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No wiser words have been spoken my friend. 😻😻
I am just impatient. LOL

I will add, its amazing- they've been boo-hooing, creating posts and pages, whoring themselves on every platform possible, but now that they have their pages back its "Pool day!"
Nothing to see here! We were never afraid! :ROFLMAO:🤬🤬:ROFLMAO:
Lack of patience is one of my worst qualities, 😂😂
Pool day! Wait for the vlog. This group of roasted hog bellies will waddle to the car proclaiming they are going out to eat because they have been tho, tho busy. Same shit, different day, different year. Jackasses.
Y’all look! Drama! 😂👇🏼😂
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Why is Ass afraid they will delete her page if he has "his people;e" at Facebook taking care of the issue for him? Who thinks he really spoke to someone at Facebook?
He’s so full of crap. 💩 Really. It’s hard to figure out where the bigger lies start to cover up his other lesser lies. But you can bet it’s all lies.
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From FA FB. Jenny Grausome also got the same retort. View attachment 2867868
What a Jackass Ass is. Shooting down his two #1 fans: Sherie Havernick and Jenny Gruesome. He already has banned a number of them including our fav: Daktari. But at least he left behind some of his Mona Lisa artwork (see @Hotographer512’s profile pic) Does he think his die hard fans grow on trees? How rude and unkind he is. He needs “Be a kind jacksss” tattooed across his fat greasy forehead so he won’t forget it.
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Leghumper in Chief update:
Looney Toons Jenny…The Maaaasssive Martyr…was in it for the long haul yesterday. Evidently Bea’s one liners of positive encouragement fell on deaf ears. 😂

This was the point where Bea tossed self preservation into the wind, catapulted off of the high road and proceeded to drag that ass left, right, front and center. Suffice to say, it wasn’t pretty. LOL!
Here is how that played out. 😆
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I’m wondering if his Fathering Autism account has been hijacked on instagram. This comment and spammer have been on there for hours. Definitely wouldn’t be under normal circumstances imo. Ass is too controlling. Will be interesting to see how this pans out. 🤔
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Nope. Already deleted. Fat Assa probably paid extra for WiFi on the plane. This whole week he has been responding to comments on you tube. I couldn’t live my life like this. That’s how you know he knows the “Abbie is Progressing narrative is Bullshit” b/c he’s so quick to delete any curious or negative comments or send his Stans to attack. They sicken me. I smell another video by the Canadian soon😂😂
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He was probably jealous that she was the breadwinner and his ego couldn’t handle it so he he sabotaged her but, as dimwitted as she is, she doesn’t realize that he sabotaged he.
It's his way of getting out a little of his pent up aggression toward the sow that's made his life hell for 23 years.
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I watched Fat Fuck’s Costco flog and as expected she just bought a whole lots of shite. Nothing remotely healthy despite her numerous mentions of loving salads, which we all know have packets of cheese with a wee bit of lettuce in them.
I was laughing at how badly she mispronounced (and doesn’t have a clue what it means) Bonne Maman, when she then attempted to say it had ‘red….corrants’ in it. WTF!
She bought loads of eggs and pig corpse, yet reckons she and Asswipe don’t eat breakfast. Right… can you explain the numerous times you’ve been filmed frying those particular foods at breakfast time? Were the twenty rashers just for Abbie?
Keep eating your frozen breakfast bun shit, Junior Asswipe and you’ll soon be the size of your parents. Hey, maybe you could take some to Camp I am Special seeing as they have no food.
Actually the only healthy food she bought was bananas for Abbie.
I’m a snob when it comes to clothes and will not buy cheap crap from a supermarket. Of course, Fat fuck is happy to buy crappy clothes for Abbie and for her husband and son, but notice she didn’t get anything for herself even though they do plus sizes. Nah, she’s not going to wear that shit. She has a beauty guide image to maintain after all.
She claims she bought bananas at Costco because they were cheaper there (really, they’re just bananas), so if they were cheaper, why not buy more? In yesterdays vlog, poor Abbie couldn’t have a banana as a snack because there was only one (1) left and if she ate it after school or clinic or whatever she does, there wouldn’t be one in the morning for her to have with her cereal. That’s just pathetic! If the girl loves bananas and you know she looks for them as a snack, why would you not have bought more or ran out and gotten more for her? They really are all for themselves and what they want with little regard to her needs. It burns me up!
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This is a straight up lie. At my heaviest I was a size 18 and I had a belly..but certainly no GUNT , my legs and butt were not enormous like hers. I'm guessing her at least a 4X.

Remember tho.. what she is showing in this pic is FILTERED and angled... imagine what she REALLY looks like.

That humptie thinks she is a "simulator" size as pig. I bet she is judging that based on her slimming filter photos....

I am also in the path of totality (Dallas). Yesterday the forecast was all clouds.. this morning the forecast said mostly sunny.... It looks like clouds to me... so far anyway... supposed to be sunny at 1 hopefully we will get to see something. Totality here is at 1:42.
Yeah there is absolutely no way she is an 18 or even a 20! At one point in my 40's I gained a huge amount of weight.
I was almost 320 at my highest. Granted, I am also 5'11, and had never been overweight before so I sort of gained all over...but even at 5'11 I was wearing a 22, sometimes a 24 depending upon the brand.
And Lauren, who is very close to P in height and starting weight has said she was a 26 when she started and is just now, after losing 150 pounds into an 18.
P's a liar. And if she is so proud of her size, so super cute, she wouldn't be lying.
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Sadly, the humps seem to have short term memory problems.
Just last week he vlogged their trip to Publix where Abbie had "behaviors", wouldn't push the cart and was clinging to his arm.
He and GB sat and discussed it in the car before they even left the parking lot.
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Looks like most the Huns departed yesterday or today....not our fav family it seems from Pig's IG. They appear to have tacked on some extra days...

Nothing like a belly shirt to emulate the cut outs of the other Huns dresses. I wonder if she waits until the others are posed and then inserts herself using 2 Huns to shield her.
Why in the hell would make Big P wear a belly shirt? Noone wants to see that FFS
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OMG...go to Twatty's stories 😂 She and Boy Wonder, who is in a bit of a mood, are making a bunny cake and the second post is their Easter dinner table of beige glop and a ham. Twatty declares there were 24 deviled eggs, despite only 7 left on the plate🐽🐽🐽🐽 Wayne is there and the poor bugger is barely able to walk from the kitchen to the dining room without holding on to the the island and the fridge.
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Looks like the whole "put everything under Pigs name to hide money from child support" wasn't the best long term plan....
I sat on this for a bit.

Christ, I think you're right.

Not that it changes anything about what was hacked and how, but I had just assumed that Asa was never a Facebook guy. He doesn't use it like Priscilla does, like his family does. He was more into Twitter before the Fathering Autism Youtube channel really took off.

I chalked opening all those Facebook business pages under Priscilla's account up to laziness on his part, or that he has some sort of small-man personal vendetta against the site.

But why would he willingly cede control, even in name only, of any part of his little empire just out of laziness?
He wouldn't. Not that control freak.
But he would absolutely do that while trying to hide assets under Priscilla's name, the same way he did the repair shop. And there are tax breaks and grants and better loan opportunities for women-owned businesses so of course he'd grift as much as humanly possible.
Fathering Autism....owned by Priscilla Maass.

And now here we are. :ROFLMAO:
How does this work? Like what did Ass screw up / what vulnerability (aside from his giant stupid ego) did they exploit to bypass security in this way? Did this really just come from clicking on a scam link, or did he have to get fooled farther than that to give away so much of his information?
It's a type of session hijack. It happened when he downloaded what he thought was streaming software for that big fancy sponsorship; that "download" allowed the original hacker to grab those skeleton keys ("sessions" - a sort of unique handshake file between you and the website you're logged in to that tells the website you have the proper credentials to be there) and take over their Youtube accounts via the singular Google account used for all of them.
Asa's device also had a session onboard for Facebook. The original hacker likely swept up *everything* from his device and sorted through it later. Who the hell knows what else they potentially have access to.

If I click on my Facebook bookmark on my laptop right now I'm taken directly to my home page. I don't need to type my password. I don't need to verify with my 2FA. I have an active session currently with Facebook stored as a file in my browser - and I'll be honest, I have no idea when the last time I've been asked for 2FA on this laptop is. Ages. This session is still valid.

Hackers made copies of Asa's sessions (the skeleton keys I've been referencing), then tinkered with them and put the files on their own device. Then they just needed to point their browser to Facebook and boom, same as when I click my bookmark, Facebook recognizes an active session and treats it like Asa was sitting at his desk on his computer opening up Facebook when it's actually Russian hackers.

Any excess skeleton keys/sessions that the original hacker got during the Youtube heist are still out there either waiting to be bought or waiting to be used.
Cue dramatic music. More things be a'changing!

FireShot Capture 111 - Facebook -

FireShot Capture 112 - Facebook -

Fathering Autism hasn't been updated yet.

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I don't think they changed the name/URL. If you google "biznesnachrichten" as of right now you can get direct links to content like photos. Clicking on those still gives you a not available error even though the link is directly to the file name and not the potspanspriscilla URL.

View attachment 2848900

I could be wrong here but that makes me think that the page has been location restricted.

Does anyone know anyone in Germany? LOL

Seriously, I'm fascinated right now and I'm more than a little annoyed that I can't watch this happen if my theory about location restriction is correct.
I find this whole thing super confusing. But I know one thing…I’m not clicking on anything under the heading : biznesnschrichten. I’m staying away from all of their social media sites that appear to be hacked. I think the only ones that appear halfway safe so far are the instagram or you tube ones. @CoffeeMomof2: let us know when the Ruskies invade these sites. Then I’m done. Except to come here. I’m with the humpsters on that.
Blurry screen shot, but the green arrow marks the salad. 🤣

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Big P called it a low key Easter celebration with her parents. Hauled out the big mixer to mix store bought boxed cake mix. AssA decorated the cake, because he’s crafty like that.

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And of course the Easter baskets - three of them.

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That brown, buttery and cheesy dinner is just another nail in Wayne’s coffin. He struggled through their house without support of a walker, cane or family members. A&P are so selfish. Who knows what their future holds.
Oh for Pete’s sake! Boi George of the Shack at age 22 doesn’t need an Easter basket, Abbie has never cared one whit about an Easter basket…. and the third one? For Pig? What’s in it? Pickled okra and chocolate covered almonds? None of those obese adults need an Easter basket! WTF? I just don’t get these crazies. I don’t even think it’s for the vlog. Maybe Pig had a neglected childhood or something and is over-compensating. Something went wrong in her childhood. I think something went wrong with Ass’s too.

Oh yeah! And there’s the salad! Good find. It’s under one inch of packaged grated cheese.
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Ass has always had this extreme jealousy towards people with more education than himself. Especially those with a college education and higher. I can remember him making snarky derogatory comments when that ABA therapist was coming to their home. She would try and help Abbie and the hambeasts but I felt like Ass was always interfering somehow, talking over her, trying to insert himself into the situation. I think he would say stuff like…”well of course I don’t have the education or degree….”. In other words, he inferred that he knew a lot about Autism and his daughter and could probably teach her and the world a thing or two about ABA therapy even though he was uneducated. I found it offensive and I wasn’t even there. Can’t imagine how Brandy felt. She was always polite and professional but I don’t know how she did it.

But their delusions are unbelievable. To think they are making a difference in the world by selling shit makeup is beyond comprehension. @WowMeowMeowWow said it best. All those people who the hambeasts rely on for their medical care, psychiatric care, legal issues, ABA care….all have college degrees. Wonder what they think when they hear these two fools. Even Dr McDreamy, the PA has a higher education. These people just make themselves look even more stupid when they open their alcohol soaked mouths.

@bready and @MizBeaverhausen: also excellent comments/posts on this topic
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We have named her Percillerpants. Sometimes we may call her Sweet Girl. 😂
I would never….ever. LOL!
Who was blocked on the hacked Lipshit? Guess what? Those banished accounts have new life! Wooooheeeeew! 🙌🏼😜🙌🏼
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Would be funny if people reported the new page as pretending to be a business (her original page.) You know most her "clients" don't understand what is going on. Only huns or diehard humpers are going to follow a new page.

Wonder how many sells she will get when they play up the sob story of losing so much business now Abbie will suffer.
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