effortlessly by bots also controlled by the BAs controlling these pages.

Again, if I’m correct, I may get to watch what I’ve been studying for the last 9 years happen step by step in real time. I’ve never been able to see it from this angle before. Not many people have.

Of course, I want to include a disclaimer: this is not a guarantee. I cannot be positive that these pages will be used in this manner. The BAs may wait a few weeks and pop up a crypto scam, or do that tonight, or not wind up doing anything with the pages. Asa may be one of the very rare lucky ones who are able to wrestle their account and pages back.

What I can guarantee, though, is that Asa will return from St Maarten and walk into an absolute shitshow in terms of trying to recover all of their Facebook stuff. This is going to age him. He’s going to lose a ton of money not just in lost Facebook revenue but in labor to even try to fix this. He probably won’t be able to fix it. He’ll likely spend months trying.
What a fascinating read!! I am so invested in future updates/tracking on this situation!! WELL DONE!
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Nothing f**ks with a fat person’s metabolism than hot 109% humidity island ‘paradise’, so twaddledum and twaddledee will be flushed hot, sweaty, stinky and unable to cool their bodies down without sitting in a direct line of a fan or a/c.
Did anyone catch crazy nanny’s anti mlm post on Instagram? I thought I had grabbed a shot, but then ipad bit the dust power wise!

here you go…… spot on, CN


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And haven't they lost control of their pages? I'm so confused

Their Facebook pages are still hacked/out of their control. Priscilla's personal account has been TOS deactivated. This is day 6 that he's been aware of it.
They seem to have kept control of at least 2 of their Instagram pages.
Today they're flying from SXM to MIA, then driving 5 hours from MIA to Jacksonville - 8-9 hours of travel time total.
Best case scenario they took an early flight and will be home in time for dinner. Once they're home Asa can actually start working on trying to recover their Facebook pages. He's not going to be a happy camper.
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Curious to see if this spills over to instagram (since FB and insta are directly connected.)

And how Pig will be scamming folks now she can't use FB. Even if they restarted new accounts they lose all those people.

FA views/subs on FB are higher than youtube. Hell most his FB folks don't even use youtube.

Will be a big (and growing) financial hit. Surprised the hijackers haven't done anything with the FA FB account since it is larger.
I'm also curious about it spilling over to Insta. Thus far they seem to still have control over PP&P & fatheringautism1 over there, though those accounts are no longer posting to their respective Facebook pages.

P relies on Facebook for Slimelife. If her FB pages are gone for good, her Slimelife career is over.

The financial hit he's going to take from this FB hack is huge. Maassive, if you will. My guess is that the BAs want to keep these pages as long as possible so they're being a lot more methodical. PP&P had the 2nd most followers so they're testing the waters on that page first so they don't blow up the best option.

I still don’t get why he’s using Isaiahs account and not his own account. Asa’s personal account can’t be tied to the other accounts because FB has a limit. Maybe he doesn’t want leghumpers messaging him.
Or he doesn't have control of any personal FB accounts he has. If they got Priscilla they likely got him too.

Here’s the caption she wrote on this Instagram reel. Her spelling is atrocious. She really is stunted if she thinks people request or think this is entertaining. Well maybe they do find it entertaining but I’m sure it’s old hat at this point.
Ps…. Cilla, you’re not 13 anymore.
View attachment 2841051
"Bang For Back" is, um, a totally different song, Priscilla, And movie. Your Facebook account probably posted about 3000 clips from it Saturday morning.
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Maybe Abbie was so pissed because she somehow realized that the sow was just standing there holding her phone and not doing anything to help put all those groceries away.
Sow woman had to be who was filming that, unless it was Summer. Which it could have been. Sow woman could have very well 'taken to her bed' due to a hangover, depression from Facebook fukery, or she was just simply too lazy.
Or. All of the above.
What 22 year old "man" still makes a bunny cake every Easter with his mommy? I guess the same one who wears matching Christmas pajamas with his entire family.
Annnd...the same one who posts his Virgin bidet experience on YouTube.
This entire family is really gross and extremely weird.
Its obvious that Abbie has gained at least 40lbs in the past 3 months. That lawyer of Abbie's needs to insist on physical activity for her at a minimum of 3 days a week or she'll be as big as her birther real soon.
They won't be able to handle a 200lb plus pissed off Abigail.
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Pig is so stupid.. or maybe it is Asshat clapping back in the comments. You don't see her by herself at these vacations? What are the percentage of beauty guides that qualify for these vacations? Are Pig's downline still going on these "vacations".. I haven't seen her MINNY ME in a while.

Even the women on these vacations..even the upper crust of the MLM.... are STILL not making much money and it's all smoke and mirrors.... I suspect even Pig may not always be making money. I know for sure Pig's downline doesn't make money...

Only a tiny tiny percentage of the MLM will make money... most will lose money and it destroys many people. Remember that woman from Pig's downline that was dreaming about "walking the stage" ..yet she didn't have enough gas money to get home??

It is predatory.
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We know Ass sat at his computer typing maniacally to every person he could.

Do you know who I am!? Do you know the lives I change :rolleyes:

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I'm gonna hold out some hope that some of the pages won't be back so quickly.

He was probably able to recover FA due to having a verified FA Insta page that remained tied to the verified FA FB page.
Neither Pots Pans & Priscilla pages are bluecheck verified. Neither More Maass are bluecheck verified. Lipstick Mama doesn't even have its own Instagram page and the FB page isn't verified.

We'll see what happens. The fact that she (Asa, if we're being honest) started a new Lipstick Mama FB page is a data point.
Fathering Autism makes a chunk of change on Facebook, but without her established Facebook accounts for Slimelife Priscilla's earnings are in trouble.
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If Abbie can work for 55 minutes why was Asa doing most (we see Abbie doing minimal cleanup ) of the work of cleaning Abbie's paper shredding mess. Most of that video it was obvious Abbie was walking away, but at school she works for almost an entire hour. BULLSHIT!!!
Exactly. I recall him saying Abbie also cleans up after herself and picks up the shredded paper, herself. Fake news!
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He was probably jealous that she was the breadwinner and his ego couldn’t handle it so he he sabotaged her but, as dimwitted as she is, she doesn’t realize that he sabotaged he.
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