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Nothing wrong with spam. I know plenty of different cultures that it's pretty common. Hell my dad would put it in fried potatoes. But it is very salty and need things to off-set it (a starch or something sweet.) I don't knock anyone for eating or liking it. (Asian friend of mine does it in fried rice.)

But that plate had half a can, if not more.... beside a pile of just carbs and fat beside. It's no wonder they all expand more by the day. Plus it all looks like shit. You know it tastes worse than it looks.

That plate of food... if you look at calories alone... the pile of slop... 1500 and that is underestimated. Likely pushing to, or over, 2000. The spam pile around 500. So over 2000 (if I am being kind) for one meal. Beverages not included.

I won't even touch the fat and sodium levels they just consumed.
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Cardinal Rule

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Did any of you make it through that hour long Moobie/Pig Live from last night? They were all arrogantly giddy about Pig getting Lipsmack OG back, then they started talking about food in Chicago. Hotdogth. Spaghetti. I turned it off after that. 😂
Sadly, insomnia struck so I watched the whole thing at 4 a.m. Here goes: Long post ahead!

So many deceptions in their tag team one hour Live trying to recruit new beauty guides on three of their channels. AssA was pushing much of the agenda.


Piggy said she doesn’t make money by recruiting people. He said she doesn’t make any money off her downline. Bullsh!t. He noted there are people on Priscilla’s team that she makes zero dollars off of. That’s probably because they’re not selling anything or are selling too little for her to get her meat hooks on any profit.

They’ve started two brick and mortar businesses, one start-up was $15,000 and the other was $100,000. They will never do that again in their marriage. It’s too stressful. They’re too busy. They’re too old to start a brick and mortar now. Why are they always too old?! How do they live their life this way. They’re in their early 40s.


Then they slammed other careers. She suggested why should someone work 40 hours a week with a college education making $17 an hour? So do they think all college grads make minimum wage? Piggy can’t imagine people like car salesmen have a celebration Zoom like they do in SlimeLife when you make a sale. The car sales and repair careers are too cut-throat. Yeah, Piggy, I bet they don’t have dance party breaks, pompons or sashes, too. AssA said insurance companies are so shady with their up-sales and was dissing his own agent.

Then Piggy launched on him. She said AssA is not a people person, he doesn’t like people and he doesn’t have any friends. Amazingly he has made his two best friends through SlimeLife. Two?! (Hun Hubbies.) She talked about her PTA days and how many friends she’s always had. She’s been so involved her whole life (band, cheerleader, student government - still living those Gitmo days). She had a spell without friends (when GB graduated and they dropped JSA) but SlimeLife has returned her to the glory of friends. AssA pointed out that she talks everyday with some of them. Can you imagine a contingency of your downline agreement is to have to chat with Piggy and build her confidence every day? Oh, and don’t forget the flowers! AssA said she doesn’t post about it but her downline and SlimeLife friends regularly send her flowers to cheer her up or celebrate her, in addition to the corporate celebrations of flowers or bougie (his word) champagne. What a spoiled brat!


Big P bragged for the umpteenth time about how she paid $90,000 CASH for GB’s college education “without batting an eye” because of HER income. AssA muttered about that expression suggesting he was not as caviler (my term, not his) about that amount as she indicated. Perhaps trying to tone down her brag to many impoverished humpers.


And of course they launched against higher education. AssA said that GB had to take a course on the environmental impact of farming in Boone, NC when he’s going to be an ABA therapist in Florida. A called it one of the most absurd topics and such a level of ridiculousness. They both condemned college educations, considering them such a waste.

For the third time, they said P doesn’t earn money for recruiting others.

As an aside, Piggy claimed she doesn’t watch tv because she is working her business. We know that’s a lie. Later in the vlog she talks about them watching Suits and Million Dollar Listing.

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Canadian Sunflower

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How does the bastard get his shit back and Pig losing everything? He got his youtube back, Pig's youtube gone. He gets FA back, Pig's still waiting? I don't get it?

Who the hell names a page "lipstick on a pig the second"? She had to have come up with that, given her uncanny ability to read and write the English language.....grifters and losers the whole lot of them.
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Assa is over on PPP’s recovered page answering questions to prove that it’s really him. Whooo hooo. AMA( Ask me anything). Also I just reported the page again.
I’m just so frustrated that these 2 bastards keep escaping their well deserved Karma. There have been really good content creators with scruples and morals who have not been able to recover their pirated youtube or Facebook pages. Uggghh..
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Such a cute little face!! Puppies and kittens are a lot of work. I had forgotten about how much work a puppy was when we adopted our now 4 yr old doggo. That was at 8 weeks old, not 8 days! wow.

My son is currently on spring break and has been sick with a cold for most of it. We also now watch the grandbabies during the week when mom and dad are at work, and I am just so ready for nice weather and not being cooped up in the house with all three. Certainly never expected to have baby equipment at our house in our 50's, but I'd never change it for the world. Last week I colored some eggs with my 2yr old granddaughter and she honestly kept trying to eat the entire egg-shell and all-as we were coloring...omg this child! LOL It's been rainy and cold here with temps in the 30's and 40's which is why we've been stuck in the house aside from my big guy being sick. I can't take all 3 of them anywhere by myself (two of them are runners-2yr old and 20yr old) so hubby and I have to split up care when all 3 are here. It's a bit of loosely controlled chaos.
When we lost our dog 2 years ago I wanted to adopt another puppy as all of the other dogs we got when they were puppy. We got another puppy last year because I wanted one and I regret it a little bit and wish we had gotten a 1 or 2 year old dog who is potty trained because puppies are a lot of work. Our puppy copper turns 1 on Tuesday. When it comes time to replace our older dog I definitely don't want another puppy even though they are cute and are fun to play with.
look who followed me on instagram
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Chatty Member
Top seller of what though? The company? Her group? There are so many smoke and mirrors in this scam. Pig was barely getting any activity on her slime posts.. so its hard to imagine where her sales might be coming from.
like I’ve said before. How hard is it to be a top seller in an MLM when you have a following. I think there is something more fishy going on though. She can’t recruit, only can sell. She probably buys the product because she has to buy her way to friendships and popularity.
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Meeeeow! 😻
Hope all is well in Tattle land this morning.
Just a little tomfoolery in English, Russian and Ukrainian.
I figured it might be helpful if we start learning Atha and Pig’s new native languages. 😂
Happy Thursday! 😘
View attachment 2841838

TBH the woman is a complete and utter joke....from her disgraceful job selling crap to vulnerable people, to her home decor, to her clothes, to her oedipus complex with her son, to her disgusting cooking. I can't go on. The whole woman is a complete shit show.
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What the ....

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Disclaimer: I’m the one that found the weenus/weepuss sighting! And its 1000% real! I don’t know if y’all noticed but one of my hobbies is to make the wonderful, fabulous, funny, smart ladies, and Der1117, of Tattle laugh. You will know when I Photoshop by it’s very rudimentary qualities as I only use Microsoft word and a slow motion setting to capture the hambeasts. It took quite a bit to capture this moment and I felt like a huge pervert doing it!

And speaking of Photoshop: we see you Hambeasts!

And the little fat weenus had to insert himself somehow on the Hun Husband Make Me Want to Puke Love Fest as he commented this on the Horse’s Facebook page!

Notice she didn't reply :m

And finally…this guy cracks me up!


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They reek of desperation! I wonder how far they've over extended themselves financially and are panicked at the thought of the loss of the Slimelife income stream? They seem to be scrambling and fumbling and bumbling. I'm so here for it :) :)
100%!! If they were rolling in it, like they love to rub in the humpers faces, they wouldn't need to be in defcon 5 panic mode. They could just give it a couple weeks and see what happens, minus the boo hoo posts. Their razor margin is so thin that a week off socials is this devastating? Sorry, but if my current job's make it or break it point hedged on one week of off numbers I think I'd be polishing my resume tonight.
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Cardinal Rule

VIP Member
The Junior Senator attended tonight’s festivities with the family.


On Instagram, a barber gave a new haircut to a young man who looked similar to GB. AssA, when you read here, please do your son a favor and guide him to a more contemporary haircut. Here is this guy’s transformation:


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Awww, isn't it nice they were able to find a booster seat for Atha 😬

View attachment 2844789
Look at that trashy asshole.
Greasy, shiny, hair a mess.
Brand new shirt still creased and wrinkled from the packaging.
Seriously garbage people, sitting in a steak house in their smelly Hey Dudes!, cardboard earrings and ill fitting clothes.
They provided free entertainment for the other diners without a cover charge!
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Why does Bidet Boy dress like a carbon copy of his awful father
Both look a mess
Where does Shack Boi buy his horrendous shirts? And his cheap nasty necklace and bracelet just give me the biggest ick.

What really gets me is those naff fake place settings get replaced by a fork and some kitchen towel. No table mats, no glasses, no proper napkins because that fat lazy Pig is too idle to iron them. You would have thought Easter lunch was a special occasion but no. How she can call herself a hostess beats me
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VIP Member
Thank you for the thread! Great title too.

I brought this over from @PugliaLiving post on the last thread. Look at her face! She has none anymore just a fat blob with a mouth. She's really, really deep in her addiction to food and booze. And her feet are just flat paddles. The poor lady on the right between the two women in black looks so confused lmao.

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Excellent accounting of the timeline. Kudos to you for doing it and persevering through it.

I do have a question re that Asa can only reply to comments. Why can't comments be deleted from whoever is admin of Isaiah's account since they are replying from it?
Here’s the caption she wrote on this Instagram reel. Her spelling is atrocious. She really is stunted if she thinks people request or think this is entertaining. Well maybe they do find it entertaining but I’m sure it’s old hat at this point.
Ps…. Cilla, you’re not 13 anymore.
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LOL This is fun. Good luck getting your pages back Maassives. FB doesn't give a shit about you. Please fall for another scam while calling FB "Support".

Anyone need more popcorn??
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Cardinal Rule

VIP Member
Wow, Pinky. Your bae was a junior on his high school hockey team during the 2020-2021 academic year. Perhaps an episode of SlimeLife MILF Manor is in the works.
Meeeeow! 😻
Hope all is well in Tattle land this morning.
Just a little tomfoolery in English, Russian and Ukrainian.
I figured it might be helpful if we start learning Atha and Pig’s new native languages. 😂
Happy Thursday! 😘
View attachment 2841838
Hey @WowMeowMeowWow! No Pig Latin?
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